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ABORT - io.guise.framework.input.ProcessCommand
The command for aborting a process.
ABORT - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
AboutPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Panel to display information about an object such as the application.
AboutPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AboutPanel
Default constructor with a default vertical flow layout.
AbstractActionControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract control with an action model.
AbstractActionControl(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
AbstractActionPrototype - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Abstract prototype information for an action control.
AbstractActionPrototype() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
Default constructor.
AbstractActionPrototype(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
Label constructor.
AbstractActionPrototype(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
Label and icon constructor.
AbstractActionValueControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of an action control containing a value.
AbstractActionValueControl(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<V>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
AbstractApplicationFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of an application frame.
AbstractApplicationFrame(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
Component constructor.
AbstractArrayCompositeComponent - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a composite component that keeps track of its child components at specific indices in an array.
AbstractArrayCompositeComponent(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractArrayCompositeComponent
Maximum component count constructor with a default info model.
AbstractArrayCompositeComponent(InfoModel, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractArrayCompositeComponent
Info model and maximum component count constructor.
AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Selectable action control that stores a Boolean value in its model representing the selected state.
AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<Boolean>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
AbstractBox - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract base class for boxes.
AbstractBox(Layout<? extends Constraints>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBox
Layout constructor.
AbstractBrandedProduct<BRAND extends java.lang.Enum<BRAND> & BrandedProduct.Brand> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The default implementation of the identification of a branded product, such as a user agent or a plugin, on a particular platform.
AbstractBrandedProduct(String, BRAND, String, String, double, int[]) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractBrandedProduct
ID, brand, name, and version constructor.
AbstractButtonControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a button.
AbstractButtonControl(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractButtonControl
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
AbstractCardCoupler - Class in io.guise.framework.coupler
Abstract coupler to one or more cards in a CardControl.
AbstractCardCoupler(Component...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Card constructor.
AbstractCardPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract panel with a card layout.
AbstractCardPanel(CardLayout) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCardPanel
Layout constructor.
AbstractComparableRangeValidator<V extends java.lang.Comparable<V>> - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
An abstract implementation of a range validator that handles comparable values.
AbstractComparableRangeValidator(V, V, V, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractComparableRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, step, and value required constructor.
AbstractComponent - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a component.
AbstractComponent() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Default constructor.
AbstractComponent(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Info model constructor.
AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverFrameStrategy<S extends Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract flyover strategy that uses flyover frames.
AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy<S extends Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a strategy for showing and hiding flyovers in response to mouse events.
AbstractComponent.DefaultFlyoverStrategy<S extends Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
The default strategy for showing and hiding flyovers in response to mouse events.
AbstractComponentDepictor<C extends Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
An abstract implementation of a component depictor.
AbstractComponentDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Default constructor.
AbstractComponentDepictor.DepictedCompositeComponentListener - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
A listener that marks this depiction as dirty if direct children are added or deleted.
AbstractCompositeComponent - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a composite component.
AbstractCompositeComponent(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Info model constructor.
AbstractCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Abstract strategy for keeping track of prototype providers and working with provisioned prototypes.
AbstractCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy(CompositeComponent, PrototypeProvider...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Parent component and prototype providers constructor.
AbstractCompositeStateComponent<T,​S extends AbstractCompositeStateComponent.ComponentState> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A composite component that represents the state of its child components.
AbstractCompositeStateComponent(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Info model constructor.
AbstractCompositeStateComponent.ComponentState - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An encapsulation of the state of a representation component.
AbstractCompositeStateControl<T,​S extends AbstractCompositeStateComponent.ComponentState> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a composite control that represents the state of its child components.
AbstractCompositeStateControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
Default constructor.
AbstractCompositeStateControl(InfoModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
Info model and enableable object constructor.
AbstractConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
An abstract implementation of constraints of individual component layout.
AbstractConstraints() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractConstraints
AbstractContainer - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a container component.
AbstractContainer(Layout<? extends Constraints>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Layout constructor with a default info model.
AbstractContainer(InfoModel, Layout<? extends Constraints>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Info model and layout constructor.
AbstractContainerControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a container that is also a control.
AbstractContainerControl(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
Layout constructor with a default info model and enableable.
AbstractContainerControl(InfoModel, Enableable, Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
Info model, enableable, and layout constructor.
AbstractContainerValueControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a container that is also a value control.
AbstractContainerValueControl(Layout<?>, ValueModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
Layout and value model constructor.
AbstractControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a model component that allows user interaction to modify the model.
AbstractControl(InfoModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
Info model and enableable object constructor.
AbstractConverter<V,​L> - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
An abstract implementation an object that can convert a value from and to its lexical form.
AbstractConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractConverter
AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
An object that can convert a date object from and to a string.
AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter(DateStringLiteralStyle, TimeStringLiteralStyle) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter
Date style and time style constructor.
AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor<C extends Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
An abstract XHTML component depictor that writes component decorations such as label and error.
AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Default constructor with no element representation for the body.
AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Body element namespace and local name constructor that doesn't create an empty element, even if there is no content.
AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor(URI, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Body element namespace and local name constructor.
AbstractDepictContext - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
Abstract encapsulation of information related to the current depiction.
AbstractDepictContext(GuiseSession, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictContext
Guise session constructor.
AbstractDepictedObject - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
Abstract implementation of an object that can be depicted on some platform.
AbstractDepictedObject() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
Default constructor.
AbstractDepictEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The base class for events to or from a depicted object on some platform.
AbstractDepictEvent(DepictedObject) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictEvent
Depicted object constructor.
AbstractDepictor<O extends DepictedObject> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
An abstract strategy for depicting objects on some platform.
AbstractDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
Default constructor.
AbstractDepictor.DepictedPropertyChangeListener - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
A listener that marks this depiction as dirty if changes occur.
AbstractDescriptionResource(URI, UrfResourceDescription) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet.AbstractDescriptionResource
Constructs a resource with a reference URI and resource description.
AbstractDestination - Class in io.guise.framework
Abstract implementation of a navigation point, its properties, and its restrictions.
AbstractDestination(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
Path constructor.
AbstractDestination(Pattern) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
Path pattern constructor.
AbstractDialogFrame<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a frame meant for communication of a value.
AbstractDialogFrame(ValueModel<V>, Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Value model, and component constructor.
AbstractEditComponentTextControl<EC extends Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control that allows some component text property to be edited in-place.
AbstractEditComponentTextControl(EC, String, ValueControl<String>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Edited component, value control, and flow constructor.
AbstractEditComponentTextControl.Mode - Enum in io.guise.framework.component
The mode of this component; whether the component is being edited.
AbstractEditValueControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract value control that is an edit component.
AbstractEditValueControl(InfoModel, ValueModel<V>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValueControl
Info model, value model, and enableable constructor.
AbstractEditValuePanel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract panel that edits a value.
AbstractEditValuePanel(Class<V>, Layout<? extends Constraints>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValuePanel
Value class and layout constructor.
AbstractEffect - Class in io.guise.framework.component.effect
An abstract implementation of a component effect.
AbstractEffect() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.effect.AbstractEffect
Default constructor with no delay.
AbstractEffect(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.effect.AbstractEffect
Delay constructor.
AbstractEnableablePrototype - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Contains enableable prototype information, appropriate for a control, for example.
AbstractEnableablePrototype() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableablePrototype
Default constructor.
AbstractEnableablePrototype(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableablePrototype
Label constructor.
AbstractEnableablePrototype(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableablePrototype
Label and icon constructor.
AbstractEnableableProxyPrototype<P extends Prototype & InfoModel & Enableable> - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
An enableable prototype that is a proxy for another enableable prototype.
AbstractEnableableProxyPrototype(P) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableableProxyPrototype
Proxied prototype constructor.
AbstractEnumCompositeComponent<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a composite component that keeps track of its child components at specific indices in an array.
AbstractEnumCompositeComponent(E[]) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEnumCompositeComponent
Enum values constructor.
AbstractEnvironment - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
An abstract implementation of the platform user local environment.
AbstractEnvironment() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
AbstractFlowConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Abstract constraints on individual component flow.
AbstractFlowConstraints() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowConstraints
AbstractFlowLayout<T extends AbstractFlowConstraints> - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A layout that flows information along an axis.
AbstractFlowLayout(Flow, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
Flow and wrap constructor.
AbstractFlyoverFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a frame for flyovers.
AbstractFlyoverFrame(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFlyoverFrame
Component constructor.
AbstractFlyoverFrameStrategy(S) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverFrameStrategy
Component constructor.
AbstractFlyoverStrategy(S) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
Component constructor.
AbstractFocusedGestureInputEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract gesture input event such as a keypress that is directed towards the component with input focus.
AbstractFocusedGestureInputEvent(Object, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractFocusedGestureInputEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractFocusedInputEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract input event such as a command that is directed towards the component with input focus.
AbstractFocusedInputEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractFocusedInputEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a frame.
AbstractFrame(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
Component constructor.
AbstractFrame.DefaultPrototypeProvider - Class in io.guise.framework.component
The default implementation of a prototype provider for a frame.
AbstractFrame.FrameComponent - Enum in io.guise.framework.component
The enumeration of frame components.
AbstractGestureInput - Class in io.guise.framework.input
An abstract encapsulation of user input from a gesture.
AbstractGestureInput(Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractGestureInput
Keys constructor.
AbstractGestureInputEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract event providing information on input from a user gesture.
AbstractGestureInputEvent(Object, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractGestureInputEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractGuiseApplication - Class in io.guise.framework
An abstract base class for a Guise application.
AbstractGuiseApplication(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
URI constructor.
AbstractGuiseContainer - Class in io.guise.framework
An abstract base class for a Guise instance.
AbstractGuiseContainer(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Container base URI constructor.
AbstractGuiseEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
The base class for custom Guise events.
AbstractGuiseEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractGuiseEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractGuiseSession - Class in io.guise.framework
An abstract implementation that keeps track of the components of a user session.
AbstractGuiseSession(GuiseApplication, Platform) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Application and platform constructor.
AbstractImageComponent - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of an image component.
AbstractImageComponent(InfoModel, ImageModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractImageComponent
Info model and image model constructor.
AbstractImageComponent.DefaultTransferable - Class in io.guise.framework.component
The default transferable object for an image.
AbstractInputEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract event providing information on input such as a keystroke or a command.
AbstractInputEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractInputEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractInputStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.input
An abstract implementation of a strategy for processing input.
AbstractInputStrategy(InputStrategy) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractInputStrategy
Parent constructor.
AbstractKeyboardEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract event providing information on a keyboard key event.
AbstractKeyboardEvent(Object, Key, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractKeyboardEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractLabel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A abstract component the label of which comprises the main content of the component.
AbstractLabel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLabel
Default constructor with a default info model.
AbstractLabel(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLabel
Info model constructor.
AbstractLabel.DefaultTransferable - Class in io.guise.framework.component
The default transferable object for a label.
AbstractLayout<T extends Constraints> - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Abstract implementation of layout information for a layout component.
AbstractLayout() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
AbstractLayout.ConstraintsPropertyChangeListener - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A property change listener that listens for changes in a constraint object's properties and fires a layout constraints property change event in response.
AbstractLayoutComponent - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a layout component.
AbstractLayoutComponent(Layout<? extends Constraints>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
Layout constructor with a default info model.
AbstractLayoutComponent(InfoModel, Layout<? extends Constraints>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
Info model and layout constructor.
AbstractLayoutControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a layout component that is also a control.
AbstractLayoutControl(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
Layout constructor with a default info model and enableable.
AbstractLayoutControl(InfoModel, Enableable, Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
Info model, enableable, and layout constructor.
AbstractLayoutValueControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a layout component that is also a value control.
AbstractLayoutValueControl(Layout<?>, ValueModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
Layout and value model constructor.
AbstractLinkControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a link.
AbstractLinkControl(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLinkControl
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
AbstractListCompositeComponent - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a composite component that keeps track of its child components in sequence.
AbstractListCompositeComponent(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
Info model constructor.
AbstractListSelectContainerControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract list select control that is also a container.
AbstractListSelectContainerControl(AbstractValueLayout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Layout constructor.
AbstractListSelectContainerControl.ComponentRepresentationStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A strategy for to represent components in a list select model as themselves.
AbstractListSelectControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a control to allow selection by the user of a value from a list.
AbstractListSelectControl(ListSelectModel<V>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
List select model and value representation strategy constructor.
AbstractListSelectControl.ConverterInfoModelValueRepresentationStrategy<VV> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A list select value representation strategy that creates a component by converting the value to a info model.
AbstractListSelectControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy<VV> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A default list select value representation strategy that creates a Label.
AbstractListSelectControl.ValueComponentState - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An encapsulation of a component for a tree node along with other metadata, such as whether the component was editable when created.
AbstractListSelectEditor<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An abstract class for editing values in a list model.
AbstractListSelectEditor(ListSelectModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
List select model constructor.
AbstractListSelectionPolicy<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An abstract implementation of a list selection strategy for a list select model.
AbstractListSelectionPolicy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectionPolicy
AbstractListSelectTableModel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An abstract implementation of a table model representing selectable list values.
AbstractListSelectTableModel(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>, TableColumnModel<?>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
Constructs a list select table model indicating the type of values it can hold.
AbstractListSelectTableModel(Class<V>, TableColumnModel<?>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
Constructs a list select table model indicating the type of values it can hold, using a default multiple selection strategy.
AbstractMenu - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract menu component.
AbstractMenu(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable, MenuLayout) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
Info model, action model, enableable, and menu layout constructor.
AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Abstract strategy for keeping track of prototype providers and working with provisioned prototypes, merging them into a menu and/or a toolbar of a frame.
AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy(CompositeComponent, PrototypeProvider...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Parent component and prototype providers constructor.
AbstractModalFrame<R> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a modal frame.
AbstractModalFrame(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractModalFrame
Component constructor.
AbstractModalNavigationPanel<R> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a modal navigation panel.
AbstractModalNavigationPanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractModalNavigationPanel
Layout constructor.
AbstractModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A base abstract class implementing helpful functionality for models.
AbstractModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModel
Default constructor.
AbstractModeledColor<C extends java.lang.Enum<C> & ModeledColor.Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.style
Abstract representation of a color value in a color space.
AbstractModeledColor(double...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.AbstractModeledColor
Constructs a color with the given components.
AbstractModelGroup<M extends Model> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An abstract implementation of a group of similar models for providing such functions as communication or mutual exclusion.
AbstractModelGroup(M...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModelGroup
Model constructor.
AbstractMouseEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract event providing mouse input information.
AbstractMouseEvent(Object, Object, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractMouseEvent
Source and target constructor.
AbstractMouseInput - Class in io.guise.framework.input
An abstract encapsulation of user input from a mouse.
AbstractMouseInput(Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractMouseInput
Keys constructor.
AbstractMultipleCompositeComponent - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a composite component that can contain multiple components.
AbstractMultipleCompositeComponent(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMultipleCompositeComponent
Info model constructor.
AbstractNavigateActionListener - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract that listens for action events and keeps information for navigating in response.
AbstractNavigateActionListener(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate to the provided path.
AbstractNavigateActionListener(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate to the provided URI.
AbstractNavigateActionListener(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate to the provided URI in the identified viewport.
AbstractNavigateModalActionListener - Class in io.guise.framework.event
A abstract object that listens for action events and keeps information for modally navigating in response.
AbstractNavigateModalActionListener(String, ModalNavigationListener) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateModalActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate modally to the provided path.
AbstractNavigateModalActionListener(URI, ModalNavigationListener) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateModalActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate modally to the provided URI.
AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter<V extends java.lang.Number> - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
An abstract implementation an object that can convert a number from and to a string.
AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style, Currency) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter
Style and currency constructor.
AbstractObjectTransferable<S> - Class in io.guise.framework.component.transfer
A abstract transferable that carries one or more Java objects.
AbstractObjectTransferable(S, Class<?>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractObjectTransferable
Source and object esclass constructor.
AbstractOptionDialogFrame<O> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a frame for communication of an option.
AbstractOptionDialogFrame(ValueModel<O>, Component, O...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
Value model, component, and options constructor.
AbstractPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract base class for panels.
AbstractPanel(Layout<? extends Constraints>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractPanel
Layout constructor.
AbstractPlatform - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The platform on which Guise objects are being depicted.
AbstractPlatform(GuiseApplication) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
Application constructor.
AbstractPlatformEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The base class for events to or from the platform on which objects are being depicted.
AbstractPlatformEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractPlatformFile - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
An abstract implementation of a local file on a platform.
AbstractPlatformFile(String, long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
Name and size constructor.
AbstractPlatformMessage - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The base class for messages to or from the platform on which objects are being depicted.
AbstractPlatformMessage() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformMessage
AbstractPresentationModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model.ui
An abstract implementation of presentation-related information.
AbstractPresentationModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
Default constructor.
AbstractProduct - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The default implementation of the identification of a product, such as a user agent or a plugin, on a particular platform.
AbstractProduct(String, String, String, double, int[]) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractProduct
ID, name, and version constructor.
AbstractPrototype - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Contains abstract prototype information for a component.
AbstractPrototype() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototype
Default constructor.
AbstractPrototype(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototype
Label constructor.
AbstractPrototype(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototype
Label and icon constructor.
AbstractPrototypeProvider - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
An abstract implementation of a prototype provider.
AbstractPrototypeProvider() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvider
AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Abstract strategy for keeping track of prototype providers and working with provisioned prototypes.
AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy(PrototypeProvider...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Prototype providers constructor.
AbstractProxyPrototype<P extends Prototype & InfoModel> - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Abstract prototype information that is a proxy for another prototype.
AbstractProxyPrototype(P) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
Proxied prototype constructor.
AbstractRangeValidator<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
An abstract implementation of a validator restricted to a range.
AbstractRangeValidator(V, V, V, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, step, and value required constructor.
AbstractReferenceDestination - Class in io.guise.framework
Abstract implementation of a destination referencing another destination.
AbstractReferenceDestination(URIPath, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.AbstractReferenceDestination
Path and referenced destination constructor.
AbstractReferenceDestination(Pattern, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.AbstractReferenceDestination
Path pattern and referenced destination constructor.
AbstractRegularExpressionValidator<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
An abstract validator that can validate against regular expressions.
AbstractRegularExpressionValidator(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRegularExpressionValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression string, without requiring a non-null value..
AbstractRegularExpressionValidator(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRegularExpressionValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression string.
AbstractRegularExpressionValidator(Pattern) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRegularExpressionValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression pattern, without requiring a non-null value.
AbstractRegularExpressionValidator(Pattern, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRegularExpressionValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression pattern.
AbstractSelectActionControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract selectable action control.
AbstractSelectActionControl(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
AbstractSelectActionControl.SelectActionListener - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An action listener that selects a select action listener if auto-select is turned on, toggling the select status if necessary.
AbstractSelectActionValueControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Selectable action value control for which the selected state is distinct from the contained value.
AbstractSelectActionValueControl(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<V>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
AbstractSequenceTaskPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract base class for a panel that allows progression in a sequence.
AbstractSequenceTaskPanel(SequenceTaskController) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSequenceTaskPanel
Task controller constructor.
AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor<C extends Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A component depictor that uses its top-level XHTML element as its main or body component.
AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor
Default constructor with no element representation.
AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor that doesn't create an empty element, even if there is no content.
AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor(URI, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor.
AbstractSingleCompositeComponent - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract implementation of a composite component that can contain a single component.
AbstractSingleCompositeComponent(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSingleCompositeComponent
Info model constructor.
AbstractStringLiteralConverter<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
An abstract implementation an object that can convert a value from and to a string.
AbstractStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractStringLiteralConverter
AbstractTableModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An abstract implementation of a table model.
AbstractTableModel(TableColumnModel<?>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractTableModel
Columns constructor.
AbstractTargetedGuiseEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract implementation of a Guise event that is targeted.
AbstractTargetedGuiseEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractTargetedGuiseEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractTargetedGuiseEvent(Object, Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractTargetedGuiseEvent
Source and target constructor.
AbstractTextControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control to accept text input from the user representing a particular value type.
AbstractTextControl(ValueModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Value model constructor with a default converter.
AbstractTextControl(ValueModel<V>, Converter<V, String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Value model and converter constructor.
AbstractTextControl(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Value class constructor with a default data model to represent a given type and a default converter.
AbstractTextDepictContext - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
Abstract encapsulation of text information related to the current depiction.
AbstractTextDepictContext(GuiseSession, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
Guise session constructor.
AbstractTransferable<S> - Class in io.guise.framework.component.transfer
An abstract object that can be transferred, such as between components using drag and drop.
AbstractTransferable(S) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractTransferable
Source constructor.
AbstractTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.AbstractTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy
AbstractURIStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
An abstract converter that converts a URI from and to a string literal, correctly resolving relative URIs.
AbstractURIStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractURIStringLiteralConverter
AbstractValidator<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
An abstract implementation of an object that can determine whether a value is valid.
AbstractValidator() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
Default constructor with no value required.
AbstractValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
Value required constructor.
AbstractValueControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Abstract implementation of a control to accept input from the user.
AbstractValueControl(InfoModel, ValueModel<V>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
Info model, value model, and enableable constructor.
AbstractValuedPanel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract panel that represents a value.
AbstractValuedPanel(Class<V>, Layout<? extends Constraints>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValuedPanel
Value class and layout constructor.
AbstractValueLayout<T extends Constraints> - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A layout that manages the selection of child components, only one of which can be selected at a time.
AbstractValueLayout() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
Default constructor.
AbstractValueModel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An abstract implementation of a model representing a value.
AbstractValueModel(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractValueModel
Constructs a value model indicating the type of value it can hold.
AbstractWebActionControlDepictor<C extends ActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Abstract depictor for rendering simple action controls in XHTML.
AbstractWebActionControlDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebActionControlDepictor
Default constructor with no element representation.
AbstractWebActionControlDepictor(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebActionControlDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor that doesn't create an empty element, even if there is no content.
AbstractWebActionControlDepictor(URI, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebActionControlDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor.
AbstractWebComponentDepictor<C extends Component> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The abstract base class for all application/xhtml+xml depictions.
AbstractWebComponentDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Default constructor with no element representation.
AbstractWebComponentDepictor(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor that doesn't create an empty element, even if there is no content.
AbstractWebComponentDepictor(URI, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor.
AbstractWebDepictContext - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Abstract implementation of information related to the current depiction on the web platform.
AbstractWebDepictContext(GuiseSession, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Guise session constructor.
AbstractWebDepictEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The base class for events to or from a depicted object on the web platform.
AbstractWebDepictEvent(DepictedObject) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictEvent
Depicted object constructor.
AbstractWebDepictor<O extends DepictedObject> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
An abstract depictor for the web.
AbstractWebDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictor
AbstractWebFrameDepictor<C extends Frame> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Abstract strategy for rendering a frame as a series of XHTML elements.
AbstractWebFrameDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebFrameDepictor
Default constructor with no element representation.
AbstractWebFrameDepictor(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebFrameDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor that doesn't create an empty element, even if there is no content.
AbstractWebFrameDepictor(URI, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebFrameDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor.
AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor<C extends LayoutComponent> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The abstract base class for all application/xhtml+xml composite components that use layouts.
AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
Default constructor with no element representation.
AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor that doesn't create an empty element, even if there is no content.
AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor(URI, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor.
AbstractWebMenuDepictor<C extends Menu> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Abstract strategy for rendering a menu.
AbstractWebMenuDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebMenuDepictor
Default constructor with no element representation.
AbstractWebMenuDepictor(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebMenuDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor that doesn't create an empty element, even if there is no content.
AbstractWebMenuDepictor(URI, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebMenuDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor.
AbstractWebMessage - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The base class for message to or from the web platform.
AbstractWebMessage() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebMessage
AbstractWebPlatform - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
An abstract implementation of a web platform for Guise.
AbstractWebPlatform(GuiseApplication) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
AbstractWebPlatformEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The base class for events to or from the web platform.
AbstractWebPlatformEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformEvent
Source constructor.
AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
An abstract depictor for a collector of platform files for the web platform.
AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor
AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The web commands for controlling the platform file collector.
AbstractXHTMLDepictContext - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
Abstract encapsulation of application/xhtml+xml information related to the current depiction.
AbstractXHTMLDepictContext(GuiseSession, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
Guise session constructor.
AbstractXMLDepictContext - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
Abstract encapsulation of text/xml information related to the current depiction.
AbstractXMLDepictContext(GuiseSession, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
Guise session constructor.
acceptEdit() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Accepts edits.
acceptEdit(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Accepts edits with the given text.
AccordionMenu - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A menu that collapses its children's children between its children, like an accordion.
AccordionMenu(Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AccordionMenu
Axis constructor.
AccordionMenu(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AccordionMenu
Info model, action model, enableable, and menu layout constructor.
AccordionMenu(MenuPrototype, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AccordionMenu
Prototype and axis constructor.
action(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
Performs whatever is necessary.
action(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
Performs whatever is necessary.
action(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.MenuPrototype
action(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
ACTION - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
An action on a component.
ACTION_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
A component that can send back an action.
ACTION_INPUT_ID_SEGMENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
The ID segment for the hidden action input field.
ACTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
The bound property of the action.
ActionCardCoupler - Class in io.guise.framework.coupler
Associates an action control with a card in a card control.
ActionCardCoupler() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
Default constructor.
ActionCardCoupler(ActionControl, Component...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
Action and cards constructor.
ActionControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A general control with an action model.
ActionEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating an action should take place.
ActionEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
Source constructor with a default force and option.
ActionEvent(Object, int, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
Source, force, and option constructor.
ActionEvent(Object, ActionEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
ActionEvent(Object, Object, int, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
Source, target, force, and option constructor.
ActionEvent.Command - Enum in io.guise.framework.event
The commands that can be represented by an action.
ActionListenable - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that allows the registration of action listeners.
ActionListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for action events.
ActionModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for a potential action.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl.SelectActionListener
Called when an action is initiated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateActionListener
Called when an action is initiated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ActionListener
Called when an action is initiated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.NavigateModalActionListener
Called when an action is initiated.
ActionPrototype - Interface in io.guise.framework.prototype
Contains prototype information for an action control.
ActionValueControl<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
An action control that also contains a value in its model.
ACTIVATE - io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent.Command
The action requests activitation, Traditionally this is indicated by a left mouse button double click.
ACTIVE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.Activeable
The active bound property.
Activeable - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
An object that can be set active or inactive.
add(int, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Adds a child component with default constraints to the container at the specified index.
add(int, Component, Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
add(int, Component, Constraints) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Adds a component along with constraints to the container at the specified index.
add(int, Prototype) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Adds a component based upon the given prototype to the container with default constraints at the specified index.
add(int, Prototype) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Adds a component based upon the given prototype to the container with default constraints at the specified index.
add(int, Prototype, Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Adds a component based upon the given prototype to the container along with constraints at the specified index.
add(int, Prototype, Constraints) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Adds a component based upon the given prototype to the container along with constraints at the specified index.
add(int, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
add(int, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
add(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
add(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Adds a component with default constraints to the container.
add(Component, Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
add(Component, Constraints) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Adds a component along with constraints to the container.
add(Container, PrototypeProvision<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Adds a prototype to a container in the correct order by examining the prototype information of the other components added to the container The prototype is inserted before the first component that was created from prototype info with a larger order.
add(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
add(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Adds a child tree node to this tree node.
add(Prototype) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Adds a component based upon the given prototype to the container with default constraints.
add(Prototype) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Adds a component based upon the given prototype to the container with default constraints.
add(Prototype, Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Adds a component based upon the given prototype to the container along with constraints.
add(Prototype, Constraints) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Adds a component based upon the given prototype to the container along with constraints.
add(ValidationException) - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
add(M) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModelGroup
Adds a model to the group.
add(M) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ModelGroup
Adds a model to the group.
add(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
add(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ActionListenable
Adds an action listener.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
addAll(int, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
addAll(int, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
addAll(Collection<? extends Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
addAll(Collection<? extends ValidationException>) - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
addAll(Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
addAll(Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
addChildFrame(Frame) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
addChildFrame(Frame) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ApplicationFrame
Adds a frame to the list of child frames.
addColumn(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractTableModel
Adds a column to the table.
addCommandListener(CommandListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
addCommandListener(CommandListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Adds a command listener.
addComponent(int, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
addComponent(int, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
Adds a child component at the specified index.
addComponent(int, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
addComponent(int, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Adds a child component at the specified index.
addComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
Adds a child component.
addComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMultipleCompositeComponent
Adds a child component.
addComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
addComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
Lays out the associated layout component.
addComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
Lays out the associated layout component.
addComponent(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.layout.Layout
Adds a component to the layout.
addCompositeComponentListener(CompositeComponentListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
addCompositeComponentListener(CompositeComponentListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CompositeComponent
Adds a composite component listener.
addDestination(Destination) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
addDestination(Destination) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Registers a destination so that it can be matched against one or more paths.
addDestination(Destination, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
addDestination(Destination, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Registers a destination so that it can be matched against one or more paths.
addEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
addEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValueControl
addEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValuePanel
addEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
addEditListener(EditListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.EditListenable
Adds an edit listener.
addExportStrategy(ExportStrategy<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
addExportStrategy(ExportStrategy<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Adds an export strategy to the component.
addFlowStyleIDs(Set<String>, Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Adds flow style IDs to the given set of style IDs based upon the given flow.
addGuiseSession(GuiseSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Adds and initializes a Guise session.
addImpl(ValueModel<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ValuePolicyModelGroup
Actual implementation of adding a model to the group.
addImpl(M) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModelGroup
Actual implementation of adding a model to the group.
addImportStrategy(ImportStrategy<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
addImportStrategy(ImportStrategy<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Adds an import strategy to the component.
addKeyListener(KeyboardListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
addKeyListener(KeyboardListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Adds a key listener.
addListListener(ListListener<E>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ListListenable
Adds a list listener.
addListListener(ListListener<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
addListListener(ListListener<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
addListListener(ListListener<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
addListListener(ListListener<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Adds a list listener.
addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Adds a list selection listener.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Adds a mouse listener.
addNotificationListener(NotificationListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
addNotificationListener(NotificationListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Adds a notification listener.
addPreferenceProperty(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
addPreferenceProperty(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Adds a property to be saved and loaded as a preference.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Adds a progress listener.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
addProgressListener(ProgressListener<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
addProgressListener(ProgressListener<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
addProgressListener(ProgressListener<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Adds a progress listener.
addProgressListener(ProgressListener<P>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ProgressListenable
Adds a progress listener.
addPrototypeProvider(PrototypeProvider) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Add a prototoype provider to be managed.
addResourcePath(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Adds a new resource path.
addSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
addSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
addSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
addSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Adds a selection at the given indices.
ADJACENT_SIBLING - io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Combinator
ADMINS_LOCAL_NAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook.Facebook
A comma-separated list of IDs of Facebook user that administers a page.
ADVANCE - io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
The command for advancing in a media stream from the current location.
AJAX_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the AJAX JavaScript file, relative to the application.
AJAX_MIN_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the compressed AJAX JavaScript file, relative to the application.
ALEXA - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
Alexa user agent.
ALICE_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
ALIGNMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowConstraints
The bound property of the alignment.
ALIGNMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
The bound property of the alignment.
ALLOW_SCRIPT_ACCESS_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The "allowScriptAccess" parameter.
ALLOW_SCRIPT_ACCESS_PARAMETER_ALWAYS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The "allowScriptAccess" parameter "always" value.
ALLOW_SCRIPT_ACCESS_PARAMETER_NEVER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The "allowScriptAccess" parameter "never" value.
ALLOW_SCRIPT_ACCESS_PARAMETER_SAME_DOMAIN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The "allowScriptAccess" parameter "sameDomain" value.
ALPHA - io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor.Component
ALT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
ALT_LEFT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
ALT_RIGHT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
ANTIQUE_WHITE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
APP_ID_LOCAL_NAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook.Facebook
The ID of the Facebook Platform application that administers this page.
appendAttribute(A, QualifiedName, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
Appends an attribute and its value to the given appendable.
appendAttributeName(A, QualifiedName) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
Appends an attribute name to the given appendable.
appendAttributeName(A, QualifiedName) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
Appends an attribute name to the given appendable.
appendAttributeValue(A, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
Appends an attribute value to the given appendable.
appendCSSValue(StringBuilder, Extent) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Appends a CSS string representation of the given extent.
appendCSSValue(StringBuilder, Cursor, Orientation) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Appends a CSS string representation of the given cursor.
appendCSSValue(StringBuilder, Color) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Appends a CSS string representation of the given color.
appendCSSValue(StringBuilder, FontStyle) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Appends a CSS string representation of the given font style.
appendCSSValue(StringBuilder, LineStyle) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Appends a CSS string representation of the given line style, such as used for a border style.
appendCSSValue(StringBuilder, Object, Orientation) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Appends a CSS value to the given string builder.
appendCSSValue(StringBuilder, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Appends a CSS string representation of the given URI.
appendCSSValue(StringBuilder, List<?>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
Appends a CSS string containing the given list of items.
APPLICATION_CLASS_INIT_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
The init parameter, "applicationClass", used to specify the Guise application to create.
APPLICATION_COPYRIGHT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
APPLICATION_LABEL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
APPLICATION_NAME_SHORT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
APPLICATION_VERSION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
ApplicationFrame - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
The root frame of an application.
apply(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
Applies this theme to the given object.
applyTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
applyTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
applyTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Applies the theme to this object.
applyTheme() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Applies the theme to this object.
applyTheme(Theme) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
applyTheme(Theme) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
Applies a theme and its parents to this object.
applyTheme(Theme) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
applyTheme(Theme) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Applies a theme and its parents to this object.
AQUA - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
AQUA_MARINE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
ArrangeContainer - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A container that that semantically demarcates an area that arranges other components.
ArrangePanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A panel that semantically demarcates an area that arranges other components.
ArrangePanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ArrangePanel
Default constructor with a default vertical flow layout.
ArrangePanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ArrangePanel
Layout constructor.
ARTICLE - io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent.SectionType
The main section of a self-contained article appropriate for syndication.
asHSL() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.style.Color
asHSL() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
asHSL() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.ResourceColor
asHSL() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
ASIDE - io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent.SectionType
Content tangentially related to the surrounding content.
asRGB() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.style.Color
asRGB() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
asRGB() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.ResourceColor
asRGB() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_HASH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise attribute containing the hash of the element attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_CONTENT - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The HTML class attribute indicating content.
ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT_HASH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise attribute containing the hash of the element content.
ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise attribute indicating the content type of an element's contents.
ATTRIBUTE_PATCH_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise attribute indicating the type of patching that should occur.
ATTRIBUTE_PATCH_TYPE_NO_VALUE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise attribute value indicating that no patching should occur on the value.
ATTRIBUTE_PATCH_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise attribute value indicating that no patching should occur.
ATTRIBUTE_PATCH_TYPE_TEMP - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise attribute value indicating that the element is a temporary element that will be replaced later; functions just like "none" for patching except that this element will be removed from the original hierarchy.
Audio - Class in io.guise.framework.audio
Audio that can be played.
Audio() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Default constructor.
Audio(URI, ContentType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Audio URI constructor.
AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
The bound property of the audio content type.
AUDIO_PAUSE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
The command to pause the audio.
AUDIO_PLAY - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
The command to start the audio.
AUDIO_POSITION - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
The command to set the position of the audio.
AUDIO_STOP - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
The command to stop the audio.
AUDIO_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
The bound property of the audio URI.
Audio.Depictor<A extends Audio> - Interface in io.guise.framework.audio
The custom depictor type for audio.
authenticated(HttpServletRequest, URI, String, String, Principal, String, AuthenticateCredentials, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
AUTO_COMMIT_PATTERN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
The auto commit pattern bound property.
AUTO_SELECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
The auto-select bound property.
AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A panel displaying a navigation path as a series of breadcrumb links for the path segments.
AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Default constructor with a default horizontal flow layout.
AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Navigation path constructor with a default horizontal flow layout.
AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Layout constructor.
AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel(Layout<?>, URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Layout and URI constructor.
Axis - Enum in io.guise.framework.geometry
Indicates an absolute axis; for example, a direction of layout.
AXIS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
The axis bound property.
AXIS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
The axis bound property.
AXIS_X_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating the X axis.
AXIS_Y_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating the Y axis.
AXIS_Z_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating the Z axis.
AZURE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor


BACK - io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
The front side.
BACKGROUND_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the background color.
BACKSPACE - io.guise.framework.input.Key
BACKSPACE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
BAIDU - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Baidu spider.
BaseURIStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A URI converter that resolves relative URIs to some base URI.
BaseURIStringLiteralConverter(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.BaseURIStringLiteralConverter
Base URI constructor.
beginModalNavigation(ModalNavigationPanel<?>, ModalNavigation) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
beginModalNavigation(ModalNavigationPanel<?>, ModalNavigation) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Begins modal interaction for a particular modal panel.
beginModalNavigation(GuiseApplication, GuiseSession, ModalNavigation) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Begins modal navigation based upon modal navigation information.
beginRegion(RegionLayout, RegionConstraints, Orientation) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
Writes an XHTML style attribute for the given region, if style information is needed for that region.
beginRegion(RegionLayout, RegionConstraints, Orientation, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
Writes an XHTML style attribute for the given region, if style information is needed for that region.
BEIGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
bind(Input, Input) - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.BindingInputStrategy
Binds the given input to other input.
bind(Input, ActionModel) - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.BindingInputStrategy
Binds the given input to an action.
BindingInputStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.input
An input strategy based upon input bindings between input and other input or actions.
BindingInputStrategy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.input.BindingInputStrategy
Default constructor with no parent.
BindingInputStrategy(InputStrategy) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.input.BindingInputStrategy
Parent constructor.
BISQUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
BLACK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
BLANCHE_DALMOND - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
BLANK_MP3_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the blank MP3 file, relative to the application.
BLUE - io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor.Component
BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
BLUE_VIOLET - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
BODY_END_PATTERN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
The pattern matching the HTML body end tag.
BODY_START_PATTERN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
The pattern matching the HTML body start tag.
Bookmark - Class in io.guise.framework
An identification of a saved state at a navigation point.
Bookmark(Bookmark.Parameter...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
Parameter array constructor.
Bookmark(CharSequence) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
String constructor.
Bookmark(List<Bookmark.Parameter>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
Parameter list constructor.
BOOKMARK_ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of whether the component has bookmarks enabled.
Bookmark.Parameter - Class in io.guise.framework
A bookmark parameter name/value pair.
BooleanSelectButton - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Button that stores a Boolean value in its model representing the selected state.
BooleanSelectButton() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectButton
Default constructor.
BooleanSelectButton(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<Boolean>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectButton
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
BooleanSelectButton(ValuePrototype<Boolean>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectButton
Prototype constructor.
BooleanSelectLink - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Link that stores a Boolean value in its model representing the selected state.
BooleanSelectLink() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectLink
Default constructor.
BooleanSelectLink(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<Boolean>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectLink
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
BooleanSelectLink(ValuePrototype<Boolean>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectLink
Prototype constructor.
BooleanSelectToolButton - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Button that stores a Boolean value in its model representing the selected state.
BooleanSelectToolButton() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectToolButton
Default constructor.
BooleanSelectToolButton(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<Boolean>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectToolButton
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
BooleanSelectToolButton(ValuePrototype<Boolean>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanSelectToolButton
Prototype constructor.
BooleanStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts a Boolean from and to a string literal.
BooleanStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.BooleanStringLiteralConverter
BooleanValueControlSelectControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A list select control that uses child components to show the list items.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(ListSelectModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
List select model constructor with a FlowLayout with Flow.PAGE flow.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(ListSelectModel<V>, Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
List select model and layout constructor.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(ListSelectModel<V>, Layout<?>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
List select model, layout, and value representation strategy constructor.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(ListSelectModel<V>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
List select model and value representation strategy constructor with a FlowLayout with Flow.PAGE flow.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Value class constructor with a default data model to represent a given type with multiple selection and a FlowLayout with Flow.PAGE flow.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(Class<V>, Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Value class and layout constructor with a default data model to represent a given type with multiple selection.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(Class<V>, Layout<?>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Value class, layout, and value representation strategy constructor with a default data model to represent a given type with multiple selection.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(Class<V>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Value class and value representation strategy constructor with a default data model to represent a given type with multiple selection and a FlowLayout with Flow.PAGE flow.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Value class and selection strategy constructor with a default data model to represent a given type and a FlowLayout with Flow.PAGE flow.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>, Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Value class, selection strategy, and layout constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>, Layout<?>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Value class, selection strategy, layout, and value representation strategy constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
BooleanValueControlSelectControl(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Value class, selection strategy, and value representation strategy constructor with a default data model to represent a given type and a FlowLayout with Flow.PAGE flow.
Border - Enum in io.guise.framework.component.layout
The points at which the four logical flows end.
BORDER_LINE_FAR_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line far border color.
BORDER_LINE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line far border extent.
BORDER_LINE_FAR_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line far border style.
BORDER_LINE_NEAR_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line near border color.
BORDER_LINE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line near border extent.
BORDER_LINE_NEAR_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line near border style.
BORDER_PAGE_FAR_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page far border color.
BORDER_PAGE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page far border extent.
BORDER_PAGE_FAR_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page far border style.
BORDER_PAGE_NEAR_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page near border color.
BORDER_PAGE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page near border extent.
BORDER_PAGE_NEAR_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page near border style.
BorderLineFarColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderLineFarColor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border color of the line far page near border.
BorderLineFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderLineFarExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border extent of the line far page near border.
BorderLineFarStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderLineFarStyle() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border style of the line far page near border.
BorderLineNearColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
Returns the border color of the line near page near border.
BorderLineNearColor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border color of the line near page near border.
BorderLineNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderLineNearExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border extent of the line near page near border.
BorderLineNearStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderLineNearStyle() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border style of the line near page near border.
BorderPageFarColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderPageFarColor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border color of the line far page far border.
BorderPageFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderPageFarExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border extent of the line far page far border.
BorderPageFarStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderPageFarStyle() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border style of the line far page far border.
BorderPageNearColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderPageNearColor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border color of the line near page far border.
BorderPageNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderPageNearExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border extent of the line near page far border.
BorderPageNearStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
BorderPageNearStyle() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border style of the line near page far border.
BOTTOM - io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
The bottom side.
BOTTOM_TO_TOP - io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
Box - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
Rectangular components that are laid out.
BrandedProduct<BRAND extends java.lang.Enum<BRAND> & BrandedProduct.Brand> - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
The identification of a branded product, such as a user agent or a plugin, on the platform.
BrandedProduct.Brand - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
The individual brand of the product.
Breadcrumb - Class in io.guise.framework
Encapsulates navigation information for particular location, such as the segment of a navigation URI.
Breadcrumb(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Breadcrumb
Navigation path constructor.
Breadcrumb(URIPath, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Breadcrumb
Navigation path and Label constructor.
Breadcrumb(URIPath, String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Breadcrumb
Navigation path, label, and glyph URI constructor.
BROWN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
browse() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector
Requests that the user be presented a dialog for browsing files.
browse() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector.Depictor
Requests that user be displayed a dialog for browsing files.
browse() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor
BURLY_WOOD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
BUSY_ID_SEGMENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
The ID segment for the busy information.
BusyPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
The default panel used to indicate Guise busy status.
BusyPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.BusyPanel
Default constructor.
Button - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control with an action model rendered as a button.
Button - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A button on a mouse as reported by a browser's Event.button property.
Button() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Button
Default constructor.
Button(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Button
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
Button(ActionPrototype) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Button
Prototype constructor.
Button(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Button
Label constructor.
Button(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Button
Label and icon constructor.
ButtonControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
An action control with button behavior, including a "push" user interface.


