Interface RateLimiter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AtomicRateLimiter, SemaphoreBasedRateLimiter

public interface RateLimiter
A RateLimiter instance is thread-safe can be used to decorate multiple requests.

A RateLimiter distributes permits at a configurable rate. acquirePermission() blocks if necessary until a permit is available, and then takes it. Once acquired, permits need not be released.

  • Method Details

    • of

      static RateLimiter of(String name, RateLimiterConfig rateLimiterConfig)
      Creates a RateLimiter with a custom RateLimiter configuration.
      name - the name of the RateLimiter
      rateLimiterConfig - a custom RateLimiter configuration
      The RateLimiter
    • of

      static RateLimiter of(String name, RateLimiterConfig rateLimiterConfig, Map<String,String> tags)
      Creates a RateLimiter with a custom RateLimiter configuration.
      name - the name of the RateLimiter
      rateLimiterConfig - a custom RateLimiter configuration
      tags - tags to assign to the RateLimiter
      The RateLimiter
    • of

      static RateLimiter of(String name, Supplier<RateLimiterConfig> rateLimiterConfigSupplier)
      Creates a RateLimiter with a custom RateLimiterConfig configuration.
      name - the name of the RateLimiter
      rateLimiterConfigSupplier - a supplier of a custom RateLimiterConfig configuration
      The RateLimiter
    • of

      static RateLimiter of(String name, Supplier<RateLimiterConfig> rateLimiterConfigSupplier, Map<String,String> tags)
      Creates a RateLimiter with a custom RateLimiterConfig configuration.
      name - the name of the RateLimiter
      rateLimiterConfigSupplier - a supplier of a custom RateLimiterConfig configuration
      tags - tags to assign to the RateLimiter
      The RateLimiter
    • ofDefaults

      static RateLimiter ofDefaults(String name)
      Creates a RateLimiter with a default RateLimiterConfig configuration.
      name - the name of the RateLimiter
      The RateLimiter
    • decorateCompletionStage

      static <T> Supplier<CompletionStage<T>> decorateCompletionStage(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Supplier<CompletionStage<T>> supplier)
      Returns a supplier which is decorated by a rateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the returned CompletionStage's result
      rateLimiter - the rateLimiter
      supplier - the original supplier
      a supplier which is decorated by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCompletionStage

      static <T> Supplier<CompletionStage<T>> decorateCompletionStage(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, Supplier<CompletionStage<T>> supplier)
      Returns a supplier which is decorated by a rateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the returned CompletionStage's result
      rateLimiter - the rateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      supplier - the original supplier
      a supplier which is decorated by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateFuture

      static <T, F extends Future<T>> Supplier<F> decorateFuture(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Supplier<? extends F> supplier)
      Returns a Supplier which is decorated by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the returned Future's result
      F - the return type of the original Supplier (extends Future<T>)
      rateLimiter - the rate limiter
      supplier - the original supplier
      a supplier which is decorated by a rate limiter.
    • decorateFuture

      static <T, F extends Future<T>> Supplier<F> decorateFuture(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, Supplier<? extends F> supplier)
      Returns a Supplier which is decorated by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the returned Future's result
      F - the return type of the original Supplier (extends Future<T>)
      rateLimiter - the rate limiter
      permits - the number of permits that this call requires
      supplier - the original supplier
      a supplier which is decorated by a rate limiter.
    • decorateCheckedSupplier

      static <T> io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedSupplier<T> decorateCheckedSupplier(RateLimiter rateLimiter, io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedSupplier<T> supplier)
      Creates a supplier which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied supplier
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      supplier - the original supplier
      a supplier which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCheckedSupplier

      static <T> io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedSupplier<T> decorateCheckedSupplier(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedSupplier<T> supplier)
      Creates a supplier which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied supplier
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      supplier - the original supplier
      a supplier which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCheckedRunnable

      static io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedRunnable decorateCheckedRunnable(RateLimiter rateLimiter, io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedRunnable runnable)
      Creates a runnable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      runnable - the original runnable
      a runnable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCheckedRunnable

      static io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedRunnable decorateCheckedRunnable(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedRunnable runnable)
      Creates a runnable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      runnable - the original runnable
      a runnable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCheckedFunction

      static <T, R> io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedFunction<T,R> decorateCheckedFunction(RateLimiter rateLimiter, io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedFunction<T,R> function)
      Creates a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of function argument
      R - the type of function results
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      function - the original function
      a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCheckedFunction

      static <T, R> io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedFunction<T,R> decorateCheckedFunction(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedFunction<T,R> function)
      Creates a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of function argument
      R - the type of function results
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      function - the original function
      a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCheckedFunction

      static <T, R> io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedFunction<T,R> decorateCheckedFunction(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Function<T,Integer> permitsCalculator, io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedFunction<T,R> function)
      Creates a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of function argument
      R - the type of function results
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permitsCalculator - calculates the number of permits required by this call based on the functions argument
      function - the original function
      a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateSupplier

      static <T> Supplier<T> decorateSupplier(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Supplier<T> supplier)
      Creates a supplier which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied supplier
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      supplier - the original supplier
      a supplier which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateSupplier

      static <T> Supplier<T> decorateSupplier(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, Supplier<T> supplier)
      Creates a supplier which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied supplier
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      supplier - the original supplier
      a supplier which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCallable

      static <T> Callable<T> decorateCallable(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Callable<T> callable)
      Creates a callable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied by callable
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      callable - the original callable
      a callable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateCallable

      static <T> Callable<T> decorateCallable(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, Callable<T> callable)
      Creates a callable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied by callable
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      callable - the original callable
      a callable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateConsumer

      static <T> Consumer<T> decorateConsumer(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Consumer<T> consumer)
      Creates a consumer which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the input to the consumer
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      consumer - the original consumer
      a consumer which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateConsumer

      static <T> Consumer<T> decorateConsumer(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, Consumer<T> consumer)
      Creates a consumer which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the input to the consumer
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      consumer - the original consumer
      a consumer which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateConsumer

      static <T> Consumer<T> decorateConsumer(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Function<T,Integer> permitsCalculator, Consumer<T> consumer)
      Creates a consumer which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the input to the consumer
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permitsCalculator - calculates the number of permits required by this call based on the functions argument
      consumer - the original consumer
      a consumer which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateRunnable

      static Runnable decorateRunnable(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Runnable runnable)
      Creates a runnable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      runnable - the original runnable
      a runnable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateRunnable

      static Runnable decorateRunnable(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, Runnable runnable)
      Creates a runnable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      runnable - the original runnable
      a runnable which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateFunction

      static <T, R> Function<T,R> decorateFunction(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Function<T,R> function)
      Creates a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the input to the function
      R - the type of the result of the function
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      function - the original function
      a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateFunction

      static <T, R> Function<T,R> decorateFunction(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits, Function<T,R> function)
      Creates a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the input to the function
      R - the type of the result of the function
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      function - the original function
      a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • decorateFunction

      static <T, R> Function<T,R> decorateFunction(RateLimiter rateLimiter, Function<T,Integer> permitsCalculator, Function<T,R> function)
      Creates a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the input to the function
      R - the type of the result of the function
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter
      function - the original function
      permitsCalculator - calculates the number of permits required by this call based on the functions argument
      a function which is restricted by a RateLimiter.
    • waitForPermission

      static void waitForPermission(RateLimiter rateLimiter)
      Will wait for permission within default timeout duration.
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter to get permission from
      RequestNotPermitted - if waiting time elapsed before a permit was acquired.
      io.github.resilience4j.core.exception.AcquirePermissionCancelledException - if thread was interrupted during permission wait
    • waitForPermission

      static void waitForPermission(RateLimiter rateLimiter, int permits)
      Will wait for required number of permits within default timeout duration.
      rateLimiter - the RateLimiter to get permission from
      permits - number of permits we have to acquire
      RequestNotPermitted - if waiting time elapsed before a permit was acquired.
      io.github.resilience4j.core.exception.AcquirePermissionCancelledException - if thread was interrupted during permission wait
    • drainIfNeeded

      @Deprecated default void drainIfNeeded(io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.Either<? extends Throwable,?> callsResult)
      because of changing visibility to private in Java9+
      Will drain permits remaining in cycle if calls result meet the criteria defined in RateLimiterConfig.getDrainPermissionsOnResult().
      callsResult - result of a methods call that was rate limiter by this rate limiter
    • executeCompletionStage

      default <T> CompletionStage<T> executeCompletionStage(Supplier<CompletionStage<T>> supplier)
      Decorates and executes the decorated CompletionStage.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied by this supplier
      supplier - the original CompletionStage
      the decorated CompletionStage.
    • changeTimeoutDuration

      void changeTimeoutDuration(Duration timeoutDuration)
      Dynamic rate limiter configuration change. This method allows to change timeout duration of current limiter. NOTE! New timeout duration won't affect threads that are currently waiting for permission.
      timeoutDuration - new timeout duration
    • changeLimitForPeriod

      void changeLimitForPeriod(int limitForPeriod)
      Dynamic rate limiter configuration change. This method allows to change count of permissions available during refresh period. NOTE! New limit won't affect current period permissions and will apply only from next one.
      limitForPeriod - new permissions limit
    • acquirePermission

      default boolean acquirePermission()
      Acquires a permission from this rate limiter, blocking until one is available, or the thread is interrupted. Maximum wait time is RateLimiterConfig.getTimeoutDuration()

