package op

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AccountMergeOperation(destination: PublicKeyOps, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends Operation with Product with Serializable

    Deletes account and transfers remaining balance to destination account.

    Deletes account and transfers remaining balance to destination account.


    the account to receive the residual balances of the account to be merged


    the account to be merged, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  2. case class AllowTrustOperation(trustor: PublicKeyOps, assetCode: String, authorize: Boolean, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends Operation with Product with Serializable

    Updates the “authorized” flag of an existing trust line.

    Updates the “authorized” flag of an existing trust line. This is called by the issuer of the related asset.

  3. case class BumpSequenceOperation(bumpTo: Long, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends Operation with Product with Serializable

    Bumps forward the sequence number of the source account of the operation, allowing it to invalidate any transactions with a smaller sequence number.

    Bumps forward the sequence number of the source account of the operation, allowing it to invalidate any transactions with a smaller sequence number.


    the number to increase the sequence number to


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  4. case class ChangeTrustOperation(limit: IssuedAmount, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends Operation with Product with Serializable

    The source account is stating that it will trust the asset of the limit up to the amount of the limit.

    The source account is stating that it will trust the asset of the limit up to the amount of the limit.


    the asset to be trusted and the limit of that trust


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  5. case class CreateAccountOperation(destinationAccount: PublicKeyOps, startingBalance: NativeAmount = Amount.lumens(1), sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends PayOperation with Product with Serializable

    Funds and creates a new account.

    Funds and creates a new account.


    the account to be created


    the amount of funds to send to it


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  6. case class CreateOfferOperation(selling: Amount, buying: Asset, price: Price, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends ManageOfferOperation with Product with Serializable

    Creates an offer in the Stellar network.

  7. case class CreatePassiveOfferOperation(selling: Amount, buying: Asset, price: Price, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends Operation with Product with Serializable

    Creates an offer that won’t consume a counter offer that exactly matches this offer.

    Creates an offer that won’t consume a counter offer that exactly matches this offer.


    the total amount of tokens being offered


    the asset being sought


    the price the offerer is willing to accept


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  8. case class DeleteDataOperation(name: String, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends ManageDataOperation with Product with Serializable

    Deletes a Data Entry (name/value pair) for an account.

    Deletes a Data Entry (name/value pair) for an account.


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  9. case class DeleteOfferOperation(offerId: Long, selling: Asset, buying: Asset, price: Price, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends ManageOfferOperation with Product with Serializable

    Deletes an offer in the Stellar network.

    Deletes an offer in the Stellar network.


    the id of the offer to be deleted


    the asset being offered


    the asset previously sought


    the price being offered


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  10. case class InflationOperation(sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends Operation with Product with Serializable

    Requests that the network runs the inflation process.

    Requests that the network runs the inflation process.


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  11. sealed trait IssuerFlag extends AnyRef
  12. sealed trait ManageDataOperation extends Operation
  13. sealed trait ManageOfferOperation extends Operation
  14. trait Operation extends AnyRef

    An Operation represents a change to the ledger.

    An Operation represents a change to the ledger. It is the action, as opposed to the effects resulting from that action.

  15. case class PathPaymentOperation(sendMax: Amount, destinationAccount: PublicKeyOps, destinationAmount: Amount, path: Seq[Asset] = Nil, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends PayOperation with Product with Serializable

    Represents a payment from one account to another through a path.

    Represents a payment from one account to another through a path. This type of payment starts as one type of asset and ends as another type of asset. There can be other assets that are traded into and out of along the path. Suitable orders must exist on the relevant order books for this operation to be successful.


    the maximum amount willing to be spent to effect the payment


    the payment recipient


    the exact amount to be received


    the intermediate assets to traverse (may be empty)


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  16. trait PayOperation extends Operation

    Marker trait for any operation that involves a payment (PaymentOperation, CreateAccountOperation)

  17. case class PaymentOperation(destinationAccount: PublicKeyOps, amount: Amount, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends PayOperation with Product with Serializable

    Represents a payment from one account to another.

    Represents a payment from one account to another. This payment can be either a simple native asset payment or a fiat asset payment.


    the recipient of the payment


    the amount to be paid


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  18. case class SetOptionsOperation(inflationDestination: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None, clearFlags: Option[Set[IssuerFlag]] = None, setFlags: Option[Set[IssuerFlag]] = None, masterKeyWeight: Option[Int] = None, lowThreshold: Option[Int] = None, mediumThreshold: Option[Int] = None, highThreshold: Option[Int] = None, homeDomain: Option[String] = None, signer: Option[Signer] = None, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends Operation with Product with Serializable

    Modify an account, setting one or more options.

    Modify an account, setting one or more options.


    the account's inflation destination


    issuer flags to be turned off


    issuer flags to be turned on


    the weight of the master key


    the minimum weight required for low threshold operations


    the minimum weight required for medium threshold operations


    the minimum weight required for highthreshold operations


    the home domain used for reverse federation lookup


    the key and weight of the signer for this account


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  19. case class Transacted[O <: Operation](id: Long, txnHash: String, createdAt: ZonedDateTime, operation: O) extends Product with Serializable

    Provides access to additional information related to an operation after it has been transacted in the network.

  20. case class UpdateOfferOperation(offerId: Long, selling: Amount, buying: Asset, price: Price, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends ManageOfferOperation with Product with Serializable

    Updates an offer in the Stellar network.

    Updates an offer in the Stellar network.


    the id of the offer to be modified


    the asset and amount being offered


    the asset sought


    the price being offered


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

  21. case class WriteDataOperation(name: String, value: String, sourceAccount: Option[PublicKeyOps] = None) extends ManageDataOperation with Product with Serializable

    Creates or updates a Data Entry (name/value pair) for an account.

    Creates or updates a Data Entry (name/value pair) for an account.


    the account effecting this operation, if different from the owning account of the transaction

    See also

    endpoint doc

Value Members

  1. object AccountMergeOperation extends Serializable
  2. object AllowTrustOperation extends Serializable
  3. object AuthorizationImmutableFlag extends IssuerFlag with Product with Serializable
  4. object AuthorizationRequiredFlag extends IssuerFlag with Product with Serializable
  5. object AuthorizationRevocableFlag extends IssuerFlag with Product with Serializable
  6. object BumpSequenceOperation extends Serializable
  7. object ChangeTrustOperation extends Serializable
  8. object CreateAccountOperation extends Serializable
  9. object CreatePassiveOfferOperation extends Serializable
  10. object IssuerFlags
  11. object ManageDataOperation
  12. object ManageOfferOperation
  13. object Operation
  14. object OperationDeserializer extends CustomSerializer[Operation]
  15. object PathPaymentOperation extends Serializable
  16. object PaymentOperation extends Serializable
  17. object SetOptionsOperation extends Serializable
  18. object TransactedOperationDeserializer extends CustomSerializer[Transacted[Operation]]