CACHED_IMAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
The cached image query bound property.
CACHED_IMAGE_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
The cached image URI bound property.
CachedDocument(String, Document) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextBoxDepictor.CachedDocument
Text and XML document constructor.
CachedImageListener() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel.CachedImageListener
CachedImageModel<Q,​V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An image model that can initiate retrieval of an image from a cache and update the image when fetching succeeds.
CachedImageModel(Cache<Q, V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
Cache constructor.
CachedImageModel(Cache<Q, V>, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
Cached image URI constructor.
CachedImageModel.CachedImageListener - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A listener that changes the image URI when the an image is fetched into the cache.
CADET_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
CalendarControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control that allows selection of a date.
CalendarControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
Default constructor with a default data model.
CalendarControl(ValueModel<Date>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
Value model constructor.
CalendarControl.DayRepresentationStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A cell representation strategy for calendar days.
CalendarDialogFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A dialog frame meant for accepting entry of a date.
CalendarDialogFrame() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarDialogFrame
Default constructor with no date.
CalendarDialogFrame(ValueModel<Date>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarDialogFrame
Value model constructor.
CalendarDialogFrame(Date) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarDialogFrame
Default date constructor.
CalendarMonthTableModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A table model representing the days of a calendar month.
CalendarMonthTableModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
Default constructor for current month using the current date.
CalendarMonthTableModel(Date) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
Date constructor.
CalendarMonthTableModel.WeekDayTableColumnModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A day-of-week column in a calendar month table.
CalendarStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
An object that can convert a calendar from and to a string.
CalendarStringLiteralConverter(DateStringLiteralStyle) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.CalendarStringLiteralConverter
Date style constructor with no time style.
CalendarStringLiteralConverter(DateStringLiteralStyle, TimeStringLiteralStyle) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.CalendarStringLiteralConverter
Date style and time style constructor.
cancel() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl.Depictor
Requests that resource collection be canceled.
cancel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Cancels the sequence.
cancel() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFile
Cancels the current upload or download.
cancel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Cancels the task.
cancel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformFile
cancel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor
cancel(PlatformFile) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector
Cancels a platform file upload or download.
cancel(PlatformFile) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector.Depictor
Cancels a platform file upload or download.
cancel(PlatformFile) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor
CANCEL - io.guise.framework.input.Key
CANCEL - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
cancelReceive() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Cancels any currently occurring resource transfers.
canClose() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
canClose() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
canClose() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Determines whether the frame should be allowed to close.
canImportTransfer(C, Transferable<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.transfer.ImportStrategy
Determines whether this strategy can import the given transferable object.
canSubstitute(HttpServletRequest, URI, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
canTransfer(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractObjectTransferable
Determines whether this transferable can transfer data with the given content type.
canTransfer(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractTransferable
Determines whether this transferable can transfer data with the given content type.
canTransfer(ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.transfer.Transferable
Determines whether this transferable can transfer data with the given content type.
canTransition(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransitionable
Determines whether transition can occur to the given relative index.
CAPS_LOCK - io.guise.framework.input.Key
CARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
The bound property of the connected card.
CardConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Constraints on an individual component in a card layout.
CardConstraints() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
Default constructor.
CardConstraints(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
Enabled constructor.
CardConstraints(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
Info model constructor.
CardConstraints(InfoModel, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
Info model and enabled constructor.
CardConstraints(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
Label constructor.
CardConstraints(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
Label and enabled constructor.
CardContainer - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
Container that uses a card layout.
CardControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A card container that contains a list select model providing access to the cards.
CardLayout - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A layout that manages child components as an ordered stack of cards.
CardLayout() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardLayout
CardPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A panel with a card layout.
CardPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CardPanel
Default constructor.
CardPanel(CardLayout) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CardPanel
Layout constructor.
CardRepresentationStrategy(CardLayout) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CardTabControl.CardRepresentationStrategy
Card layout constructor.
CARDS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
The bound property of the connected cards.
CardTabControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Convenience tab control that automatically controls the selected card of a card control.
CardTabControl(CardControl, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CardTabControl
Card control and axis constructor.
CardTabControl(CardControl, Flow, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CardTabControl
Card control, axis, and maximum tab count constructor.
CardTabControl(CardControl, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<Component>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CardTabControl
Card control, value representation strategy, and axis constructor.
CardTabControl(CardControl, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<Component>, Flow, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CardTabControl
Card control, value representation strategy, axis, and maximum tab count constructor.
CardTabControl.CardRepresentationStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A value representation strategy for representing cards.
Category - Class in io.guise.framework
A general category used in Guise.
Category(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Category
Constructor for a category with the same ID and name.
Category(String, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Category
Constructor specifying the ID and name.
Cell(int, TableColumnModel<C>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.TableModel.Cell
Row and column constructor
CellComponentState(Component, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table.CellComponentState
CENTER - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
In the center of the area.
CENTIMETER - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
CHANGE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
A property change on a component.
CharArrayStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts a char[] from and to a string literal.
CharArrayStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.CharArrayStringLiteralConverter
CHARTREUSE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
CHECK_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
The check type bound property.
checkBearing(BigDecimal) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
Checks to ensure that the given bearing is valid.
checkComponentValue(double) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.style.AbstractModeledColor
Checks the range of a given color component.
CheckControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control accepting boolean input rendered as a check, either a checked square or a circle.
CheckControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Default constructor with a default info model and a default value model.
CheckControl(CheckControl.CheckType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Check type constructor with a default info model and value model.
CheckControl(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Info model constructor.
CheckControl(InfoModel, ValueModel<Boolean>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Info model and value model constructor.
CheckControl(InfoModel, ValueModel<Boolean>, CheckControl.CheckType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Info model, value model and check type constructor.
CheckControl(InfoModel, ValueModel<Boolean>, Enableable, CheckControl.CheckType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Info model, value model, enableable object, and check type constructor.
CheckControl(ValueModel<Boolean>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Value model constructor.
CheckControl(ValueModel<Boolean>, CheckControl.CheckType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Value model and check type constructor.
CheckControl(ValuePrototype<Boolean>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Prototype constructor.
CheckControl(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Label constructor.
CheckControl(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Label and icon constructor.
CheckControl.CheckType - Enum in io.guise.framework.component
The type of check area to present to the user.
checkInstalled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
checkInstalled() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Checks to ensure that this application is installed.
checkNotInstalled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Checks to ensure that this application is not installed.
CHILD - io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Combinator
childComponentAdded(ComponentEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.CompositeComponentListener
Called when a child component is added to a composite component.
childComponentAdded(ComponentEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor.DepictedCompositeComponentListener
childComponentRemoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.CompositeComponentListener
Called when a child component is removed from a composite component.
childComponentRemoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor.DepictedCompositeComponentListener
childComponentValidPropertyChanged(Component, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Called when the Component.VALID_PROPERTY of a child component changes.
childComponentValidPropertyChanged(Component, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Called when the Component.VALID_PROPERTY of a child component changes.
childPropertyChangeListener - Variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
The listener that listens for the change of a child's property, such as a value model's value, and marks the view as dirty.
CHOCOLATE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
CKEDITOR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform.HTMLEditor
CKEDITOR_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the CKEditor JavaScript file, relative to the application.
CKEDITOR_MIN_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the compressed CKEditor JavaScript file, relative to the application.
CKEDITOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The version of CKEditor in use.
ClassSelector - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
A class simple selector.
ClassSelector(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.ClassSelector
Class name constructor.
clear() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
clear() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
clear() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Removes all of the components from this container.
clear() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
clear() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
clear() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DynamicTreeNodeModel
Removes all of the child tree nodes from this tree node.
clear() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Removes all of the child tree nodes from this tree node.
clear() - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
CLEAR - io.guise.framework.input.Key
clearColumns() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractTableModel
Clears all columns from the table.
clearComponentStates() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Removes all child component states.
clearDepictText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
clearDepictText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
clearDepictText() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Clears all data collected for depiction.
clearRequestedNavigation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
clearRequestedNavigation() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Removes any requests for navigation.
clearResourcePaths() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Clears all resource paths.
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
Clears the value by setting the value to null, which may be invalid according to any installed validators.
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
clearValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultValueModel
clearValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
Clears the value by setting the value to null, which may be invalid according to any installed validators.
clearValues() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Clears the username and password values.
ClientProduct - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
The identification of the client software accessing Guise on the platform.
clone() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
close() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
close() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Closes the frame.
CLOSE_ACTION_CONTROL - io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.FrameComponent
The control that provides a way of closing the frame.
CLOSE_ACTION_CONTROL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The close action control bound property.
CLOSED - io.guise.framework.component.Frame.State
The frame is closed.
closeFlyover() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverFrameStrategy
Closes the flyover for the component.
closeFlyover() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
Closes the flyover for the component.
closeImpl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
Implementation of frame closing.
CollectionEvent<E> - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating a collection has been modified.
CollectionEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.CollectionEvent
Source constructor for general collection modification.
CollectionEvent(Object, E, E) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.CollectionEvent
Source constructor for an added and/or removed element.
Color - Interface in io.guise.framework.style
Representation of a color.
COLOR_SELECTED_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
COLUMN_COUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
The column count bound property.
COLUMN_LABEL_DATE_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
The column style bound property.
COLUMN_REGION_CLASSES - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
The style classes for each region in a column.
ColumnUIModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table.ColumnUIModel
Combinator - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
A combinator separating sequences of simple selectors.
Command - Interface in io.guise.framework.input
A command that can be used as input.
commanded(CommandEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.CommandListener
Called when a command is invoked.
CommandEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
A focused event providing information on an input user command.
CommandEvent(Object, CommandEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.CommandEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
CommandEvent(Object, Command) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.CommandEvent
Command constructor.
CommandEvent(Object, CommandInput) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.CommandEvent
Command input constructor.
CommandInput - Class in io.guise.framework.input
User input in the form of a command.
CommandInput(Command) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.input.CommandInput
Command constructor.
CommandListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for commands.
commit() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Commits the data.
commit() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Commitable
Commits the data.
Commitable - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
An object that can commit come data.
compareTo(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
compareTo(ClassSelector) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.ClassSelector
compareTo(IDSelector) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.IDSelector
compareTo(PseudoClass) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.PseudoClass
compareTo(TypeSelector) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.TypeSelector
compareTo(PrototypeProvision<P>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
CompassPoint - Enum in io.guise.framework.geometry
Navigational directions.
Component - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
Base interface for all Guise components.
COMPONENT_BODY_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the body part of a component.
COMPONENT_CHILD_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for a single child of a component.
COMPONENT_CHILDREN_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the list of children of a component.
COMPONENT_CONTAINER_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the container part of a component.
COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the description part of a component.
COMPONENT_ERROR_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the error part of a component.
COMPONENT_LABEL_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the label part of a component.
COMPONENT_LAYOUT_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the layout of a layout component.
COMPONENT_LINK_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the link part of a component.
COMPONENT_REPRESENTATION_STRATEGY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
The static representation strategy to represent component values as themselves.
Component.FlyoverStrategy<S extends Component> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A strategy for showing and hiding flyovers in response to mouse events.
componentConstraintsChanged(Component, Constraints, Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
Indicates that the constraints for a component have changed.
componentConstraintsChanged(Component, Constraints, Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ReferenceLayout
Indicates that the constraints for a component have changed.
ComponentDepictor<C extends Component> - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
A strategy for depicting components on some platform.
ComponentDestination - Class in io.guise.framework
Default implementation of a navigation point based upon a component.
ComponentDestination(URIPath, Class<? extends Component>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.ComponentDestination
Path and component constructor with no style specified.
ComponentDestination(URIPath, Class<? extends Component>, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.ComponentDestination
Path, component, and style constructor.
ComponentDestination(Pattern, Class<? extends Component>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.ComponentDestination
Path pattern and component constructor with no style specified.
ComponentDestination(Pattern, Class<? extends Component>, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.ComponentDestination
Path pattern, component, and style constructor.
ComponentEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event relating to a component.
ComponentEvent(Object, Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ComponentEvent
Source and component constructor.
ComponentEvent(Object, ComponentEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ComponentEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
ComponentEvent(Object, Object, Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ComponentEvent
Source, target, and component constructor.
ComponentFactory<V,​C extends Component> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
Indicates a class that can provide a component to represent some value.
ComponentNavigationModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A navigation model that retrieves its navigation path dynamically from the indicated component.
ComponentNavigationModel(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.ComponentNavigationModel
Component constructor.
ComponentRepresentationStrategy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl.ComponentRepresentationStrategy
Components - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Utility methods for working with components.
Components() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Components
ComponentState(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent.ComponentState
componentValueChangeListener - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
The listener that detects changes to a child component's Boolean value and updates the control's selected values accordingly.
CompositeComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that can contain other components.
CompositeComponentListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for components being added to or removed from a composite component.
CONFIGURE_MENU_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
configureToolbar() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSequenceTaskPanel
Clears and the appropriate components to the toolbar based upon the current settings.
CONFIRM_DELAY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
The length of time, in milliseconds, to wait for confirmation when applicable.
CONFIRM_NAVIGATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
The bound property of whether navigation should be confirmed, of type Boolean.
constrain(Dimensions) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
Constrains these inner dimensions within the given outer dimensions by scaling these dimensions so that no part lies outside the given outer dimensiona.
Constraints - Interface in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Constraint information about individual component layout.
CONSTRAINTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of the layout constraints.
ConstraintsPropertyChangeListener() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout.ConstraintsPropertyChangeListener
consume() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractInputEvent
consume() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.InputEvent
Consumes the input associated with this event.
Container - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
Component that allows for addition and removal of child components.
ContainerControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A container that is also a control.
contains(Model) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModelGroup
contains(Model) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ModelGroup
Determines whether this group contains the given model.
contains(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
contains(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
Determines whether this component contains the given component.
contains(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
contains(Object) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Determines whether this container contains the given component.
contains(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
contains(Object) - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
CONTENT_COMPONENT - io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.FrameComponent
The component, if any, that comprises the content of the frame.
CONTENT_COMPONENT - io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl.ScrollComponent
CONTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ContentComponent
The content bound property.
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
The content type for theme resources: application/theme+turf.
ContentComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A composite component that holds a child content component.
CONTEXT_MENU - io.guise.framework.input.Key
CONTINUE - io.guise.framework.input.ProcessCommand
The command for continuing a process.
Control - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that accepts user interaction to manipulate a data model.
CONTROL - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
CONTROL_LEFT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
CONTROL_RIGHT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
Control.Status - Enum in io.guise.framework.component
The input status of a control.
ControlConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Constraints on a component in a container control.
ControlConstraints() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ControlConstraints
Default constructor.
ControlConstraints(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ControlConstraints
Enabled constructor.
ConversionException - Exception in io.guise.framework.converter
Exception representing a conversion error.
ConversionException() - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.converter.ConversionException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
ConversionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.converter.ConversionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ConversionException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.converter.ConversionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and value object.
ConversionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.converter.ConversionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ConversionException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.converter.ConversionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, and value object.
ConversionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.converter.ConversionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()).
convertDateLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a date value in the date value space.
convertDateValue(Date) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter
Converts a value from a date value space to a literal value in the lexical space.
Converter<V,​L> - Interface in io.guise.framework.converter
Indicates an object that can convert a value from and to its lexical form.
CONVERTER_INVALID_VALUE_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The resource reference for a converter message indicating that a value is invalid.
CONVERTER_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ValueControl
The converter bound property.
ConverterInfoModelValueRepresentationStrategy(Class<? extends Component>, Converter<VV, String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl.ConverterInfoModelValueRepresentationStrategy
Converter constructor.
ConverterInfoModelValueRepresentationStrategy(Class<VV>, Class<? extends Component>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl.ConverterInfoModelValueRepresentationStrategy
Value class constructor with a default converter.
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractURIStringLiteralConverter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a value in the value space.
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.BooleanStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.CalendarStringLiteralConverter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a value in the value space.
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.CharArrayStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralConverter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a value in the value space.
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.DefaultStringLiteralConverter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a value in the value space.
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.DoubleStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.EmailAddressStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.FloatStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.IntegerStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralConverter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a value in the value space.
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.LongStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.PlainIntegerStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.PlainLongStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.StringStringLiteralConverter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a value in the value space.
convertLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter
convertLiteral(L) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.converter.Converter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a value in the value space.
convertValue(char[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.CharArrayStringLiteralConverter
Converts a value from the value space to a literal value in the lexical space.
convertValue(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.StringStringLiteralConverter
Converts a value from the value space to a literal value in the lexical space.
convertValue(Calendar) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.CalendarStringLiteralConverter
Converts a value from the value space to a literal value in the lexical space.
convertValue(Date) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralConverter
Converts a value from the value space to a literal value in the lexical space.
convertValue(Locale) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralConverter
convertValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter
Converts a value from the value space to a literal value in the lexical space.
convertValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractStringLiteralConverter
Converts a value from the value space to a literal value in the lexical space.
convertValue(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.converter.Converter
Converts a value from the value space to a literal value in the lexical space.
CORAL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Corner - Enum in io.guise.framework.component.layout
The four logical flow corners.
CORNER_LINE_FAR_PAGE_FAR_ARC_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line far page far corner arc size.
CORNER_LINE_FAR_PAGE_NEAR_ARC_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line far page near corner arc size.
CORNER_LINE_NEAR_PAGE_FAR_ARC_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line near page far corner arc size.
CORNER_LINE_NEAR_PAGE_NEAR_ARC_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line near page near corner arc size.
CORNFLOWER_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
CORNSILK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
COUNTRY - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
A name for the locale's country that is appropriate for display to the user.
COUNTRY_CODE_2 - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
The uppercase ISO 3166 two-letter country/region code for the locale.
COUNTRY_CODE_3 - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
The uppercase ISO 3166 three-letter country/region code for the locale.
createApplicationFrame() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Creates a frame for the application.
createApplicationFrame() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Creates a frame for the application.
createBusyComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
createBusyComponent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Creates a component to indicate Guise busy status.
createComponent(Table, TableModel, int, TableColumnModel<C>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl.DayRepresentationStrategy
createComponent(Table, TableModel, int, TableColumnModel<C>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Table.CellRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component to represent the given cell.
createComponent(Table, TableModel, int, TableColumnModel<C>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component to represent the given cell.
createComponent(TreeControl, TreeModel, TreeNodeModel<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component to represent the given tree node.
createComponent(TreeControl, TreeModel, TreeNodeModel<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.InfoModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy
createComponent(TreeControl, TreeModel, TreeNodeModel<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.TextModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy
createComponent(TreeControl, TreeModel, TreeNodeModel<N>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.TreeNodeRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component to represent the given tree node.
createComponent(ListSelectModel<Component>, Component, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl.ComponentRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component for the given list value.
createComponent(ListSelectModel<Component>, Component, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CardTabControl.CardRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component for the given list value.
createComponent(ListSelectModel<VV>, VV, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl.ConverterInfoModelValueRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component for the given list value.
createComponent(ListSelectModel<VV>, VV, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component for the given list value.
createComponent(ListSelectModel<VV>, VV, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy
Creates a component for the given list value.
createComponent(Prototype) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Creates a component appropriate for the context of this component from the given prototype.
createComponent(Prototype) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
Creates a component appropriate for the context of this component from the given prototype.
createComponent(Prototype) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Toolbar
Creates a component appropriate for the context of this component from the given prototype.
createComponent(Class<? extends Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Creates the component for the given class.
createComponent(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ComponentFactory
Creates a component for the given value.
createComponentState(TableModel.Cell<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Creates a component state to represent the given object.
createComponentState(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Creates a component state to represent the given object.
createComponentState(T) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Creates a component state to represent the given object.
createComponentState(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
createDateFormat(DateStringLiteralStyle, TimeStringLiteralStyle, Locale, TimeZone) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter
Creates a new date format object for the indicated styles and locale.
createDayRepresentationStrategy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
Creates a representation strategy for each cell in a calendar.
createDefaultColumns(Class<C>, String...) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableModel
Creates default columns with the given column names.
createDefaultConstraints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardLayout
createDefaultConstraints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowLayout
createDefaultConstraints() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.layout.Layout
Creates default constraints for the layout component.
createDefaultConstraints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.MenuLayout
createDefaultConstraints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ReferenceLayout
createDefaultConstraints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Creates default constraints for the layout component.
createDefaultConstraints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TabLayout
createFrame() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverFrameStrategy
createFrame() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.DefaultFlyoverStrategy
createInputEvent(Input) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Creates an input event for the given input.
createMessage(String) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.MessageOptionDialogFrame
Creates a message component with a message.
createNumberFormat(Locale) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter
Creates a new number format object for the indicated locale.
createOptionComponent(Notification.Option) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Creates a component to represent the given option.
createOptionComponent(O) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
Creates a component to represent the given option.
createOptionContainer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
Creates a container for holding the options.
createPropertyVetoException(Object, ValidationException, String, VV, VV) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractValueModel
Creates a property veto exception that represents a validation exception.
createSession(Platform) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Creates a new session for the application on the given platform.
createSession(Platform) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Creates a new session for the application on the given platform.
createStringResourceReference(String) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Creates a string containing a reference to the given string resource key.
createStringValueReference(String) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Creates a string containing a value that can be used as an argument in formatting.
createTempAsset(String, String, GuiseSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
createTempAsset(String, String, GuiseSession) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Creates a temporary asset available at an application navigation path.
createTempPublicResource(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
createTempPublicResource(String, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Creates a temporary resource available at a public application navigation path but with access restricted to this session.
createTypedComponentState(TableModel.Cell<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Creates a component state to represent the given object.
createURIResourceReference(String) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Creates a URI containing a reference to the given string resource key.
createValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
Creates a new value to add to the list.
createValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectEditor
Creates a new value to add to the list.
createValuedComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
Creates a component for editing a value.
createValuedComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectEditor
Creates a component for editing a value.
CRIMSON - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
CROSSHAIR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
A simple crosshair (e.g., short line segments resembling a "+" sign).
CSS_PROPERTY_BORDER_X_COLOR_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
The template for "border-?-color".
CSS_PROPERTY_BORDER_X_STYLE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
The template for "border-?-style".
CSS_PROPERTY_BORDER_X_WIDTH_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
The template for "border-?-width".
CSS_PROPERTY_BORDER_X_Y_RADIUS_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
The template for "border-?-?-radius".
CSS_PROPERTY_MARGIN_X_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
The template for "margin-?".
CSS_PROPERTY_PADDING_X_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
The template for "padding-?".
CSS_SIDES - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
The sides supported by CSS.
CSSProcessor - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
Class to parse CSS stylesheets in order to manipulate them within Guise.
CSSProcessor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSProcessor
CSSStylesheet - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
A CSS stylesheet.
CSSStylesheet() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSStylesheet
CURRENCY - io.guise.framework.converter.NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style
Money formatting.
CURRENT - io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Transition to the current item in a sequence.
Cursor - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Standard Guise cursors that are converted to predefined CSS cursors.
CURSOR_CROSSHAIR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_HELP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_MOVE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_POINTER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_PROGRESS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the cursor.
CURSOR_RESIZE_LINE_FAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_RESIZE_LINE_FAR_PAGE_FAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_RESIZE_LINE_FAR_PAGE_NEAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_RESIZE_LINE_NEAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_RESIZE_LINE_NEAR_PAGE_FAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_RESIZE_LINE_NEAR_PAGE_NEAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_RESIZE_PAGE_FAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_RESIZE_PAGE_NEAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_TEXT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CURSOR_WAIT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
CYAN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor


DARK_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_CYAN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_GOLDEN_ROD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_KHAKI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_MAGENTA - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_OLIVE_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_ORANGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_ORCHID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_RED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_SALMON - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_SEA_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_SLATE_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_SLATE_GRAY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_TURQUOISE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DARK_VIOLET - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DASHED - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
A series of dashes.
DATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
The visible date bound property.
DATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
The date bound property.
DateRangeValidator - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A range validator for dates.
DateRangeValidator() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DateRangeValidator
Default constructor with no value required and a step of one.
DateRangeValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DateRangeValidator
Value required constructor with a step of one.
DateRangeValidator(Date, Date) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DateRangeValidator
Minimum, and maximum constructor with a step of one.
DateRangeValidator(Date, Date, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DateRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, and value required constructor.
DateRangeValidator(Date, Date, Date) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DateRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, and step constructor.
DateRangeValidator(Date, Date, Date, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DateRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, step, and value required constructor.
DateStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
An object that can convert a date/time from and to a string.
DateStringLiteralConverter(DateStringLiteralStyle) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralConverter
Date style constructor with no time style.
DateStringLiteralConverter(DateStringLiteralStyle, TimeStringLiteralStyle) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralConverter
Date style and time style constructor.
DateStringLiteralStyle - Enum in io.guise.framework.converter
The style of a date in its string literal form.
DateTimeControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control that allows selection of a date and/or a time, providing separate inputs for date and time with the option of a calendar popup.
DateTimeControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
Default constructor with a default data model.
DateTimeControl(ValueModel<Date>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
Value model constructor.
DateTimeFieldsControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control that allows selection of a date and/or a time, providing separate inputs for date/time fields with the option of a calendar popup.
DateTimeFieldsControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
Default constructor with a default data model.
DateTimeFieldsControl(ValueModel<Date>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
Value model constructor.
DAY_OF_WEEK - io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
The day of the week, such as Tuesday.
DAY_OF_WEEK_SHORT - io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
The abbreviated day of the week, such as Tue.
DayRepresentationStrategy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl.DayRepresentationStrategy
DecimalRangeValidator<V extends java.lang.Number & java.lang.Comparable<V>> - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A range validator for decimal numbers such as floating point numbers that uses BigInteger for validation accuracy.
DecimalRangeValidator() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DecimalRangeValidator
Default constructor with no value required and a step of one.
DecimalRangeValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DecimalRangeValidator
Value required constructor with a step of one.
DecimalRangeValidator(V, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DecimalRangeValidator
Minimum, and maximum constructor with no step.
DecimalRangeValidator(V, V, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DecimalRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, and value required constructor.
DecimalRangeValidator(V, V, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DecimalRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, and step constructor.
DecimalRangeValidator(V, V, V, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.DecimalRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, step, and value required constructor.
decorateID(String, String, String) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Modifies an ID (such as a component ID or a style ID) by adding a prefix and/or suffix as needed.
DECREASING - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.Direction
Right-to-left lines or bottom-to-top pages.
DEEP_PINK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DEEP_SKY_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
DEFAULT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
The platform-dependent default cursor.
DEFAULT_EXPORT_STRATEGY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractImageComponent
The default export strategy for this component type.
DEFAULT_EXPORT_STRATEGY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLabel
The default export strategy for this component type.
DEFAULT_EXPORT_STRATEGY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
The default export strategy for this component type.
DEFAULT_FORCE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
The default action force.
DEFAULT_IMPORT_STRATEGY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
The default import strategy for this component type.
DEFAULT_OPTION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
The default action option.
DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
The default polling interval in milliseconds.
DEFAULT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_BASE_NAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The default base name of the Guise resource bundle.
DefaultActionModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default implementation of an action model.
DefaultActionModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
DefaultApplicationFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Default implementation of an application frame with no default component.
DefaultApplicationFrame() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultApplicationFrame
Default constructor.
DefaultApplicationFrame(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultApplicationFrame
Component constructor.
DefaultCellMessage(TableModel, TableModel.Cell<C>, Converter<? super C, String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellMessage
Constructs a default message for a cell.
DefaultCellRepresentationStrategy(Converter<V, String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellRepresentationStrategy
Converter constructor.
DefaultCellValueModel(TableModel, TableModel.Cell<C>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellValueModel
Constructs a default value model for a cell.
DefaultDialogFrame<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Default implementation of a frame meant for communication of a value.
DefaultDialogFrame(ValueModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultDialogFrame
Value model constructor.
DefaultDialogFrame(ValueModel<V>, Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultDialogFrame
Value model and component constructor.
DefaultDialogFrame(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultDialogFrame
Value class constructor.
DefaultDialogFrame(Class<V>, Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultDialogFrame
Value class and component constructor.
DefaultEnableable - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default implementation of an object that can be enabled or disabled.
DefaultEnableable() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultEnableable
DefaultEnvironment - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The default implementation of the platform user local environment.
DefaultEnvironment() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.DefaultEnvironment
DefaultFlyoverFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Default implementation of a flyover frame with default layout panel.
DefaultFlyoverFrame() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultFlyoverFrame
Default constructor.
DefaultFlyoverFrame(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultFlyoverFrame
Component constructor.
DefaultFlyoverStrategy(S) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.DefaultFlyoverStrategy
Component constructor.
DefaultFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Default implementation of a nonmodal frame with default layout panel.
DefaultFrame() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultFrame
Default constructor with a default layout panel child component.
DefaultFrame(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultFrame
Component constructor.
DefaultGuiseApplication - Class in io.guise.framework
The default implementation of a Guise application.
DefaultGuiseApplication() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.DefaultGuiseApplication
Default constructor with no identifier.
DefaultGuiseApplication(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.DefaultGuiseApplication
URI constructor.
DefaultGuiseSession - Class in io.guise.framework
A default implementation of a Guise session.
DefaultGuiseSession(GuiseApplication, Platform) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.DefaultGuiseSession
Application and platform constructor.
DefaultImageModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default implementation of a model for an image.
DefaultImageModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultImageModel
Default constructor.
DefaultImageModel(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultImageModel
Image URI constructor.
DefaultInfoModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default implementation of a model for a label and descriptive information.
DefaultInfoModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
Default constructor.
DefaultInfoModel(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
Label constructor.
DefaultInfoModel(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
Label and glyph URI constructor.
DefaultInputFocusStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.event
The default strategy for determining current input focus and progression of input focus.
DefaultInputFocusStrategy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.DefaultInputFocusStrategy
DefaultLabelModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default implementation of a model for an identifier such as text and/or an icon.
DefaultLabelModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
Default constructor.
DefaultLabelModel(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
Label constructor.
DefaultLabelModel(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
Label and glyph URI constructor.
DefaultListSelectEditor<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
The default implementation for editing values in a list model.
DefaultListSelectEditor(ListSelectModel<V>, Class<? extends ValuedComponent<V>>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectEditor
List select model and valued component constructor.
DefaultListSelectModel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
The default implementation of a model for selecting one or more values from a list.
DefaultListSelectModel(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Constructs a list select model indicating the type of values it can hold, using a default multiple selection strategy.
DefaultListSelectModel(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Constructs a list select model indicating the type of values it can hold.
DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An encapsulation of the state of a value in the model.
DefaultMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
The default strategy for keeping track of prototype providers and working with provisioned prototypes, merging them into a menu and/or a toolbar.
DefaultMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy(CompositeComponent, Menu, Toolbar, PrototypeProvider...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.DefaultMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Parent component, menu, toolbar, and prototype providers constructor.
DefaultModalFrame<R> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Default implementation of a modal frame with a default layout panel.
DefaultModalFrame() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultModalFrame
Default constructor with a default layout panel.
DefaultModalFrame(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultModalFrame
Component constructor.
DefaultModalNavigationPanel<R> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Default implementation of a panel that represents a point of modal navigation with default region layout.
DefaultModalNavigationPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultModalNavigationPanel
Default constructor with a default region layout.
DefaultModalNavigationPanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultModalNavigationPanel
Layout constructor.
DefaultNavigationModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default implementation of a model for identifying a navigation path.
DefaultNavigationModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultNavigationModel
Default constructor.
DefaultNavigationModel(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultNavigationModel
Navigation path constructor.
DefaultProduct - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The default implementation of a product with no brand.
DefaultProduct(String, String, String, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.DefaultProduct
ID, name, and version constructor.
DefaultProduct(String, String, String, double, int[]) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.DefaultProduct
ID, name, and version constructor.
DefaultPrototypeProvider() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.DefaultPrototypeProvider
DefaultStringLiteralConverter<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts any object to a string literal using its Object.toString() method.
DefaultStringLiteralConverter(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.DefaultStringLiteralConverter
Constructs a default string literal converter indicating the type of value to convert.
DefaultTableColumnModel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
The default implementation of a column in a table.
DefaultTableColumnModel(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
Value class constructor.
DefaultTableColumnModel(Class<V>, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
Value class and label constructor.
DefaultTableColumnModel(Class<V>, String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
Value class, label, and glyph URI constructor.
DefaultTableModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
The default implementation of a table model.
DefaultTableModel(TableColumnModel<?>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a default table model indicating the type of values it can hold along with column definitions.
DefaultTableModel(Class<C>, C[][], String...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a default table model indicating the type of values it can hold and column names.
DefaultTableModel(Class<C>, String...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a default table model indicating the type of values it can hold, using default column models.
DefaultTableModel(Object[][], TableColumnModel<?>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a default table model indicating the type of values it can hold.
DefaultTextModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
The default implementation of a model for text and an associated label.
DefaultTextModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTextModel
Default constructor.
DefaultTextModel(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTextModel
Text constructor with a default Text.PLAIN_CONTENT_TYPE content type.
DefaultTextModel(String, ContentType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTextModel
Text and content type constructor
DefaultTransferable(ImageComponent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractImageComponent.DefaultTransferable
Source constructor.
DefaultTransferable(LabelComponent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLabel.DefaultTransferable
Source constructor.
DefaultTransferable(TextControl<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl.DefaultTransferable
Source constructor.
DefaultTreeModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default implementation of a tree model.
DefaultTreeModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
Default constructor with a dummy root tree node.
DefaultTreeModel(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
Root node constructor.
DefaultTreeNodeModel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default node in a tree model.
DefaultTreeNodeModel(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
Constructs a tree node model indicating the type of value it can hold.
DefaultTreeNodeModel(Class<V>, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
Constructs a tree node model indicating the type of value it can hold, along with an initial value.
DefaultURIStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A URI converter that allows any URI allowed by the URI class, even relative URIs.
DefaultURIStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.DefaultURIStringLiteralConverter
DefaultValueModel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A default implementation of a model representing a value.
DefaultValueModel(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultValueModel
Constructs a value model indicating the type of value it can hold.
DefaultValueModel(Class<V>, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultValueModel
Constructs a value model indicating the type of value it can hold, along with an initial value.
DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy(Converter<V, String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy
Converter constructor.
DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy(Converter<VV, String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy
Converter constructor.
DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy
Value class constructor with a default converter.
DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy(Class<VV>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy
Value class constructor with a default converter.
DefaultWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The default web depictor for a platform file collector.
DefaultWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.DefaultWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor
DefaultWebUserAgentProduct - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The default implementation of the identification of the user agent client, such as a browser, accessing Guise on the web platform.
DefaultWebUserAgentProduct(String, WebUserAgentProduct.Brand, String, String, double, int[], Iterable<ContentType>, Iterable<Locale>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.DefaultWebUserAgentProduct
ID, brand, name, and version constructor.
DELAY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.effect.Effect
The delay bound property.
DelayEffect - Class in io.guise.framework.component.effect
An effect for simple delay.
DelayEffect() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.effect.DelayEffect
Default constructor with no delay.
DelayEffect(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.effect.DelayEffect
Delay constructor.
DELETE - io.guise.framework.input.Key
DELETE - io.guise.framework.input.ResourceCommand
The command deleting a resource.
DELETE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
deleteLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Removes the current label by setting it to null.
depict() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
depict() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Updates the depiction of the object.
depict() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
depict() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
Updates the depiction of the object.
depict() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictedObject
Updates the depiction of the object.
depict() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
Updates the depiction of the object.
depict() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Updates the depiction of the object.
DEPICT_ID_STRING_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
The prefix used for creating depict ID strings on this platform.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAccordionMenuDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebButtonDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCardPanelDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCustomButtonDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDropMenuDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFieldsetDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFileInputDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFrameDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebHeadingLinkDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageBooleanSelectActionControlViewer
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLabelPanelDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLayoutComponentDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLinkDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPictureDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSliderDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabbedPanelDepictor
Begins the depiction process.
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
depictBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Depicts the body of the component.
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebFrameDepictor
Depicts the body of the component.
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook.WebIFrameLikeButtonDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
Depicts the body of the component.
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLabelDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLinkDepictor
Depicts the body of the component.
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebMessageDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSliderDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
depictBody() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
depictChild(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Depicts a single child.
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Depicts any child components.
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
Depicts any child components.
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAccordionMenuDepictor
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebListDepictor
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectDepictor
Depicts any child components.
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabDepictor
Depicts any child components.
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextBoxDepictor
Depicts any child components.
depictChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
DepictContext - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
Encapsulation of information related to the current depiction.
DepictedCompositeComponentListener() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor.DepictedCompositeComponentListener
DepictedObject - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
An object that can be depicted on some platform.
depictedObjectPropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Called when a depicted object bound property is changed.
depictedObjectPropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
Called when a depicted object bound property is changed.
depictedObjectPropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
Called when a depicted object bound property is changed.
depictedObjectPropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageDepictor
Called when a depicted object bound property is changed.
depictedObjectPropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor
Called when a depicted object bound property is changed.
DepictedPropertyChangeListener() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor.DepictedPropertyChangeListener
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAccordionMenuDepictor
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCardPanelDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDropMenuDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFrameDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebHeadingLinkDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLabelPanelDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPictureDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSliderDepictor
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabbedPanelDepictor
Ends the depiction process.
depictEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
DepictEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
An event to or from a depicted object on some platform.
Depictor<O extends DepictedObject> - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
A strategy for depicting objects on some platform.
dereferenceString(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
dereferenceString(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Dereferences a string by replacing any string references with a string from the resources.
dereferenceURI(URI, String...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
dereferenceURI(URI, String...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Dereferences a URI by looking up any references from the resources if necessary.
DESCENDANT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Combinator
DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
The description content type bound property.
DESCRIPTION_DISPLAYED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.Picture
The bound property of whether the description is displayed.
DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
The description bound property.
Destination - Interface in io.guise.framework
Description of a navigation point, its properties, and its restrictions.
DESTINATION_BOOKMARK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
The bound property of the destination bookmark.
DESTINATION_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
The bound property of the destination URI.
DESTINATION_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand
The property for specifying the destination URI of a file upload.
DESTINATION_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor.ResourceCollectCommand
The property for specifying the destination URI of the resources to receive.
DestinationResource(URI, UrfResourceDescription, HTTPServletGuiseContainer, GuiseApplication, GuiseSession, ResourceReadDestination, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet.DestinationResource
Constructs a resource with a reference URI and resource description, along with the Guise container, application, session, and resource destination.
destroy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
destroy() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Called when the session is destroyed.
destroy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
determineChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DynamicTreeNodeModel
Dynamically determines children.
determineChildrenValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Checks the state of child components for validity.
determineChildrenValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Checks the state of child components for validity.
determineComponentState(T) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Retrieves a component state for the given object.
determineLeaf() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DynamicTreeNodeModel
Dynamically determines whether this node is a leaf.
determineStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
Checks the user input status of the control.
determineStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
Checks the user input status of the control.
determineStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
Checks the user input status of the control.
determineStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Checks the user input status of the control.
determineStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
Checks the user input status of the control.
determineStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Checks the user input status of the control.
determineStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Checks the user input status of the control.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
Checks the state of the component for validity.
determineValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Checks the state of the component for validity.
DialogFrame<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A frame for communication of a value.
DIM_GRAY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Dimensions - Class in io.guise.framework.geometry
A measurement of an object's width, height, and depth along the X, Y, and Z dimensions, respectively.
Dimensions(double, double, double, Unit) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
Width, height, and depth unit constructor.
Dimensions(double, double, Unit) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
Width and height unit constructor with a depth of one.
Dimensions(double, Unit, double, Unit) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
Width unit and height unit constructor with a depth of one.
Dimensions(Extent, Extent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
Width and height extent constructor with a default depth of zero pixels.
Dimensions(Extent, Extent, Extent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
Width, height, and depth extent constructor.
DIR_LTR_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating left-to-right line direction.
DIR_RTL_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating right-to-left line direction.
DISABLED_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating disabled state.
discontinuePollInterval(DepictedObject) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
discontinuePollInterval(DepictedObject) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
Indicates that a depicted object no longer requests a particular polling interval.
dispatchInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Dispatches an input event to this component and all child components, if any.
dispatchInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
dispatchInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Dispatches an input event to this component and all child components, if any.
dispatchInputEvent(InputEvent, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Dispatches an input event to the specified target child hierarchy.
DISPLAY_ROW_COUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
The display row count bound property.
DISPLAY_ROW_START_INDEX_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
The display row start index bound property.
Displayable - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
An object that can be displayed or made to be hidden.
DISPLAYED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.Displayable
The bound property of whether the object is displayed or has no representation, taking up no space.
DODGER_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
DOM_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the DOM JavaScript file, relative to the application.
DOM_MIN_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the compressed DOM JavaScript file, relative to the application.
DOMREADY_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the domready JavaScript file, relative to the application.
DOMREADY_MIN_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the compressed domready JavaScript file, relative to the application.
doPut(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
DOT_DASH - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
Alternating dots and dashes.
DOT_DOT_DASH - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
Two dots and a dash.
DOTTED - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
A series of dots.
DOUBLE - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
Two parallel solid lines with some spaces between them, the lines together with the space equalling any line width specified.
DoubleStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts a Double from and to a string literal.
DoubleStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.DoubleStringLiteralConverter
Default constructor with a default number style.
DoubleStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.DoubleStringLiteralConverter
Style constructor.
DoubleStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style, Currency) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.DoubleStringLiteralConverter
Style, and currency constructor.
DOWN - io.guise.framework.input.Key
DOWN - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
DRAG_ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of whether the component has dragging enabled.
DRAG_HANDLE_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The handle of a drag source.
DRAG_SOURCE_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The potential source of a drag and drop operation.
DROP - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
The end of a drag-and-drop operation.
DROP_ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of whether the component has dropping enabled.
DROP_TARGET_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The potential target of a drag and drop operation.
DropMenu - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A menu that drops its children down from the top or over to the side.
DropMenu(Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DropMenu
Axis constructor.
DropMenu(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DropMenu
Info model, action model, enableable, and menu layout constructor.
DropMenu(MenuPrototype, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.DropMenu
Prototype and axis constructor.
DummyTreeNodeModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A dummy tree node that holds no value and, if placed as the root of a tree, will not be displayed.
DummyTreeNodeModel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DummyTreeNodeModel
Constructs a dummy tree node model.
DynamicTreeNodeModel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A node in a tree model that can dynamically load its children when needed.
DynamicTreeNodeModel(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DynamicTreeNodeModel
Constructs a tree node model indicating the type of value it can hold.
DynamicTreeNodeModel(Class<V>, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DynamicTreeNodeModel
Constructs a tree node model indicating the type of value it can hold, along with an initial value.


EAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
EAST_BY_NORTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
EAST_BY_SOUTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
EAST_NORTHEAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
EAST_SOUTHEAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
EDIT - io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl.Mode
EDIT - io.guise.framework.input.ResourceCommand
The command for editing a resource.
EDIT_MENU_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
EDITABLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.EditComponent
The editable bound property.
EditComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that has content that can be edited.
EditComponentLabelControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control that allows a component's label to be edited in-place.
EditComponentLabelControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentLabelControl
Default constructor with a default label component, default text edit control, and Flow.LINE layout.
EditComponentLabelControl(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentLabelControl
Label component constructor with default text edit control and Flow.LINE flow.
EditComponentLabelControl(Component, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentLabelControl
Label component and flow constructor with default text edit control.
EditComponentLabelControl(Component, ValueControl<String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentLabelControl
Label component and value control constructor with default Flow.LINE flow.
EditComponentLabelControl(Component, ValueControl<String>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentLabelControl
Label component, value control, and flow constructor.
EditComponentLabelControl(Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentLabelControl
Flow constructor with a default label component and text edit control.
EditComponentTextControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control that allows a text component's text to be edited in-place.
EditComponentTextControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentTextControl
Default constructor with a default text component, default text edit control, and Flow.LINE layout.
EditComponentTextControl(Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentTextControl
Flow constructor with a default text component and text edit control.
EditComponentTextControl(TextBox) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentTextControl
Text component constructor with default text edit control and Flow.LINE flow.
EditComponentTextControl(TextBox, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentTextControl
Text component and flow constructor with default text edit control.
EditComponentTextControl(TextBox, ValueControl<String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentTextControl
Text component and value control constructor with default Flow.LINE flow.
EditComponentTextControl(TextBox, ValueControl<String>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentTextControl
Text component, value control, and flow constructor.
edited(EditEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.EditListener
Called when a coarse-grained edit has occurred.
EditEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating that coarse-grained editing occurred.
EditEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.EditEvent
Source constructor.
EditEvent(Object, EditEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.EditEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
EditEvent(Object, Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.EditEvent
Source and target constructor.
editLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Initiates editing.
EditListenable - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that allows the registration of edit listeners.
EditListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for edit events.
editValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
editValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
Edits the currently selected value in the list.
editValue(V, int, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
Commences editing a value.
Effect - Interface in io.guise.framework.component.effect
Encapsulates information for a component effect.
ELEMENT_IMG_ATTRIBUTE_ORIGINAL_SRC - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise image attribute indicating the original source location of the image.
ELEMENT_IMG_ATTRIBUTE_ROLLOVER_SRC - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise image attribute indicating the source location of the image to be used for rollovers.
ELEMENT_TEXTAREA_ATTRIBUTE_MULTILINE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The Guise textarea attribute indicating whether the user should be allowed to enter multiple physical lines; value is "true" or "false".
ElementState(URI, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext.ElementState
elffWriterInitializer - Variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
The initializer for initializing ELFF writers.
elffWriterUninitializer - Variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
The uninitializer for uninitializing ELFF writers.
ELLIPSE - io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl.CheckType
A round fill-in oval, such as a circle.
EM - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
The size of a font.
EmailAddressStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts an EmailAddress from and to a string literal.
EmailAddressStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.EmailAddressStringLiteralConverter
EMPTY_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
A predefined rectangle with zero size on the zero plane.
Enableable - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
An object that can be enabled or disabled.
ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.Enableable
The enabled bound property.
enabledPropertyChange(boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
Called when the enabled property changes.
enabledPropertyChange(boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
Called when the enabled property changes.
encode(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
Encodes text information for writing.
encode(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
Encodes text information for writing.
END - io.guise.framework.input.Key
END - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
endModal(R) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractModalFrame
Ends this frame's modal interaction and navigates either to the previous modal navigation or to this frame's referring URI, if any.
endModal(R) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractModalNavigationPanel
Ends this navigation panel's modal interaction and navigates either to the previous modal navigation or to this navigation panel's referring URI, if any.
endModal(R) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultModalNavigationPanel
endModalNavigation(ModalNavigationPanel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
endModalNavigation(ModalNavigationPanel<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Ends modal interaction for a particular modal panel.
ENTER - io.guise.framework.input.Key
ENTER - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
Environment - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
Access to the platform user local environment.
ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The environment bound property.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
@return true if the given object is another orientation with the same line and page directions.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.KeystrokeInput
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.MouseClickInput
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.TableModel.Cell
Determines whether the given object is equal to this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.ClassSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.IDSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.PseudoClass
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.TypeSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.AbstractModeledColor
equals(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.ResourceColor
ERROR - io.guise.framework.component.Control.Status
The input is incorrect.
ERROR - io.guise.framework.model.InformationLevel
Indicates an unexpected condition representing an error.
ERROR - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
Indicates an unexpected condition representing an error.
ERROR_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating error status.
ESCAPE - io.guise.framework.input.Key
ESCAPE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
EUR_CURRENCY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.converter.NumberStringLiteralConverter
Euro currency.
EX - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
The x-height of a font.
EXCLUSIVE - io.guise.framework.component.Frame.Mode
exists(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
exists(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.Destination
Determines if the given path does indeed exist for this destination.
exists(HttpServletRequest, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
EXPANDED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
The expanded bound property.
ExportStrategy<C extends Component> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component.transfer
A strategy for exporting data from a component.
exportTransfer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
exportTransfer() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Exports data from the component.
exportTransfer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
exportTransfer() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictedObject
Exports data from the depicted object.
exportTransfer(C) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.transfer.ExportStrategy
Exports data from the given component.
Extent - Class in io.guise.framework.geometry
A measurement such as a length, area, or volume.
Extent(double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
Value constructor for a one-dimensional pixel extent.
Extent(double, Unit) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
Value and unit constructor with a degree of one.
Extent(double, Unit, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
Value, unit, and degree constructor.


F1 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F1 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F10 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F10 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F11 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F11 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F12 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F12 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F2 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F2 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F3 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F3 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F4 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F4 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F5 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F5 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F6 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F6 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F7 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F7 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F8 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F8 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
F9 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
F9 - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
Facebook - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook
Values and definitions for working with Facebook.
Facebook() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook.Facebook
FACEBOOK_PLUGIN_LIKE_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook.Facebook
The URI for the Facebook Like plugin.
FAIL - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
FAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.End
The far end of the flow.
FELDSPAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
fetched(CacheFetchEvent<Q, V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel.CachedImageListener
FILE_BROWSE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand
The command to allow the user to browse to select a file.
FILE_CANCEL - io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand
The command to cancel a transfer.
FILE_UPLOAD - io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand
The command to initiate an upload.
FILEDATA_FORM_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.adobe.Flash
The field name Flash uses for flash.net.FileReference multipart/form-data uploads.
FileItemResourceImport - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A resource import that accesses a web file upload through the Apache commons file item interface.
FileItemResourceImport(FileItem) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
File item constructor.
finalize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
findConcern(Class<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
findConcern(Class<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
findConcern(Class<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.GuiseSessionThreadGroup
finish() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Finishes the sequence.
FINISH - io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Finish the sequence.
FIRE_BRICK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
Fires an action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
fireChildComponentAdded(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Fires a component added event to all registered composite component listeners.
fireChildComponentAdded(ComponentEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Fires a given component added event to all registered composite component listeners.
fireChildComponentAdded(ComponentEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Fires a given component added event to all registered composite component listeners.
fireChildComponentRemoved(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Fires a component removed event to all registered composite component listeners.
fireChildComponentRemoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Fires a given component removed event to all registered composite component listeners.
fireChildComponentRemoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Fires a given component removed event to all registered composite component listeners.
fireConstraintsPropertyChange(Component, T, String, V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
Reports that the bound property of a component's constraints has changed.
fireEdited() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Fires an edit event to all registered edit listeners.
fireEdited() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValueControl
Fires an edit event to all registered edit listeners.
fireEdited() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValuePanel
Fires an edit event to all registered edit listeners.
fireEdited() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Fires an edit event to all registered edit listeners.
fireEdited(EditEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Fires a given edit event to all registered edit listeners.
fireEdited(EditEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValueControl
Fires a given edit event to all registered edit listeners.
fireEdited(EditEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValuePanel
Fires a given edit event to all registered edit listeners.
fireEdited(EditEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Fires a given edit event to all registered edit listeners.
FIREFOX - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Firefox browser.
fireInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
fireInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Fire the given even to all registered listeners, if any.
fireListModified(int, V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
Fires an event to all registered list listeners indicating the list was modified.
fireListModified(int, V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Fires an event to all registered list listeners indicating the list was modified.
fireNavigated(Component, NavigationEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Fires a NavigationEvent to all NavigationListeners in the given component hierarchy.
fireNavigated(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
fireNavigated(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Fires a NavigationEvent to all NavigationListeners in the session application frame hierarchy.
fireNotified(NotificationEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Fires an event to all registered notification listeners with the new notification information.
fireNotified(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Fires an event to all registered notification listeners with the new notification information.
fireProgressed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Fires a progress event to all registered progress listeners with the current .
fireProgressed(long, long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Fires a progress event to all registered progress listeners.
fireProgressed(TaskState, long, long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
Fires a progress event to all registered progress listeners.
fireProgressed(TaskState, long, long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformFile
fireProgressed(ProgressEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Fires a given progress event to all registered progress listeners.
fireProgressed(ProgressEvent<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Fires a given progress event to all registered progress listeners.
fireProgressed(ProgressEvent<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Fires a given progress event to all registered progress listeners.
fireProgressed(ProgressEvent<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
Fires a given progress event to all registered progress listeners.
fireProgressed(ProgressEvent<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Fires a given progress event to all registered progress listeners.
fireProgressed(String, TaskState, long, long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Fires a progress event to all registered progress listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, VV, VV) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
firePropertyChange(String, VV, VV) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
firePropertyChange(String, VV, VV) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
firePropertyChange(String, VV, VV) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
firePropertyChange(String, VV, VV) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
firePropertyChange(String, VV, VV) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
fireProxiedPrototypeBoundPropertyChanges(P, P) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableableProxyPrototype
Fires appropriate property change events for the bound properties of the proxied prototype This implementation fires property change events for the following properties: LabelModel.LABEL_PROPERTY LabelModel.LABEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY LabelModel.GLYPH_URI_PROPERTY InfoModel.DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY InfoModel.DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY InfoModel.INFO_PROPERTY InfoModel.INFO_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY
fireProxiedPrototypeBoundPropertyChanges(P, P) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
Fires appropriate property change events for the bound properties of the proxied prototype This implementation fires property change events for the following properties: LabelModel.LABEL_PROPERTY LabelModel.LABEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY LabelModel.GLYPH_URI_PROPERTY InfoModel.DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY InfoModel.DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY InfoModel.INFO_PROPERTY InfoModel.INFO_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY
fireSelectionChanged(Integer, Integer) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Fires an event to all registered selection listeners indicating the selection changed.
fireSelectionChanged(Integer, Integer) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
Fires an event to all registered selection listeners indicating the selection changed.
fireSelectionChanged(Integer, Integer) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Fires an event to all registered selection listeners indicating the selection changed.
FIRST - io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Transition to the first item in a sequence.
FIXED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The bound property of the fixed setting.
Flash - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A component representing a Macromedia Flash object.
Flash - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.adobe
Information related to Adobe Flash.
Flash() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Flash
Flash() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.adobe.Flash
FLASH_CLASS_ID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The Shockwave Flash player class ID.
FLASH_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The content type for Flash objects.
FLASH_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.Flash
The flash URI bound property.
FloatStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts a Float from and to a string literal.
FloatStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.FloatStringLiteralConverter
Default constructor with a default number style.
FloatStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.FloatStringLiteralConverter
Style constructor.
FloatStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style, Currency) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.FloatStringLiteralConverter
Style, and currency constructor.
FLORAL_WHITE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Flow - Enum in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Indicates a logical flow axis.
FLOW_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
The bound property of the flow.
FLOW_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
The flow bound property.
FLOW_REGION_COUNT - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
The number of regions for each of the the line and page flows.
Flow.Direction - Enum in io.guise.framework.component.layout
The flow direction for a line or page, relative to the origin in the top, left-hand corner of the area.
Flow.End - Enum in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Indicates an end of a flow, relative to a direction.
FlowConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Constraints on individual component flow.
FlowConstraints() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowConstraints
FlowLayout - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A layout that flows information along an axis.
FlowLayout() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowLayout
Default constructor with Flow.PAGE layout.
FlowLayout(Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowLayout
Flow constructor with no wrapping.
FlowLayout(Flow, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowLayout
Flow and wrap constructor.
FlowOrientation - Enum in io.guise.framework.component.layout
The orientation of a particular flow; its axis and direction.
FLYOVER_ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of whether the component has flyovers enabled.
FLYOVER_STRATEGY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of the strategy controlling flyovers.
FlyoverFrame - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A frame for flyovers.
FOCUS - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
A focus change.
FocusedInputEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An input event such as a keypress that is directed towards the component with input focus.
FONT_FAMILIES_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the font families.
FONT_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the font size.
FONT_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the font style.
FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bold font weight.
FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The normal font weight.
FONT_WEIGHT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the font weight.
FontStyle - Enum in io.guise.framework.style
The style of a font.
FOOTER - io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent.SectionType
A footer of a larger section.
FOREST_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
FORM_ID_SEGMENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
The ID segment for the form.
Frame - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A root-level component such as a window or an HTML page.
FRAME_CLOSE_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix identifying the frame close control.
FRAME_CLOSED_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for a closed frame.
FRAME_MENU_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix identifying the frame menu.
FRAME_MODAL_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for an open, modal frame.
FRAME_NONMODAL_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for an open, nonmodal frame.
FRAME_TETHER_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix identifying the frame tether.
FRAME_TITLE_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix identifying the frame title.
FRAME_TITLE_CONTROLS_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix identifying the frame title controls.
Frame.Mode - Enum in io.guise.framework.component
The mode of this component; whether the frame is in exclusive interaction with the user.
Frame.State - Enum in io.guise.framework.component
The state of the frame.
FrameMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
The default strategy for keeping track of prototype providers and working with provisioned prototypes, merging them into the current menu and/or a toolbar of a frame.
FrameMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy(Frame, PrototypeProvider...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.FrameMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Frame prototype providers constructor.
FRONT - io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
The back side.
FUCHSIA - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
FULL - io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
A completely specified representation, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD.
FULL - io.guise.framework.converter.TimeStringLiteralStyle
A completely specified representation, such as 3:30:42pm PST


