Package io.grpc.netty

Class NettyServerBuilder

  • @ExperimentalApi("")
    public final class NettyServerBuilder
    extends io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
    A builder to help simplify the construction of a Netty-based GRPC server.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_FLOW_CONTROL_WINDOW
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • forPort

        public static NettyServerBuilder forPort​(int port)
        Creates a server builder that will bind to the given port.
        port - the port on which the server is to be bound.
        the server builder.
      • forPort

        public static NettyServerBuilder forPort​(int port,
                                                 io.grpc.ServerCredentials creds)
        Creates a server builder that will bind to the given port.
        port - the port on which the server is to be bound.
        the server builder.
      • forAddress

        public static NettyServerBuilder forAddress​( address)
        Creates a server builder configured with the given SocketAddress.
        address - the socket address on which the server is to be bound.
        the server builder
      • forAddress

        public static NettyServerBuilder forAddress​( address,
                                                    io.grpc.ServerCredentials creds)
        Creates a server builder configured with the given SocketAddress.
        address - the socket address on which the server is to be bound.
        the server builder
      • delegate

        protected io.grpc.ServerBuilder<?> delegate()
        Specified by:
        delegate in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
      • addListenAddress

        public NettyServerBuilder addListenAddress​( listenAddress)
        Adds an additional address for this server to listen on. Callers must ensure that all socket addresses are compatible with the Netty channel type, and that they don't conflict with each other.
      • channelType

        public NettyServerBuilder channelType​(java.lang.Class<? extends> channelType)
        Specifies the channel type to use, by default we use EpollServerSocketChannel if available, otherwise using NioServerSocketChannel.

        You either use this or channelFactory( if your ServerChannel implementation has no no-args constructor.

        It's an optional parameter. If the user has not provided an Channel type or ChannelFactory when the channel is built, the builder will use the default one which is static.

        You must also provide corresponding EventLoopGroup using workerEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup) and bossEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup). For example, NioServerSocketChannel must use NioEventLoopGroup, otherwise your server won't start.

      • channelFactory

        public NettyServerBuilder channelFactory​(<? extends> channelFactory)
        Specifies the ChannelFactory to create ServerChannel instances. This method is usually only used if the specific ServerChannel requires complex logic which requires additional information to create the ServerChannel. Otherwise, recommend to use channelType(Class).

        It's an optional parameter. If the user has not provided an Channel type or ChannelFactory when the channel is built, the builder will use the default one which is static.

        You must also provide corresponding EventLoopGroup using workerEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup) and bossEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup). For example, if the factory creates NioServerSocketChannel you must use NioEventLoopGroup, otherwise your server won't start.

      • withOption

        public <T> NettyServerBuilder withOption​(<T> option,
                                                 T value)
        Specifies a channel option. As the underlying channel as well as network implementation may ignore this value applications should consider it a hint.
      • withChildOption

        public <T> NettyServerBuilder withChildOption​(<T> option,
                                                      T value)
        Specifies a child channel option. As the underlying channel as well as network implementation may ignore this value applications should consider it a hint.
      • bossEventLoopGroup

        public NettyServerBuilder bossEventLoopGroup​( group)
        Provides the boss EventGroupLoop to the server.

        It's an optional parameter. If the user has not provided one when the server is built, the builder will use the default one which is static.

        You must also provide corresponding Channel type using channelType(Class) and workerEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup). For example, NioServerSocketChannel must use NioEventLoopGroup for both boss and worker EventLoopGroup, otherwise your server won't start.

        The server won't take ownership of the given EventLoopGroup. It's caller's responsibility to shut it down when it's desired.

        Grpc uses non-daemon Threads by default and thus a Server will continue to run even after the main thread has terminated. However, users have to be cautious when providing their own EventLoopGroups. For example, Netty's EventLoopGroups use daemon threads by default and thus an application with only daemon threads running besides the main thread will exit as soon as the main thread completes. A simple solution to this problem is to call Server.awaitTermination() to keep the main thread alive until the server has terminated.

      • workerEventLoopGroup

        public NettyServerBuilder workerEventLoopGroup​( group)
        Provides the worker EventGroupLoop to the server.

        It's an optional parameter. If the user has not provided one when the server is built, the builder will create one.

        You must also provide corresponding Channel type using channelType(Class) and bossEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup). For example, NioServerSocketChannel must use NioEventLoopGroup for both boss and worker EventLoopGroup, otherwise your server won't start.

        The server won't take ownership of the given EventLoopGroup. It's caller's responsibility to shut it down when it's desired.

        Grpc uses non-daemon Threads by default and thus a Server will continue to run even after the main thread has terminated. However, users have to be cautious when providing their own EventLoopGroups. For example, Netty's EventLoopGroups use daemon threads by default and thus an application with only daemon threads running besides the main thread will exit as soon as the main thread completes. A simple solution to this problem is to call Server.awaitTermination() to keep the main thread alive until the server has terminated.

