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forAddress(String,int) - function in io.grpc.android.AndroidChannelBuilder
Creates a new builder with the given host and port.
forAddress(String,int) - function in io.grpc.AndroidChannelBuilder
forPath(String,LocalSocketAddress.Namespace) - function in io.grpc.android.UdsChannelBuilder
Returns a channel to the UDS endpoint specified by the file-path.
forTarget(String) - function in io.grpc.android.AndroidChannelBuilder
Creates a new builder with the given target string that will be resolved by io.grpc.NameResolver.
forTarget(String) - function in io.grpc.AndroidChannelBuilder
fromBuilder(ManagedChannelBuilder) - function in io.grpc.android.AndroidChannelBuilder
Creates a new builder, which delegates to the given ManagedChannelBuilder.
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