GAINSBORO - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
GAP_AFTER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
The bound property of the gap after flowed components.
GAP_BEFORE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
The bound property of the gap before flowed components.
GAP_BETWEEN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
The bound property of the gap between flowed components.
gatherPrototypeProvisions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Gather prototype provisions from the known prototype providers.
GENERAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
The property indicating general depicted object changes.
GENERAL_SIBLING - io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Combinator
generateDepictID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
generateDepictID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Generates a new depict ID unique to this session platform.
GestureInput - Interface in io.guise.framework.input
An encapsulation of user input from a gesture.
GestureInputEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing information on input from a user gesture.
get(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
get(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
Returns the component at the specified index in the component.
get(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
get(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Returns the component at the specified index in the container.
get(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
getAbbreviation() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
getAboutApplicationActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getAboutApplicationActionPrototype() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getAbsoluteAlpha8() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
getAbsoluteBlue8() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
getAbsoluteComponent(C, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.AbstractModeledColor
getAbsoluteComponent(C, int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.style.ModeledColor
Determines the absolute value of the given color component with the given bit depth.
getAbsoluteGreen8() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
getAbsoluteRed8() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
getAcceptActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
getAcceptedContentTypes() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.ClientProduct
getAcceptedContentTypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.DefaultWebUserAgentProduct
getAcceptedContentTypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
getAcceptedExtensions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
getAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
getActionID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebActionDepictEvent
getActionInputID(ApplicationFrame) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
Determines the ID to be used for the hidden field associated with the given application frame.
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
getActionListeners() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ActionModel
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
getActionListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
getActionModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
getActionModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
getActionModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
getAddedElement() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.CollectionEvent
getAdditionalNameControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
getAddSelectedIndices(ListSelectModel<V>, int[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectionPolicy
Determines which requested indices may be added to the selection.
getAddSelectedIndices(ListSelectModel<V>, int[]) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectionPolicy
Determines which requested indices may be added to the selection.
getAddSelectedIndices(ListSelectModel<V>, int[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.SingleListSelectionPolicy
Determines which requested indices may be added to the selection.
getAdvanceActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
getAlign(double, Axis, Flow.Direction) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
Determines the alignment string for an alignment on a particular axis.
getAlignment() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowConstraints
getAlignment() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
getAlignment(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the alignment of the indicated flow relative to the beginning of the alignment axis.
getAlignment(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default alignment of the indicated flow relative to the beginning of the alignment axis.
getAlpha() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
getAncestor(Class<A>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getAncestor(Class<A>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Retrieves the first ancestor of the given type.
getApplication() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getApplication() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getApplication() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
getApplication() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
getApplicationFrame() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getApplicationFrame() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getApplications() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
getApplications() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseContainer
getApply() - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Rule
getAssetInputStream(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
Retrieves an input stream to a Guise asset keyed to its location.
getAssetURL(URIPath, GuiseSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getAssetURL(URIPath, GuiseSession) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Returns a URL to the asset at the given path.
getAssetURL(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
Retrieves a URL to a Guise asset keyed to its location.
getAttributeHashAttributeQualifiedName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
getAttributeHashAttributeQualifiedName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
getAttributeMap() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext.ElementState
getAttributeValue(QualifiedName, QualifiedName, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
Retrieves the value of a given attribute.
getAudioContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
getAudioURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
getAutoCommitPattern() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
getAxis() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
getAxis() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
getAxis() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
getAxis() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
getAxis(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Determines the axis for the particular flow.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Determines the background color for rendering the component.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectableLabelDepictor
Determines the background color for rendering the component.
getBasePath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getBasePath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
getBasePath() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Reports the base path of the application.
getBasePath() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseContainer
Reports the base path of the container.
getBasePlainLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
Retrieves the plain-text base title to use when constructing a label.
getBasePlainLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DefaultApplicationFrame
Retrieves the plain-text base title to use when constructing a label.
getBaseStyleIDs(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebActionControlDepictor
Retrieves the base style IDs for the given component.
getBaseStyleIDs(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Retrieves the base style IDs for the given component.
getBaseStyleIDs(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebMenuDepictor
Retrieves the base style IDs for the given component.
getBaseStyleIDs(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSliderDepictor
Retrieves the base style IDs for the given component.
getBaseStyleIDs(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabDepictor
Retrieves the base style IDs for the given component.
getBaseURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Reports the base URI where the application is installed.
getBaseURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
getBaseURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.widget.Widget
Returns the base URI where the widget is embedded.
getBaseURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.BaseURIStringLiteralConverter
getBaseURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseContainer
Reports the base URI of the container.
getBearing() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
getBlue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
getBodyLocalName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Determines the local name of the body XML element.
getBodyLocalName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
Determines the local name of the body XML element.
getBodyNamespaceURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Determines the namespace URI of the body XML element.
getBodyStyleIDs(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Retrieves the style IDs for the main part of the component.
getBodyStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebActionControlDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.
getBodyStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.
getBodyStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebButtonDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.
getBodyStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDropMenuDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.
getBodyStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.
getBodyStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.
getBodyStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPictureDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.
getBodyStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebToolButtonDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the body element of the component.
getBookmark() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getBookmark() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.NavigationEvent
getBookmark() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Reports the current bookmark relative to the current navigation path.
getBookmark() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
getBooleanResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getBooleanResource(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a Boolean resource from the resource bundle.
getBooleanResource(String, Boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getBooleanResource(String, Boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a Boolean resource from the resource bundle, using a specified default if no such resource is available.
getBorder(Flow) - Method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Corner
Determines the border for the given flow.
getBorder(Flow, Flow.End) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
Determines the border from the flow and end.
getBorder(Side) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Determines the border that appears on the given side.
getBorderColor(Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getBorderColor(Border) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border color of the indicated border.
getBorderExtent(Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getBorderExtent(Border) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border extent of the indicated border.
getBorderStyle(Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getBorderStyle(Border) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the border style of the indicated border.
getBrand() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractBrandedProduct
getBrand() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.BrandedProduct
getBrand(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
Retrieves a brand from a given user agent name.
getBreadcrumb(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Retrieves a breadcrumb for a particular navigation path.
getBreadcrumb(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a breadcrumb for a particular navigation path.
getBreadcrumbs(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Retrieves breadcrumbs for all the segments of a particular navigation path.
getBreadcrumbs(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves breadcrumbs for all the segments of a particular navigation path.
getBrowseActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
getBrowserHeight() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getBrowserWidth() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getBuildDate() - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
getBusyID(ApplicationFrame) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
Determines the ID to be used for an element containing busy component information.
getButton() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.MouseClickEvent
getButton() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.MouseClickInput
getCache() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
getCachedImageQuery() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
getCachedImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
getCalendarButton() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
getCalendarContainer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
getCalendarTables() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
getCancelActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
getCancelActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
getCard() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
getCardControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
getCardLayout() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CardTabControl.CardRepresentationStrategy
getCards() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
getCategories() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
getCategories() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Category
getCategories() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.Destination
getCell() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellMessage
getCell() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellValueModel
getCellRepresentationStrategy(TableColumnModel<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the given cell representation strategy assigned to produce representation components for the given column.
getCellRepresentationStrategy(Class<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the given cell representation strategy assigned to produce representation components for the given value class.
getCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
getCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
getCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableModel
getCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableModel
Returns the cell value at the given row and column.
getCellValue(TableModel.Cell<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getCellValue(TableModel.Cell<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
getCellValue(TableModel.Cell<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractTableModel
getCellValue(TableModel.Cell<C>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableModel
Returns the cell value for the given cell.
getCellValue(V, int, TableColumnModel<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
Returns the value's property for the given column.
getCellValueModel(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
Returns the model representing the cell value at the given row and column.
getCheckControlName(CheckControl) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
Determines the identifier to place in the name attribute of the component's XHTML element.
getCheckType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
getChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractArrayCompositeComponent
getChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
getChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
getChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMultipleCompositeComponent
getChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
getChildComponents() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CompositeComponent
getChildComponents(CompositeComponent, Class<C>, T, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Retrieves all child components that are instances of the of the given class.
getChildFrames() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
getChildFrames() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ApplicationFrame
getChildList() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
Retrieves a list of all child components.
getChildList() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractArrayCompositeComponent
Retrieves a list of all child components.
getChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
Returns a list of children.
getChldren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSingleCompositeComponent
getClass(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractObjectTransferable
Determines the class this content type matches.
getClassName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.ClassSelector
getClassRules(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
Retrieves the set of rules that selects the class of the given object, including parent classes.
getClientAcceptedLanguages() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.ClientProduct
getClientAcceptedLanguages() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.DefaultWebUserAgentProduct
getClientProduct() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
getClientProduct() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
getClientProduct() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
getCloseActionControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getCloseActionControl() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
getCloseActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getCloseActionPrototype() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
getCode() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Button
getCode() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
getCollatorInstance() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getCollatorInstance() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Determines the color for rendering the component.
getColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectableLabelDepictor
Determines the color for rendering the component.
getColorDepth() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getColorResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getColorResource(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a Color resource from the resource bundle.
getColorResource(String, Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getColorResource(String, Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a Color resource from the resource bundle, using a specified default if no such resource is available.
getColumn() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.TableModel.Cell
getColumnCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
getColumnCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getColumnCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableModel
getColumnIndex(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getColumnIndex(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
getColumnIndex(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractTableModel
getColumnIndex(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableModel
Determines the logical index of the given table column.
getColumnLabelDateFormat() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
getColumnLabelDateStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
getColumnLabelFontFamilies(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the label font families for a given column.
getColumnLabelFontSize(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the label font size for a given column.
getColumnLabelFontStyle(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the label font style for a given column.
getColumnLabelFontWeight(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the label font weight for a given column.
getColumnPaddingExtent(TableColumnModel<?>, Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the padding extent of the indicated column border.
getColumnPaddingLineFarExtent(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the padding extent of the column line far page near border.
getColumnPaddingLineNearExtent(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the padding extent of the column line near page near border.
getColumnPaddingPageFarExtent(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the padding extent of the column line far page far border.
getColumnPaddingPageNearExtent(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Returns the padding extent of the column line near page far border.
getColumns() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getColumns() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
getColumns() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractTableModel
getColumns() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableModel
getColumnUIModel(TableColumnModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Retrieves the UI model for the given column.
getCommand() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
Determines the conventional command represented by this action.
getCommand() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.CommandEvent
getCommand() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.CommandInput
getCommand() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformCommandMessage
getCommand() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCommandDepictEvent
getCommand() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCommandMessage
getCommandListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getCompassPoint(Flow.End) - Method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
Retrieves a cardinal compass point indicating the absolute direction based upon the given flow end.
getCompassPoint(Flow.End, Flow.End) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Retrieves a cardinal or ordinal compass point indicating the absolute direction based upon the given line and/or page ends.
getCompassPoint(Flow, Flow.End) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Retrieves a cardinal compass point indicating the absolute direction based upon the given flow and end.
getCompassPoint(BigDecimal) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
Determines the closes compass point to the given bearing.
getCompletion() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
getCompletion() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
getComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
getComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent.ComponentState
getComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSingleCompositeComponent
getComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.LayoutConstraintsPropertyChangeEvent
getComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ComponentEvent
getComponent(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractArrayCompositeComponent
Returns the component at the specified index in the array.
getComponent(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.AbstractModeledColor
getComponent(C) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.style.ModeledColor
Determines the value of the given color component.
getComponent(E) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEnumCompositeComponent
Returns the component for the given enum value.
getComponent(Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCardPanel
Determines the component for navigation based upon the given bookmark.
getComponent(Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Determines the component for navigation based upon the given bookmark.
getComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Retrieves the component for the given value.
getComponent(Region) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Retrieves a component for a given region.
getComponent(TableModel.Cell<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Retrieves the component for the given object.
getComponent(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Retrieves the component for the given object.
getComponent(T) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Retrieves the component for the given object.
getComponent(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
Retrieves the component for the given object.
getComponent(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ListSelectControl
Retrieves the component for the given value.
getComponentByID(Component, long) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Retrieves a component with the given ID.
getComponentByID(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ReferenceLayout
Retrieves a component bound to a given ID.
getComponentByName(Component, String) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Retrieves a component with the given name.
getComponentClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.ComponentDestination
getComponentConstraintsChangeListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
getComponentList() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
getComponentOrientation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getComponentOrientation() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Determines the internationalization orientation of the component's contents.
getComponents(Component) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Retrieves all components, including the given component and all descendant components.
getComponents(Component, Class<C>, T, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Retrieves all components, including the given component, that are instances of the of the given class.
getComponents(Component, T) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Retrieves all components, including the given component and all descendant components.
getComponentsByDepictName(Component, String, Set<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Retrieves all descendant components, including the given component, that have a given depict name.
getComponentState(T) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Retrieves a component state for the given object.
getComponentStates() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
getConfirmActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
getConfirmingActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
getConstraints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getConstraints() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
getConstraints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.LayoutConstraintsPropertyChangeEvent
getConstraints(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
getConstraints(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.layout.Layout
Retrieves layout constraints associated with a component.
getConstraintsClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardLayout
getConstraintsClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowLayout
getConstraintsClass() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.layout.Layout
getConstraintsClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.MenuLayout
getConstraintsClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ReferenceLayout
getConstraintsClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
getConstraintsClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TabLayout
getConstraintsPropertyChangeListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
getContainer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getContainer() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
getContent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getContent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarDialogFrame
getContent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ContentComponent
getContent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
getContentContainer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
getContentHashAttributeQualifiedName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
getContentHashAttributeQualifiedName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
getContentLength() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
getContentLength() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ResourceImport
getContentLength(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet.AbstractDescriptionResource
Returns the content length of the resource.
getContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
getContentType() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ResourceImport
getContentType(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet.AbstractDescriptionResource
Returns the full content type of the resource, including any parameters.
getContentTypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractImageComponent.DefaultTransferable
getContentTypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLabel.DefaultTransferable
getContentTypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl.DefaultTransferable
getContentTypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractObjectTransferable
getContentTypes() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.transfer.Transferable
getContextAbsoluteResourcePath(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Determines the servlet context-relative absolute path of the given container-relative path.
getContinueActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
getControlContainer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
getControlPanel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
getConverter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl.ConverterInfoModelValueRepresentationStrategy
getConverter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
getConverter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
getConverter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellMessage
getConverter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellRepresentationStrategy
getConverter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy
getConverter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ValueConverterInfoModel
getCopyrightLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AboutPanel
getCorner(Flow.End, Flow.End) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Corner
Determines the corner from the given line and page ends.
getCornerArcSize(Corner) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getCornerArcSize(Corner) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the arc size for the indicated corner.
getCornerLineFarPageFarArcSize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getCornerLineFarPageFarArcSize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the arc size for the line far page far corner.
getCornerLineFarPageNearArcSize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getCornerLineFarPageNearArcSize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the arc size for the line far page near corner.
getCornerLineNearPageFarArcSize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getCornerLineNearPageFarArcSize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the arc size for the line near page far corner.
getCornerLineNearPageNearArcSize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getCornerLineNearPageNearArcSize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the arc size for the line near page near corner.
getCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.MouseClickEvent
getCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.MouseClickInput
getCSSCursor(Orientation) - Method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Retrieves the CSS cursor that corresponds to the predefined cursor based in the given component orientation.
getCSSStyleString(Map<String, Object>, Orientation) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
getCSSStyleString(Map<String, Object>, Orientation) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDepictContext
Returns a string representation of the provided style declarations.
getCurrency() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter
getCursor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getCursor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getCursor(URI) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Determines a predefined cursor from the given URI
getDate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
getDate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
getDateControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
getDateFormat() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter
Determines a date format object appropriate for the session's current locale and time zone.
getDateStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter
getDayControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
getDayOffset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
getDCSID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getDCSID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
getDeclarations() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Rule
getDefaultCC() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultValueModel
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
getDefinitionBaseURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.widget.Widget
Returns the base URI of the definition of the widget.
getDegree() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
getDelay() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.effect.AbstractEffect
getDelay() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.effect.Effect
getDeleteActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
getDepictContext() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
Retrieves information and functionality related to the current depiction on the platform.
getDepictContext() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
Retrieves information and functionality related to the current depiction on the platform.
getDepictContext() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Retrieves information and functionality related to the current depiction.
getDepictContext() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
getDepictContext() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
getDepictContext() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDepictor
getDepictContext() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
Retrieves information and functionality related to the current depiction.
getDepictedCompositeComponentListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
getDepictedObject() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictEvent
getDepictedObject() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
getDepictedObject() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictEvent
getDepictedObject() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
getDepictedObject(long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
getDepictedObject(long) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Retrieves a depicted object that has been registered with the platform by the ID of the depicted object.
getDepictedPropertyChangeListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
getDepictID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getDepictID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
getDepictID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictedObject
getDepictID(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
getDepictID(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
Returns the depicted object ID represented by the given platform-specific ID string.
getDepictIDString(long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
Generates an ID for the given depicted object appropriate for using on the platform.
getDepictIDString(long) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
Generates an ID for the given depicted object appropriate for using on the platform.
getDepictionRootURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getDepictionRootURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Reports the current depiction root URI of the session.
getDepictionURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictContext
getDepictionURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
getDepictionURI(URIPath, String...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Determines the URI to use for depiction based upon a navigation path.
getDepictionURI(URIPath, String...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Determines the URI to use for depiction based upon a navigation path.
getDepictionURI(URIPath, String...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictContext
getDepictionURI(URIPath, String...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictContext
Determines the URI to use for depiction based upon a navigation path.
getDepictionURI(URI, URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Determines the depiction URI based upon a navigation path.
getDepictionURI(URI, URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Determines the depiction URI based upon a navigation path.
getDepictionURI(URI, String...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getDepictionURI(URI, String...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Determines the URI to use for depiction based upon a navigation URI.
getDepictionURI(URI, String...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictContext
getDepictionURI(URI, String...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictContext
Determines the URI to use for depiction based upon a navigation URI.
getDepictionURI(URI, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Determines the depiction URI based upon a navigation URI.
getDepictionURI(URI, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Determines the depiction URI based upon a navigation URI.
getDepictLock() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
getDepictLock() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
getDepictName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
getDepictName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
Determines the identifier to place in the name attribute of the component's XHTML element.
getDepictName() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebComponentDepictor
Determines the identifier to place in the name attribute of the component's XHTML element, if appropriate.
getDepictor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
getDepictor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getDepictor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
getDepictor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
getDepictor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
getDepictor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictedObject
getDepictor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector
getDepictor(O) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
getDepictor(O) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Determines the depictor appropriate for the given depicted object.
getDepictorClass(Class<O>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
Determines the depictor class appropriate for the given depicted object class.
getDepictStringBuilder() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
getDepictStringBuilder() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
The string builder that holds the current content being collected, though not necessarily all the content collected.
getDepictStringBuilder() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
The string builder that holds the current content being collected, though not necessarily all the content collected.
getDepictStringBuilder() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext.ElementState
getDepictText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
getDepictText() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
getDepictURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
getDepth() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
getDepth() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
getDepth() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Returns the zero-based depth of the node within in its tree.
getDescendantComponents(CompositeComponent) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Retrieves all descendant components.
getDescendantComponents(CompositeComponent, T) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Retrieves all descendant components.
getDescription() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getDescription() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
getDescription() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
getDescription() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
getDescription() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
getDescription() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
getDescription() - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
getDescription(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
Returns a description of the resource for this destination at the given navigation path and bookmark.
getDescription(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.Destination
Returns a description of the resource for this destination at the given navigation path and bookmark.
getDescriptionContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getDescriptionContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
getDescriptionContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
getDescriptionContentType() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
getDescriptionContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
getDescriptionContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
getDestination() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractReferenceDestination
getDestination() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictContext
getDestination() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictContext
getDestination() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.ReferenceDestination
getDestination(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getDestination(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Determines the destination associated with the given application context-relative path.
getDestinationBaseURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
getDestinationBookmark() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
getDestinationBookmark() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
getDestinationBookmark() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
getDestinationComponent(ComponentDestination) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getDestinationComponent(ComponentDestination) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves the component bound to the given destination.
getDestinationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Indicates the destination path relative to the application context path.
getDestinations() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getDestinations() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Returns an iterable of destinations.
getDestinationURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
getDirection() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
getDirection(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Determines the direction of the particular flow.
getDirtyComponents(Component) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Retrieves all components that have views needing updated.
getDirtyComponents(Component, List<Component>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Retrieves all components that have views needing updated.
getDisplayRowCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getDisplayRowStartIndex() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getDocument() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextBoxDepictor.CachedDocument
getDragSource() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformDropEvent
getDropTarget() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformDropEvent
getEditActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
getEditActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
getEditActionPrototype() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
getEditControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
getEditedComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
getELFF() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
getEnableable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
getEnableable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
getEnableable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
getEnableable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
getEnableable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
getEnableable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
getEnd() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
getEnd(Flow.Direction) - Method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.Direction
Determines the end at which the given direction would arrive relative to this direction.
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getEnvironment() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
getEnvironment() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
getEnvironment() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
getError() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
getErrorMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Constructs an error message for all component errors.
getEventListenerManager() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getEventListenerManager() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModel
getEventListenerManager() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
getEventListenerManager() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
getEventListenerManager() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
getExtent(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
Returns the extent of the indicated flow.
getExtent(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the extent of the indicated flow.
getExtent(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default extent of the indicated flow.
getExtent(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getExtent(Flow) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the extent of the indicated flow.
getFacebookAdminIDs() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Indicates the Facebook administrators, if any, for this application.
getFacebookAdminIDs() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Indicates the Facebook administrators, if any, for this application.
getFacebookAdminIDs(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Indicates the Facebook administrators, if any, for the given navigation path.
getFacebookAdminIDs(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Indicates the Facebook administrators, if any, for the given navigation path.
getFacebookAppID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Indicates the Facebook application, if any.
getFacebookAppID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Indicates the Facebook application, if any.
getFacebookAppID(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Indicates the Facebook application, if any, for the given navigation path.
getFacebookAppID(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Indicates the Facebook application, if any, for the given navigation path.
getFamilyNameControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
getFileItem() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
getFinishActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
getFinishActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
getFirstActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getFlashURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Flash
getFlow() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
getFlow() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
getFlow() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
getFlow(Axis) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Determines the flow (line or page) that is aligned to the given axis.
getFlyoverStrategy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getFlyoverStrategy() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
getFontFamilies() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getFontFamilies() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getFontSize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getFontSize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getFontStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getFontStyle() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getFontWeight() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getFontWeight() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getForce() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
getFormID(ApplicationFrame) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
Determines the ID to be used for a form associated with the given application frame.
getGapAfter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
getGapBefore() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
getGapBetween() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
getGivenNameControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
getGlyph() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
getGlyph() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
getGlyph() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
getGlyph() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
getGlyph() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.model.View
getGlyphResourceReference(E) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Returns a resource reference for the glyph aspect of a resource key based upon the given enum.
getGlyphResourceReference(Class<E>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Returns a resource reference for the glyph aspect of a resource key based upon the given enum class.
getGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
getGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
getGlyphURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
getGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
getGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
getGoal() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebProgressDepictEvent
getGreen() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
getGuiseApplication() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
getGuiseAsset(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
Retrieves a Guise asset keyed to its location.
getGuiseContainer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Returns the Guise container.
getGuiseContainer(ServletContext, URI) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Retrieves the Guise container associated with the given servlet context.
getGuiseRequest() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
getGuiseSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
Retrieves the Guise session information for the current thread.
getGuiseSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.GuiseSessionThreadGroup
getGuiseSession(GuiseApplication, HttpServletRequest, HttpSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Retrieves a Guise session for the given HTTP session.
getGuiseSession(HTTPServletGuiseContainer, GuiseApplication, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseSessionManager
Retrieves a session for the given HTTP request, creating a session if necessary.
getGuiseSession(HTTPServletGuiseContainer, GuiseApplication, HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseSessionManager
Retrieves a session for the given HTTP request.
getHeadingLocalName(int) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebHeadingDepictor
Determines the local name to use for a heading based upon a heading level.
getHeight() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
getHomeDirectory() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getHomeDirectory() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Returns the home directory shared by all sessions of this application.
getHonorificPrefixControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
getHonorificSuffixControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
getHour() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getHourControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
getHTTPServletRequest() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
getHTTPSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
getHue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
getHueDegrees() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
Determines the value of the hue in degrees in the range (0.0-360.0].
getID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ReferenceConstraints
getID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractProduct
getID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Product
getID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.IDSelector
getID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformFile
getIgnoredProperties() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
getImageModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractImageComponent
getImageModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
getImageOpacity() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Picture
getImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractImageComponent
getImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
getImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultImageModel
getImageURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ImageModel
getImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
Determines the image URI to use for this component.
getImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageBooleanSelectActionControlViewer
Determines the image URI to use for this component.
getImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageDepictor
Determines the image URI to use for this component.
getIndentLevel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
getIndentLevel() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
getIndex() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ListEvent
getIndex() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel.WeekDayTableColumnModel
getInfo() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getInfo() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
getInfo() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
getInfo() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
getInfo() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
getInfo() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
getInfoContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getInfoContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
getInfoContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
getInfoContentType() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
getInfoContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
getInfoContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
getInfoModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getInfoModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
getInfoResourceReference(E) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Returns a resource reference for the info aspect of a resource key based upon the given enum.
getInfoResourceReference(Class<E>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Returns a resource reference for the info aspect of a resource key based upon the given enum class.
getInitIFrameID(ApplicationFrame) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
Determines the ID to be used for an IFrame used for shielding the UI from user input during initialization.
getInput() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.CommandEvent
getInput() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.GestureInputEvent
getInput() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.InputEvent
getInput() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.KeyboardEvent
getInput() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.KeyPressEvent
getInput() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.KeyReleaseEvent
getInput() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.MouseClickEvent
getInput() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.MouseEnterEvent
getInput() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.MouseExitEvent
getInput() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.MouseInputEvent
getInputFocusedComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getInputFocusedComponent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.InputFocusGroupComponent
Indicates the component within this group that has the input focus.
getInputFocusStrategy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getInputFocusStrategy() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.InputFocusGroupComponent
getInputStrategy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getInputStrategy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getInputStrategy() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
getInputStrategy() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getInputStream() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
getInputStream() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ResourceImport
Retrieves an input stream to the resource.
getInputStream(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getInputStream(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves an input stream to the entity at the given path.
getInputStream(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.ResourceReadDestination
Retrieves an input stream to the resource.
getInputStream(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getInputStream(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Retrieves an input stream to the entity at the given URI.
getInputStream(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves an input stream to the entity at the given URI.
getInputStream(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseContainer
Retrieves an input stream to the entity at the given URI.
getInputStream(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Retrieves an input stream to the entity at the given URI.
getInputStream(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet.DestinationResource
getInputType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
Determines the XHTML input type to use for getting input from the user.
getInputType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
Determines the XHTML input type to use for getting input from the user.
getInsertActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
getInsertActionPrototype() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
getInstance() - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
getInstance(Class<VV>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractStringLiteralConverter
Creates a default string literal converter for the value type represented by the given value class.
getIntegerResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getIntegerResource(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves an Integer resource from the resource bundle.
getIntegerResource(String, Integer) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getIntegerResource(String, Integer) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves an Integer resource from the resource bundle, using a specified default if no such resource is available.
getInterval() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
getInvalidValueMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractConverter
getInvalidValueMessage() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.converter.Converter
getInvalidValueMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
getInvalidValueMessage() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
getJavaScriptProduct() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
getJavaScriptVersion() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractKeyboardEvent
getKey() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.KeyboardEvent
getKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.KeystrokeInput
getKey() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
getKeyListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getKeys() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractGestureInputEvent
getKeys() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.GestureInputEvent
getKeys() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractGestureInput
getKeys() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.input.GestureInput
getLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
getLabel() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
getLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel.WeekDayTableColumnModel
getLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
getLabel() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
getLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.LocaleInfoModel
getLabel() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
getLabel() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
getLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ValueConverterInfoModel
getLabel() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.model.View
getLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
getLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
getLabelContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getLabelContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
getLabelContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
getLabelContentType() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
getLabelContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
getLabelContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
getLabelFontFamilies() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getLabelFontFamilies() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getLabelFontSize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getLabelFontSize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getLabelFontStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getLabelFontStyle() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getLabelFontWeight() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getLabelFontWeight() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getLabelResourceReference(E) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Returns a resource reference for the label aspect of a resource key based upon the given enum.
getLabelResourceReference(Class<E>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Returns a resource reference for the label aspect of a resource key based upon the given enum class.
getLabelStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the label of the component.
getLabelStyles(LabelModel) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the label of the component.
getLabelStyles(LabelModel, PresentationModel) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the label of the component.
getLabelStyles(LabelModel, PresentationModel) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the label of the component.
getLabelTextColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getLabelTextColor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getLanguage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getLastActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getLastComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getLastModified(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet.AbstractDescriptionResource
Returns the last modification time of the resource.
getLayout() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCardPanel
getLayout() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
getLayout() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getLayout() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
getLayout() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
getLayout() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CardContainer
getLayout() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.LayoutComponent
getLayout() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Menu
getLayout() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SpinnerControl
getLayout() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
getLevel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Heading
getLevel() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.HeadingComponent
getLevel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
getLightness() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
getLineAlignment() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
getLineAlignment() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
getLineExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
getLineExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
getLineExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the extent of the line flow.
getLineExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default extent of the line flow.
getLineExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getLineExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the extent of the line flow.
getListSelect() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
getListSelectModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getListSelectModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
getListSelectModel() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
getLocale() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getLocale() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getLocale() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.LocaleInfoModel
getLocaleResourcePath(String, Locale) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getLocaleResourcePath(String, Locale) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Determines the locale-sensitive path of the given resource path.
getLocales() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getLocales() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
getLocalName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Determines the local name of the XML element.
getLocalName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebHeadingDepictor
Determines the local name of the XML element.
getLocalName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPanelDepictor
Determines the local name of the XML element.
getLocalName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextBoxDepictor
Determines the local name of the XML element.
getLocalName(SectionComponent.SectionType) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPanelDepictor
Determines the appropriate XHTML element local name (e.g.
getLogDirectory() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getLogDirectory() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Returns the log directory shared by all sessions of this application.
getLogWriter() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getLogWriter() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getLogWriter(String, IOOperation<Writer>, IOOperation<Writer>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Retrieves a writer suitable for recording log information for the application.
getLogWriter(String, IOOperation<Writer>, IOOperation<Writer>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves a writer suitable for recording log information for the application.
getLowerActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
getLowerActionPrototype() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
getMailProperties() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getMailProperties() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Returns the properties of the mail manager.
getMailSendQueue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getMailSendQueue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves the queue used to send mail.
getMailSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getMailSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves the current mail session.
getMarginExtent(Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getMarginExtent(Border) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the margin extent of the indicated border.
getMarginLineFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getMarginLineFarExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the margin extent of the line far page near border.
getMarginLineNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getMarginLineNearExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the margin extent of the line near page near border.
getMarginPageFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getMarginPageFarExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the margin extent of the line far page far border.
getMarginPageNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getMarginPageNearExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the margin extent of the line near page far border.
getMaxContentLength() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
getMaximum() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRangeValidator
getMaximum() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.RangeValidator
getMaximumLength() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
getMaxTabCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
getMaxTabCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
getMenu() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getMenu() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
getMenu() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getMenu() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.DefaultMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getMenu() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.FrameMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Message
getMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.MessageOptionDialogFrame
getMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellMessage
getMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
getMessageContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Message
getMessageContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
getMessageDigest() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
getMillisecondControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
getMinimum() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRangeValidator
getMinimum() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.RangeValidator
getMinuteControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
getModalListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.ModalNavigation
getModalNavigation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getModalNavigation() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getMode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
getMode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getMode() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalComponent
getModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellValueModel
getModelListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateModalActionListener
getModelSet() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModelGroup
getModifiedProperties() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
getMonthCalendar() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
getMonthListControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
getMonthListControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
getMouseButton() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Button
getMouseListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getMousePosition() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractMouseEvent
getMousePosition() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.MouseEvent
getMutualExclusionGroupID(MutualExclusionPolicyModelGroup) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
Determines the ID for the mutual exclusion group.
getName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getName() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
getName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
getName() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ResourceImport
getName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
getName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractProduct
getName() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFile
getName() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Product
getNameLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AboutPanel
getNamespaceURI(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Determines the namespace URI of the XML element.
getNavigateActionListener(ActionControl) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLinkDepictor
Retrieves the first NavigateActionListener or ModalNavigationListener registered with the given action control, if any.
getNavigationComponent(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getNavigationComponent(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves the component bound to the given application context-relative path.
getNavigationDescription() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getNavigationDescription() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Returns a description of the resource for the current navigation path and bookmark.
getNavigationDescription(URIPath, Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getNavigationDescription(URIPath, Bookmark) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Returns a description of the resource for the given navigation path and bookmark.
getNavigationModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.facebook.LikeButton
getNavigationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getNavigationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Breadcrumb
getNavigationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.facebook.LikeButton
getNavigationPath() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.NavigationComponent
getNavigationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
getNavigationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.NavigationEvent
getNavigationPath() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Reports the navigation path relative to the application context path.
getNavigationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ComponentNavigationModel
getNavigationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultNavigationModel
getNavigationPath() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.NavigationModel
getNavigationPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
getNavigationPath(Component) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Determines the navigation path of the given component, based upon the NavigationComponent(s) in the component hierarchy.
getNavigationPath(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Determines the logical navigation path based upon a requested depiction URI.
getNavigationPath(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Determines the logical navigation path based upon a requested depiction URI.
getNavigationURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateActionListener
getNavigationURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
getNewNavigationURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Navigation
getNext() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Determines the next component in the sequence.
getNextActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
getNextActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getNextActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
getNoGlyph() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.View
getNoLabel() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.View
getNotification() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getNotification() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
getNotifications(Component) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Retrieves the the notifications of all components in a hierarchy.
getNotifications(Component, List<Notification>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Retrieves the the notifications of all components in a hierarchy.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter
getObject(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Retrieves the object for the given component.
getOldNavigationURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Navigation
getOpacity() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getOpacity() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getOpenEffect() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
getOpenEffect() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getOpenEffect() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
getOpenEffect() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
getOption() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent
getOption() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebActionDepictEvent
getOptionComponent(O) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
getOptionComponent(O) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.OptionDialogFrame
Returns the component that represents the specified option.
getOptionContainer() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
getOptionContainer() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.OptionDialogFrame
getOptionContent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
getOptionContent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.OptionDialogFrame
getOptions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
getOptions() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.OptionDialogFrame
getOptions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
getOrder() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
getOrdinalCompassPoint(CompassPoint, CompassPoint) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
Returns the ordinal or inter-cardinal compass point corresonding to 45 degrees between the given cardinal latitude and longitude compass points.
getOrientation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getOrientation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getOrientation() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Returns this component's requested orientation.
getOrientation() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getOrientation(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Determines the orientation for the particular flow.
getOrientation(Locale) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Retrieves the default orientation for a particular locale.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDropMenuDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFrameDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLayoutComponentDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebScrollControlDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOuterStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
Retrieves the styles for the outer element of the component.
getOutputCharset() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
getOutputCharset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
getOutputContentType() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
getOutputContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
getOutputStream(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getOutputStream(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves an output stream to the entity at the given path.
getOutputStream(UrfResourceDescription, GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.ResourceWriteDestination
Retrieves an output stream to the resource.
getOutputStream(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getOutputStream(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves an output stream to the entity at the given URI.
getOwner() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
getOwner() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
getOwner() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.layout.Layout
getPaddingExtent(Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the padding extent of the indicated border.
getPaddingExtent(Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default padding extent of the indicated border.
getPaddingExtent(Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getPaddingExtent(Border) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the padding extent of the indicated border.
getPaddingLineFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the padding extent of the line far page near border.
getPaddingLineFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default padding extent of the line far page near border.
getPaddingLineFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getPaddingLineFarExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the padding extent of the line far page near border.
getPaddingLineNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the padding extent of the line near page near border.
getPaddingLineNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default padding extent of the line near page near border.
getPaddingLineNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getPaddingLineNearExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the padding extent of the line near page near border.
getPaddingPageFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the padding extent of the line far page far border.
getPaddingPageFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default padding extent of the line far page far border.
getPaddingPageFarExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getPaddingPageFarExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the padding extent of the line far page far border.
getPaddingPageNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the padding extent of the line near page far border.
getPaddingPageNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default padding extent of the line near page far border.
getPaddingPageNearExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getPaddingPageNearExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the padding extent of the line near page far border.
getPageAlignment() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
getPageAlignment() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
getPageExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
getPageExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
getPageExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Returns the extent of the page flow.
getPageExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Returns the default extent of the page flow.
getPageExtent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getPageExtent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Returns the extent of the page flow.
getParameterListMap() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFormEvent
getParameterNames() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.widget.Widget
Retrieves that names of parameters that are allowed to be accessed in a widget context.
getParameters() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
getParameters() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCommandDepictEvent
getParameters() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCommandMessage
getParameters() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformCommandMessage
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
Returns the value associated with the first parameter of the given name.
getParent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getParent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
getParent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractInputStrategy
getParent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.input.InputStrategy
getParent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
getParent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
getParent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
getParentComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getParentComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.FrameMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getParentPrototypeProvision() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
getParentURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
Retrieves the URI indicating the parent theme.
getPassword() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
getPassword(AbstractGuiseApplication, Principal) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Looks up the corresponding password for the given principal.
getPassword(AbstractGuiseApplication, Principal) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Looks up the corresponding password for the given principal.
getPassword(Principal) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Looks up the corresponding password for the given principal.
getPassword(Principal) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
getPasswordValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
getPath() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
getPath() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.Destination
getPath(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
getPath(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.Destination
Determines the path to use for the requested path.
getPathPattern() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
getPathPattern() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.Destination
getPattern() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRegularExpressionValidator
getPendingImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImage
getPendingImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageActionControl
getPendingImageURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageComponent
getPlainText(String, ContentType) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModel
Determines the plain text form of the given text, based upon its content type.
getPlatform() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getPlatform() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getPlatform() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictContext
getPlatform() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
getPlatform() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictContext
getPlatform() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
getPlatform() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
getPlatform() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
getPlatform() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictor
getPlatform() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDepictContext
getPlatform() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDepictor
getPlatform() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFormEvent
getPlatformFile() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
getPlatformFile(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor
Retrieves a platform file by the ID assigned to it.
getPlatformFileCollector() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformFile
getPlatformFiles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector
getPlatformFiles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
getPollInterval() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
getPollInterval() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
getPosition() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
getPreferenceProperties() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
getPreferenceProperties() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Returns all properties stored as preferences.
getPrevious() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Determines the previous component in the sequence.
getPrevious(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Determines the previous component in the sequence relative to the given component.
getPreviousActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
getPreviousActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getPreviousActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
getPrincipal() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getPrincipal() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getPrincipal(AbstractGuiseApplication, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Looks up an application principal from the given ID.
getPrincipal(AbstractGuiseApplication, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Looks up an application principal from the given ID.
getPrincipal(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Looks up a principal from the given ID.
getPrincipal(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
getProgress() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
getProgress() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
getProgress() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebProgressDepictEvent
getProperties() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
getProperties() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Environment
Returns the available environment properties as a read-only map of property names and values.
getProperties() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebChangeDepictEvent
getProperty(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
getProperty(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Environment
Retrieves an environment property by its name.
getProperty(String, T) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
getProperty(String, T) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Environment
Retrieves an environment property by its name, returning a default value if no value is available.
getPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
getPrototypeProviders() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Returns an iterable to the prototype providers known to this provision strategy.
getPrototypeProvisions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvider
getPrototypeProvisions() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvider
Returns the prototypes provisions currently provided by this provider.
getPrototypeProvisionStrategy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getProvisionalText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
getProxiedPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
getPseudoClassName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.PseudoClass
getQualifiedName(URI, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
getQualifiedName(URI, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Retrieves the qualified name of the given namespace and local name.
getRaiseActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
getRaiseActionPrototype() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
getRealm(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Determines the realm applicable for the resource indicated by the given application path.
getRealm(AbstractGuiseApplication, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Determines the realm applicable for the resource indicated by the given URI.
getRealm(AbstractGuiseApplication, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Determines the realm applicable for the resource indicated by the given URI.
getRealm(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
getRed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
getReferenceIDComponentMap() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ReferenceLayout
getReferrerURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.NavigationEvent
getReferrerURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
getReferrerURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getRegion() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
getRegion(Orientation, Flow, int) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
Determines the corresponding region for an orientation flow and absolute region number.
getRegisteredDepictorClass(Class<? extends DepictedObject>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
Determines the depictor class registered for the given depicted object class.
getRejectActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
getRelatedComponent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getRelatedComponent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
getRemoveActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
getRemoveActionPrototype() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
getRemovedElement() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.CollectionEvent
getRemoveSelectedIndices(ListSelectModel<V>, int[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectionPolicy
Determines which requested indices may be removed from the selection.
getRemoveSelectedIndices(ListSelectModel<V>, int[]) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectionPolicy
Determines which requested indices may be removed from the selection.
getRepeatActionListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
getRepeatEditListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValuePanel
getRequestContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
getRequestedNavigation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getRequestedNavigation() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getRequestEvents(HTTPServletGuiseRequest, GuiseSession, DepictContext) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Retrieves events from the HTTP request.
getRequiredProperty(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
getRequiredProperty(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Environment
Retrieves a required environment property by its name, throwing an exception if the value is missing.
getResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getResource(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves an object resource from the resource bundle.
getResource(String, T) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getResource(String, T) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves an object resource from the resource bundle, using a specified default if no such resource is available.
getResource(HttpServletRequest, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
getResourceBundle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getResourceBundle() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a resource bundle to be used by this session.
getResourceBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader, ResourceBundle, IO<Map<Object, Object>>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.ResourceBundles
Loads a resource bundle for a given base name and locale.
getResourceBundleBaseName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getResourceBundleBaseName() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
getResourceDescription() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet.AbstractDescriptionResource
getResourceDescription(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.ResourceReadDestination
Returns a description of the resource.
getResourceInputStream(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Retrieves an input stream to the resource at the given path.
getResourceInputStream(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Retrieves an input stream to the resource at the given path.
getResourceInputStream(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves an input stream to the resource at the given path.
getResourceInputStream(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
getResourceKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.ResourceColor
getResourceKeyName(Enum<?>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Resources
Returns a form of the enum name appropriate for a resource key.
getResourcePaths() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Returns the paths of the currently collected resources.
getResourceResources(Locale) - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
Retrieves the resources URF resources.
getResourcesIO() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getResponse() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
getResult() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractModalFrame
getResult() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractModalNavigationPanel
getResult() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalFrame
getResult() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalNavigationPanel
getRolloverImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
getRolloverImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
Determines the rollover image URI to use for this component.
getRolloverImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageBooleanSelectActionControlViewer
Determines the rollover image URI to use for this component.
getRootComponent(Component) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Determines the root parent of the given component.
getRootNode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
getRootNode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
getRootNode() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeModel
getRowCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
getRowCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getRowCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
getRowCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableModel
getRowIndex() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.TableModel.Cell
getRules() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSStylesheet
getSaturation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
getScreenHeight() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getScreenWidth() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getSecondControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
getSectionType() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent
getSectionType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SectionPanel
getSectionType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
getSelectedBackgroundColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SelectableLabel
Returns the selected background color of the component.
getSelectedGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
getSelectedGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
getSelectedGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
getSelectedGlyphURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
getSelectedImageURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
getSelectedIndex() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Determines the selected index.
getSelectedIndexes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getSelectedIndexes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getSelectedIndexes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
getSelectedIndexes() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Determines the selected indices.
getSelectedModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.MutualExclusionPolicyModelGroup
getSelectedValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getSelectedValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getSelectedValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
getSelectedValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.SelectModel
Determines the selected value.
getSelectedValues() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getSelectedValues() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getSelectedValues() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
getSelectedValues() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.SelectModel
Determines the selected values.
getSelectionPolicy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getSelectionPolicy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getSelectionPolicy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
getSelectionPolicy() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
getSelectors() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Rule
getSendMessageQueue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
getSendMessageQueue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
getSendMessageQueue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
getSendMessageQueue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
getServletContext() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
getSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.layout.Layout
getSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.converter.Converter
getSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractGuiseEvent
getSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.GuiseBoundPropertyObject
getSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.GuiseEvent
getSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
getSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.LocaleInfoModel
getSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictContext
getSession() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
getSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictContext
getSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictedObject
getSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
getSession() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
getSession(UUID) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getSession(UUID) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves a Guise session for the given UUID.
getSetSelectedIndices(ListSelectModel<V>, int[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectionPolicy
Determines which requested indices may be set as the selection.
getSetSelectedIndices(ListSelectModel<V>, int[]) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectionPolicy
Determines which requested indices may be set as the selection.
getSetSelectedIndices(ListSelectModel<V>, int[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.SingleListSelectionPolicy
Determines which requested indices may be set as the selection.
getSeverity() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
getSide(Border) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Determines the side for the particular border.
getSides(Axis) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
Determines the sides on the given axis.
getSimpleName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
getSimpleName() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ResourceImport
Returns the simple name, such as the filename, of the resource.
getSiteName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Determines the name of the site at the current navigation path.
getSiteName() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Determines the name of the site at the current navigation path.
getSize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
getSize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
getSize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFile
getSource() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractObjectTransferable
getSource() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractTransferable
getSource() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.transfer.Transferable
getSource() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ListSelectionEvent
getSource() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ModalEvent
getSpanFlow() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
getStartActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
getState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
getState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getState() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
getState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
getState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
getState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
getStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
getStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
getStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
getStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
getStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
getStatus() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Control
getStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
getStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
getStep() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRangeValidator
getStep() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.RangeValidator
getStringResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getStringResource(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a string resource from the resource bundle.
getStringResource(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getStringResource(String, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a string resource from the resource bundle, using a specified default if no such resource is available.
getStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.ComponentDestination
getStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter
getStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralConverter
getStyleID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
getStyleID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
getStyleID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
getStyleID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
getStyleID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getStyleID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getStyles() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictContext
getStyles() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictContext
Retrieves styles for this context.
getStyleURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getStyleURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
getSupportedLocales() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getSWFlashCabURI(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
Returns A URI appropriate for accessing the swflash.cab file at an optionally secure location with the given version.
getTableModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellMessage
getTableModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
getTarget() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractMouseEvent
getTarget() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractTargetedGuiseEvent
getTargetBounds() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractMouseEvent
getTargetBounds() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.MouseEvent
getTargetID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebActionDepictEvent
getTask() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
getTask() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
getTask() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebProgressDepictEvent
getTaskController() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSequenceTaskPanel
getTaskState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
getTaskState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
getTaskState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebProgressDepictEvent
getTempDirectory() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getTempDirectory() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Returns the temporary directory shared by all sessions of this application.
getTetherBearing() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
getTetherBearing() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFlyoverFrame
getTetherBearing() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
getTetherBearingCompassPoints() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFlyoverFrame
getTetherBearingCompassPoints() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
getTetherImage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFlyoverFrame
getTetherImage() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
getText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
getText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
getText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTextModel
getText() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TextModel
getText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextBoxDepictor.CachedDocument
getText(EC) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Retrieves the text from the edited component.
getText(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentLabelControl
Retrieves the text from the edited component.
getText(TextBox) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentTextControl
Retrieves the text from the edited component.
getTextColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
getTextColor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
getTextContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
getTextContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTextModel
getTextContentType() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TextModel
getTextModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
getTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Returns the theme to apply to this component.
getTheme() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Returns the theme to apply to this component.
getTheme() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Returns the current session theme.
getThemeIO() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getThemeURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getThemeURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getThemeURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
getThemeURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getThreadGroup(GuiseSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
Determines the thread group to use for the given session.
getThumbImage(Axis) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Returns the thumb image for the indicated axis.
getTimeControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
getTimeLength() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
getTimePosition() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
getTimeStyle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractDateStringLiteralConverter
getTimeZone() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getTimeZone() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getTitleBackgroundColor() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getTitleBackgroundColor() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
getToolbar() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
getToolbar() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
getToolbar() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getToolbar() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.DefaultMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getToolbar() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.FrameMenuToolPrototypeProvisionStrategy
getTrackImage(Axis) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Returns the track image for the indicated axis.
getTransition() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
getTreeModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
getTreeNode(long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
Determines the tree node associated with the given ID.
getTreeNodeID(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
Determines the ID of the given tree node in this view.
getTreeNodeList() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
getTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy(Class<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Returns the given tree node representation strategy assigned to produce representation components for the given value class.
getTreeNodeStyleIDs(TreeModel, TreeNodeModel<T>, String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
Retrieves the style IDs for a tree node.
getTypeName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.TypeSelector
getUnit() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
getUnselectedGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
getUnselectedGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
getUnselectedGlyphURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
getUnselectedGlyphURI() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
getUploadActionPrototype() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
getURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
getURI() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
getURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet.AbstractDescriptionResource
getURI() - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
getURIResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getURIResource(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a URI resource from the resource bundle.
getURIResource(String, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getURIResource(String, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Retrieves a URI resource from the resource bundle, using a specified default if no such resource is available.
getUsername() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
getUsernameValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
getUTCOffset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getUTCOffset01() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getUTCOffset06() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
getUUID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
getUUID() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellValueModel
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractValueModel
getValidator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
getValidator() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
getValidator() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
getValidProducts() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.PANValidator
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellValueModel
getValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ValuedComponent
getValue() - Method in exception io.guise.framework.converter.ConversionException
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ValueEvent
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultValueModel
getValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ValueConverterInfoModel
getValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
getValue() - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationException
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValuedPanel
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
getValueClass() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ValuedComponent
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.DefaultStringLiteralConverter
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractValueModel
getValueClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
getValueClass() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
getValueClass() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
getValueContentType() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
getValuedComponentClass() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectEditor
getValueGlyphURI(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
getValueGlyphURI(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ActionValueControl
Retrieves the icon associated with a given value.
getValueModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
getValueModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
getValueModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
getValueModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
getValueModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
getValueModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
getValuePolicyModelGroup() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
getValueRepresentationStrategy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
getValueRepresentationStrategy() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
getValueRepresentationStrategy() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ListSelectControl
getValueRequiredMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
getValueRequiredMessage() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
getValues() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.AbstractModeledColor
getVCardName() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
getVersion() - Static method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
getVersion() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractProduct
getVersion() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Product
getVersionLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AboutPanel
getVersionNumber() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractProduct
getVersionNumber() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Product
getVersionNumbers() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractProduct
getVersionNumbers() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Product
getViewportBounds() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractMouseEvent
getViewportBounds() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.MouseEvent
getViewportID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractNavigateActionListener
getViewportID() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Navigation
getWidth() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
getX() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
getXMLNamespacePrefixManager() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
getY() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
getYearControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
getYearControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
getZ() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
GHOST_WHITE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
GIGABOT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Gigabot spider.
GLYPH_ABOUT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ACCEPT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ACCEPT_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ACCESS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ADD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ANIMATION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ARROW_DOWN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ARROW_LEFT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ARROW_RIGHT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ARROW_UP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_AUDIO - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_BLANK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_BROWSE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_BUSY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_CALENDAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_CANCEL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_CLOSE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_CONFIRM - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DELETE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DOCUMENT_BROKEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DOCUMENT_CONTENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DOCUMENT_NEW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DOCUMENT_PREVIEW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DOCUMENT_RICH_CONTENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DOCUMENT_STACK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_EDIT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_EMAIL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ENTER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ERROR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_EXCLAMATION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_EXIT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_EYEGLASSES - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_FINISH - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_FIRST - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_FOLDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_FOLDER_CLOSED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_FOLDER_OPEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_FOLDER_RICH_CONTENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_FOLDER_TREE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_HELP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_HIDE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_HIERARCHY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_HOME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_IMAGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_INFO - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_INSERT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_JOIN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_KEY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_LAST - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_LIST - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_LOCK_CLOSED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_LOCK_OPEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_LOGIN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_LOGOUT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MEDIA_ADVANCE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MEDIA_NEXT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MEDIA_PAUSE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MEDIA_PLAY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MEDIA_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MEDIA_RECEDE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MEDIA_RECORD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MEDIA_STOP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MISSING - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_MUSIC - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_NEXT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_PASSWORD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_PICTURE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_POLYGON_CURVED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_POLYGON_POINTS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_PREVIEW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_PRODUCT_JAVA - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_PROPERTY_KEY_ASPECT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The aspect used to identify glyphs as part of resource property keys.
GLYPH_QUESTION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_REFRESH - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_REJECT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_REJECT_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_REMOVE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_RENAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_RESOURCE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_RETRY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_SAVE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_SELECTED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_SORT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_SPEECH_BUBBLE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_SPEECH_BUBBLE_TEXT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_SPEECH_BUBBLE_TEXT_ADD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_START - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_STOP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_STRING_EDIT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_SUBMIT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_THUMBNAILS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_TREE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_UNSELECTED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_UPLOAD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
The icon bound property.
GLYPH_USER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_VERIFY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_VIEW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
GLYPH_WARN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
goCancel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Cancels the sequence.
goFinish() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Finishes the sequence.
goFirst() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Goes to the first set of table rows.
goLast() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Goes to the last set of table rows if the display row count is restricted.
GOLD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
GOLDEN_ROD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
goNext() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Advances to the next step in the sequence.
goNext() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Goes to the next set of table rows if the display row count is restricted.
GOOGLE_GEARS_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the Google Gears JavaScript file, relative to the application.
GOOGLE_GEARS_MIN_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the compressed Google Gears JavaScript file, relative to the application.
GOOGLEBOT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Googlebot spider.
GOOGLEBOT_IMAGE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Googlebot Image spider.
goPrevious() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Goes to the previous step in the sequence.
goPrevious() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Goes to the previous set of table rows if the display row count is restricted.
GRAY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
GREEN - io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor.Component
GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
GREEN_YELLOW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
GROOVE - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
Effect emulating carving on a canvas; typically achieved by using two colors slightly lighter and darker than the line color.
GROUP_PANEL_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for panels meant to visually group components.
GroupPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A panel for grouping multiple components with a default page flow layout.
GroupPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.GroupPanel
Default constructor with a default vertical flow layout.
GroupPanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.GroupPanel
Layout constructor.
Guise - Class in io.guise.framework
The singleton Guise class.
GUISE_AJAX_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The content type of a Guise AJAX request, application/x-guise-ajax-request.
GUISE_AJAX_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The content type of a Guise AJAX response, application/x-guise-ajax-response.
GUISE_ASSETS_AUDIO_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of audio assets, relative to the application.
GUISE_ASSETS_BASE_KEY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Guise
The base key to Guise assets bundled in the Guise distributable.
GUISE_ASSETS_BASE_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path to access all Guise assets.
GUISE_ASSETS_CABS_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of CAB assets, relative to the application.
GUISE_ASSETS_DOCUMENTS_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of document assets, relative to the application.
GUISE_ASSETS_DTD_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of DTD assets, relative to the application.
GUISE_ASSETS_FLASH_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of Flash assets, relative to the application.
GUISE_ASSETS_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of JavaScript assets, relative to the application.
GUISE_ASSETS_TEMP_BASE_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path to access all Guise temporary assets.
GUISE_ASSETS_THEMES_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of theme assets, relative to the application.
GUISE_BASIC_THEME_BASE_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of the basic Guise theme, relative to the application.
GUISE_BASIC_THEME_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The path of the basic Guise theme, relative to the application.
GUISE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_URI_QUERY_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
The URI query parameter indicating that the content disposition of the content of a ResourceReadDestination.
GUISE_DUMMY_NULL_VALUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectDepictor
The value for indicating a dummy null value when no value is selected.
GUISE_EMPTY_HTML_DOCUMENT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the empty HTML document, relative to the application.
GUISE_ENVIRONMENT_INIT_PARAMETER_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
The init parameter prefix, "guise-environment:", used to indicate a Guise environment property.
GUISE_ENVIRONMENT_URI_INIT_PARAMETER_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
The init parameter suffix, ".uri", used to indicate that a Guise environment property should be processed as a URI.
GUISE_FLASH_ID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
The ID for the Guise SWF.
GUISE_FLASH_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the Guise Flash file, relative to the application.
GUISE_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the Guise JavaScript file, relative to the application.
GUISE_MIN_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the compressed Guise JavaScript file, relative to the application.
GUISE_ML_NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The standard prefix to use with the Guise markup language namespace.
GUISE_ML_NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The namespace of the Guise markup language to be used with XHTML.
GUISE_NAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Guise
The name of Guise.
GUISE_RESERVED_BASE_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path reserved for exclusive Guise use.
GUISE_ROOT_THEME_BASE_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of the default Guise theme, relative to the application.
GUISE_ROOT_THEME_CURSORS_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The base path of the default Guise theme cursors, relative to the application.
GUISE_ROOT_THEME_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The path of the root Guise theme, relative to the application.
GUISE_SESSION_UUID_URI_QUERY_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The URI query parameter used to specify a Guise session by UUID, overriding the Guise session based upon the HTTP session identified by the request.
GUISE_VERSION_URI_QUERY_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The URI query parameter used to indicate the Guise version to prevent caching between versions.
GUISE_WEB_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Guise
The web address of Guise.
GUISE_XHTML_DTD_PUBLIC_ID - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The public ID of the Guise XHTML DTD.
GuiseApplication - Interface in io.guise.framework
An application running Guise.
GuiseApplicationHTTPSessionKey(GuiseApplication, HttpSession) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer.GuiseApplicationHTTPSessionKey
Guise application and HTTP session constructor.
GuiseBoundPropertyObject - Class in io.guise.framework.event
A bound property object that reports all property change events to the current session.
GuiseBoundPropertyObject() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.GuiseBoundPropertyObject
Default constructor.
GuiseContainer - Interface in io.guise.framework
The interface for a Guise container.
GuiseCSSStyleConstants - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Constants to be used with the Guise stylesheet.
GuiseCSSStyleConstants() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
GuiseEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
A Guise event.
GuiseEventListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
A base interface for all Guise event listeners
GuiseHTTPServlet - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The servlet that controls a Guise web applications.
GuiseHTTPServlet() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Default constructor.
GuiseHTTPServlet.AbstractDescriptionResource - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A resource that has retrieves its properties, if possible, from a given RDF description.
GuiseHTTPServlet.DestinationResource - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A resource that is accessed through a Guise session's resource destination.
GuiseSession - Interface in io.guise.framework
Represents a session with a user.
GuiseSessionThreadGroup - Class in io.guise.framework
A thread group allocated to a Guise session.
GuiseSessionThreadGroup(GuiseSession) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.GuiseSessionThreadGroup
Guise session constructor.


hasAltKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractGestureInputEvent
hasAltKey() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.GestureInputEvent
Determines whether an Alt key was pressed when this event was generated.
hasAltKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractGestureInput
hasAltKey() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.input.GestureInput
Determines whether an Alt key was pressed when this input occurred.
hasAncestor(Component, CompositeComponent) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Determines whether a component has a given component as its ancestor, not including the component itself.
hasAsset(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
hasAsset(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Determines whether this application has an asset at the given path.
hasAsset(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
Determines if a specified Guise asset exists.
hasChild(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
hasChild(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Determines whether this tree node contains the given child tree node.
hasChildComponent(CompositeComponent, Component) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Determines if the given composite component has the given component as one of its descendants.
hasChildComponent(CompositeComponent, Component, boolean) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Determines if the given composite component has the given component as one of its descendants.
hasChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
hasChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractArrayCompositeComponent
hasChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
hasChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMultipleCompositeComponent
hasChildComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSingleCompositeComponent
hasChildComponents() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CompositeComponent
hasChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
hasChildren() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
hasCommandListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
hasCommandListeners() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
hasComponent(Component, Component) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Determines if the given component is or has as a descendant the given other component.
hasComponent(Component, Component, boolean) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.Components
Determines if the given component is or has as a descendant the given other component.
hasControlKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractGestureInputEvent
hasControlKey() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.GestureInputEvent
Determines whether a Control key was pressed when this event was generated.
hasControlKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractGestureInput
hasControlKey() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.input.GestureInput
Determines whether a Control key was pressed when this input occurred.
hasDestination(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
hasDestination(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Determines if there is a destination associated with the given application context-relative path.
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.KeystrokeInput
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.MouseClickInput
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.TableModel.Cell
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.ClassSelector
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.IDSelector
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.PseudoClass
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.TypeSelector
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.AbstractModeledColor
hashCode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.style.ResourceColor
hasKeyListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
hasKeyListeners() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
hasLabelContent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Determines if the given component has label content.
hasLabelContent(boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Determines if the given component has label content.
hasLabelContent(LabelModel) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Determines if the given label model has label content.
hasLabelContent(LabelModel, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Determines if the given label model has label content.
hasMouseListeners() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
hasMouseListeners() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
hasNext() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Determines if there is a next step in the sequence.
hasPrevious() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Determines if there is a previous step in the sequence.
hasProperty(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Environment
Determines if an environment property exists.
hasResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Determines if the application has a resource available stored at the given resource path.
hasResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Determines if the application has a resource available stored at the given resource path.
hasResource(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Determines if the application has a resource available stored at the given resource path.
hasResource(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
hasResourceImportControl(Component) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
Determines whether the given component or any of its children contains a resource import control (a control with a resource import value model).
hasShiftKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractGestureInputEvent
hasShiftKey() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.GestureInputEvent
Determines whether a Shift key was pressed when this event was generated.
hasShiftKey() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractGestureInput
hasShiftKey() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.input.GestureInput
Determines whether a Shift key was pressed when this input occurred.
hasTime() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
HEADER - io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent.SectionType
A header of a larger section.
Heading - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A heading component.
Heading() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Heading
Default constructor with a default info model.
Heading(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Heading
Heading level constructor with a default info model.
Heading(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Heading
Info model constructor.
Heading(InfoModel, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Heading
Info model and level constructor.
Heading(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Heading
Label constructor.
Heading(String, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Heading
Label and level constructor.
HEADING_LOCAL_NAMES - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebHeadingDepictor
The array of XHTML heading element local names.
HeadingComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component meant to be a heading.
HeadingLink - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control with an action model rendered as a heading link.
HeadingLink() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Default constructor.
HeadingLink(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Heading level constructor.
HeadingLink(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Info model constructor.
HeadingLink(InfoModel, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Info model constructor.
HeadingLink(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
HeadingLink(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
HeadingLink(ActionPrototype) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Prototype constructor.
HeadingLink(ActionPrototype, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Prototype constructor.
HeadingLink(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Label convenience constructor.
HeadingLink(String, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Label convenience constructor.
HeadingLink(String, int, URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Label and navigation path convenience constructor.
HeadingLink(String, int, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Label and navigation URI convenience constructor.
HeadingLink(String, URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Label and navigation path convenience constructor.
HeadingLink(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
Label and navigation URI convenience constructor.
HELP - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Help is available for the object under the cursor.
HELP_MENU_ABOUT_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
HELP_MENU_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
HOME - io.guise.framework.input.Key
HOME - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
HONEY_DEW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
HOT_PINK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
HSLColor - Class in io.guise.framework.style
Encapsulates a color value of the HSL color space.
HSLColor(double, double, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
Creates an HSL color with the specified hue, saturation, and lightness component values in the range (0.0-1.0).
HSLColor(int, double, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
Creates an HSL color with the specified hue in the range (0-359), and saturation, and lightness component values in the range (0.0-1.0).
HSLColor.Component - Enum in io.guise.framework.style
A color component of HSL.
HTML_EDITOR - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The editor used by the platform.
HTTPServletGuiseContainer - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A Guise container for Guise HTTP servlets.
HTTPServletGuiseContainer(URI, ServletContext) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Servlet contains and container base URI constructor.
HTTPServletGuiseContainer.GuiseApplicationHTTPSessionKey - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A key suitable for a hash map made up of a Guise application and an HTTP session.
HTTPServletGuiseRequest - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Information about the Guise request of an HTTP servlet.
HTTPServletGuiseRequest(HttpServletRequest, GuiseContainer, GuiseApplication) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
Creates an HTTP request.
HTTPServletGuiseSessionManager - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Manages Guise sessions for an HTTP web application.
HTTPServletGuiseSessionManager() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseSessionManager
HTTPServletWebDepictContext - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A web depict context of an HTTP servlet.
HTTPServletWebDepictContext(HTTPServletGuiseRequest, HttpServletResponse, GuiseSession, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
HTTPServletWebPlatform - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A web platform based upon an HTTP servlet.
HTTPServletWebPlatform(GuiseApplication, HttpSession, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
Application and request constructor.
HUE - io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor.Component


ICON_ABOUT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
ICON_DISPLAYED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.LabelDisplayableComponent
The bound property of whether the icon is displayed or has no representation, taking up no space.
ICON_ERROR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
ICON_HELP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
ICON_INFO - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
ICON_QUESTION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
ICON_STOP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
ICON_WARN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
ID_PROPERTY - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand
The property for specifying the ID of a file.
IDSelector - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
An ID simple selector.
IDSelector(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.IDSelector
ID constructor.
Image - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A simple image component with no descriptive text.
Image() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Image
Default constructor.
Image(ImageModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Image
Image model constructor.
Image(InfoModel, ImageModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Image
Info model and image model constructor.
Image(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Image
Image URI constructor.
Image(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Image
Image URI and label constructor.
IMAGE_CAPTION_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix identifying the image caption.
IMAGE_OPACITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.Picture
The image opacity bound property.
IMAGE_PENDING_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.PendingImageModel
The image pending bound property.
IMAGE_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ImageModel
The image URI bound property.
ImageActionControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An image component that is also an action control.
ImageActionControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Default constructor.
ImageActionControl(ImageModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Image model constructor.
ImageActionControl(InfoModel, ImageModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Info model, image model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
ImageActionControl(ActionPrototype) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Prototype constructor.
ImageBooleanSelectActionControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Image control that can be selected and generates actions, storing a Boolean value in its model representing the selected state.
ImageBooleanSelectActionControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
Default constructor.
ImageBooleanSelectActionControl(InfoModel, ImageModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<Boolean>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
Info model, image model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
ImageBooleanSelectActionControl(ValuePrototype<Boolean>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
Prototype constructor.
ImageComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that displays an image.
ImageModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for an image.
ImportStrategy<C extends Component> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component.transfer
A strategy for importing data into a component.
importTransfer(C, Transferable<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.transfer.ImportStrategy
Imports the given data into the given component.
importTransfer(Transferable<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
importTransfer(Transferable<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Imports data to the component.
INCH - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
INCREASING - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.Direction
Left-to-right lines or top-to-bottom pages.
indent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
indent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Increments the indent level.
indent(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
indent(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Changes the indent level by the given amount.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
indexOf(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
Returns the index in the component of the first occurrence of the specified component.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
indexOf(Object) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Returns the index in the container of the first occurrence of the specified component.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
INDIAN_RED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
INDIGO - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
INFO - io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent.Command
The action requests contextual information.
INFO - io.guise.framework.model.InformationLevel
Indicates useful information that should nonetheless not be logged.
INFO - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
Indicates useful information that should nonetheless not be logged.
INFO_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
The info content type bound property.
INFO_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
The info bound property.
INFO_PROPERTY_KEY_ASPECT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The aspect used to identify info as part of resource property keys.
InfoModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for a label and descriptive information.
InfoModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.InfoModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy
InformationLevel - Enum in io.guise.framework.model
Levels of logged or reported information.
INIT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
Information resulting from form changes, analogous to that in an HTTP POST.
INIT_IFRAME_ID_SEGMENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
The ID segment for the layer to shield user input during initialization.
initGuiseApplication(ServletConfig) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Initializes bindings between paths and associated navigation frame classes.
initialize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
initialize() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
initialize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Initializes the component after construction.
initialize() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Called when the session is initialized.
initialize(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
initialize(ServletConfig) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
initializeChildComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Initializes a component to be added as a child component of this composite component.
initializeComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
initializeComponent(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Initializes a component, optionally with a description in a TURF resource file.
initializeComponent(Component, InputStream) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
initializeComponent(Component, InputStream) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Initializes a component from the contents of an URF description input stream.
initializeComponentFromResource(Component, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Initializes a component with a description in a TURF resource file.
initializeComponentFromResource(Component, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Initializes a component with a description in a TURF resource file.
initializeOptionContainer(Container, List<O>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
Initializes the option container with the available options.
initializeUpload() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Initializes and begins an upload for the current platform file.
input(Input) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
input(Input) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Processes input such as a keystroke, a mouse click, or a command.
input(Input) - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.AbstractInputStrategy
Processes input, returning whether the input was consumed.
input(Input) - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.BindingInputStrategy
input(Input) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.input.InputStrategy
Processes input, returning whether the input was consumed.
Input - Interface in io.guise.framework.input
An encapsulation of user input.
INPUT_FOCUS_STRATEGY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.InputFocusGroupComponent
The input focus strategy bound property.
INPUT_FOCUSED_COMPONENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.InputFocusGroupComponent
The input focused component bound property.
INPUT_STRATEGY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The input strategy bound property.
INPUT_STRATEGY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
The input strategy bound property.
InputEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing information from input such as a keystroke or a command.
InputFocusableComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A Guise component that can receive input focus.
InputFocusGroupComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
An input focusable Guise component that serves as a parent of other components that can receive input focus.
InputFocusStrategy - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
The strategy for determining current input focus and progression of input focus.
InputStrategy - Interface in io.guise.framework.input
A strategy for processing input.
INSERT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
INSERT_MENU_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
insertValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
insertValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
Creates and allows the user to edit a new value.
INSET - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
Effect simulating a sunken canvas.
install(AbstractGuiseContainer, URI, File, File, File) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Installs the application into the given container at the given base URI.
install(AbstractGuiseContainer, URI, File, File, File) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Installs the application into the given container at the given base URI.
installApplication(AbstractGuiseApplication, URI, File, File, File) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Installs the given application at the given base path.
installApplication(AbstractGuiseApplication, URI, File, File, File) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Installs the given application at the given base path.
installCardConstraints(Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Installs appropriate listeners in a card's constraints.
installed(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Called when the depictor is installed in a depicted object.
installed(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebFrameDepictor
Called when the depictor is installed in a depicted object.
installed(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFrameDepictor
Called when the depictor is installed in a depicted object.
installed(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
Called when the depictor is installed in a depicted object.
installed(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageDepictor
Called when the depictor is installed in a depicted object.
installed(O) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
Called when the depictor is installed in a depicted object.
installed(O) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
Called when the depictor is installed in a depicted object.
installListeners(ActionPrototype) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
installListeners(P) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
Installs listeners to a proxied prototype.
INTEGER - io.guise.framework.converter.NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style
Integer formatting.
IntegerRangeValidator - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A range validator for integers.
IntegerRangeValidator() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Default constructor with no value required and a step of one.
IntegerRangeValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Value required constructor with a step of one.
IntegerRangeValidator(Integer) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Maximum constructor with a minimum value of zero and a step of one.
IntegerRangeValidator(Integer, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Minimum and value required constructor with a minimum value of zero and a step of one.
IntegerRangeValidator(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Minimum and maximum constructor with a step of one.
IntegerRangeValidator(Integer, Integer, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, and value required constructor with a step of one.
IntegerRangeValidator(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, and step constructor.
IntegerRangeValidator(Integer, Integer, Integer, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, step, and value required constructor.
IntegerStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts an Integer from and to a string literal.
IntegerStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.IntegerStringLiteralConverter
Default constructor with a default number style.
IntegerStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.IntegerStringLiteralConverter
Style constructor.
IntegerStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style, Currency) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.IntegerStringLiteralConverter
Style, and currency constructor.
INTERNET_EXPLORER - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.
INTERVAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
The interval step bound property.
INTERVAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform.PollCommand
The property for specifying the poll interval in milliseconds.
INVALID_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating invalid contents.
INVALID_VALUE_MESSAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.converter.Converter
The invalid value message bound property.
INVALID_VALUE_MESSAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
The invalid value message bound property.
io.guise.framework - package io.guise.framework
io.guise.framework.audio - package io.guise.framework.audio
io.guise.framework.component - package io.guise.framework.component
io.guise.framework.component.effect - package io.guise.framework.component.effect
io.guise.framework.component.facebook - package io.guise.framework.component.facebook
io.guise.framework.component.layout - package io.guise.framework.component.layout
io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard - package io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard
io.guise.framework.component.transfer - package io.guise.framework.component.transfer
io.guise.framework.component.widget - package io.guise.framework.component.widget
io.guise.framework.controller - package io.guise.framework.controller
io.guise.framework.converter - package io.guise.framework.converter
io.guise.framework.coupler - package io.guise.framework.coupler
io.guise.framework.event - package io.guise.framework.event
io.guise.framework.geometry - package io.guise.framework.geometry
io.guise.framework.input - package io.guise.framework.input
io.guise.framework.model - package io.guise.framework.model
io.guise.framework.model.ui - package io.guise.framework.model.ui
io.guise.framework.platform - package io.guise.framework.platform
io.guise.framework.platform.web - package io.guise.framework.platform.web
io.guise.framework.platform.web.adobe - package io.guise.framework.platform.web.adobe
io.guise.framework.platform.web.css - package io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook - package io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook
io.guise.framework.prototype - package io.guise.framework.prototype
io.guise.framework.style - package io.guise.framework.style
io.guise.framework.theme - package io.guise.framework.theme
io.guise.framework.validator - package io.guise.framework.validator
isAcceptedContentType(ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.ClientProduct
Determines if the client accepts the given content type.
isAcceptedContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.DefaultWebUserAgentProduct
isAcceptedContentType(ContentType, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.ClientProduct
Determines if the client accepts the given content type.
isAcceptedContentType(ContentType, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.DefaultWebUserAgentProduct
isActive() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Activeable
isAJAX() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
isAllDataAttributes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
isAllDataAttributes() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
Returns whether all non-default-namespace attributes are encoded at HTML5 data attributes.
isAuthorized(URIPath, Principal, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Checks whether the given principal is authorized to access the resource at the given application path.
isAuthorized(AbstractGuiseApplication, URI, Principal, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Checks whether the given principal is authorized to access the resource at the given application path.
isAuthorized(AbstractGuiseApplication, URI, Principal, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Checks whether the given principal is authorized to access the resource at the given application path.
isAuthorized(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
Determines if access to the given path is authorized for access by the current user, if any.
isAuthorized(GuiseSession, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.Destination
Determines if access to the given path is authorized for access by the current user, if any.
isAuthorized(HttpServletRequest, URI, String, Principal, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
isAutoSelect() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
isAutoSelect() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
isAutoSelect() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
isAutoSelect() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
isBookmarkEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCardPanel
isBound(Input) - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.BindingInputStrategy
Indicates whether the given input is bound.
isBrandLessThanVersionNumber(BRAND, double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractBrandedProduct
isBrandLessThanVersionNumber(BRAND, double) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.BrandedProduct
Determines whether this product has the indicated brand and a version number less than the one indicated.
isBrandVersionNumber(BRAND, double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractBrandedProduct
isBrandVersionNumber(BRAND, double) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.BrandedProduct
Determines whether this product has the indicated brand and version number.
isCardinal() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
isCardSelectable(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Determines whether the given card is selectable.
isConfirmNavigation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
isConsumed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.AbstractInputEvent
isConsumed() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.InputEvent
isDataAttributeNamespaceURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
isDataAttributeNamespaceURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
Determines whether the given namespace URI should be represented as an HTML5 data attribute.
isDebug() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
isDebug() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
isDepicted() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
isDepicted() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
isDescriptionDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Picture
isDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ControlConstraints
isDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
isDisplayed() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Displayable
isDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
isDisplayed() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
isDisplayed(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Convenience method to determine whether a card is displayed based upon its associated constraints.
isDisplayed(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CardControl
Convenience method to determine whether a card is displayed based upon its associated constraints.
isDistinctAdvance() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSequenceTaskPanel
isDragEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
isDragEnabled() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
isDropEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
isDropEnabled() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
isEditable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
isEditable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValueControl
isEditable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValuePanel
isEditable() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.EditComponent
isEditable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.CellComponentState
isEditable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
isEditable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.TreeNodeComponentState
isEditable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
isEditable() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
isEmpty() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
isEmpty() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
isEmpty() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
isEmpty() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
isEmpty() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
isEmpty() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
isEmpty() - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
isEmptyBodyElementAllowed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Determines whether an empty body element can be created if there is no content.
isEmptyBodyElementAllowed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
Determines whether an empty body element can be created if there is no content.
isEmptyElementAllowed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext.ElementState
isEmptyElementAllowed(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Returns whether an empty element can be created if there is no content.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ControlConstraints
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultEnableable
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Enableable
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableablePrototype
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableableProxyPrototype
isEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
isEnabled(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Convenience method to determine whether a card is enabled based upon its associated constraints.
isEnabled(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CardControl
Convenience method to determine whether a card is enabled based upon its associated constraints.]
isEquivalent(char[], String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.CharArrayStringLiteralConverter
Determines if the given literal in the lexical space is a valid representation of the given value in the value space.
isEquivalent(V, L) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractConverter
Determines if the given literal in the lexical space is a valid representation of the given value in the value space.
isEquivalent(V, L) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.converter.Converter
Determines if the given literal in the lexical space is a valid representation of the given value in the value space.
isExhaustive() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFormEvent
isExpanded() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
isExpanded() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
isFatal() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
isFixed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
isFlyoverEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
isFlyoverEnabled() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
isFormatted() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
isFormatted() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
isHashAttributesGenerated() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
isIconDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
isIconDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
isIconDisplayed() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.LabelDisplayableComponent
isIconDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Toolbar
isImagePending() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImage
isImagePending() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageActionControl
isImagePending() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
isImagePending() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.PendingImageModel
isImported() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
isImported() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ResourceImport
isIndexDisplayed(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
isIndexDisplayed(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
isIndexDisplayed(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
isIndexDisplayed(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Determines the displayed status of a given index.
isIndexEnabled(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
isIndexEnabled(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
isIndexEnabled(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
isIndexEnabled(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Determines the enabled status of a given index.
isInstalled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
The hash code, which we'll update after installation.
isInstalled() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
isJavaEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
isLabelDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
isLabelDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
isLabelDisplayed() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.LabelDisplayableComponent
isLabelDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Toolbar
isLayoutThemeApplied() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
isLayoutThemeApplied() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
isLayoutThemeApplied() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.LayoutComponent
isLeaf() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
isLeaf() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DynamicTreeNodeModel
Determines whether this node could be considered a leaf node.
isLeaf() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Determines whether this node could be considered a leaf node.
isLicensed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Guise
isLineWrap() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
isMasked() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
isMenu() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
isModal() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
isModal() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
isModalNavigation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
isModalNavigation() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
isMouseListener() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Returns whether the component is interested in mouse events.
isMovable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
isMovable() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
isMultiline() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
isMutualExclusion(CheckControl) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
Determines whether the check control is a mutual exclusion control and should be considered a radio button rather than a checkbox.
isOpen() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
isOpen() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Menu
isOpen() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext.ElementState
isOrdinal() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
isPasswordMatch() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
isPasswordVerified() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
isPreferenceProperty(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
isPreferenceProperty(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Determines whether the given property is saved and loaded as a preference.
isQuirksMode() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebDepictContext
isQuirksMode() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDepictContext
isRequestPathReserved() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
isResizable() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
isResizable() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
isRollover() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
isRollover() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
isRollover() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ActionControl
isRollover() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
isRolloverOpenEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
isRolloverOpenEnabled() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Menu
isRootNodeDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
isSelected() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
isSelected() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
isSelected() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
isSelected() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SelectableLabel
isSelected() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
isSelected() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
isSelected() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Selectable
isSliding() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
isThemeApplied() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
isThemeApplied() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
isThemed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
isThemed() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
isTitleVisible() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
isTitleVisible() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
isToggle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
isToggle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
isToggle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
isToggle() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
isTool() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
isTooltipEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
isTooltipEnabled() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
isTransitionEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
isTreeNodeDragEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
isValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
isValid() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
isValid(HttpServletRequest, Nonce) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Determines if the given nonce is valid.
isValid(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
Determines whether a given value is valid.
isValid(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
Determines whether a given value is valid.
isValidLiteral(L) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractConverter
Determines whether a given literal value in the lexical space can be converted to a value in the value space.
isValidLiteral(L) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.converter.Converter
Determines whether a given literal value in the lexical space can be converted to a value in the value space.
isValidStep(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
isValidStep(Long, Long, Long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
isValidStep(Date, Date, Date) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.DateRangeValidator
isValidStep(V, V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractComparableRangeValidator
Determines whether the given value falls on the correct step amount relative to the base value.
isValidStep(V, V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.DecimalRangeValidator
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
isValidValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractValueModel
Determines whether the value of this model is valid.
isValidValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
Determines whether the value of this model is valid.
isValueDisplayed(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
isValueDisplayed(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
isValueDisplayed(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
isValueDisplayed(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Determines the displayed status of the first occurrence of a given value.
isValueEnabled(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
isValueEnabled(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
isValueEnabled(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
isValueEnabled(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Determines the enabled status of the first occurrence of a given value.
isValueRequired() - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
isVisible() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
isVisible() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
isVisible() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
isVisible() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
isWrapped() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
ITALIC - io.guise.framework.style.FontStyle
A font that is classified as "italic" in the font database, such as many fonts with names including the word "Italic", "Cursive", or "Kursiv".
iterator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
iterator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
iterator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
iterator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
iterator() - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
IVORY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor


JAVASCRIPT_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the JavaScript JavaScript file, relative to the application.
JAVASCRIPT_MIN_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the compressed JavaScript JavaScript file, relative to the application.


Key - Enum in io.guise.framework.input
A key on a keyboard.
KeyboardAdapter - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract key listener providing default method implementations.
KeyboardAdapter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.KeyboardAdapter
KeyboardEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing information on input from a keyboard.
KeyboardInput - Interface in io.guise.framework.input
An encapsulation of user input from a keyboard.
KeyboardListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for keyboard events.
KeyCode - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A key on a keyboard as reported by a browser's Event.keyCode property.
KEYPRESS - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
A key pressed anywhere.
keyPressed(KeyPressEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.KeyboardAdapter
keyPressed(KeyPressEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.KeyboardListener
Called when a key is pressed.
KeyPressEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing information on a keyboard key press.
KeyPressEvent(Object, KeyPressEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.KeyPressEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
KeyPressEvent(Object, Key, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.KeyPressEvent
Source constructor.
KeyPressEvent(Object, KeystrokeInput) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.KeyPressEvent
Keystroke input constructor.
KEYRELEASE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
A key released anywhere.
keyReleased(KeyReleaseEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.KeyboardAdapter
keyReleased(KeyReleaseEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.KeyboardListener
Called when a key is released.
KeyReleaseEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing information on a keyboard key release.
KeyReleaseEvent(Object, KeyReleaseEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.KeyReleaseEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
KeyReleaseEvent(Object, Key, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.KeyReleaseEvent
Source constructor.
KeystrokeInput - Class in io.guise.framework.input
An encapsulation of key stroke input.
KeystrokeInput(Key, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.input.KeystrokeInput
Key and keys constructor.
KHAKI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor


Label - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A label component.
Label() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Label
Default constructor with a default info model.
Label(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Label
Info model constructor.
Label(LabelPrototype) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Label
Prototype constructor.
Label(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Label
Label constructor.
Label(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Label
Label and icon constructor.
LABEL_ABOUT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_ABOUT_X - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_ACCEPT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_ACCESS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_ACCESS_X - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_ADD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_ADD_X - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_AUDIO - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_BROWSE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_CALENDAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_CANCEL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_CLOSE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_CONFIRM - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
The label content type bound property.
LABEL_DATE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_DELETE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_DELETE_X - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_DISPLAYED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.LabelDisplayableComponent
The bound property of whether the label is displayed or has no representation, taking up no space.
LABEL_DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_EDIT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_EMAIL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_ERROR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_FINISH - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_FIRST - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_FOLDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_FONT_FAMILIES_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the label font families.
LABEL_FONT_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the label font size.
LABEL_FONT_STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the label font style.
LABEL_FONT_WEIGHT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the label font weight.
LABEL_GENERAL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_HELP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_HOME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_IMAGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_INSERT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_JOIN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_JOIN_X - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_LAST - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_LOGIN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_LOGOUT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_LOWER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_MISSING - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_NEW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_NEW_X - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_NEXT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_PASSWORD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_PASSWORD_VERIFICATION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_PRODUCT_JAVA - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
The label bound property.
LABEL_PROPERTY_KEY_ASPECT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The aspect used to identify labels as part of resource property keys.
LABEL_RAISE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_READ - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_REFRESH - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_REJECT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_REMOVE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_RENAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_RENAME_X - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_RESOURCE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_RETRY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_SAVE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
The delimiter to use when constructing the label from its various segments.
LABEL_SORT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_START - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_STOP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_SUBMIT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_TEXT_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the label text color.
LABEL_TIME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_TOTAL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_TYPE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_UPLOAD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_UPLOAD_TO_X - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_USERNAME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_VERIFTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_VERSION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_VIEW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LABEL_X_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
LabelComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component the label of which comprises the main content of the component.
LabelDisplayableComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that allows its label to be displayed.
LabelModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for an identifier such as text and/or an icon.
LabelPrototype - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Contains prototype information for a label.
LabelPrototype() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.LabelPrototype
Default constructor.
LabelPrototype(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.LabelPrototype
Label constructor.
LabelPrototype(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.LabelPrototype
Label and icon constructor.
LANGUAGE - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
A name for the locale's language that is appropriate for display to the user.
LANGUAGE_CODE_2 - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
The lowercase ISO 639 two-letter language code for the locale.
LANGUAGE_CODE_3 - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
The lowercase ISO 639-2/T three-letter language code
LANGUAGE_TAG - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
The RFC 1766 language tag, such as en-US.
LAST - io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Transition to the last item in a sequence.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
Returns the index in this component of the last occurrence of the specified component.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Returns the index in this container of the last occurrence of the specified compoent.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
LAVENDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LAVENDER_BLUSH - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LAWN_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Layout<T extends Constraints> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Contains layout information for a layout component.
LAYOUT_FLOW_X_CHILD_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for horizontal flow layout children.
LAYOUT_FLOW_X_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for any enclosing element needed for horizontal flow layout.
LAYOUT_FLOW_Y_CHILD_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for vertical flow layout children.
LAYOUT_FLOW_Y_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for any enclosing element needed for vertical flow layout.
LAYOUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.LayoutComponent
The bound property of the layout.
LAYOUT_REGION_BOTTOM_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for the bottom region layout.
LAYOUT_REGION_CENTER_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for the center region layout.
LAYOUT_REGION_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for any enclosing element needed for region layout.
LAYOUT_REGION_LEFT_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for the left region layout.
LAYOUT_REGION_RIGHT_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for the right region layout.
LAYOUT_REGION_TOP_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for the top region layout.
LAYOUT_THEME_APPLIED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.LayoutComponent
The bound property of whether a theme has been applied to this component's layout.
LayoutComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
Composite component that allows for layout of its children.
LayoutConstraintsPropertyChangeEvent<T extends Constraints,​V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
An event indicating that a property of layout constraints changed.
LayoutConstraintsPropertyChangeEvent(Layout<T>, Component, T, String, V, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.LayoutConstraintsPropertyChangeEvent
Source, component, constraint, property name, with old and new value constructor.
LayoutControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A layout component that is also a control.
LayoutPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A general panel with a default page flow layout.
LayoutPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.LayoutPanel
Default constructor with a default page flow layout.
LayoutPanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.LayoutPanel
Layout constructor.
LEFT - io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
The left side.
LEFT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
LEFT - io.guise.framework.input.MouseButton
LEFT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Button
LEFT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
LEFT_TO_RIGHT - io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
LEFT_TO_RIGHT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Left-to-right line, top-to-bottom page orientation (e.g.
LEMON_CHIFFON - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LEVEL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.HeadingComponent
The level bound property.
LICENSE_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for license information.
LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_CORAL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_CYAN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_GOLDEN_ROD_YELLOW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_GREY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_PINK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_SALMON - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_SEA_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_SKY_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_SLATE_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_SLATE_GRAY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHT_YELLOW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIGHTNESS - io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor.Component
LikeButton - Class in io.guise.framework.component.facebook
A component representing a Facebook Like button.
LikeButton() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.facebook.LikeButton
Default constructor.
LikeButton(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.facebook.LikeButton
Navigation path constructor.
LikeButton(NavigationModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.facebook.LikeButton
Navigation model constructor.
LIME - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LIME_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LINE - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow
Flow along a line; the X axis in left-to-right, top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_ALIGNMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
The bound property of the line alignment.
LINE_ALIGNMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The bound property of the line alignment.
LINE_END - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
At the end of a line; "right" in left-to-right, top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
The line extent (width in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) bound property.
LINE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The line extent (width in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) bound property.
LINE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The line extent (width in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) bound property.
LINE_FAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
The right side in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_FAR_PAGE_FAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Corner
The bottom-right corner in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_FAR_PAGE_NEAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Corner
The upper-right corner in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_NEAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
The left side in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_NEAR_PAGE_FAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Corner
The bottom-left corner in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_NEAR_PAGE_NEAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Corner
The upper-left corner in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_START - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
At the beginning of a line; "left" in left-to-right, top-to-bottom orientation.
LINE_WRAP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
The line wrap bound property.
LINEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
LineStyle - Enum in io.guise.framework.style
The style of a line, such as used for a border or divider.
Link - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control with an action model rendered as a link.
Link() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Link
Default constructor.
Link(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Link
Info model constructor.
Link(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Link
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
Link(ActionPrototype) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Link
Prototype constructor.
Link(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Link
Label convenience constructor.
Link(String, URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Link
Label and navigation path convenience constructor.
Link(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Link
Label and navigation URI convenience constructor.
LinkControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
An action control with link semantics.
LIST - io.guise.framework.model.View
The view in which a list of items is shown.
LIST_SELECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
The bound property of the list select control.
ListControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control to allow selection of one or more values from a list.
ListControl(ListSelectModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
List select model constructor.
ListControl(ListSelectModel<V>, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
List select model and row count constructor.
ListControl(ListSelectModel<V>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
List select model and value representation strategy constructor.
ListControl(ListSelectModel<V>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
List select model, value representation strategy, and row count constructor.
ListControl(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
Value class constructor with a default data model to represent a given type with multiple selection.
ListControl(Class<V>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
Value class constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
ListControl(Class<V>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
Value class and row count constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
ListControl(Class<V>, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
Value class and row count constructor with a default data model to represent a given type with multiple selection.
ListControl(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
Value class and selection strategy constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
ListControl(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
Value class, selection strategy, and row count constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
ListEvent<E> - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating a list has been modified.
ListEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ListEvent
Source constructor for general list modification.
ListEvent(Object, int, E, E) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ListEvent
Source constructor for an added and/or removed element.
listIterator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
listIterator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
listIterator() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
listIterator(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
listIterator(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
listIterator(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
ListListenable<E> - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that allows listeners for list modification events.
ListListener<E> - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for list modification events.
listModified(int, V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Called when the list is modified.
listModified(ListEvent<E>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ListListener
Called when a list is modified.
listModified(ListEvent<Object>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor.DepictedPropertyChangeListener
ListSelectCardCoupler<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.coupler
Coupler that associates a ListSelectControl with a card in a CardControl.
ListSelectCardCoupler() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
Default constructor.
ListSelectCardCoupler(ListSelectControl<V>, V, Component...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
List select, value, and cards constructor.
ListSelectControl<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A control to allow selection by the user of a value from a list.
ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<VV> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A strategy for generating components to represent list select model values.
ListSelectEditor<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
An object for editing values in a list model.
listSelectionChanged(ListSelectionEvent<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ListSelectionListener
Called when a selection changes.
ListSelectionEvent<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating the list selection has been modified.
ListSelectionEvent(ListSelectModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ListSelectionEvent
Source constructor for general selection modification.
ListSelectionEvent(ListSelectModel<V>, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ListSelectionEvent
Source constructor for an added and/or removed element.
ListSelectionListener<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for list selection modification events.
ListSelectionPolicy<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A selection strategy for a select model.
ListSelectModel<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for selecting one or more values from a list.
loadPreferences(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
loadPreferences(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Loads the preferences for this component and optionally any descendant components.
loadPreferences(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Loads the preferences for this component and optionally any descendant components.
loadProperties(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
loadProperties(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Loads properties from a file in the home directory.
loadResourceBundle(Theme, Locale) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
loadResourceBundle(Theme, Locale) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Retrieves a resource bundle for the given theme in the given locale.
loadResourceBundle(Theme, Locale, ResourceBundle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Retrieves a resource bundle from this theme and its resolving parents, if any.
loadResourceBundle(URI, ResourceBundle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Loads a resource bundle from the given URI.
loadTheme(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
loadTheme(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Loads a theme from the given URI.
LOCALE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
The locale bound property.
LocaleInfoModel - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An info model that provides a localized version of a locale name.
LocaleInfoModel(Locale) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.LocaleInfoModel
Constructs an info model indicating the locale to represent.
LOCALES_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The locales bound property.
LocaleStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
An object that can convert a locale to a string using the current locale.
LocaleStringLiteralConverter(LocaleStringLiteralStyle) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralConverter
Locale style constructor.
LocaleStringLiteralStyle - Enum in io.guise.framework.converter
The style of a date in its string literal form.
log(InformationLevel, String, String, String, Map<?, ?>, CharSequence) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
log(InformationLevel, String, String, String, Map<?, ?>, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Logs the given session-related information.
log(String, String, String, Map<?, ?>, CharSequence) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
log(String, String, String, Map<?, ?>, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Logs the given session-related information with a default log level of InformationLevel.LOG.
LOG - io.guise.framework.model.InformationLevel
Specific information which should be logged but which are adversity-neutral.
LOG - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
Specific information which should be logged but which are adversity-neutral.
LOG - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
Sends debug information to the server.
LONG - io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
A long representation, such as January 12, 1952.
LONG - io.guise.framework.converter.TimeStringLiteralStyle
A long representation, such as 3:30:32pm.
LongRangeValidator - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A range validator for longs.
LongRangeValidator() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
Default constructor with no value required and a step of one.
LongRangeValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
Value required constructor with a step of one.
LongRangeValidator(Long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
Maximum constructor with a minimum value of zero and a step of one.
LongRangeValidator(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
Minimum and value required constructor with a minimum value of zero and a step of one.
LongRangeValidator(Long, Long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
Minimum and maximum constructor with a step of one.
LongRangeValidator(Long, Long, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, and value required constructor with a step of one.
LongRangeValidator(Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, and step constructor.
LongRangeValidator(Long, Long, Long, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.LongRangeValidator
Minimum, maximum, step, and value required constructor.
LongStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts a Long from and to a string literal.
LongStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.LongStringLiteralConverter
Default constructor with a default number style.
LongStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.LongStringLiteralConverter
Style constructor.
LongStringLiteralConverter(NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style, Currency) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.LongStringLiteralConverter
Style, and currency constructor.
lowerValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
Lowers the currently selected value in the list.


