
abstract class Review_[S, T, A, B] extends Review0[T, B]

A Review_ describes how to construct a single value. It's a dual of Getter_.

A Review_ is isomorphic to an arbitrary function from (B -> T)

Type parameters:

the focus of a Review_


the modified focus of a Review_


the source of a Review_


the modified source of a Review_

trait Review0[T, B]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Review_[S, T, A, B]

Value members

Concrete methods

final def andThen[C, D](other: Iso_[A, B, C, D]): Review_[S, T, C, D]

compose this Review_ with an Iso_, having this Review_ applied first

compose this Review_ with an Iso_, having this Review_ applied first

final def andThen[C, D](other: AnIso_[A, B, C, D]): Review_[S, T, C, D]

compose this Review_ with an AnIso_, having this Review_ applied first

compose this Review_ with an AnIso_, having this Review_ applied first

final def andThen[C, D](other: Prism_[A, B, C, D]): Review_[S, T, C, D]

compose this Review_ with a Prism_, having this Review_ applied first

compose this Review_ with a Prism_, having this Review_ applied first

final def andThen[C, D](other: APrism_[A, B, C, D]): Review_[S, T, C, D]

compose this Review_ with an APrism_, having this Review_ applied first

compose this Review_ with an APrism_, having this Review_ applied first

final def andThen[C, D](other: Grate_[A, B, C, D]): Review_[S, T, C, D]

compose this Review_ with a Grate_, having this Review_ applied first

compose this Review_ with a Grate_, having this Review_ applied first

final def andThen[C, D](other: Review_[A, B, C, D]): Review_[S, T, C, D]

compose this Review_ with a Review_, having this Review_ applied first

compose this Review_ with a Review_, having this Review_ applied first

final def compose[C, D](other: Iso_[C, D, S, T]): Review_[C, D, A, B]

compose this Review_ with an Iso_, having this Review_ applied last

compose this Review_ with an Iso_, having this Review_ applied last

final def compose[C, D](other: AnIso_[C, D, S, T]): Review_[C, D, A, B]

compose this Review_ with an AnIso_, having this Review_ applied last

compose this Review_ with an AnIso_, having this Review_ applied last

final def compose[C, D](other: Prism_[C, D, S, T]): Review_[C, D, A, B]

compose this Review_ with a Prism_, having this Review_ applied last

compose this Review_ with a Prism_, having this Review_ applied last

final def compose[C, D](other: APrism_[C, D, S, T]): Review_[C, D, A, B]

compose this Review_ with an APrism_, having this Review_ applied last

compose this Review_ with an APrism_, having this Review_ applied last

final def compose[C, D](other: Grate_[C, D, S, T]): Review_[C, D, A, B]

compose this Review_ with a Grate_, having this Review_ applied last

compose this Review_ with a Grate_, having this Review_ applied last

final def compose[C, D](other: Review_[C, D, S, T]): Review_[C, D, A, B]

compose this Review_ with a Review_, having this Review_ applied last

compose this Review_ with a Review_, having this Review_ applied last

final def reuse(implicit ev: State[B, T]): State[B, T]

view the modified focus of a Review_ in the state of a monad

view the modified focus of a Review_ in the state of a monad

final def review(b: B): T

view the modified source of a Review_

view the modified source of a Review_