      If the current thread is interrupted while waiting for a permit then it won't throw InterruptedException, but its interrupt status will be set.

      true if a permit was acquired and false if waiting timeoutDuration elapsed before a permit was acquired
    • acquirePermission

      boolean acquirePermission(int permits)
      Acquires the given number of permits from this rate limiter, blocking until one is available, or the thread is interrupted. Maximum wait time is RateLimiterConfig.getTimeoutDuration()

      If the current thread is interrupted while waiting for a permit then it won't throw InterruptedException, but its interrupt status will be set.

      permits - number of permits - use for systems where 1 call != 1 permit
      true if a permit was acquired and false if waiting timeoutDuration elapsed before a permit was acquired
    • reservePermission

      default long reservePermission()
      Reserves a permission from this rate limiter and returns nanoseconds you should wait for it. If returned long is negative, it means that you failed to reserve permission, possibly your RateLimiterConfig.getTimeoutDuration() is less then time to wait for permission.
      long amount of nanoseconds you should wait for reserved permissions. if negative, it means you failed to reserve.
    • reservePermission

      long reservePermission(int permits)
      Reserves the given number permits from this rate limiter and returns nanoseconds you should wait for it. If returned long is negative, it means that you failed to reserve permission, possibly your RateLimiterConfig.getTimeoutDuration() is less then time to wait for permission.
      permits - number of permits - use for systems where 1 call != 1 permit
      long amount of nanoseconds you should wait for reserved permissions. if negative, it means you failed to reserve.
    • drainPermissions

      void drainPermissions()
      Drains all the permits left in the current period.
    • onError

      default void onError(Throwable throwable)
      Records a failed call. This method must be invoked when a call failed.
      throwable - The throwable which must be recorded
    • onSuccess

      default void onSuccess()
      Records a successful call. This method must be invoked when a call was successful.
    • onResult

      default void onResult(Object result)
      This method must be invoked when a call returned a result and the result predicate should decide if the call was successful or not.
      result - The result of the protected function
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of this RateLimiter
      the name of this RateLimiter
    • getRateLimiterConfig

      RateLimiterConfig getRateLimiterConfig()
      Get the RateLimiterConfig of this RateLimiter.
      the RateLimiterConfig of this RateLimiter
    • getTags

      Map<String,String> getTags()
      Returns an unmodifiable map with tags assigned to this RateLimiter.
      the tags assigned to this Retry in an unmodifiable map
    • getMetrics

      RateLimiter.Metrics getMetrics()
      Get the Metrics of this RateLimiter.
      the Metrics of this RateLimiter
    • getEventPublisher

      RateLimiter.EventPublisher getEventPublisher()
      Returns an EventPublisher which can be used to register event consumers.
      an EventPublisher
    • executeSupplier

      default <T> T executeSupplier(Supplier<T> supplier)
      Decorates and executes the decorated Supplier.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied by this supplier
      supplier - the original Supplier
      the result of the decorated Supplier.
    • executeSupplier

      default <T> T executeSupplier(int permits, Supplier<T> supplier)
      Decorates and executes the decorated Supplier.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied by this supplier
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      supplier - the original Supplier
      the result of the decorated Supplier.
    • executeCallable

      default <T> T executeCallable(Callable<T> callable) throws Exception
      Decorates and executes the decorated Callable.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the result type of callable
      callable - the original Callable
      the result of the decorated Callable.
      Exception - if unable to compute a result
    • executeCallable

      default <T> T executeCallable(int permits, Callable<T> callable) throws Exception
      Decorates and executes the decorated Callable.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the result type of callable
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      callable - the original Callable
      the result of the decorated Callable.
      Exception - if unable to compute a result
    • executeRunnable

      default void executeRunnable(Runnable runnable)
      Decorates and executes the decorated Runnable.
      runnable - the original Runnable
    • executeRunnable

      default void executeRunnable(int permits, Runnable runnable)
      Decorates and executes the decorated Runnable.
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      runnable - the original Runnable
    • executeCheckedSupplier

      default <T> T executeCheckedSupplier(io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedSupplier<T> checkedSupplier) throws Throwable
      Decorates and executes the decorated Supplier.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied by this supplier
      checkedSupplier - the original Supplier
      the result of the decorated Supplier.
      Throwable - if something goes wrong applying this function to the given arguments
    • executeCheckedSupplier

      default <T> T executeCheckedSupplier(int permits, io.github.resilience4j.core.functions.CheckedSupplier<T> checkedSupplier) throws Throwable
      Decorates and executes the decorated Supplier.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of results supplied by this supplier
      permits - number of permits that this call requires
      checkedSupplier - the original Supplier
      the result of the decorated Supplier.
      Throwable - if something goes wrong applying this function to the given arguments