MAGENTA - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MARGIN_LINE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line far margin extent.
MARGIN_LINE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line near margin extent.
MARGIN_PAGE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page far margin extent.
MARGIN_PAGE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page near margin extent.
MAROON - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MASKED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
The masked bound property.
MAX_BEARING - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
The maximum bearing available; synonymous with CompassPoint.NORTH.
MAX_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
The maximum allowed order.
MAX_TAB_COUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
The maximum tab count bound property.
MAX_TAB_COUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
The maximum tab count bound property.
MAXIMUM_LENGTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
The maximum length bound property.
MediaCommand - Enum in io.guise.framework.input
Commands for controlling media.
MEDIU_MBLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MEDIUM - io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
A medium representation, such as Jan 12, 1952.
MEDIUM - io.guise.framework.converter.TimeStringLiteralStyle
A medium representation
MEDIUM_AQUA_MARINE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MEDIUM_ORCHID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MEDIUM_PURPLE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MEDIUM_SLATE_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MEDIUM_TURQUOISE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Menu - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A group of components arranged as a menu.
MENU_COMPONENT - io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.FrameComponent
The menu, if any, of the frame.
MENU_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound property of the frame menu.
MenuConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Constraints on individual menu layout.
MenuConstraints() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.MenuConstraints
MenuLayout - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A layout for a menu that flows along an axis.
MenuLayout(Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.MenuLayout
Flow constructor.
MenuPrototype - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Contains prototype information for a menu.
MenuPrototype() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.MenuPrototype
Default constructor.
MenuPrototype(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.MenuPrototype
Label constructor.
MenuPrototype(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.MenuPrototype
Label and icon constructor.
Message - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A message component showing the message and any label.
Message() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Message
Default constructor.
MESSAGE_BUSY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.Message
The message content type bound property.
MESSAGE_PASSWORD_INVALID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
MESSAGE_PASSWORD_UNVERIFIED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
MESSAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.Message
The message bound property.
MESSAGE_TASK_SUCCESS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
MESSAGE_USER_EXISTS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
MESSAGE_USER_INVALID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
MessageOptionDialogFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An option dialog frame displaying a message.
MessageOptionDialogFrame(Message, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.MessageOptionDialogFrame
Message component and options constructor.
MessageOptionDialogFrame(Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.MessageOptionDialogFrame
Options constructor with no message.
MessageOptionDialogFrame(String, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.MessageOptionDialogFrame
Message, and options constructor.
MIDDLE - io.guise.framework.input.MouseButton
MIDDLE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Button
MIDNIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MILLIMETER - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
MIN_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
The minimum allowed order.
MINT_CREAM - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MISTY_ROSE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MOCCASIN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
MODAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound property of whether the frame is modal if and when it is open.
MODAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalFrame
The modal state bound property.
MODAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalNavigationPanel
The modal state bound property.
modalBegan(ModalEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ModalListener
Called when the mode begins.
modalBegan(ModalEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ModalNavigationAdapter
modalBegan(ModalEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ModalNavigationListener
Called when an a modal frame begins its modality.
ModalComponent<M extends Mode> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that supports different modes of interaction, such as an editable label or a modal frame.
modalEnded(ModalEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ModalListener
Called when the mode ends.
modalEnded(ModalEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.ModalNavigationAdapter
modalEnded(ModalEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ModalNavigationListener
Called when an a modal frame ends its modality.
ModalEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating that a component changed modes.
ModalEvent(ModalNavigationPanel<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ModalEvent
Source constructor.
ModalFrame<R> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A frame that supports modal interaction.
ModalListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for a change in mode.
ModalNavigation - Class in io.guise.framework
The encapsulation of a point of modal navigation.
ModalNavigation(URI, URI, ModalNavigationListener) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.ModalNavigation
Creates an object encapsulating a point of modal navigation.
ModalNavigationAdapter - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for the end of a modal frame's modality, providing default empty method definitions.
ModalNavigationAdapter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ModalNavigationAdapter
ModalNavigationListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for a change in modal navigation modality.
ModalNavigationPanel<R> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A panel that supports modal navigation.
Mode - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A mode of component interaction.
MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalComponent
The bound property of the mode.
Model - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
Base interface for all component models.
ModeledColor<C extends java.lang.Enum<C> & ModeledColor.Component> - Interface in io.guise.framework.style
Representation of a color through use of a color color space model.
ModeledColor.Component - Interface in io.guise.framework.style
The color component used in the color space.
ModelGroup<M extends Model> - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A group of similar models for providing such functions as communication or mutual exclusion.
MONTH_OF_YEAR - io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
The month of the year, such as January.
MONTH_OF_YEAR_SHORT - io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
The abbreviated month of the year, such as Jan.
MOUSE_LISTENER_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
A component that listens for mouse events.
MouseAdapter - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An abstract mouse listener providing default method implementations.
MouseAdapter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseAdapter
MouseButton - Enum in io.guise.framework.input
A button on a mouse.
MOUSECLICK - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
A mouse click event related to a component.
mouseClicked(MouseClickEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.MouseAdapter
mouseClicked(MouseClickEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.MouseListener
Called when the mouse clicks the target.
MouseClickEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing mouse information of a mouse clicking a target.
MouseClickEvent(Object, MouseClickEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseClickEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
MouseClickEvent(Object, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, MouseButton, int, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseClickEvent
Source constructor.
MouseClickEvent(Object, MouseClickInput) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseClickEvent
Mouse click input constructor with empty target bounds and viewport bounds and a mouse position at the origin.
MouseClickEvent(Object, Object, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, MouseButton, int, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseClickEvent
Source and target constructor.
MouseClickInput - Class in io.guise.framework.input
An encapsulation of mouse click input.
MouseClickInput(MouseButton, int, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.input.MouseClickInput
Button and keys constructor.
MOUSEENTER - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
A mouse enter event related to a component.
mouseEntered(MouseEnterEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
Called when the mouse enters the target.
mouseEntered(MouseEnterEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.MouseAdapter
mouseEntered(MouseEnterEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.MouseListener
Called when the mouse enters the target.
MouseEnterEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing mouse information of a mouse entering a target.
MouseEnterEvent(Object, MouseEnterEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseEnterEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
MouseEnterEvent(Object, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseEnterEvent
Source constructor.
MouseEnterEvent(Object, Object, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseEnterEvent
Source and target constructor.
MouseEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing mouse information.
MOUSEEXIT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
A mouse exit event related to a component.
mouseExited(MouseExitEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
Called when the mouse exits the target.
mouseExited(MouseExitEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.MouseAdapter
mouseExited(MouseExitEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.MouseListener
Called when the mouse exits the target.
MouseExitEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing mouse information of a mouse exiting a target.
MouseExitEvent(Object, MouseExitEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseExitEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
MouseExitEvent(Object, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseExitEvent
Source constructor.
MouseExitEvent(Object, Object, Rectangle, Rectangle, Point, Key...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.MouseExitEvent
Source and target constructor.
MouseInput - Interface in io.guise.framework.input
An encapsulation of user input from a mouse.
MouseInputEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An event providing information on input from a mouse.
MouseListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for mouse events.
MOVABLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound property of whether the component is movable.
MOVE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicates something is to be moved.
MOVIE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The "movie" parameter.
MOZILLA - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
A general Mozilla browser.
MSNBOT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The MSNbot spider.
MULTILINE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
The multiline bound property.
MULTIPLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand
The property for specifying whether multiple files should be selected.
MultipleListSelectionPolicy<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An implementation of a list selection strategy for a list select model allowing unlimited selections.
MultipleListSelectionPolicy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.MultipleListSelectionPolicy
MULTIPLY - io.guise.framework.input.Key
MutualExclusionPolicyModelGroup - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A group that ensures that only one boolean model in the group is set to true at the same time.
MutualExclusionPolicyModelGroup() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.MutualExclusionPolicyModelGroup
Default constructor.
MutualExclusionPolicyModelGroup(ValueModel<Boolean>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.MutualExclusionPolicyModelGroup
Model constructor.


NAME - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
A name for the locale that is appropriate for display to the user, such as language (country, variant).
NAME_EXTENSION - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
The extension for Guise theme resource names.
NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of the component name.
NamePanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard
A panel allowing entry of the "N" type of a vCard text/directory profile as defined in RFC 2426, "vCard MIME Directory Profile".
NamePanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
Default constructor with a default line flow layout.
NamePanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
Layout constructor.
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Guise
The URI to the Guise ontology namespace.
NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Guise
The recommended prefix to the Guise ontology namespace.
NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook.Facebook
The default prefix for the Facebook namespace, e.g.
NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook.Facebook
The Facebook namespace.
NAVAJO_WHITE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
navigate(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigate(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests navigation to the specified path.
navigate(URIPath, Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigate(URIPath, Bookmark) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests navigation to the specified path and bookmark.
navigate(URIPath, Bookmark, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigate(URIPath, Bookmark, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests navigation to the specified path and bookmark in an identified viewport.
navigate(URIPath, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigate(URIPath, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests navigation to the specified path in an identified viewport.
navigate(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigate(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests navigation to the specified URI.
navigate(URI, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigate(URI, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests navigation to the specified URI in an identified viewport.
NavigateActionListener - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for action events and in response changes the navigation.
NavigateActionListener(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NavigateActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate to the provided path.
NavigateActionListener(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NavigateActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate to the provided URI.
NavigateActionListener(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NavigateActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate to the provided URI in the identified viewport.
NavigateActionPrototype - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Action prototype that knows how to navigate.
NavigateActionPrototype() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Default constructor.
NavigateActionPrototype(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Navigation URI path constructor.
NavigateActionPrototype(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Label constructor.
NavigateActionPrototype(String, URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Label and navigation URI path constructor.
NavigateActionPrototype(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Label and icon constructor.
NavigateActionPrototype(String, URI, URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Label, icon, and navigation URI path constructor.
NavigateActionPrototype(String, URI, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Label, icon, and navigation URI constructor.
NavigateActionPrototype(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Navigation URI constructor.
navigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCardPanel
Called when navigation occurs.
navigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AutoNavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Called when navigation occurs.
navigated(NavigationEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.NavigationListener
Called when navigation occurs.
navigateModal(URIPath, Bookmark, ModalNavigationListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigateModal(URIPath, Bookmark, ModalNavigationListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests modal navigation to the specified path and bookmark.
navigateModal(URIPath, ModalNavigationListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigateModal(URIPath, ModalNavigationListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests modal navigation to the specified path.
navigateModal(URI, ModalNavigationListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
navigateModal(URI, ModalNavigationListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests modal navigation to the specified URI.
NavigateModalActionListener - Class in io.guise.framework.event
A object that listens for action events and in response modally changes the navigation.
NavigateModalActionListener(String, ModalNavigationListener) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NavigateModalActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate modally to the provided path.
NavigateModalActionListener(URI, ModalNavigationListener) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NavigateModalActionListener
Constructs a listener to navigate modally to the provided URI.
Navigation - Class in io.guise.framework
The encapsulation of a point of navigation.
Navigation(URI, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Navigation
Creates an object encapsulating a point of navigation.
Navigation(URI, URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Navigation
Creates an object encapsulating a point of navigation.
NAVIGATION - io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent.SectionType
A separate text area for navigation.
NAVIGATION_PATH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
The navigation path bound property.
NAVIGATION_PATH_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.NavigationModel
The navigation path bound property, of type URIPath.
NAVIGATION_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
The navigation URI bound property.
NavigationComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that keeps track of and can report its current navigation path.
NavigationEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating that navigation has occurred.
NavigationEvent(Object, URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NavigationEvent
Source constructor.
NavigationListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for navigation events.
NavigationModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for identifying a navigation path.
NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A panel displaying a navigation path as a series of breadcrumb links for the path segments.
NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Default constructor with a default horizontal flow layout.
NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel(URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Navigation path constructor with a default horizontal flow layout.
NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Layout constructor.
NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel(Layout<?>, URIPath) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Layout and URI constructor.
NAVY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
NEAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.End
The near end of the flow.
NEXT - io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
The command for moving to the next media resource in a series.
NEXT - io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Transition to the next item in a sequence.
NO - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
NO_ALL - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
NO_HEADING_LEVEL - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.HeadingComponent
The heading level value indicating no heading level.
NO_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
No order.
NORMAL - io.guise.framework.style.FontStyle
A font that is classified as "normal" in the font database.
NORTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTH_BY_EAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTH_NORTHEAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTH_NORTHWEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTHBY_WEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTHEAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTHEAST_BY_EAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTHEAST_BY_NORTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTHWEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTHWEST_BY_NORTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
NORTHWEST_BY_WEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
Notification - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A notification to the user of some event or state, such as an error or invalid user input.
Notification(String, ContentType, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
Message and message content type constructor with a Notification.Severity.INFO severity and no associated error.
Notification(String, ContentType, Notification.Severity, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
Message, message content type, and severity constructor with no associated error.
Notification(String, ContentType, Notification.Severity, Throwable, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
Message, message content type, severity, error, and options constructor.
Notification(String, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
Message constructor with a Notification.Severity.INFO severity, no error, and a text/plain content type.
Notification(String, Notification.Severity, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
Message and severity constructor with no error and a text/plain content type.
Notification(String, Notification.Severity, Throwable, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
Message, severity, and error constructor with a text/plain content type.
Notification(Throwable, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
Error constructor with a Notification.Severity.ERROR severity and a text/plain content type.
Notification(Throwable, String, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
Error and message constructor with a Notification.Severity.ERROR severity and a text/plain content type.
NOTIFICATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of the notification.
Notification.Option - Enum in io.guise.framework.model
The options which can be expected as responses for this notification.
Notification.Severity - Enum in io.guise.framework.model
The severity of the notification.
NotificationEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating there should be a notification message of some event or state.
NotificationEvent(Object, NotificationEvent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NotificationEvent
Copy constructor that specifies a different source.
NotificationEvent(Object, Notification) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NotificationEvent
Source and notification constructor.
NotificationEvent(Object, Object, Notification) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.NotificationEvent
Source, target, and notification constructor.
NotificationListener - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for notification events.
NotificationOptionDialogFrame - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Default implementation of a frame for communication of an option such as "OK" or "Cancel".
NotificationOptionDialogFrame(Component, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Component and options constructor.
NotificationOptionDialogFrame(Notification) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Notification constructor.
NotificationOptionDialogFrame(Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Options constructor.
NotificationOptionDialogFrame(ValueModel<Notification.Option>, Component, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Value model, component, and options constructor.
NotificationOptionDialogFrame(ValueModel<Notification.Option>, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Value model, and options constructor.
NotificationOptionDialogFrame(String, ContentType, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Text and content type constructor Duplicate options are ignored.
NotificationOptionDialogFrame(String, Notification.Option...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Text constructor with a default Text.PLAIN_CONTENT_TYPE content type.
notified(NotificationEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.NotificationListener
Called when a notification event occurs.
notify(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
notify(Notification) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Notifies the user of the given notification information.
notify(Notification...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
notify(Notification...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Notifies the user of one or more notifications to be presented in sequence.
notify(Notification, Runnable) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Notifies the user of the given notification information, with optional logic to be executed after notification takes place.
notify(Runnable, Notification...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Notifies the user of one or more notifications to be presented in sequence, with optional logic to be executed after all notifications have taken place.
notify(Runnable, Notification...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Notifies the user of one or more notifications to be presented in sequence, with optional logic to be executed after all notifications have taken place.
notify(Runnable, Throwable...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
notify(Runnable, Throwable...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Notifies the user of the given error in sequence, with optional logic to be executed after notification takes place.
notify(Throwable...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
notify(Throwable...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Notifies the user of the given errors in sequence.
NUMBER - io.guise.framework.converter.NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style
General number formatting.
NumberStringLiteralConverter<V extends java.lang.Number> - Interface in io.guise.framework.converter
Indicates an object that can convert a number from and to a string.
NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style - Enum in io.guise.framework.converter
The style of the number in its literal form.
NUMPAD_0 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_1 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_2 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_3 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_4 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_5 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_6 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_7 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_8 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_9 - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_ADD - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_DECIMAL - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_DIVIDE - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_ENTER - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_NUM_LOCK - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_SCROLL_LOCK - io.guise.framework.input.Key
NUMPAD_SUBTRACT - io.guise.framework.input.Key


OBLIQUE - io.guise.framework.style.FontStyle
A font that is classified as "oblique" in the font database, such as many fonts with names including the word "Oblique", "Slanted", or "Incline".
OK - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
OLD_LACE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
OLIVE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
OLIVE_DRAB - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
onSequenceIndexChange(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSequenceTaskPanel
Called after the sequence index changes.
OPACITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The opacity bound property.
OpacityFadeEffect - Class in io.guise.framework.component.effect
An effect for fading from one opacity to another.
OpacityFadeEffect() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.effect.OpacityFadeEffect
Default constructor with no delay.
OpacityFadeEffect(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.effect.OpacityFadeEffect
Delay constructor.
open - Variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext.ElementState
Whether the element has been opened but not closed.
open() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
open() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Opens the frame with the currently set modality.
open(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
open(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Opens the frame, specifying modality.
open(GenericPropertyChangeListener<Frame.Mode>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
open(GenericPropertyChangeListener<Frame.Mode>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Opens the frame as modal and installs the given property change listener to listen for the mode changing.
open(Runnable) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.NotificationOptionDialogFrame
Opens the frame as modal with a Runnable to be performed after modality ends successfully.
OPEN - io.guise.framework.component.Frame.State
The frame is open.
OPEN_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating open state.
OPEN_EFFECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The open effect bound property.
OPEN_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Menu
The open bound property.
openFlyover() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverFrameStrategy
Shows a flyover for the component.
openFlyover() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
Shows a flyover for the component.
OPERA - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Opera browser.
OptionDialogFrame<O> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A frame for communication of an option.
ORANGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
ORANGE_RED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
ORCHID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Orientation - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Encapsulates internationalized orientation of objects.
Orientation(FlowOrientation, FlowOrientation) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Flow orientation constructor.
ORIENTATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The orientation bound property.
ORIENTATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
The orientation bound property.
ORIGIN_POINT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
A predefined point with zero coordinates.


PADDING_LINE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
The bound property of the line far padding extent.
PADDING_LINE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The bound property of the line far padding extent.
PADDING_LINE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line far padding extent.
PADDING_LINE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
The bound property of the line near padding extent.
PADDING_LINE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The bound property of the line near padding extent.
PADDING_LINE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the line near padding extent.
PADDING_PAGE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
The bound property of the page far padding extent.
PADDING_PAGE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The bound property of the page far padding extent.
PADDING_PAGE_FAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page far padding extent.
PADDING_PAGE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
The bound property of the page near padding extent.
PADDING_PAGE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The bound property of the page near padding extent.
PADDING_PAGE_NEAR_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the page near padding extent.
PAGE - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow
Flow along a page; the Y axis in left-to-right, top-to-bottom orientation.
PAGE_ALIGNMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
The bound property of the page alignment.
PAGE_ALIGNMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The bound property of the page alignment.
PAGE_DOWN - io.guise.framework.input.Key
PAGE_DOWN - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
PAGE_END - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
At the end of a page; "bottom" in left-to-right, top-to-bottom orientation.
PAGE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
The page extent (height in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) bound property.
PAGE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The page extent (height in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) bound property.
PAGE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The page extent (height in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) bound property.
PAGE_FAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
The bottom side in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
PAGE_NEAR - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
The top side in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
PAGE_START - io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
At the beginning of a page; "top" in left-to-right, top-to-bottom orientation.
PAGE_UP - io.guise.framework.input.Key
PAGE_UP - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
PALE_GOLDEN_ROD - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
PALE_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
PALE_TURQUOISE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
PALE_VIOLET_RED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Panel - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
Base interface for boxes within a frame.
PANValidator - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A validator to validate a Primary Account Number (PAN) of an identification card as defined in ISO/IEC 7812-1:2000(E), "Identification cards - Identification of issuers - Part 1: Numbering system".
PANValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.PANValidator
Value required constructor accepting all known products.
PANValidator(boolean, Product...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.PANValidator
Value required and valid products constructor.
PANValidator(Product...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.PANValidator
Valid products constructor with no value required.
PAPAYA_WHIP - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Parameter(String, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.Bookmark.Parameter
Constructor specifying the name and value.
PARENT_URI_PROPERTY_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
The property for the URI of the theme's parent.
parseDeclarationBlock(ParseReader, Rule) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSProcessor
Parses an input stream is expected to contain a block of declaration names and values, with appropriate beginning and ending delimiters.
parseDeclarations(ParseReader, Rule) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSProcessor
Parses an input stream is expected to contain a set of declaration names and values.
parseNumber(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractNumberStringLiteralConverter
Converts a literal representation of a value from the lexical space into a number.
parseRule(ParseReader) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSProcessor
Parses an input stream that is expected to begin with a CSS rule.
parseStylesheetContent(ParseReader, CSSStylesheet) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSProcessor
Parses an input stream that contains stylesheet information.
PASSWORD_VERIFIED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
The bound property of the password verification status.
PasswordAuthenticationPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Panel to gather password authentication information and optionally verify the password.
PasswordAuthenticationPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Default constructor with a default vertical flow layout.
PasswordAuthenticationPanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Layout constructor.
PathURIStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A URI converter that interprets relative URIs as path URIs with the "path" scheme.
PathURIStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.PathURIStringLiteralConverter
pause() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.audio.Audio.Depictor
Requests that the audio pause.
pause() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Requests that the audio pause.
pause() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor
PAUSE - io.guise.framework.input.Key
PAUSE - io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
The command for pausing a media stream, with the capability to continue the media stream later.
PEACH_PUFF - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
peekModalNavigation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
PENDING_IMAGE_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageComponent
The pending image URI bound property.
PendingImage - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A simple image component with an indication when the image is pending.
PendingImage() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImage
Default constructor.
PendingImage(ImageModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImage
Image model constructor.
PendingImage(InfoModel, ImageModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImage
Info model and image model constructor.
PendingImageActionControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A pending image component that is also an action control.
PendingImageActionControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageActionControl
Default constructor.
PendingImageActionControl(ImageModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageActionControl
Image model constructor.
PendingImageActionControl(InfoModel, ImageModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageActionControl
Info model, image model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
PendingImageComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that displays an image and is able to indicate when an image is pending.
PendingImageModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for an image that is pending.
PERCENT - io.guise.framework.converter.NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style
Percentage representation.
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
performAction() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ActionModel
Performs the action with default force and default option.
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
performAction() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
Performs the action with default force and default option.
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
performAction(int, int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ActionModel
Performs the action with the given force and option.
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
performAction(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
Performs the action with the given force and option.
PermanentRedirectDestination - Interface in io.guise.framework
A destination that permanently redirects somewhere else.
PermanentRedirectReferenceDestination - Class in io.guise.framework
A destination that permanently redirects to another referenced destination.
PermanentRedirectReferenceDestination(URIPath, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.PermanentRedirectReferenceDestination
Path and referenced destination constructor.
PermanentRedirectReferenceDestination(Pattern, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.PermanentRedirectReferenceDestination
Path pattern and referenced destination constructor.
PERU - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
PICA - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
Picas, or 12 points.
Picture - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An image component that displays an associated label and description, if present.
Picture() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Picture
Default constructor.
Picture(InfoModel, ImageModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Picture
Info model and image model constructor.
PINK - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
PIXEL - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
Pixels relative to the viewing device.
PlainIntegerStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts an Integer from and to a string literal with no delimiters.
PlainIntegerStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.PlainIntegerStringLiteralConverter
PlainLongStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts a Long from and to a string literal with no delimiters.
PlainLongStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.PlainLongStringLiteralConverter
Platform - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
The platform on which Guise objects are being depicted.
PLATFORM_FILES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector
The bound property of the selected platform files.
PlatformCommand - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
A command to or from the platform on which objects are depicted.
PlatformCommandMessage<C extends java.lang.Enum<C> & PlatformCommand> - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
A command message to or from the platform on which objects are being depicted.
PlatformDropEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
Indicates that a drop action has occurred after a drag on the platform.
PlatformDropEvent(DepictedObject, DepictedObject) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformDropEvent
Drag source and drop target constructor.
PlatformEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
An event message to or from the platform on which objects are being depicted.
PlatformFile - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
A local file on a platform.
PlatformFileCollector - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
Encapsulation of a list of platform files and a way to collect them.
PlatformFileCollector() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector
Default constructor.
PlatformFileCollector.Depictor<F extends PlatformFileCollector> - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
The custom depictor type for this depicted object class.
PlatformFileUploadPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Panel to browse platform files and upload them to the specified destination.
PlatformFileUploadPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Default constructor with a default vertical flow layout.
PlatformFileUploadPanel(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Destination URI constructor.
PlatformFileUploadPanel(URI, Bookmark) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Destination URI and destination bookmark constructor.
PlatformFileUploadTask - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
A task to upload a series of files from the platform.
PlatformFileUploadTask(Iterable<PlatformFile>, URI, Bookmark) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Platform files, destination URI, and destination bookmark constructor.
PlatformFocusEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
Indicates that a component has received focus on the platform.
PlatformFocusEvent(DepictedObject) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFocusEvent
Constructs a focus control event.
PlatformMessage - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
A message to or from the platform on which objects are being depicted.
play() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.audio.Audio.Depictor
Requests that the audio start playing.
play() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Requests that the audio start playing.
play() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor
PLAY - io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
The command for starting media.
PLUM - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Point - Class in io.guise.framework.geometry
A point in three-dimensional space.
Point(double, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Two-dimensional primitive pixel coordinate constructor.
Point(double, double, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Primitive pixel coordinate constructor.
Point(double, double, double, Unit) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Primitive coordinate and unit constructor.
Point(double, double, Unit) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Two-dimensional primitive coordinate and unit constructor.
Point(Extent, Extent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Two-dimensional coordinate constructor.
Point(Extent, Extent, Extent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Coordinate constructor.
POINT - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
Points, or 1/72 of an inch.
POINTER - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
The cursor is a pointer that indicates a link.
POLL - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
Polls the server to check for updates.
POLL_INTERVAL - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform.PollCommand
The command to set the polling interval.
pollModalNavigation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
popModalNavigation() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
POSITION_PROPERTY - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
The property for specifying the position of the audio.
POWDER_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
PresentationModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model.ui
Encapsulation of presentation-related information.
PREVIOUS - io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
The command for moving to the previous media resource in a series.
PREVIOUS - io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Transition to the previous item in a sequence.
PRINCIPAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
The principal (e.g.
PRINT_SCREEN - io.guise.framework.input.Key
process(ParseReader) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSProcessor
Processes a CSS stylesheet.
ProcessCommand - Enum in io.guise.framework.input
Commands for reacting to a decision to be made during a process.
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Processes an event from the platform.
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.DepictedObject
Processes an event from the platform.
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
Processes an event from the platform.
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebActionControlDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebMenuDepictor
Processes an event from the platform.
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFileInputDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSliderDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabbedPanelDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
processEvent(PlatformEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
processPosition(SliderControl<V>, double) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSliderDepictor
Updates the position of a slider control based upon the relative position sent from the web platform.
processPrototypeProvisions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Processes prototype provisions.
processPrototypeProvisions(Set<PrototypeProvision<?>>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Processes prototype provisions.
processPrototypeProvisions(Set<PrototypeProvision<?>>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Processes prototype provisions.
processSelectedIDs(ListSelectControl<V>, String[]) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectDepictor
Updates the selection of a list select control based upon the selected IDs sent from the web platform.
Product - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
The identification of a product, such as a user agent or a plugin, on the platform.
PROGRESS - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
A progress indicator.
progressed(ProgressEvent<P>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ProgressListener
Called when a task makes progress.
ProgressEvent<P> - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event used to notify interested parties that progress has been made for a particular task.
ProgressEvent(Object, TaskState) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
Task state constructor with no known value or maximum value.
ProgressEvent(Object, TaskState, P) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
Task state and value constructor with no known maximum value.
ProgressEvent(Object, TaskState, P, P) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
Task state, value, and maximum constructor.
ProgressEvent(Object, ProgressEvent<P>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
Source copy constructor.
ProgressEvent(Object, String, TaskState) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
Task and task state constructor with no known value or maximum value.
ProgressEvent(Object, String, TaskState, P) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
Task, task state, and value constructor with no known maximum value.
ProgressEvent(Object, String, TaskState, P, P) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ProgressEvent
Task, task state, value, and maximum constructor.
ProgressListenable<P> - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that allows the registration of progress listeners.
ProgressListener<P> - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for progress events.
propertyChange(GenericPropertyChangeEvent<Boolean>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.event.SynchronizeDisplayedPropertyChangeListener
propertyChange(GenericPropertyChangeEvent<Boolean>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.MutualExclusionPolicyModelGroup
propertyChange(GenericPropertyChangeEvent<Object>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout.ConstraintsPropertyChangeListener
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ValuePolicyModelGroup
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor.DepictedPropertyChangeListener
Prototype - Interface in io.guise.framework.prototype
The basis on which a component can be formed, consisting of appropriate models and interfaces.
PROTOTYPE_PROVISIONS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvider
The prototype provisions property.
PrototypeProvider - Interface in io.guise.framework.prototype
An object that provides prototypes.
PrototypeProvision<P extends Prototype> - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Prototype provision information indicating order, hierarchy, and location for generated components.
PrototypeProvision(PrototypeProvision<?>, P, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
Parent prototype description and prototype constructor.
PrototypeProvision(P, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
Prototype constructor with no prototype description parent.
provideDefaultPrototypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
Provides default prototype provisions to be integrated into the menu and/or toolbar.
providePrototypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.DefaultPrototypeProvider
providePrototypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvider
Provides prototype provisions.
PROVISIONAL_TEXT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
The provisional text literal bound property.
ProxyActionPrototype - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
An action prototype that is a proxy for another action prototype.
ProxyActionPrototype(ActionPrototype) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
Proxied prototype constructor.
PseudoClass - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
A pseudo class simple selector.
PseudoClass(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.PseudoClass
Pseudo class name constructor.
PURPLE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
pushModalNavigation(ModalNavigation) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Pushes the given model navigation onto the top of the stack.
putComponentState(T, S) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Stores a child component state for the given object.


QUALITY_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The "quality" parameter.
QUALITY_PARAMETER_HIGH - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The "quality" parameter "high" value.


raiseValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
Raises the currently selected value in the list.
RangeValidator<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.validator
A validator restricting a value to a range.
RECEDE - io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
The command for receding in a media stream from the current location.
receive(URI, Bookmark) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl.Depictor
Requests that resource collection start.
receive(URI, Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor
receiveResources(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Receives collected resources at the given destination path with no bookmark.
receiveResources(String, Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Receives collected resources at the given destination path using the given bookmark.
RECORD - io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
The command for recording input to media.
Rectangle - Class in io.guise.framework.geometry
A rectangle on a plane.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
Two-dimensional primitive pixel coordinates and dimensions constructor.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
Primitive pixel coordinates and dimensions constructor.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double, double, Unit) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
Primitive coordinates, dimensions, and unit constructor.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double, Unit) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
Two-dimensional primitive coordinates, dimensions, and unit constructor.
Rectangle(Extent, Extent, Extent, Extent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
Two-dimensional coordinates and dimensions constructor.
Rectangle(Extent, Extent, Extent, Extent, Extent) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
Coordinates and dimensions constructor.
Rectangle(Point, Dimensions) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
Position and size constructor.
RECTANGLE - io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl.CheckType
A four-cornered check box, such as a square.
RED - io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor.Component
RED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
redirect(HTTPServletGuiseRequest, GuiseApplication, RedirectDestination, Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Processes a redirect from a redirect destination.
redirect(HTTPServletGuiseRequest, GuiseApplication, URI, Bookmark, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Redirects to the given navigation path, preserving the given bookmark.
RedirectDestination - Interface in io.guise.framework
A destination that redirects somewhere else.
ReferenceConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Constraints on individual component layout.
ReferenceConstraints(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ReferenceConstraints
Creates constraints with a reference ID to which a component should be bound.
ReferenceDestination - Interface in io.guise.framework
A destination that references another destination.
ReferenceLayout - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A layout for components bound to component references such as IDs.
ReferenceLayout() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ReferenceLayout
refirePropertyChange(Component, T, String, V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout.ConstraintsPropertyChangeListener
Refires a constraint property change event for the layout in the form of a LayoutConstraintsPropertyChangeEvent.
Region - Enum in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Indicates a region of a larger area in internationalized relative terms.
RegionConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Constraints on individual component region layout.
RegionConstraints(Region) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Region constructor.
RegionLayout - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A layout that defines locations of components in internationalized relative terms.
RegionLayout() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Default constructor with Flow.LINE span flow.
RegionLayout(Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Span flow constructor.
REGIONS - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
The three regions for each axis/direction combination.
registerDataAttributeNamespaceURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
registerDataAttributeNamespaceURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
Registers a namespace URI to be represented as an HTML5 data attribute.
registerDepictedObject(DepictedObject) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
registerDepictedObject(DepictedObject) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Registers a depicted object so that it can interact with the platform.
registerDepictorClass(Class<O>, Class<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
Registers the class of a depictor to depict an object of the given class (and by default subclasses).
registerSession(GuiseSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
registerSession(GuiseSession) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Registers a session with this application.
RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A character array validator that can validate against regular expressions.
RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression string, without requiring a non-null value..
RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression string.
RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator(Pattern) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression pattern, without requiring a non-null value.
RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator(Pattern, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression pattern.
RegularExpressionStringValidator - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A string validator that can validate against regular expressions.
RegularExpressionStringValidator(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionStringValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression string, without requiring a non-null value..
RegularExpressionStringValidator(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionStringValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression string.
RegularExpressionStringValidator(Pattern) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionStringValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression pattern, without requiring a non-null value.
RegularExpressionStringValidator(Pattern, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionStringValidator
Constructs a string regular expression validator from a regular expression pattern.
rejectEdit() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Cancels edits.
RELATED_COMPONENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound property of the related component.
RELATIVE - io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
Pure relative units (i.e.
relativizePath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
relativizePath(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Changes an absolute path to an application-relative path.
relativizeURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
relativizeURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Changes a URI to an application-relative path.
releaseDestinationComponent(ComponentDestination) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
releaseDestinationComponent(ComponentDestination) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Releases the component bound to the given destination.
releaseResourceBundle() - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Unloads the current resource bundle so that the next call to AbstractGuiseSession.getResourceBundle() will load the resource bundle anew.
remove(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
remove(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
remove(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Removes the child component at the specified position in this container.
remove(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
remove(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
remove(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Removes a child tree node from this tree node.
remove(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
remove(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
remove(Object) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Removes a component from the container.
remove(Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
remove(Object) - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
remove(M) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModelGroup
Removes a model from the group.
remove(M) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ModelGroup
Removes a model from the group.
REMOVE - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ActionListenable
Removes an action listener.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultActionModel
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractActionPrototype
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
removeChildFrame(Frame) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
removeChildFrame(Frame) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ApplicationFrame
Removes a frame from the list of child frames.
removeCommandListener(CommandListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
removeCommandListener(CommandListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Removes a command listener.
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
Removes a child component.
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMultipleCompositeComponent
Removes a child component.
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
Removes a component from the layout.
removeComponent(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.layout.Layout
Removes a component from the layout.
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Removes a child component.
removeComponentState(T) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateComponent
Removes the child component state for the given object.
removeCompositeComponentListener(CompositeComponentListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
removeCompositeComponentListener(CompositeComponentListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CompositeComponent
Removes a composite component listener.
removeConfiguration(Class<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Removes a configuration of the given type.
removeConfiguration(Class<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Removes a configuration of the given type.
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValueControl
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValuePanel
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
removeEditListener(EditListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.EditListenable
Removes an edit listener.
removeExportStrategy(ExportStrategy<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
removeExportStrategy(ExportStrategy<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Removes an export strategy from the component.
removeGuiseSession(GuiseSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Removes and destroys a Guise session.
removeGuiseSessions(HttpSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Removes the Guise sessions for the given HTTP session.
removeImpl(ValueModel<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ValuePolicyModelGroup
Actual implementation of removing a model from the group.
removeImpl(M) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractModelGroup
Actual implementation of removing a model from the group.
removeImportStrategy(ImportStrategy<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
removeImportStrategy(ImportStrategy<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Removes an import strategy from the component.
removeKeyListener(KeyboardListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
removeKeyListener(KeyboardListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Removes a key listener.
removeListListener(ListListener<E>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ListListenable
Removes a list listener.
removeListListener(ListListener<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
removeListListener(ListListener<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
removeListListener(ListListener<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
removeListListener(ListListener<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Removes a list listener.
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Removes a list selection listener.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Removes a mouse listener.
removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Removes a notification listener.
removeParameter(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
Creates a new bookmark with the given parameter removed.
removePreferenceProperty(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
removePreferenceProperty(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Removes a property from being saved and loaded as preferences.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Removes an progress listener.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener<Long>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Removes an progress listener.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener<P>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ProgressListenable
Removes an progress listener.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Environment
Removes the property specified by the given name.
removePrototypeProvider(PrototypeProvider) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Removes a prototoype provider being managed.
removeResourcePath(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Removes a resource path.
removeSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
removeSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
removeSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
removeSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Removes a selection at the given indices.
removeValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
removeValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectEditor
Removes the currently selected value in the list.
replace(Component, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
replace(V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
replace(V, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
replace(V, V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.SelectModel
Replaces the first occurrence in the of the given value with its replacement.
requestLocale(List<Locale>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
requestLocale(List<Locale>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Requests that the locale be changed to one of the given locales.
requestPollInterval(DepictedObject, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
requestPollInterval(DepictedObject, int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
Requests a polling interval for a given depicted object.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Control
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Resets the control to its default value.
reset() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
Resets the control to its default value.
resetSequence() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Resets the sequence by navigating to the first card and disabling all subsequent cards.
resetTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
resetTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Resets this object's theme.
resetTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
resetTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Resets this object's theme.
resetTheme() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Resets this object's theme.
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
Resets the value to a default value, which may be invalid according to any installed validators.
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellValueModel
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Resets the value to a default value, which may be invalid according to any installed validators.
resetValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultValueModel
resetValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
Resets the value to a default value, which may be invalid according to any installed validators.
RESIZABLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound property of whether the frame can be resized.
RESIZE_LINE_FAR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicate that some edge is to be moved from the east of the box in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
RESIZE_LINE_FAR_PAGE_FAR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicate that some edge is to be moved from the south-east corner of the box in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
RESIZE_LINE_FAR_PAGE_NEAR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicate that some edge is to be moved from the north-east corner of the box in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
RESIZE_LINE_NEAR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicate that some edge is to be moved from the west of the box in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
RESIZE_LINE_NEAR_PAGE_FAR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicate that some edge is to be moved from the south-west corner of the box in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
RESIZE_LINE_NEAR_PAGE_NEAR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicate that some edge is to be moved from the north-west corner of the box in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
RESIZE_PAGE_FAR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicate that some edge is to be moved from the south corner of the box in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
RESIZE_PAGE_NEAR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicate that some edge is to be moved from the north of the box in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation.
resolvePath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
resolvePath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
resolvePath(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Resolves a relative or absolute path against the application base path.
resolvePath(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseContainer
Resolves a relative or absolute path against the container base path.
resolveURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
resolveURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
resolveURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractURIStringLiteralConverter
Resolves a converted URI if needed.
resolveURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.BaseURIStringLiteralConverter
Resolves a converted URI if needed.
resolveURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.DefaultURIStringLiteralConverter
resolveURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.PathURIStringLiteralConverter
Resolves a converted URI if needed.
resolveURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Resolves a URI against the application base path.
resolveURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseContainer
Resolves URI against the container base path.
resolveURI(URI, String...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
resolveURI(URI, String...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Resolves a URI against the application base path, looking up the URI from the resources if necessary.
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_BASE_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The resource bundle base name bound property.
RESOURCE_COLLECT_CANCEL - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor.ResourceCollectCommand
The command to cancel a resource transfer.
RESOURCE_COLLECT_COMPLETE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor.ResourceCollectCommand
The command to complete receiving resources.
RESOURCE_COLLECT_RECEIVE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor.ResourceCollectCommand
The command to start receiving resources.
RESOURCE_MENU_ADD_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_ADVANCE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_ANNOTATE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_CLOSE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_DELETE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_EDIT_CANCEL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_EDIT_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_EXIT_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_MOVE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_NEW_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_NEXT_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_OPEN_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_PAUSE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_PLAY_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_PREVIOUS_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_PROPERTIES_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_RECEDE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_RECORD_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_REFRESH_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_RENAME_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_RETRIEVE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_REVERT_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_SAVE_ALL_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_SAVE_AS_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_SAVE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_MENU_STOP_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
RESOURCE_PATHS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
The bound property of the paths of the collected resources.
ResourceBundles - Class in io.guise.framework
Switch to using Rincl.
ResourceBundles() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.ResourceBundles
ResourceCollectControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control that allows resources to be collected and received at a given path.
ResourceCollectControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Default constructor with a default models.
ResourceCollectControl(InfoModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Info model and enableable object constructor.
ResourceCollectControl.Depictor<C extends ResourceCollectControl> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
The custom depictor type for web collect controls.
ResourceColor - Class in io.guise.framework.style
A color that retrieves its values from the Guise session resources based upon a resource key.
ResourceColor(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.ResourceColor
Resource key constructor.
ResourceCommand - Enum in io.guise.framework.input
Commands for working with resources.
ResourceImport - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
An interface to a resource being imported, such as a web file upload.
ResourceImportControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control accepting a resource to be imported, such as a web file upload.
ResourceImportControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceImportControl
Default constructor with a default value model.
ResourceImportControl(ValueModel<ResourceImport>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceImportControl
Value model constructor.
ResourceImportValidator - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A resource import validator that can validate resource imports against accepted content types, file extensions, and/or maximum size.
ResourceImportValidator(long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Maximum content length constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(long, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Maximum content length and value required constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(ContentType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content type constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(ContentType, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content type, and value required constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(ContentType, long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content type and maximum content length constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(ContentType, long, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content type, maximum content length, and value required constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(GuiseSession) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Default constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(Set<ContentType>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content types constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(Set<ContentType>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content types and value required constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(Set<ContentType>, long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content types and maximum content length constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(Set<ContentType>, long, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content types, maximum content length, and value required constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(Set<ContentType>, Set<String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content types, and accepted extensions constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(Set<ContentType>, Set<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content types, accepted extensions, and value required constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(Set<ContentType>, Set<String>, long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content types, accepted extensions, and maximum content length constructor.
ResourceImportValidator(Set<ContentType>, Set<String>, long, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Accepted content types, accepted extensions, maximum content length, and value required constructor.
ResourceReadDestination - Interface in io.guise.framework
A navigation point that retrieves a resource description and/or contents.
Resources - Class in io.guise.framework
Definitions of Guise resources.
RESOURCES_DIRECTORY_PATH - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
The absolute path, relative to the servlet context, of the resources directory.
RESOURCES_NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
RESOURCES_NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
RESOURCES_PROPERTY_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
The resources property name.
ResourceWriteDestination - Interface in io.guise.framework
A navigation point that sets a resource description and/or contents.
RESULT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalFrame
The result bound property.
RESULT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalNavigationPanel
The result bound property.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
RETRY - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
RGBColor - Class in io.guise.framework.style
Encapsulates a color value of the sRGB color space.
RGBColor(double, double, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified red, green, and blue component values.
RGBColor(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Creates an sRGB color with the specified red, green, blue, and alpha component values.
RGBColor(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Creates an opaque sRGB color from the specified sRGB color value.
RGBColor(int, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Creates an sRGB color from the specified sRGB color value and alpha indication.
RGBColor(int, int, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified absolute red, green, and blue component values.
RGBColor(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Creates an sRGB color with the specified absolute red, green, blue, and alpha component values.
RGBColor(CharSequence) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Creates an RGB color from the specified string representation.
RGBColor.Component - Enum in io.guise.framework.style
A color component of sRGB.
RIDGE - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
Effect simulating a line coming out of the canvas.
RIGHT - io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
The right side.
RIGHT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
RIGHT - io.guise.framework.input.MouseButton
RIGHT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Button
RIGHT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
RIGHT_TO_LEFT - io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
RIGHT_TO_LEFT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Right-to-left line, top-to-bottom page orientation (e.g.
ROLLOVER_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating rollover state.
ROLLOVER_IMAGE_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
The rollover image URI bound property.
ROLLOVER_OPEN_ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Menu
The bound property of whether children will be displayed upon rollover.
ROLLOVER_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ActionControl
The bound property of the rollover state.
ROOT_NODE_DISPLAYED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
The bound property of whether the root node is displayed.
ROOT_NODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeModel
The bound property of the root node.
ROSY_BROWN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
ROUNDED_CORNER_ARC_SIZE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
ROW_COUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
The row count bound property.
ROW_COUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
The row count bound property.
ROW_REGION_CLASSES - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
The style classes for each region in a row.
ROYAL_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Rule - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
A CSS rule, consisting of one or more selectors and a declaration.
Rule - Class in io.guise.framework.theme
A rule for specifying part of a theme.
Rule() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.theme.Rule
Default constructor.
Rule(Selector...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Rule
Selectors constructor.
Rule(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.theme.Rule
Reference URI constructor.