      • sslContext

        public NettyServerBuilder sslContext​(io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext sslContext)
        Sets the TLS context to use for encryption. Providing a context enables encryption. It must have been configured with GrpcSslContexts, but options could have been overridden.
      • protocolNegotiator

        public final NettyServerBuilder protocolNegotiator​(io.grpc.netty.ProtocolNegotiator protocolNegotiator)
        Sets the ProtocolNegotiator to be used. Overrides the value specified in sslContext(SslContext).
      • maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection

        public NettyServerBuilder maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection​(int maxCalls)
        The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection. Defaults to no limit.
      • initialFlowControlWindow

        public NettyServerBuilder initialFlowControlWindow​(int initialFlowControlWindow)
        Sets the initial flow control window in bytes. Setting initial flow control window enables auto flow control tuning using bandwidth-delay product algorithm. To disable auto flow control tuning, use flowControlWindow(int). By default, auto flow control is enabled with initial flow control window size of DEFAULT_FLOW_CONTROL_WINDOW.
      • flowControlWindow

        public NettyServerBuilder flowControlWindow​(int flowControlWindow)
        Sets the flow control window in bytes. Setting flowControlWindow disables auto flow control tuning; use initialFlowControlWindow(int) to enable auto flow control tuning. If not called, the default value is DEFAULT_FLOW_CONTROL_WINDOW) with auto flow control tuning.
      • maxMessageSize

        public NettyServerBuilder maxMessageSize​(int maxMessageSize)
        Call maxInboundMessageSize(int) instead. This method will be removed in a future release.
        Sets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the server. If not called, defaults to 4 MiB. The default provides protection to services who haven't considered the possibility of receiving large messages while trying to be large enough to not be hit in normal usage.
      • maxInboundMessageSize

        public NettyServerBuilder maxInboundMessageSize​(int bytes)
        maxInboundMessageSize in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
      • maxHeaderListSize

        public NettyServerBuilder maxHeaderListSize​(int maxHeaderListSize)
        Sets the maximum size of header list allowed to be received. This is cumulative size of the headers with some overhead, as defined for HTTP/2's SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE. The default is 8 KiB.
      • maxInboundMetadataSize

        public NettyServerBuilder maxInboundMetadataSize​(int bytes)
        Sets the maximum size of metadata allowed to be received. This is cumulative size of the entries with some overhead, as defined for HTTP/2's SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE. The default is 8 KiB.
        maxInboundMetadataSize in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
        bytes - the maximum size of received metadata
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bytes is non-positive
      • keepAliveTime

        public NettyServerBuilder keepAliveTime​(long keepAliveTime,
                                                java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Sets a custom keepalive time, the delay time for sending next keepalive ping. An unreasonably small value might be increased, and Long.MAX_VALUE nano seconds or an unreasonably large value will disable keepalive.
        keepAliveTime in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
      • keepAliveTimeout

        public NettyServerBuilder keepAliveTimeout​(long keepAliveTimeout,
                                                   java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Sets a custom keepalive timeout, the timeout for keepalive ping requests. An unreasonably small value might be increased.
        keepAliveTimeout in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
      • maxConnectionIdle

        public NettyServerBuilder maxConnectionIdle​(long maxConnectionIdle,
                                                    java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Sets a custom max connection idle time, connection being idle for longer than which will be gracefully terminated. Idleness duration is defined since the most recent time the number of outstanding RPCs became zero or the connection establishment. An unreasonably small value might be increased. Long.MAX_VALUE nano seconds or an unreasonably large value will disable max connection idle.
        maxConnectionIdle in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
      • maxConnectionAge

        public NettyServerBuilder maxConnectionAge​(long maxConnectionAge,
                                                   java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Sets a custom max connection age, connection lasting longer than which will be gracefully terminated. An unreasonably small value might be increased. A random jitter of +/-10% will be added to it. Long.MAX_VALUE nano seconds or an unreasonably large value will disable max connection age.
        maxConnectionAge in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
      • maxConnectionAgeGrace

        public NettyServerBuilder maxConnectionAgeGrace​(long maxConnectionAgeGrace,
                                                        java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Sets a custom grace time for the graceful connection termination. Once the max connection age is reached, RPCs have the grace time to complete. RPCs that do not complete in time will be cancelled, allowing the connection to terminate. Long.MAX_VALUE nano seconds or an unreasonably large value are considered infinite.
        maxConnectionAgeGrace in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
        See Also:
        maxConnectionAge(long, TimeUnit)
      • permitKeepAliveTime

        public NettyServerBuilder permitKeepAliveTime​(long keepAliveTime,
                                                      java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Specify the most aggressive keep-alive time clients are permitted to configure. The server will try to detect clients exceeding this rate and when detected will forcefully close the connection. The default is 5 minutes.

        Even though a default is defined that allows some keep-alives, clients must not use keep-alive without approval from the service owner. Otherwise, they may experience failures in the future if the service becomes more restrictive. When unthrottled, keep-alives can cause a significant amount of traffic and CPU usage, so clients and servers should be conservative in what they use and accept.

        permitKeepAliveTime in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
        See Also:
      • permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls

        public NettyServerBuilder permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls​(boolean permit)
        Sets whether to allow clients to send keep-alive HTTP/2 PINGs even if there are no outstanding RPCs on the connection. Defaults to false.
        permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
        See Also:
        permitKeepAliveTime(long, TimeUnit)
      • maxRstFramesPerWindow

        public NettyServerBuilder maxRstFramesPerWindow​(int maxRstStream,
                                                        int secondsPerWindow)
        Limits the rate of incoming RST_STREAM frames per connection to maxRstStream per secondsPerWindow. When exceeded on a connection, the connection is closed. This can reduce the impact of an attacker continually resetting RPCs before they complete, when combined with TLS and maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection(int).

        gRPC clients send RST_STREAM when they cancel RPCs, so some RST_STREAMs are normal and setting this too low can cause errors for legimitate clients.

        By default there is no limit.

        maxRstStream - the positive limit of RST_STREAM frames per connection per period, or Integer.MAX_VALUE for unlimited
        secondsPerWindow - the positive number of seconds per period
      • useTransportSecurity

        public NettyServerBuilder useTransportSecurity​( certChain,
        useTransportSecurity in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>
      • useTransportSecurity

        public NettyServerBuilder useTransportSecurity​( certChain,
        useTransportSecurity in class io.grpc.ForwardingServerBuilder<NettyServerBuilder>