
trait ProcessGroup[O, E] extends ProcessLike with ProcessGroupConfiguration[O, E]

Process group is two or more processes attached to each other

This implements a pipeline of processes. The input of the first process and the output of the last process is redirectable with the RedirectableInput and RedirectableOutput traits. The processes are attached to each other's input/output streams, the pipe between them is customizable.

The error streams are also redirectable with the RedirectableErrors trait.

Type parameters:

Error output type


Output type

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

override type Self <: ProcessGroup[O, E]

Value members

Abstract methods

def map(f: Mapper[O, E]): Self

Applies the given mapper to each process in the group

Applies the given mapper to each process in the group

Value parameters:

process mapper


a new process group with all the processes altered by the mapper

Concrete methods

def run[Info]()(implicit runner: ProcessRunner[Info]): ProxIO[ProcessGroupResult[O, E]]

Starts the process group asynchronously and blocks the execution until it is finished

Starts the process group asynchronously and blocks the execution until it is finished

Value parameters:

The process runner to be used


the result of the finished processes

def start[Info]()(implicit runner: ProcessRunner[Info]): ProxResource[ProxFiber[ProcessGroupResult[O, E]]]

Starts the process group asynchronously and returns a closeable fiber representing it

Starts the process group asynchronously and returns a closeable fiber representing it

Joining the fiber waits for the processes to be terminated. Canceling the fiber terminates the processesnormally (with SIGTERM).

Value parameters:

The process runner to be used


a managed fiber representing the running processes

def startProcessGroup[Info]()(implicit runner: ProcessRunner[Info]): ProxIO[RunningProcessGroup[O, E, Info]]

Starts the process group asynchronously and returns the RunningProcessGroup interface for it

Starts the process group asynchronously and returns the RunningProcessGroup interface for it

This is the most advanced way to start process groups. See start and run as alternatives.

Type parameters:

The runner-specific information about the started processes

Value parameters:

The process runner to be used


interface for handling the running process group

Inherited methods

def `with`(nameValuePair: (String, String)): Self

Adds an environment variable to the process

Adds an environment variable to the process

Value parameters:

A pair of name and value


a new process with the working directory set

Inherited from:
override protected def applyConfiguration(workingDirectory: Option[Path], environmentVariables: Map[String, String], removedEnvironmentVariables: Set[String]): Self
def in(workingDirectory: Path): Self

Changes the working directory of the process

Changes the working directory of the process

Value parameters:

the working directory


a new process with the working directory set

Inherited from:

Use the inherited working directory of the process instead of an explicit one

Use the inherited working directory of the process instead of an explicit one


a new process with the working directory cleared

Inherited from:
def without(name: String): Self

Removes an environment variable from the process

Removes an environment variable from the process

Usable to remove variables inherited from the parent process.

Value parameters:

Name of the environment variable


a new process with the working directory set

Inherited from:

Abstract fields

val originalProcesses: List[Process[Unit, Unit]]

Inherited fields

override val environmentVariables: Map[String, String]
override val removedEnvironmentVariables: Set[String]
override val workingDirectory: Option[Path]