SADDLE_BROWN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SAFARI - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Safari browser.
SALMON - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SANDY_BROWN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SATURATION - io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor.Component
savePreferences(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
savePreferences(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Saves the preferences for this component and optionally any descendant components.
savePreferences(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Saves the preferences for this component and optionally any descendant components.
SCOOTER - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The AltaVista Scooter spider.
ScrollControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A control that allows the user to scroll its contents The control's contents are specified using ScrollControl.setContent(Component).
ScrollControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
Default constructor with no content component.
ScrollControl(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
Component constructor.
ScrollControl.ScrollComponent - Enum in io.guise.framework.component
The enumeration of frame components.
SEA_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SEA_SHELL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SECTION - io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent.SectionType
A section of a larger piece, such as an article.
SECTION_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent
The section type bound property.
SectionComponent - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that potentially demarcates a semantically significant area of the a parent component.
SectionComponent.SectionType - Enum in io.guise.framework.component
The type of section.
SectionPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A panel that demarcates a semantically significant area of the a parent component with arranged child components.
SectionPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SectionPanel
Default constructor with a default vertical flow layout and a default SectionComponent.SectionType.SECTION section type.
SectionPanel(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SectionPanel
Layout constructor with a default SectionComponent.SectionType.SECTION section type.
SectionPanel(Layout<?>, SectionComponent.SectionType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SectionPanel
Layout and section type constructor.
SectionPanel(SectionComponent.SectionType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SectionPanel
Section type constructor with a default vertical flow layout.
SELECT - io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent.Command
The action requests an item to be selected.
SELECT_ACTION_SELECTED_GLYPH_RESOURCE_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TaskStateSelectLink
The resource URI for the selected icon.
SELECT_ACTION_UNSELECTED_GLYPH_RESOURCE_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TaskStateSelectLink
The resource URI for the unselected icon.
Selectable - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
An object that can be selected.
SelectableLabel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A label component that is able to indicate a selected state.
SelectableLabel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SelectableLabel
Default constructor with a default info model.
SelectableLabel(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SelectableLabel
Info model constructor.
selectActionControl - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl.SelectActionListener
The control to select.
SelectActionControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
An action control that keeps track of its selected state.
SelectActionListener(SelectActionControl) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl.SelectActionListener
Select action control constructor.
SelectButton - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Selectable button.
SelectButton() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SelectButton
Default constructor.
SelectButton(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SelectButton
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
SelectButtonControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A button that keeps track of its selected state.
selectCard() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Selects the first connected card that is displayed and enabled.
selectCard(CardControl, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Selects the specified card.
SelectControl<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A control to allow selection by the user of a value from a collection.
SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SelectableLabel
The bound property of the selected background color.
SELECTED_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating selected state.
SELECTED_GLYPH_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
The selected icon bound property.
SELECTED_IMAGE_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
The selected image URI bound property.
SELECTED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.Selectable
The bound property of whether the object is selected.
SelectLink - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Selectable link.
SelectLink() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SelectLink
Default constructor.
SelectLink(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SelectLink
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
SelectLinkControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A link that keeps track of its selected state.
SelectModel<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for selecting one or more values from a collection.
Selector - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
A selector of a CSS rule.
Selector() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Selector
Default constructor.
Selector(TypeSelector) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Selector
Type selector constructor.
selectPlatformFiles(boolean, ValueSelectListener<Collection<PlatformFile>>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Selects one or more files on the platform, using the appropriate selection functionality for the platform.
selectPlatformFiles(boolean, ValueSelectListener<Collection<PlatformFile>>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
SEND_RESOURCE_VIEWPORT_ID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
The ID of the viewport to use for sending resources.
sendResource(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Sends a resource to the platform.
sendResource(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
sendResource(URIPath, Bookmark) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Sends a resource to the platform with the specified bookmark.
sendResource(URIPath, Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
sendResource(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Sends a resource to the platform.
sendResource(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
sendResource(URI, Bookmark) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Sends a resource to the platform.
sendResource(URI, Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
Sends a resource to the platform.
SEQUENCE - io.guise.framework.model.View
The view in which a sequence of items is shown, perhaps as a card deck.
SequenceCardPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A card panel representing a sequence of cards.
SequenceCardPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Default constructor.
SequenceCardPanel(CardLayout) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Layout constructor.
SequenceCardPanel.SequenceCardVetoableChangeListener - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A vetoable property change listener validates cards before changing to new cards.
SequenceCardVetoableChangeListener() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel.SequenceCardVetoableChangeListener
SequenceTaskController - Class in io.guise.framework.controller
Abstract base class for managing progression of a sequence.
SequenceTaskController(SequenceTask) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
Sequence task constructor.
SequenceTransition - Enum in io.guise.framework.model
A transition in a sequence.
SequenceTransitionable - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
An object that can be transitioned in a sequence.
serveResource(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, DefaultHTTPServlet.HTTPServletResource, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseSessionManager
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseSessionManager
set(int, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
set(int, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
set(int, V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
setAction(ActionControl) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
Sets the connected action.
setActive(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Activeable
Sets whether the object is active.
setAlignment(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowConstraints
Sets the alignment of a component perpendicular to the flow axis.
setAlignment(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
Sets the default alignment of components perpendicular to the flow axis.
setAlignment(Flow, double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the alignment of a given flow.
setAlignment(Flow, double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the alignment of a given flow.
setAllDataAttributes(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
setAllDataAttributes(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
Sets whether all non-default-namespace attributes are encoded at HTML5 data attributes.
setAllExpanded(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
setAllExpanded(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
setAllExpanded(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
setAllExpanded(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeModel
Sets whether all tree nodes are expanded.
setAllExpanded(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Sets whether all tree nodes, including this node, are expanded in this subtree.
setApply(Template) - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Rule
Sets this rule's apply declaration.
setAudioContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Sets the content type of the audio.
setAudioURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Sets the URI of the audio.
setAutoCommitPattern(Pattern) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Sets the The regular expression pattern that will cause the text automatically to be committed immediately.
setAutoSelect(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
setAutoSelect(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
setAutoSelect(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
setAutoSelect(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
Sets whether this control automatically sets or toggles the selection state when the action occurs.
setAxis(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
Sets the flow axis.
setAxis(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
Sets the flow axis.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the background color of the component.
setBaseURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Sets the base URI of the application.
setBookmark(Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setBookmark(Bookmark) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Changes the bookmark of the current navigation path.
setBookmarkEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCardPanel
Sets whether the component is has bookmarks enabled.
setBorderColor(Border, Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderColor(Border, Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border color of a given border.
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border color of all borders.
setBorderExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border extent of a given border.
setBorderExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border extent of all borders.
setBorderLineFarColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderLineFarColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border color of the line far border.
setBorderLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border extent of the line far border.
setBorderLineFarStyle(LineStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderLineFarStyle(LineStyle) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border style of the line far border.
setBorderLineNearColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderLineNearColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border COLOR of the line near border.
setBorderLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border extent of the line near border.
setBorderLineNearStyle(LineStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderLineNearStyle(LineStyle) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border style of the line near border.
setBorderPageFarColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderPageFarColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border color of the page far border.
setBorderPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border extent of the page far border.
setBorderPageFarStyle(LineStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderPageFarStyle(LineStyle) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border style of the page far border.
setBorderPageNearColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderPageNearColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border color of the page near border.
setBorderPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border extent of the page near border.
setBorderPageNearStyle(LineStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderPageNearStyle(LineStyle) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border style of the page near border.
setBorderStyle(Border, LineStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderStyle(Border, LineStyle) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border style of a given border.
setBorderStyle(LineStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setBorderStyle(LineStyle) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the border style of all borders.
setCachedImageQuery(Q) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
The query to request an image from the cache, or null if the image should not be looked up from the cache.
setCachedImageURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
Sets the URI of the image.
setCard(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Sets the connected card.
setCards(List<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Sets the connected cards.
setCategories(List<Category>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractDestination
setCategories(List<Category>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Category
Sets the categories.
setCategories(List<Category>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.Destination
Sets the categories.
setCellRepresentationStrategy(TableColumnModel<V>, Table.CellRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Installs the given cell representation strategy to produce representation components for the given column.
setCellRepresentationStrategy(Class<V>, Table.CellRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Installs the given cell representation strategy to produce representation components for the given value class.
setCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
setCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
setCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
setCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableModel
setCellValue(int, TableColumnModel<C>, C) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableModel
Sets the cell value at the given row and column.
setCellValue(TableModel.Cell<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
setCellValue(TableModel.Cell<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
setCellValue(TableModel.Cell<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractTableModel
setCellValue(TableModel.Cell<C>, C) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableModel
Sets the cell value for the given cell.
setCellValue(V, int, TableColumnModel<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectTableModel
Sets the value's property for the given column.
setCheckType(CheckControl.CheckType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl
Sets the type of check area to present to the user.
setChildren(List<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
Sets the children in this container.
setChildren(List<TreeNodeModel<?>>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
Sets the children in this container.
setCloseActionControl(ActionControl) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setCloseActionControl(ActionControl) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets the action control for closing the frame.
setColumnCount(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Sets the estimated number of columns requested to be visible.
setColumnLabelDateStyle(DateStringLiteralStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
Sets the style of the column label.
setColumnLabelFontFamilies(TableColumnModel<?>, List<String>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the font families of the label for a given column.
setColumnLabelFontFamilies(List<String>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the font families of the labels of all columns.
setColumnLabelFontSize(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the label font size of all columns.
setColumnLabelFontSize(TableColumnModel<?>, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the label font size of a given column.
setColumnLabelFontStyle(TableColumnModel<?>, FontStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the style of the label font for a given column.
setColumnLabelFontStyle(FontStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the style of the label font for all columns.
setColumnLabelFontWeight(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the weight of the label font of all columns.
setColumnLabelFontWeight(TableColumnModel<?>, double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the weight of the label font of a given column.
setColumnPaddingExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of a all column borders of all columns.
setColumnPaddingExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of all borders of all columns.
setColumnPaddingExtent(TableColumnModel<?>, Border, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of a given column border.
setColumnPaddingExtent(TableColumnModel<?>, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of all borders of a column.
setColumnPaddingLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of the line far border of all columns.
setColumnPaddingLineFarExtent(TableColumnModel<?>, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of the column line far border.
setColumnPaddingLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of the line near border of all columns.
setColumnPaddingLineNearExtent(TableColumnModel<?>, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of the column line near border.
setColumnPaddingPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of the page far border of all columns.
setColumnPaddingPageFarExtent(TableColumnModel<?>, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of the column page far border.
setColumnPaddingPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of the page near border of all columns.
setColumnPaddingPageNearExtent(TableColumnModel<?>, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the padding extent of the column page near border.
setComponent(int, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractArrayCompositeComponent
Sets the component at the given index.
setComponent(E, Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEnumCompositeComponent
Sets the component for the given enum value.
setComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSingleCompositeComponent
Sets the child component.
setConfiguration(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Sets the given configuration, associating it with its class.
setConfiguration(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Sets the given configuration, associating it with its class.
setConfiguration(Class<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Sets the given configuration.
setConfiguration(Class<C>, C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Sets the given configuration.
setConfigurations(Concern...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
Sets the given configurations, associating them with their respective classes.
setConfigurations(Concern...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Sets the given configurations, associating them with their respective classes.
setConfirmingActionPrototype(ActionPrototype) - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
Starts the confirmation timer and, if confirmation is received within the required amount of time, the given action is taken.
setConfirmNavigation(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
Sets whether each navigation must be confirmed.
setConstraints(Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Sets the layout constraints of this component.
setConstraints(Constraints) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets the layout constraints of this component.
setContent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
Sets the content child component.
setContent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setContent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
setContent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarDialogFrame
setContent(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ContentComponent
Sets the content child component.
setContent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
setConverter(Converter<V, String>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Sets the converter.
setConverter(Converter<V, String>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the converter.
setCopyrightLabel(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AboutPanel
Sets the copyright label shown in the panel.
setCornerArcSize(Corner, Dimensions) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setCornerArcSize(Corner, Dimensions) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the arc size of a given corner.
setCornerArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setCornerArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the arc size of all corners.
setCornerLineFarPageFarArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setCornerLineFarPageFarArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the arc size of the line far page far corner.
setCornerLineFarPageNearArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setCornerLineFarPageNearArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the arc size of the line far page near corner.
setCornerLineNearPageFarArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setCornerLineNearPageFarArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the arc size of the line near page far corner.
setCornerLineNearPageNearArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setCornerLineNearPageNearArcSize(Dimensions) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the arc size of the line near page near corner.
setCursor(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setCursor(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the URI of the cursor.
setDate(Date) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
Sets the date being viewed.
setDate(Date) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
Sets the date this calendar represents.
setDCSID(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setDCSID(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Sets the Data Collection Server log identifier.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Enables or disables debug mode in the application.
setDelay(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.effect.AbstractEffect
setDelay(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.effect.Effect
Sets the delay before the effect takes place.
setDepicted(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
setDepicted(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
Changes the depictor's updated status.
setDepicted(Component, boolean) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Changes the updated status of the views of an entire component descendant hierarchy.
setDepictionRootURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setDepictionRootURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the depiction root URI of the session.
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
setDescription(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
Sets the description text, such as might appear in a flyover.
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
setDescriptionContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setDescriptionContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
setDescriptionContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
setDescriptionContentType(ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
Sets the content type of the description text.
setDescriptionContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
setDescriptionContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
setDescriptionDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Picture
Sets whether the description is displayed.
setDestinationBookmark(Bookmark) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Sets the destination bookmark of the upload.
setDestinations(List<Destination>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setDestinations(List<Destination>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Associates multiple destinations with application context-relative paths or path patterns.
setDestinationURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Sets the destination base URI of the upload.
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ControlConstraints
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
Sets whether this value is displayed.
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Displayable
Sets whether the object is displayed or has no representation, taking up no space.
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets whether the component is displayed or has no representation, taking up no space.
setDisplayed(Component, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Sets a card displayed or not displayed.
setDisplayed(Component, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CardControl
Sets a card displayed or not displayed.
setDisplayRowCount(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the number of rows to display at one time.
setDisplayRowStartIndex(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Sets the index of the first row to display.
setDistinctAdvance(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSequenceTaskPanel
Sets whether the advance buttons are distinct or dual-duty.
setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets whether the component has dragging enabled.
setDropEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setDropEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets whether the component has dropping enabled.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValueControl
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditValuePanel
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.EditComponent
Sets whether the value is editable and the component will allow the the user to change the value.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
Sets whether the cells in this table column model are editable and will allow the the user to change their values.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.ControlConstraints
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultEnableable
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
Sets whether this value is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Enableable
Sets whether the object is enabled and can receive user input.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableablePrototype
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractEnableableProxyPrototype
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
setEnabled(Component, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Enables or disables a card.
setEnabled(Component, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.CardControl
Enables or disables a card.
setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Sets the application local environment.
SetEvent<E> - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event indicating a set has been modified.
SetEvent(Object) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.SetEvent
Source constructor for general set modification.
SetEvent(Object, E, E) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.SetEvent
Source constructor for an added and/or removed element.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DynamicTreeNodeModel
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Sets whether the node is expanded, showing its children, if any.
setExtent(Flow, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
Sets the extent of a given flow.
setExtent(Flow, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the extent of a given flow.
setExtent(Flow, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default extent of a given flow.
setExtent(Flow, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setExtent(Flow, Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the extent of a given flow.
setFixed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets whether the sizes of the regions are fixed or will dynamically change to support the given content.
setFlashURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Flash
Sets the URI of the Flash.
setFlow(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
Sets the logical axis (line or page) along which information is flowed.
setFlow(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the flow of the slider.
setFlyoverEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Sets whether flyovers are enabled for this component.
setFlyoverEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets whether flyovers are enabled for this component.
setFlyoverStrategy(Component.FlyoverStrategy<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setFlyoverStrategy(Component.FlyoverStrategy<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets the strategy for controlling flyovers.
setFontFamilies(List<String>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setFontFamilies(List<String>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the font families of the component.
setFontSize(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setFontSize(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the font size of the component.
setFontStyle(FontStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setFontStyle(FontStyle) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the style of the font.
setFontWeight(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setFontWeight(double) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the weight of the font.
setGap(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
Sets the gap before, between, and after flowed components.
setGapAfter(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
Sets the gap after flowed components.
setGapBefore(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
Sets the gap before flowed components.
setGapBetween(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
Sets the gap between flowed components.
setGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
setGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
setGlyphURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
Sets the URI of the icon.
setGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
setGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
setHashAttributesGenerated(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
Sets whether attributes should be generated representing the hash of XML attributes and content.
setIconDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
setIconDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
setIconDisplayed(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.LabelDisplayableComponent
Sets whether the icon is displayed.
setIconDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Toolbar
setImageOpacity(float) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Picture
Sets the opacity of the image.
setImagePending(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
Sets whether the current image is in the process of transitioning to some other value.
setImageURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractImageComponent
setImageURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
setImageURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultImageModel
setImageURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ImageModel
Sets the URI of the image.
setIndentLevel(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
setIndentLevel(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Sets the level of text indentation.
setIndexDisplayed(int, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setIndexDisplayed(int, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setIndexDisplayed(int, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Sets the displayed status of a given index.
setIndexDisplayed(int, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Sets the displayed status of a given index.
setIndexEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setIndexEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setIndexEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Sets the enabled status of a given index.
setIndexEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Sets the enabled status of a given index.
setInfo(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setInfo(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
setInfo(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
setInfo(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
Sets the advisory information text, such as might appear in a tooltip.
setInfo(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
setInfo(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
setInfoContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setInfoContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
setInfoContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultInfoModel
setInfoContentType(ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.InfoModel
Sets the content type of the advisory information text.
setInfoContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
setInfoContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
setInputFocusedComponent(InputFocusableComponent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setInputFocusedComponent(InputFocusableComponent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.InputFocusGroupComponent
Sets the focused component within this input focus group.
setInputFocusStrategy(InputFocusStrategy) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setInputFocusStrategy(InputFocusStrategy) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.InputFocusGroupComponent
Sets the input focus strategy.
setInputStrategy(InputStrategy) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setInputStrategy(InputStrategy) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setInputStrategy(InputStrategy) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets the strategy for processing input.
setInputStrategy(InputStrategy) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the strategy for processing input.
setInterval(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the value of the intervals.
setInvalidValueMessage(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.converter.AbstractConverter
setInvalidValueMessage(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.converter.Converter
Sets the text of the invalid value message.
setInvalidValueMessage(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
setInvalidValueMessage(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
Sets the text of the invalid value message.
setLabel(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setLabel(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
setLabel(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
setLabel(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
Sets the text of the label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
setLabel(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
setLabelContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setLabelContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.CardConstraints
setLabelContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
setLabelContentType(ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.LabelModel
Sets the content type of the label text.
setLabelContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
setLabelContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
setLabelDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
setLabelDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
setLabelDisplayed(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.LabelDisplayableComponent
Sets whether the label is displayed.
setLabelDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Toolbar
setLabelFontFamilies(List<String>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setLabelFontFamilies(List<String>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the font families of the label.
setLabelFontSize(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setLabelFontSize(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the label font size of the component.
setLabelFontStyle(FontStyle) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setLabelFontStyle(FontStyle) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the style of the label font.
setLabelFontWeight(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setLabelFontWeight(double) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the weight of the label font.
setLabelTextColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setLabelTextColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the text color of the label.
setLayout(Layout<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
setLayout(Layout<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
Sets the layout definition for the component.
setLayout(Layout<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Sets the layout definition for the component.
setLayout(Layout<T>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
Sets the layout definition for the container.
setLayoutThemeApplied(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
setLayoutThemeApplied(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
setLayoutThemeApplied(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.LayoutComponent
Sets whether a theme has been applied to this component's layout.
setLevel(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Heading
setLevel(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.HeadingComponent
Sets the level of the heading.
setLevel(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.HeadingLink
setLineAlignment(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the alignment of the line flow.
setLineAlignment(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default alignment of the line flow.
setLineExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
setLineExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
Sets the requested line extent (width in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) of the flyover component.
setLineExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the extent of the line flow.
setLineExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default extent of the line flow.
setLineExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setLineExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the extent of the line flow.
setLineWrap(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Sets whether lines will be logically wrapped in the view if needed.
setListSelect(ListSelectControl<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
Sets the connected list select control.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the current session locale.
setLocales(List<Locale>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setLocales(List<Locale>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Sets the list of supported locales.
setLogLevel(Log.Level) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setLogLevel(Log.Level) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Sets the log level that will be logged.
setLogWriter(Writer) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setLogWriter(Writer) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the log writer.
setMailProperties(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setMailProperties(Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Sets properties of the mail manager.
setMarginExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setMarginExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the margin extent of a given border.
setMarginExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setMarginExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the margin extent of all borders.
setMarginLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setMarginLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the margin extent of the line far border.
setMarginLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setMarginLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the margin extent of the line near border.
setMarginPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setMarginPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the margin extent of the page far border.
setMarginPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setMarginPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the margin extent of the page near border.
setMasked(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Sets whether the user input text is masked to prevent viewing of the literal entered value.
setMaximumLength(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Sets the maximum number of input characters to allow.
setMaxTabCount(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
Sets the estimated number of tabs requested to be visible.
setMaxTabCount(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
Sets the estimated number of tabs requested to be visible.
setMenu(Menu) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setMenu(Menu) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets the frame menu.
setMessage(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Message
Sets the text of the message.
setMessageContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Message
Sets the content type of the message text.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setModal(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets whether the frame is modal if and when it is open.
setMode(AbstractEditComponentTextControl.Mode) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
setMode(Frame.Mode) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setMode(M) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalComponent
Sets the mode of interaction.
setMovable(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setMovable(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets whether the frame is movable.
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Sets whether the user is allowed to enter multiple physical lines if the control has multiple rows.
setName(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setName(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets the name of the component.
setNameLabel(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AboutPanel
Sets the name label shown in the panel.
setNavigation(URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
Sets the new navigation path and bookmark, firing a navigation event if appropriate.
setNavigation(URIPath, Bookmark, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the new navigation path and bookmark, firing a navigation event if appropriate.
setNavigationPath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setNavigationPath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.facebook.LikeButton
setNavigationPath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.NavigationPathBreadcrumbLinkPanel
Sets the navigation path.
setNavigationPath(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Changes the navigation path of the session.
setNavigationPath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ComponentNavigationModel
Sets the navigation path This is a bound property.
setNavigationPath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultNavigationModel
setNavigationPath(URIPath) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.NavigationModel
Sets the navigation path This is a bound property.
setNavigationURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Sets the URI for navigation.
setNavigationURIPath(URIPath) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.NavigateActionPrototype
Sets the URI path for navigation.
setNotification(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setNotification(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
setNotification(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
setNotification(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
Sets the component notification.
setNotification(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Sets the component notification.
setNotification(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
setNotification(Notification) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets the component notification.
setNotification(Notification) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
setOpacity(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setOpacity(double) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the opacity of the entire component.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
setOpen(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Menu
Sets whether the menu is open.
setOpenEffect(Effect) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
setOpenEffect(Effect) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setOpenEffect(Effect) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
Sets the effect used for opening the flyover.
setOpenEffect(Effect) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets the effect used for opening the frame.
setOptionContent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractOptionDialogFrame
Sets the component representing option contents.
setOptionContent(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.OptionDialogFrame
Sets the component representing option contents.
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets the orientation.
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the default orientation.
setOutputContentType(ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Sets the content type of the text output.
setOutputContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebDepictContext
Sets the content type of the text output.
setOwner(LayoutComponent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractLayout
setOwner(LayoutComponent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
setOwner(LayoutComponent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.layout.Layout
Sets the layout component that owns this layout This method is managed by layout components, and normally should not be called by applications.
setPaddingExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the padding extent of a given border.
setPaddingExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default padding extent of a given border.
setPaddingExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setPaddingExtent(Border, Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the padding extent of a given border.
setPaddingExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the padding extent of all borders.
setPaddingExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default padding extent of all borders.
setPaddingExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setPaddingExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the padding extent of all borders.
setPaddingLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the padding extent of the line far border.
setPaddingLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default padding extent of the line far border.
setPaddingLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setPaddingLineFarExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the padding extent of the line far border.
setPaddingLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the padding extent of the line near border.
setPaddingLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default padding extent of the line near border.
setPaddingLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setPaddingLineNearExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the padding extent of the line near border.
setPaddingPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the padding extent of the page far border.
setPaddingPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default padding extent of the page far border.
setPaddingPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setPaddingPageFarExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the padding extent of the page far border.
setPaddingPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the padding extent of the page near border.
setPaddingPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default padding extent of the page near border.
setPaddingPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setPaddingPageNearExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the padding extent of the page near border.
setPageAlignment(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the alignment of the page flow.
setPageAlignment(double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the alignment of the page flow.
setPageExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
setPageExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
Sets the requested page extent (height in left-to-right top-to-bottom orientation) of the flyover component.
setPageExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionConstraints
Sets the extent of the page flow.
setPageExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the default extent of the page flow.
setPageExtent(Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setPageExtent(Extent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the extent of the page flow.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
Creates a new bookmark with the given parameter set to the given value.
setParameters(Bookmark.Parameter...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
Sets bookmark parameters.
setParameters(List<Bookmark.Parameter>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
Sets bookmark parameters.
setParent(CompositeComponent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setParent(CompositeComponent) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets the parent of this component.
setParent(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
setParent(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeNodeModel
Sets the parent of this tree node.
setParent(Theme) - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
Sets the theme parent.
setPassword(char[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Sets the password shown in the panel.
setPasswordValidator(Validator<char[]>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Sets the password validator.
setPasswordVerified(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Sets whether password verification is required This is a bound property of type Boolean.
setPendingImageURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImage
setPendingImageURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageActionControl
setPendingImageURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.PendingImageComponent
Sets the URI of the pending image.
setPlatformFiles(List<? extends PlatformFile>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector
Sets the platform files.
setPollInterval(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatform
setPollInterval(int) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
Sets the polling interval in milliseconds.
setPrincipal(Principal) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setPrincipal(Principal) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the current principal (e.g.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Environment
Sets multiple environment properties.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractEnvironment
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Environment
Sets an environment property.
setPropertyModified(String, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
Calls when a property has been modified to sets whether a property has been modified.
setPrototypeProvisions(Set<PrototypeProvision<?>>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvider
Sets the prototype provisions currently provided by this provider.
setProvisionalText(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Sets the provisional text literal value.
setProxiedPrototype(P) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
Changes the prototype being proxied.
setRelatedComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setRelatedComponent(Component) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets the related component This is a bound property.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setResizable(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets whether the frame can be resized.
setResourceBundleBaseName(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setResourceBundleBaseName(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Changes the resource bundle base name.
setResult(R) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractModalFrame
setResult(R) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractModalNavigationPanel
setResult(R) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalFrame
Sets the modal result.
setResult(R) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ModalNavigationPanel
Sets the modal result.
setRollover(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionControl
setRollover(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
setRollover(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ActionControl
Sets whether the component is in a rollover state.
setRollover(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
setRolloverImageURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
Sets the URI of the rollover image.
setRolloverOpenEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractMenu
setRolloverOpenEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Menu
Sets whether the menu children will be shown during rollover.
setRootNode(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Sets the root node of the tree model.
setRootNode(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeModel
setRootNode(TreeNodeModel<?>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TreeModel
Sets the root node of the tree model.
setRootNodeDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Sets whether the root node is displayed.
setRowCount(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ListControl
Sets the estimated number of rows requested to be visible.
setRowCount(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Sets the estimated number of rows requested to be visible.
setSectionType(SectionComponent.SectionType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent
Sets the type of section.
setSectionType(SectionComponent.SectionType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SectionPanel
setSectionType(SectionComponent.SectionType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
Sets whether the object is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SelectableLabel
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
Sets whether this value is selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTreeNodeModel
setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.Selectable
Sets whether the object is selected.
setSelectedBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SelectableLabel
Sets the selected background color of the component.
setSelectedGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
setSelectedGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
setSelectedGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
setSelectedGlyphURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
Sets the URI of the selected icon.
setSelectedImageURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageBooleanSelectActionControl
Sets the URI of the selected image.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
Sets the index of the selected component.
setSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
setSelectedIndexes(int...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Sets the selected indices.
setSelectedValues(Component...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setSelectedValues(V...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setSelectedValues(V...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Sets the selected values.
setSelectedValues(V...) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.SelectModel
Sets the selected values.
setSliding(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets whether the slider is being slid.
setSpanFlow(Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
Sets the logical axis which will span components across the other logical axis.
setState(TaskState) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Updates the state of the audio.
setState(TaskState) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
Sets the state of receiving resources.
setState(TaskState) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Sets the current state of the sequence.
setState(TaskState) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Updates the state of the task.
setState(Frame.State) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
Sets the state of the frame.
setStatus(Control.Status) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
Sets the status of the current user input.
setStatus(Control.Status) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
Sets the status of the current user input.
setStatus(Control.Status) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
Sets the status of the current user input.
setStatus(Control.Status) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Sets the status of the current user input.
setStatus(Control.Status) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
Sets the status of the current user input.
setStatus(Control.Status) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Sets the status of the current user input.
setStatus(Control.Status) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl
Sets the status of the current user input.
setStyle(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.ComponentDestination
Sets the style of this destination.
setStyleID(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
setStyleID(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component.FlyoverStrategy
Identifies the style for the flyover component.
setStyleID(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
setStyleID(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
Identifies the style for the column.
setStyleID(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setStyleID(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Identifies the style for the component.
setStyleURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setStyleURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Sets the URI of the style of the application.
setTaskState(TaskState) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
Sets the task state of the card.
setTetherBearing(BigDecimal) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent.AbstractFlyoverStrategy
Sets the bearing of the tether in relation to the frame.
setTetherBearing(BigDecimal) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFlyoverFrame
setTetherBearing(BigDecimal) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
Sets the bearing of the tether in relation to the frame.
setTetherBearingCompassPoints(Set<CompassPoint>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFlyoverFrame
setTetherBearingCompassPoints(Set<CompassPoint>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
Sets the compass points supported for tether bearing.
setTetherImage(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFlyoverFrame
setTetherImage(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
Sets the URI of the tether image.
setText(EC, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
Updates the text of the edited component.
setText(Component, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentLabelControl
Updates the text of the edited component.
setText(TextBox, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.EditComponentTextControl
Updates the text of the edited component.
setText(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Sets the text literal value displayed in the control.
setText(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
setText(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTextModel
setText(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TextModel
Sets the text.
setTextColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setTextColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets the text color of the component.
setTextContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
setTextContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTextModel
setTextContentType(ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TextModel
Sets the content type of the text.
setTextValue(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Sets the text literal value displayed in the control, and then converts the text to an appropriate value and stores it.
setThemeApplied(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
setThemeApplied(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Sets whether a theme has been applied to this component.
setThemed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setThemed(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Sets whether the application applies themes.
setThemeURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
setThemeURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setThemeURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Sets the URI of the application theme.
setThemeURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the URI of the session theme.
setThumbImage(Axis, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the thumb image for a given axis.
setThumbXImage(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the thumb image for the X axis.
setThumbYImage(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the thumb image for the Y axis.
setTimePosition(long) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.audio.Audio.Depictor
Requests a new time-based play position.
setTimePosition(long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Requests a new time-based play position.
setTimePosition(long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseSession
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
Sets the current session time zone.
setTitleBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setTitleBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets the background color of the title.
setTitleVisible(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setTitleVisible(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets whether the title bar is visible.
setToggle(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
setToggle(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
setToggle(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
setToggle(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
Sets whether this control acts as a toggle, switching its value between true and false, or whether the action always sets the value to true.
setToolbar(Toolbar) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
setToolbar(Toolbar) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
Sets the frame toolbar.
setTooltipEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setTooltipEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets whether tooltips are enabled for this component.
setTrackImage(Axis, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the track image for a given axis.
setTrackXImage(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the track image for the X axis.
setTrackYImage(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Sets the track image for the Y axis.
setTransitionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
Sets whether transitions are enabled, so that changing selected cards will cause the appropriate validate/commit functionality.
setTreeNodeDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Sets whether the tree node components have dragging enabled.
setTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy(Class<V>, TreeControl.TreeNodeRepresentationStrategy<? super V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Installs the given tree node representation strategy to produce representation components for the given value class.
setUnselectedGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractBooleanSelectActionControl
setUnselectedGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionControl
setUnselectedGlyphURI(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractSelectActionValueControl
setUnselectedGlyphURI(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
Sets the URI of the unselected icon.
setUsername(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Sets the username shown in the panel.
setUsernameValidator(Validator<String>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Sets the username validator.
setValid(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Sets whether the state of the component and all child components represents valid user input This is a bound property of type Boolean.
setValidator(Validator<C>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellValueModel
setValidator(Validator<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setValidator(Validator<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractValueModel
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
Sets the validator.
setValidator(Validator<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
Sets the validator.
setValidProducts(Product...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.PANValidator
Sets the PAN products that the validator considers valid.
setValidProducts(Set<Product>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.PANValidator
Sets the PAN products that the validator considers valid.
setValue(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table.DefaultCellValueModel
setValue(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setValue(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
Sets the new value.
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
setValue(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ValuedComponent
Sets the new value to be displayed in the component.
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
Sets the list select value to indicate selection.
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
setValue(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultValueModel
setValue(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
Sets the new value.
setValueContentType(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Sets the content type of the value.
setValueDisplayed(Component, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setValueDisplayed(V, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setValueDisplayed(V, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Sets the displayed status of the first occurrence of a given value.
setValueDisplayed(V, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Sets the displayed status of the first occurrence of a given value.
setValueEnabled(Component, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setValueEnabled(V, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setValueEnabled(V, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
Sets the enabled status of the first occurrence of a given value.
setValueEnabled(V, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ListSelectModel
Sets the enabled status of the first occurrence of a given value.
setValueGlyphURI(V, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
setValueGlyphURI(V, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ActionValueControl
Sets the URI of the icon associated with a value.
setValueRepresentationStrategy(ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
setValueRepresentationStrategy(ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
setValueRepresentationStrategy(ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.ListSelectControl
Sets the strategy used to generate a component to represent each value in the model.
setValueRequired(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
Sets whether the value must be non-null in order to be considered valid.
setValueRequiredMessage(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
setValueRequiredMessage(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
Sets the text of the value required message.
setVCardName(Name) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.text.directory.vcard.NamePanel
Places the name information into the various fields.
setVersionLabel(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AboutPanel
Sets the version label shown in the panel.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultTableColumnModel
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
Sets whether the column is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.ui.AbstractPresentationModel
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
Sets whether the component is visible.
setWrapped(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
Sets whether flowed children are wrapped when the flow extent is reached.
SHIFT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
SHIFT_LEFT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
SHIFT_RIGHT - io.guise.framework.input.Key
SHORT - io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
A completely numeric representation, such as 12.13.52.
SHORT - io.guise.framework.converter.TimeStringLiteralStyle
A completely numeric representation, such as 3:30pm.
Side - Enum in io.guise.framework.geometry
Indicates an absolute side.
SIENNA - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SILVER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SimpleSelector - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
A simple selector, such as a type selector or a class selector; an element of a sequence of simple selectors.
SingleListSelectionPolicy<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An implementation of a selection strategy for a select model allowing only a single selection at a time.
SingleListSelectionPolicy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.SingleListSelectionPolicy
size() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainer
size() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListCompositeComponent
size() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
size() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Container
size() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
The list of value states, all access to which will be synchronized on this.
size() - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
skipWhitespaceCommentsEOF(ParseReader) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSProcessor
Skips whitespace and comments without throwing an error if the end of the input was reached.
SKY_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SLATE_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SLATE_GRAY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SLIDER_SLIDING_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating slider sliding state.
SLIDER_THUMB_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix identifying the slider thumb.
SLIDER_THUMB_X_IMAGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
SLIDER_THUMB_Y_IMAGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
SLIDER_TRACK_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix identifying the slider track.
SLIDER_TRACK_X_IMAGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
SLIDER_TRACK_Y_IMAGE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
SliderControl<V extends java.lang.Number> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A value control that represents its value by a slider.
SliderControl(ValueModel<V>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Value model and flow constructor with a default converter.
SliderControl(ValueModel<V>, Converter<V, String>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Value model, converter, and flow constructor.
SliderControl(ValuePrototype<V>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Prototype and flow constructor.
SliderControl(Class<V>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Value class and flow constructor with a default data model to represent a given type and a default converter.
SliderControl(Class<V>, Converter<V, String>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Value class, converter and flow constructor with a default value model to represent a given type.
SLIDING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
The bound property of the sliding state.
SNOW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
SOLID - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
A single line segment.
SOUTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTH_BY_EAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTH_BY_WEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTH_SOUTHEAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTH_SOUTHWEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTHEAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTHEAST_BY_EAST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTHEAST_BY_SOUTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTHWEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTHWEST_BY_SOUTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SOUTHWEST_BY_WEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
SPACE - io.guise.framework.input.Key
SPAN_FLOW_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.RegionLayout
The bound property of the span flow.
SpinnerControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A spinner control.
SpinnerControl(FlowLayout, ValueModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.SpinnerControl
Layout and value model constructor.
SPRING_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
start() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Starts the task.
START - io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Start the sequence.
STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
The bound property of the state.
STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound state property.
STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.ResourceCollectControl
The bound property of the state of receiving collected resources.
STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
The bound property of the sequence state.
STATUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Control
The status bound property.
STEEL_BLUE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
stop() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.audio.Audio.Depictor
Requests that the audio stop.
stop() - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Requests that the audio stop.
stop() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor
STOP - io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
The command for stopping media.
STOP - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
store(File) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
store(File) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ResourceImport
Convenience method for storing the imported resource in a file.
STRING_VALUE_REFERENCE_PREFIX_CHAR - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The prefix character used to introduce string value references.
StringStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts a String from and to a string literal.
StringStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.StringStringLiteralConverter
STYLE_ID_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
The bound property of the column style ID.
STYLE_ID_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the component style ID.
STYLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.ComponentDestination
The style bound property.
STYLE_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The style URI bound property.
subList(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
subList(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
subList(int, int) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
SWFLASH_CAB_SECURE_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The HTTPS URI to the swflash.cab file.
SWFLASH_CAB_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The URI to the swflash.cab file.
SWFLASH_CAB_URI_VERSION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The URI parameter specifying the version of the swflash.cab file to retrieve.
synchronizeCookies(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, GuiseSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseHTTPServlet
Synchronizes the cookies in a request with the environment properties in a Guise session.
SynchronizeDisplayedPropertyChangeListener - Class in io.guise.framework.event
A Boolean property change listener that synchronizes a Displayable source's Displayable.DISPLAYED_PROPERTY by calling Displayable.setDisplayed(boolean) with any new value that it receives.
SynchronizeDisplayedPropertyChangeListener() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.SynchronizeDisplayedPropertyChangeListener
synchronizePrototypeProvisionMap(ReverseMap<PrototypeProvision<?>, Component>, CompositeComponent, Set<PrototypeProvision<?>>) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractMenuToolCompositeComponentPrototypeProvisionStrategy
Synchronizes the map of prototype provision component associations.
synchronizingValuesFlag - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
The atomic flag that allows us to know whether we're synchronizing values, either from the list to the child controls or vice versa.


