Class Observable

    • Field Detail

      • notificationMethod

        public transient ListenerNotification notificationMethod
        Listeners notification method
    • Constructor Detail

      • Observable

        public Observable()
    • Method Detail

      • addListener

        public boolean addListener​(ChangeListener listener)
        Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners with the default priority ListenerPriority.NORMAL (0).
        listener - element to be added
        true if the listener was successfully added. false if it was already present
      • addListener

        public boolean addListener​(ChangeListener listener,
                                   ListenerPriority priority)
        Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners with the specified priority.
        listener - element to be added
        priority - priority of this listener
        true if the listener was successfully added. false if it was already present
      • addListener

        public boolean addListener​(ChangeListener listener,
                                   int priority)
        Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners with the specified priority.
        listener - element to be added
        priority - priority of this listener
        true if the listener was successfully added. false if it was already present
      • removeListener

        public boolean removeListener​(ChangeListener listener)
        Removes the specified listener from the list of listeners.
        listener - element to be removed
        true if the listener was successfully removed. false if it was not found
      • addSubObservable

        protected void addSubObservable​(Observable observable)
        Adds the specified Observable to the tree as a child of this Observable. This method is recommended for creating the Observable relations instead of plain addParent(Observable) and addChild(Observable) as it binds Observables both ways.
        observable - element to be inserted into the tree as a child of this Observable
      • removeSubObservable

        protected void removeSubObservable​(Observable observable)
        Removes the specified Observable from the tree. This method is recommended for removing Observable relations instead of plain removeParent(Observable) and removeChild(Observable) as it unbinds Observables both ways.
        observable - element to be removed from the tree
      • onValueChanged

        protected void onValueChanged()
        Marks the Observable and all its ancestors as changed. This method should be called inside a class extending Observable after a change was made.
      • notifyListeners

        public void notifyListeners()
        Invokes the listeners of all descendant and ancestor Observables that are currently marked as changed. Resets the changed flag. The listeners are called in order of their priority (globally) - first the listeners with the highest priority from all the Observables will be called, etc. The order at which the listeners with the same priority are called is undefined.
      • copyListeners

        public void copyListeners​(Observable observable)
        Copies all the listeners from this Observable to a specified Observable.
        observable - element to copy the listeners to
      • clearListeners

        public void clearListeners()
        Removes all the listeners from this Observable
      • setUnchanged

        public void setUnchanged​(boolean traverseTree)
        Resets the changed flag on this object and - if the traverseTree flag is set to true - all descendant and ancestor Observables that are currently marked as changed.
        traverseTree - whether to set all descendant and ancestor as unchanged
      • isValueChanged

        public boolean isValueChanged()
        Returns whether this Observable was changed and it's listeners not yet called
        true if the Observable was changed. false if not
      • add

        protected boolean add​(Set<ListenerEntry> listenerSet,
                              ChangeListener listener)
        Utility method used internally that contains logic associated with adding a listener to a specified set
        listenerSet - set to operate onto
        listener - element to be added
        true if the listener was successfully added. false if it was already present
      • add

        protected boolean add​(Set<ListenerEntry> listenerSet,
                              ChangeListener listener,
                              ListenerPriority priority)
        Utility method used internally that contains logic associated with adding a listener to a specified set
        listenerSet - set to operate onto
        listener - element to be added
        priority - priority of this listener
        true if the listener was successfully added. false if it was already present
      • add

        protected boolean add​(Set<ListenerEntry> listenerSet,
                              ChangeListener listener,
                              int priority)
        Utility method used internally that contains logic associated with adding a listener to a specified set
        listenerSet - set to operate onto
        listener - element to be added
        priority - priority of this listener
        true if the listener was successfully added. false if it was already present
      • remove

        protected boolean remove​(Set<ListenerEntry> listenerSet,
                                 ChangeListener listener)
        Utility method used internally that contains logic associated with removing a listener from a specified set
        listenerSet - set to operate onto
        listener - element to be removed
        true if the listener was successfully removed. false if it was not found
      • addParent

        protected boolean addParent​(Observable observable)
        Sets the specified Observable as a parent of this Observable. Note: this creates only one way binding. addSubObservable(Observable) method is recommended for setting up Observable relations.
        observable - parent to be added
        true if the Observable was successfully added. false if it was already present
      • removeParent

        protected boolean removeParent​(Observable observable)
        Removes the specified Observable from parents of this Observable. Note: this removed one way binding only. removeSubObservable(Observable) method is recommended for removing Observable relations.
        observable - parent to be removed
        true if the Observable was successfully removed. false if it was not found
      • addChild

        protected boolean addChild​(Observable observable)
        Sets the specified Observable as a child of this Observable. Note: this creates only one way binding. addSubObservable(Observable) method is recommended for setting up Observable relations.
        observable - child to be added
        true if the Observable was successfully added. false if it was already present
      • removeChild

        protected boolean removeChild​(Observable observable)
        Removes the specified Observable from children of this Observable. Note: this removed one way binding only. removeSubObservable(Observable) method is recommended for removing Observable relations.
        observable - child to be removed
        true if the Observable was successfully removed. false if it was not found
      • getParents

        public Set<Observable> getParents()
        Returns parents of this Observable
        a set containing all the parents of this object
      • getChildren

        public Set<Observable> getChildren()
        Returns children of this Observable
        a set containing all the children of this object