
trait BsonTransformer[-T]

BsonTransformers allow the transformation of type T to their corresponding BsonValue.

Custom implementations can be written to implicitly to convert a T into a BsonValue so it can be stored in a Document.

Type parameters:

the type of value to be transformed into a BsonValue.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object TransformBinary.type
object TransformBoolean.type
object TransformBsonValue.type
object TransformDateTime.type
object TransformDouble.type
object TransformInt.type
object TransformLong.type
object TransformNone.type
object TransformObjectId.type
object TransformRegex.type
object TransformString.type

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(value: T): BsonValue
Implicitly added by transformKeyValuePairs

Convert the object into a BsonValue

Convert the object into a BsonValue

def apply(value: T): BsonValue
Implicitly added by transformOption

Convert the object into a BsonValue

Convert the object into a BsonValue

def apply(value: T): BsonValue
Implicitly added by transformSeq

Convert the object into a BsonValue

Convert the object into a BsonValue

def apply(value: T): BsonValue

Convert the object into a BsonValue

Convert the object into a BsonValue