TAB - io.guise.framework.input.Key
TAB - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
TABBED_PANEL_TAB_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the tab part of a tabbed panel.
TABBED_PANEL_TABS_CLASS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class suffix for the tab set part of a tabbed panel.
TabbedPanel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A tabbed panel with a card layout.
TabbedPanel() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabbedPanel
Default constructor.
TabbedPanel(CardLayout) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabbedPanel
Layout constructor.
TabContainerControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A container showing its children as tabs.
TabContainerControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
Default constructor with default Flow.LINE axis orientation.
TabContainerControl(Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
Axis constructor.
TabContainerControl(TabLayout, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
Layout and axis constructor.
TabContainerControl(TabLayout, Flow, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabContainerControl
Layout, axis, and maximum tab count constructor.
TabControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control to allow selection of one or more values from a list using a tabbed interface.
TabControl(ListSelectModel<V>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
List select model and axis constructor.
TabControl(ListSelectModel<V>, Flow, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
List select model, axis, and maximum tab count constructor.
TabControl(ListSelectModel<V>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
List select model, value representation strategy, and axis constructor.
TabControl(ListSelectModel<V>, ListSelectControl.ValueRepresentationStrategy<V>, Flow, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
List select model, value representation strategy, axis, and maximum tab count constructor.
TabControl(Class<V>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
Value class and axis constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
TabControl(Class<V>, Flow, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
Value class, axis, and maximum tab count constructor with a default data model to represent a given type with multiple selection.
TabControl(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>, Flow) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
Value class, selection strategy, and axis constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
TabControl(Class<V>, ListSelectionPolicy<V>, Flow, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TabControl
Value class, selection strategy, axis, and maximum tab count constructor with a default data model to represent a given type.
TabLayout - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
A layout that manages child components as a series of tabs.
TabLayout() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TabLayout
Table - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A table component.
Table(TableColumnModel<?>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Columns constructor with a default data model.
Table(TableModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Table model constructor.
Table(Class<C>, C[][], String...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Value class, table data, and column names constructor with a default data model.
Table(Class<C>, String...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Value class and column names constructor with a default data model.
Table(Object[][], TableColumnModel<?>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Table data and columns constructor with a default data model.
Table.CellComponentState - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An encapsulation of a component for a cell along with other metadata, such as whether the component was editable when created.
Table.CellRepresentationStrategy<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A strategy for generating components to represent table cell model values.
Table.ColumnUIModel - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An encapsulation of the user interface-related model used for a column.
Table.DefaultCellMessage<C> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A message model that returns a default representation of the cell in a message.
Table.DefaultCellRepresentationStrategy<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A default table cell representation strategy.
Table.DefaultCellValueModel<C> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A value model that returns and updates a the value of the cell.
TableColumnModel<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A column in a table.
TableModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model of a table.
TableModel.Cell<C> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
A lightweight class representing a row and column in a table.
TAN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
TASK_STATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
The task state bound property.
TaskCardConstraints - Class in io.guise.framework.component.layout
Constraints on an individual component representing a task in a card layout.
TaskCardConstraints() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
Default constructor.
TaskCardConstraints(boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
Enabled constructor.
TaskCardConstraints(InfoModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
Info model constructor.
TaskCardConstraints(InfoModel, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
Info model and enabled constructor.
TaskCardConstraints(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
Label constructor.
TaskCardConstraints(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.layout.TaskCardConstraints
Label and enabled constructor.
TaskStateSelectLink - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Selectable link that stores a task state.
TaskStateSelectLink() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TaskStateSelectLink
Default constructor.
TaskStateSelectLink(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<TaskState>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TaskStateSelectLink
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
TEAL - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter - Class in io.guise.framework.converter
A converter that converts a TelephoneNumber from and to a string literal.
TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter
Default constructor.
TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter
Default country code constructor.
TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter(CountryCode) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.converter.TelephoneNumberStringLiteralConverter
Default country code constructor.
Template - Class in io.guise.framework.theme
An application template of a rule.
Template() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.theme.Template
Default constructor.
Template(URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.theme.Template
Reference URI constructor.
TemporaryRedirectDestination - Interface in io.guise.framework
A destination that temporarily redirects somewhere else.
TemporaryRedirectReferenceDestination - Class in io.guise.framework
A destination that temporarily redirects to another referenced destination.
TemporaryRedirectReferenceDestination(URIPath, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.TemporaryRedirectReferenceDestination
Path and referenced destination constructor.
TemporaryRedirectReferenceDestination(Pattern, Destination) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.TemporaryRedirectReferenceDestination
Path pattern and referenced destination constructor.
TETHER_BEARING_COMPASS_POINTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
The tether bearing compass points bound property.
TETHER_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
The tether bearing bound property.
TETHER_IMAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.FlyoverFrame
The tether image bound property.
TETHER_IMAGE_RESOURCE_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFlyoverFrame
The base resource URI for the flyover tether image URI.
TEXT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicates text that may be selected.
TEXT_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of the text color.
TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.TextModel
The text content type bound property.
TEXT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
The text literal bound property.
TEXT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.TextModel
The text bound property.
TextBox - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A box containing text.
TextBox() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
Default constructor with a default text model.
TextBox(TextModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
Text model constructor.
TextBox(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
Text constructor with a default Text.PLAIN_CONTENT_TYPE content type.
TextBox(String, ContentType) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextBox
Text and content type constructor
TextControl<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control to accept text input from the user representing a particular value type.
TextControl(ValueModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value model constructor with a default converter.
TextControl(ValueModel<V>, int, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value model, row count, and column count constructor with a default converter.
TextControl(ValueModel<V>, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value model, row count, column count, and line wrap constructor with a default converter.
TextControl(ValueModel<V>, Converter<V, String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value model and converter constructor.
TextControl(ValueModel<V>, Converter<V, String>, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value model, converter, row count, column count, and line wrap constructor.
TextControl(ValueModel<V>, Converter<V, String>, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value model, converter, row count, column count, and line wrap constructor.
TextControl(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value class constructor with a default data model to represent a given type and a default converter.
TextControl(Class<V>, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value class and column count constructor with one row and a default converter.
TextControl(Class<V>, int, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value class, row count, and column count constructor with a default converter.
TextControl(Class<V>, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value class, row count, column count, and line wrap constructor with a default converter.
TextControl(Class<V>, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value class and default value constructor with a default data model to represent a given type and a default converter.
TextControl(Class<V>, V, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value class, defaultValue, and column count constructor with one row a default converter.
TextControl(Class<V>, V, int, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value class, defaultValue, row count, and column count constructor with a default converter.
TextControl(Class<V>, V, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl
Value class, default value, row count, column count, and line wrap constructor with a default converter.
TextControl.DefaultTransferable - Class in io.guise.framework.component
The default transferable object for a text control.
TextDepictContext - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
Encapsulation of text information related to the current depiction.
TextModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for text and an associated label.
TextModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.TextModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy
Theme - Class in io.guise.framework.theme
Guise theme specification.
Theme(URI, UrfResourceDescription) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
URI and description constructor.
THEME_APPLIED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The bound property of whether a theme has been applied to this object.
THEME_NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
The recommended prefix to the theme ontology namespace.
THEME_NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
The URI to the theme ontology namespace.
THEME_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The theme URI bound property.
THEME_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
The theme URI bound property.
THEME_URI_PROPERTY_TAG - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Guise
The property indicating the URI of the theme of a resource.
THEMED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
The bound property of whether this application applies themes.
THISTLE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
throwInvalidValueValidationException(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
Throws a validation exception with a message indicating that the given value is invalid.
throwValueRequiredValidationException(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
Throws a validation exception with a message indicating that a valid is required.
THUMB_X_IMAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
The bound property of the horizontal thumb image.
THUMB_Y_IMAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
The bound property of the vertical thumb image.
THUMBNAILS - io.guise.framework.model.View
The view in which the data is shown as a series of small images.
ThumbXImage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Returns the thumb image for the X axis.
ThumbYImage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Returns the thumb image for the Y axis.
TIME_LENGTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
The bound property of the play duration using microseconds.
TIME_POSITION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
The bound property of the play position in time using microseconds.
TIME_ZONE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseSession
The time zone bound property.
TimeStringLiteralStyle - Enum in io.guise.framework.converter
The style of a time in its string literal form.
TINY_MCE - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform.HTMLEditor
TINYMCE_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the TinyMCE JavaScript file, relative to the application.
TINYMCE_MIN_JAVASCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform
The path of the compressed TinyMCE JavaScript file, relative to the application.
TITLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound property of the title background color.
TITLE_VISIBLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound property of whether the title bar is visible.
toArray() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
toArray() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
toArray() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
toArray() - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel
toArray(T[]) - Method in exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
TOGGLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
The toggle bound property.
TogglePrototype - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
A boolean value prototype which allows toggling between two boolean states.
TogglePrototype() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.TogglePrototype
Default constructor with a Boolean.FALSE default value.
TogglePrototype(Boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.TogglePrototype
Default value constructor.
TogglePrototype(Boolean, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.TogglePrototype
Default value and label constructor.
TogglePrototype(Boolean, String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.TogglePrototype
Default value, label, and icon constructor.
TogglePrototype(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.TogglePrototype
Label constructor with a Boolean.FALSE default value.
TogglePrototype(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.TogglePrototype
Label and icon constructor with a Boolean.FALSE default value.
TOMATO - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
TOOL_MENU_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
Toolbar - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A panel that holds components used as tools.
Toolbar() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Toolbar
Default constructor with a default horizontal flow layout.
Toolbar(Layout<?>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.Toolbar
Layout constructor.
TOOLBAR_COMPONENT - io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.FrameComponent
The toolbar, if any, of the frame.
TOOLBAR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Frame
The bound property of the frame toolbar.
ToolButton - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Control with an action model rendered as a tool button.
ToolButton() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ToolButton
Default constructor.
ToolButton(InfoModel, ActionModel, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ToolButton
Info model, action model, and enableable object constructor.
ToolButton(ActionPrototype) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ToolButton
Prototype constructor.
ToolButton(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ToolButton
Label constructor.
ToolButton(String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ToolButton
Label and icon constructor.
ToolButtonControl - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
An action control with button behavior, including a "push" user interface.
TOOLTIP_ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of whether the component has tooltips enabled.
TOP - io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
The top side.
TOP_TO_BOTTOM - io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
TOP_TO_BOTTOM_RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.Orientation
Top-to-bottom line, right-to-left page orientation (e.g.
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.Bookmark
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Rectangle
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.KeystrokeInput
toString() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
Returns a string representation of the command.
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.MouseClickInput
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultLabelModel
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultNavigationModel
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.FileItemResourceImport
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.Notification
toString() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.model.View
Returns a string representation of the view.
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictedObject
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatformFile
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.ClassSelector
toString() - Method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Combinator
Returns a string representation of this combinator.
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.CSSStylesheet
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.IDSelector
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.PseudoClass
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Rule
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Selector
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.TypeSelector
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseRequest
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebChangeDepictEvent
toString() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFormEvent
toString(char[]) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionCharArrayValidator
Retrieves a string representation of the given value appropriate for error messages.
toString(ResourceImport) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Retrieves a string representation of the given value appropriate for error messages.
toString(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.RegularExpressionStringValidator
Retrieves a string representation of the given value appropriate for error messages.
toString(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRegularExpressionValidator
toString(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
Retrieves a string representation of the given value appropriate for error messages.
TRACE - io.guise.framework.model.InformationLevel
Indicates the program's execution path.
TRACE - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
Indicates the program's execution path.
TRACK - io.guise.framework.model.InformationLevel
Information used for tracking actions for later reports.
TRACK_X_IMAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
The bound property of the horizontal track image.
TRACK_Y_IMAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
The bound property of the vertical track image.
TrackXImage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Returns the track image for the X axis.
TrackYImage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SliderControl
Returns the track image for the Y axis.
transfer(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractImageComponent.DefaultTransferable
transfer(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLabel.DefaultTransferable
transfer(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TextControl.DefaultTransferable
transfer(ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractObjectTransferable
Transfers data using the given content type.
transfer(ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.transfer.Transferable
Transfers data using the given content type.
transfer(Class<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.transfer.AbstractTransferable
Transfers data of the given class.
transfer(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.transfer.Transferable
Transfers data of the given class.
transfer(Class<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.TreeNodeTransferable
Transfers data of the given class.
Transferable<S> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component.transfer
An object that can be transferred, such as between components using drag and drop.
TRANSITION_ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
The bound property of whether the transitions are enabled.
translate(double, double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Translates this point in two dimensions by the given primitive coordinate deltas.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Translates this point by the given primitive coordinate deltas.
translate(Dimensions) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Translates this point by the given dimensions.
translate(Extent, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Translates this point in two dimensions by the given coordinate deltas.
translate(Extent, Extent, Extent) - Method in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Point
Translates this point by the given coordinate deltas.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
TREE - io.guise.framework.model.View
The view in which the data is shown in a tree structure.
TREE_NODE_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class for a tree node.
TREE_NODE_COLLAPSED_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating that a tree node is collapsed.
TREE_NODE_COLLAPSED_IMAGE_RESOURCE_KEY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
The resource bundle key for the tree node expanded image URI.
TREE_NODE_DRAG_ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
The bound property of whether the tree node components have dragging enabled.
TREE_NODE_EXPANDED_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating that a tree node is expanded.
TREE_NODE_EXPANDED_IMAGE_RESOURCE_KEY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
The resource bundle key for the tree node collapsed image URI.
TREE_NODE_LEAF_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating that a tree node is a leaf node.
TREE_NODE_LEAF_IMAGE_RESOURCE_KEY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
The resource bundle key for the tree node leaf image URI.
TreeControl - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A tree control.
TreeControl() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Default constructor with a default tree model.
TreeControl(TreeModel) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl
Tree model constructor.
TreeControl.AbstractTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An abstract tree node representation strategy.
TreeControl.DefaultValueRepresentationStrategy<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A default tree node representation strategy.
TreeControl.InfoModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A tree node representation strategy for a label model, generating a label component.
TreeControl.TextModelTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy - Class in io.guise.framework.component
A tree node representation strategy for a TextModel, generating a TextBox component.
TreeControl.TreeNodeComponentState - Class in io.guise.framework.component
An encapsulation of a component for a tree node along with other metadata, such as whether the component was editable when created.
TreeControl.TreeNodeRepresentationStrategy<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A strategy for generating components to represent tree node models.
TreeControl.TreeNodeTransferable<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
The transferable object for a tree node.
TreeModel - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for a tree of nodes.
TreeNodeComponentState(Component, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.TreeNodeComponentState
TreeNodeModel<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A node in a tree model.
TreeNodeTransferable(TreeControl, TreeNodeModel<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.TreeControl.TreeNodeTransferable
Source and tree node constructor.
TURQUOISE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
The property for specifying the content type of the audio.
TypeSelector - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.css
A type simple selector.
TypeSelector(String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.TypeSelector
Type name constructor.


unbind(Input) - Method in class io.guise.framework.input.BindingInputStrategy
Unbinds the given input from any other input or action.
unindent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
unindent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Decrements the indent level.
uninitializeChildComponent(Component) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Uninitializes a comopnent to be removed as a child comopnent of this composite component.
uninitializeUpload() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileUploadTask
Cleans up after an upload for the current platform file.
uninstall(GuiseContainer) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
uninstall(GuiseContainer) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Uninstalls the application from the given container.
uninstallApplication(AbstractGuiseApplication) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseContainer
Uninstalls the given application.
uninstallApplication(AbstractGuiseApplication) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletGuiseContainer
Uninstalls the given application.
uninstallCardConstraints(Constraints) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Uninstalls appropriate listeners from a card's constraints.
uninstalled(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractComponentDepictor
Called when the depictor is uninstalled from a depicted object.
uninstalled(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebFrameDepictor
Called when the depictor is uninstalled from a depicted object.
uninstalled(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFrameDepictor
Called when the depictor is uninstalled from a depicted object.
uninstalled(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
Called when the depictor is uninstalled from a depicted object.
uninstalled(C) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageDepictor
Called when the depictor is uninstalled from a depicted object.
uninstalled(O) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractDepictor
Called when the depictor is uninstalled from a depicted object.
uninstalled(O) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Depictor
Called when the depictor is uninstalled from a depicted object.
uninstallListeners(ActionPrototype) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.ProxyActionPrototype
uninstallListeners(P) - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractProxyPrototype
Uninstalls listeners from a proxied prototype.
Unit - Enum in io.guise.framework.geometry
A unit of measurement.
unregisterDepictedObject(DepictedObject) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractPlatform
unregisterDepictedObject(DepictedObject) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.Platform
Unregisters a depicted object so that no longer interacts with the platform.
unregisterSession(GuiseSession) - Method in class io.guise.framework.AbstractGuiseApplication
unregisterSession(GuiseSession) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.GuiseApplication
Unregisters a session from this application.
UNSELECTED_GLYPH_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectActionControl
The unselected icon bound property.
UP - io.guise.framework.input.Key
UP - io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
update() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Updates the condition of the component based upon the state.
update() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl
update() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
update() - Method in class io.guise.framework.controller.SequenceTaskController
Updates the condition of the controller based upon the state.
updateBookmark() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCardPanel
Updates the bookmark if bookmarks are enabled.
updateCellView(TableModel, int, TableColumnModel<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
Updates the view of a column.
updateChildControlValues() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Updates the values of child controls based upon the current state of the list selected values.
updateColumnLabelDateFormat() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
Updates the column label date format based upon the column label date style and current locale.
updateComponents() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Updates the state of components.
updateCorners(Flow.Direction) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCustomButtonDepictor
Renders corners for the given component.
updateDateControls() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
Updates the controls representing the date.
updateDateControls() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
Updates the controls representing the date.
updateDateControls() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
Updates the controls representing the date.
updateDateControlsPropertyChangeListener - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
The property change listener that updates the date controls when a property changes.
updateDateControlsPropertyChangeListener - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
The property change listener that updates the date controls when a property changes.
updateDefaultPrototypeProvisions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.DefaultPrototypeProvider
Updates the available prototype provisions.
updateDefaultPrototypeProvisions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
Updates the default prototype provisions.
updateDisplayed() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Performs any needed updates based upon the displayed status of the constraints of the connected cards.
updateDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Updates the current displayed status.
updateDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
Updates the current displayed status.
updateDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
Updates the current displayed status.
updateElement(Element) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextBoxDepictor
Renders an XML element.
updateElementContent(Element) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextBoxDepictor
Renders the content of an XML element.
updateEnabled() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Performs any needed updates based upon the enabled status of the constraints of the connected cards.
updateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Updates the current enabled status.
updateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
Updates the current enabled status.
updateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
Updates the current enabled status.
updateFlowChildView(Component, Axis) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor
Updates a child view in a flow.
updateHeaderView(TableModel, TableColumnModel<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
Updates the view of a column header.
updateLabel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractApplicationFrame
Called when the content changes so that the label can be updated.
updateListSelectedValues() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Updates the list selected values based upon the current values of the child controls.
updateModel() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel
Updates the model based upon the current calendar.
updateOverallStatusLabel(TaskState, Long, Long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Updates the status label for the overall progress.
updatePending() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.CachedImageModel
Initiates pending by both a cached image key and cached image URI are available.
updatePlatformFileStatusLabel(PlatformFile, TaskState, Long, Long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PlatformFileUploadPanel
Updates the status label for an individual platform file.
updateProperties() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractListSelectEditor
Updates the action properties based upon the current state of the list select model.
updatePrototypeProvisions() - Method in class io.guise.framework.prototype.AbstractPrototypeProvider
Updates the available prototype provisions.
updatePrototypes() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
Updates the state of the prototypes, such as previous and next.
updatePrototypesPropertyChangeListener - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.Table
The property change listener that updates prototype properties.
updateRules() - Method in class io.guise.framework.theme.Theme
Updates the internal maps of rules.
updateSelected() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Performs any needed updates based upon the currently selected card.
updateSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Updates the current selected status.
updateSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
updateSelected(boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
Updates the current selected status.
updateStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
Rechecks user input status of this component, and updates the status.
updateStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
Rechecks user input status of this component, and updates the status.
updateStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
Rechecks user input status of this component, and updates the status.
updateStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Rechecks user input status of this component, and updates the status.
updateStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
Rechecks user input status of this component, and updates the status.
updateStatus() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Rechecks user input status of this component, and updates the status.
updateTaskState() - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Performs any needed updates based upon the current task status of the constraints of the connected cards.
updateTaskState(TaskState) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.AbstractCardCoupler
Updates the current task state.
updateTaskState(TaskState) - Method in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ActionCardCoupler
updateText() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Updates the component text with literal form of the given value.
updateTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
updateTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Updates this object's theme.
updateTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutComponent
updateTheme() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.BooleanValueControlSelectControl
Updates this object's theme.
updateTheme() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Updates this object's theme.
updateTimeLength(long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Updates the duration of the audio.
updateTimePosition(long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Updates the time-based play position.
updateTimeProgress(long, long) - Method in class io.guise.framework.audio.Audio
Updates the progress of the audio, firing the appropriate progress event.
updateTreeNodeChildViews(TreeModel, TreeNodeModel<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
Updates the views of a tree node's children, if any.
updateTreeNodeView(TreeModel, TreeNodeModel<T>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
Updates the view of a tree node.
updateValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Rechecks user input validity of this component and all child components, and updates the valid state.
updateValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeStateControl
Rechecks user input validity of this component and all child components, and updates the valid state.
updateValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerControl
Rechecks user input validity of this component and all child components, and updates the valid state.
updateValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractControl
Rechecks user input validity of this component and all child components, and updates the valid state.
updateValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Rechecks user input validity of this component and all child components, and updates the valid state.
updateValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutControl
Rechecks user input validity of this component and all child components, and updates the valid state.
updateValid() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.ImageActionControl
Rechecks user input validity of this component and all child components, and updates the valid state.
updateValuePropertyChangeListener - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeControl
The property change listener that updates the value when a property changes.
updateYearControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
Updates the year control by removing any old year control from the component and adding a new year control.
updateYearControl() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
Updates the year control by removing any old year control from the component and adding a new year control.
upload(PlatformFile, URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector.Depictor
Initiates a platform file upload.
upload(PlatformFile, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFileCollector
Initiates a platform file upload.
upload(PlatformFile, URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor
upload(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.PlatformFile
Uploads the file from the platform.
upload(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformFile
uploadPlatformFiles(String, Bookmark, ProgressListener, PlatformFile...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.HTTPServletWebPlatform
Uploads files from the platform.
URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
The property for specifying the URI of the audio.
USD_CURRENCY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.converter.NumberStringLiteralConverter
United States Dollar currency.


VALID_PRODUCTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.validator.PANValidator
The valid products bound property.
VALID_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
The valid bound property.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractComponent
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.component.Component
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.PasswordAuthenticationPanel
Validates the user input of this component and all child components.
validate() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel
validate(PAN) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.PANValidator
Checks whether a given value is valid, and throws an exception if not.
validate(ResourceImport) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.ResourceImportValidator
Checks whether a given value is valid, and throws an exception if not.
validate(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractComparableRangeValidator
Checks whether a given value is valid, and throws an exception if not.
validate(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractRegularExpressionValidator
validate(V) - Method in class io.guise.framework.validator.AbstractValidator
Checks whether a given value is valid, and throws an exception if not.
validate(V) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
Checks whether a given value is valid, and throws an exception if not.
validateChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractCompositeComponent
Validates the user input of child components.
validateChildren() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
Validates the user input of child components.
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractActionValueControl
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractContainerValueControl
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractDialogFrame
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractLayoutValueControl
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectContainerControl
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractValueControl
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractValueLayout
validateValue() - Method in class io.guise.framework.model.AbstractValueModel
Validates the value of this model, throwing an exception if the model is not valid.
validateValue() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
Validates the value of this model, throwing an exception if the model is not valid.
VALIDATION_FALSE_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The resource bundle key for a general failed validation message.
ValidationException - Exception in io.guise.framework.validator
Exception class for a validation error.
ValidationException() - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
ValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ValidationException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and value object.
ValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ValidationException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, and value object.
ValidationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()).
ValidationsException - Exception in io.guise.framework.validator
Validation exception indicating that multiple validation errors occured.
ValidationsException(ValidationException...) - Constructor for exception io.guise.framework.validator.ValidationsException
Validation exceptions constructor.
Validator<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.validator
Indicates an object that can determine whether a value is valid.
VALIDATOR_INVALID_VALUE_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The resource reference for a validator message indicating that a value is invalid.
VALIDATOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
The validator bound property.
VALIDATOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
The validator bound property.
VALIDATOR_VALUE_REQUIRED_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.Resources
The resource reference for a validator message indicating that a value is required.
VALUE_CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractTextControl
The value content type bound property.
VALUE_GLYPH_URI_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.ActionValueControl
The bound property for an icon associated with a value.
VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.coupler.ListSelectCardCoupler
The value bound property.
VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ValueModel
The value bound property.
VALUE_REPRESENTATION_STRATEGY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.SelectControl
The value representation strategy bound property.
VALUE_REQUIRED_MESSAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
The value required message bound property.
VALUE_REQUIRED_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.validator.Validator
The value required bound property.
ValueComponentState(Component) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.AbstractListSelectControl.ValueComponentState
ValueControl<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A control to accept input by the user of a value.
ValueConverterInfoModel<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An info model that converts a value to a string for the label.
ValueConverterInfoModel(V, Converter<V, String>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.ValueConverterInfoModel
Value and converter constructor.
ValuedComponent<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.component
A component that can be initialized with a value and allows a value to be retrieved.
ValueEvent<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.event
An event reporting a value.
ValueEvent(Object, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.event.ValueEvent
Source and value constructor.
ValueModel<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.model
A model for user input of a value.
valueOf(char) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Combinator
Determines the combinator represented by the given character.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Button
Retrieves a button corresponding to the given code.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
Retrieves a key code corresponding to the given code.
valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.style.AbstractModeledColor
Creates a color from a string representation.
valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor
Creates an HSL color from a string representation.
valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Creates an RGB color from a string representation.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.FrameComponent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl.CheckType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.Control.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.Frame.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.Frame.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Corner
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.End
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl.ScrollComponent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent.SectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.converter.NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.converter.TimeStringLiteralStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent.Command
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.Axis
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.Key
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.MouseButton
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.ProcessCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.ResourceCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.InformationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.View
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Button
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Combinator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform.HTMLEditor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform.PollCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor.ResourceCollectCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.style.FontStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor.Component
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor.Component
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
ValuePolicyModelGroup<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.model
An abstract implementation of a group of value models implementing a value policy across several models, such as mutual exclusion.
ValuePolicyModelGroup(ValueModel<V>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.ValuePolicyModelGroup
Model constructor.
ValuePrototype<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.prototype
Contains prototype information for a value control.
ValuePrototype(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
Value class constructor with a null default value.
ValuePrototype(Class<V>, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
Value class and label constructor with a null default value.
ValuePrototype(Class<V>, String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
Value class, label, and icon constructor with a null default value.
ValuePrototype(Class<V>, V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
Value class and default value constructor.
ValuePrototype(Class<V>, V, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
Value class, default value, and label constructor.
ValuePrototype(Class<V>, V, String, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.prototype.ValuePrototype
Value class, default value, label, and icon constructor.
ValueRequiredValidator<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.validator
A validator that requires a value to be entered.
ValueRequiredValidator() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.validator.ValueRequiredValidator
Default constructor.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.AbstractEditComponentTextControl.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.AbstractFrame.FrameComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.CheckControl.CheckType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.Control.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.Frame.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.Frame.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Border
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Corner
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow.End
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Flow
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.FlowOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.layout.Region
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.ScrollControl.ScrollComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.component.SectionComponent.SectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.converter.DateStringLiteralStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.converter.NumberStringLiteralConverter.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.converter.TimeStringLiteralStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.event.ActionEvent.Command
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.Axis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.Side
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.geometry.Unit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.Key
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.MediaCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.MouseButton
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.ProcessCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.input.ResourceCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.InformationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.SequenceTransition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.model.View
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Button
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.css.Combinator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.KeyCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform.HTMLEditor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatform.PollCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor.ResourceCollectCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.style.FontStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.style.HSLColor.Component
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor.Component
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueSelectButton<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Selectable button that stores a separate value in a value model.
ValueSelectButton(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<V>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ValueSelectButton
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
ValueSelectButton(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ValueSelectButton
Value class constructor.
valueSelected(ValueEvent<V>) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.event.ValueSelectListener
Called when a value is selected.
ValueSelectLink<V> - Class in io.guise.framework.component
Selectable link that stores a separate value in a value model.
ValueSelectLink(InfoModel, ActionModel, ValueModel<V>, Enableable) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ValueSelectLink
Info model, action model, value model, and enableable object constructor.
ValueSelectLink(Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.component.ValueSelectLink
Value class constructor.
ValueSelectListener<V> - Interface in io.guise.framework.event
An object that listens for selection of a value.
ValueState(V) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
ValueState(V, DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.DefaultListSelectModel.ValueState
State copy constructor
VARIANT - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
A name for the locale's variant code that is appropriate for display to the user.
VARIANT_CODE - io.guise.framework.converter.LocaleStringLiteralStyle
The variant code for the locale.
vetoableChange(GenericPropertyChangeEvent<Component>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.component.SequenceCardPanel.SequenceCardVetoableChangeListener
View - Enum in io.guise.framework.model
Represents a view or aspect of data.
VIEW_MENU_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
VIOLET - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
VIOLET_RED - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
VISIBLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.TableColumnModel
The bound property of whether the column is visible.
VISIBLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.model.ui.PresentationModel
The bound property of whether the component is visible.


W3C_VALIDATOR - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The W3C Validator user agent.
WAIT - io.guise.framework.platform.web.Cursor
Indicates that the program is busy and the user should wait.
WARN - io.guise.framework.model.InformationLevel
Indications that conditions are possibly adverse.
WARN - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Severity
Indications that conditions are possibly adverse.
WARNING - io.guise.framework.component.Control.Status
The input is provisionally incorrect.
WARNING_CLASS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.GuiseCSSStyleConstants
The CSS class indicating warning status.
WAVE - io.guise.framework.style.LineStyle
A wavy line.
WebAccordionMenuDepictor<C extends Menu> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a menu as an accordion menu using the XHTML <ol> element.
WebAccordionMenuDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAccordionMenuDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebActionDepictEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Indicates that an action has been initiated on the web platform.
WebActionDepictEvent(DepictedObject, String, String, int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebActionDepictEvent
Depicted object, depicted object, target ID, action ID, and option constructor.
WebApplicationFrameDepictor<C extends ApplicationFrame> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an application frame as a series of XHTML elements.
WebApplicationFrameDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebApplicationFrameDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML body element.
WebAudioDepictor - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A web depictor for Guise audio.
WebAudioDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebAudioDepictor
WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The web commands for controlling audio.
WebButtonDepictor<C extends ActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <button> element.
WebButtonDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebButtonDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <button> element.
WebCardPanelDepictor<C extends AbstractCardPanel> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a card panel as a series of XHTML elements.
WebCardPanelDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCardPanelDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebChangeDepictEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Indicates that one or more properties of a depicted object have changed on the web platform.
WebChangeDepictEvent(DepictedObject, NameValuePair<String, Object>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebChangeDepictEvent
Depicted object and properties constructor.
WebChangeDepictEvent(DepictedObject, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebChangeDepictEvent
Depicted object and properties map constructor.
WebCheckControlDepictor<C extends CheckControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a check control as an XHTML <input> element with type checkbox or radio.
WebCheckControlDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCheckControlDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <span> element.
WebCommandDepictEvent<C extends java.lang.Enum<C> & WebPlatformCommand> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A command to or from a depicted object on the web platform.
WebCommandDepictEvent(DepictedObject, C, NameValuePair<String, Object>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCommandDepictEvent
Depicted object, command, and parameters constructor.
WebCommandDepictEvent(DepictedObject, C, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCommandDepictEvent
Depicted object, command, and parameters map constructor.
WebCommandMessage<C extends java.lang.Enum<C> & WebPlatformCommand> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A command message to or from the web platform.
WebCommandMessage(C, NameValuePair<String, Object>...) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCommandMessage
Command and parameters constructor.
WebCommandMessage(C, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCommandMessage
Command and parameters map constructor.
WebComponentDepictor<C extends Component> - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A strategy for depicting components on the web platform.
WebCustomButtonDepictor<C extends ActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <a> element styled as a button.
WebCustomButtonDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebCustomButtonDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <a> element.
WebDepictContext - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Information related to the current depiction on the web platform.
WebDepictEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
An event to or from a depicted object on the web platform.
WebDepictor<O extends DepictedObject> - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A strategy for depicting objects on the web platform.
WebDropMenuDepictor<C extends Menu> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a menu as a drop menu.
WebDropMenuDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebDropMenuDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <ol> element.
WebFieldsetDepictor<C extends LayoutComponent> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a layout component as an XHTML <fieldset> element.
WebFieldsetDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFieldsetDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <fieldset> element.
WebFileInputDepictor<C extends ResourceImportControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a resource import control as an XHTML <input> element with type="file".
WebFileInputDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFileInputDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <input> element.
WebFlashDepictor<C extends Flash> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a Flash component as an XHTML <object> element.
WebFlashDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <object> element.
WebFormEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Indicates the submission of a full or partial form on the web platform
WebFormEvent(WebPlatform) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFormEvent
Source exhaustive constructor.
WebFormEvent(WebPlatform, boolean) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFormEvent
Source and exhaustive constructor.
WebFrameDepictor<C extends Frame> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a frame as a series of XHTML elements.
WebFrameDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFrameDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebHeadingDepictor<C extends LabelComponent> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a label component as an XHTML h1, h2, etc.
WebHeadingDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebHeadingDepictor
WebHeadingLinkDepictor<C extends ActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an action model control as an XHTML <a> element containing a heading.
WebHeadingLinkDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebHeadingLinkDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <a> element.
WebIFrameLikeButtonDepictor - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook
Strategy for rendering a Facebook like button as an XHTML <iframe> element.
WebIFrameLikeButtonDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.facebook.WebIFrameLikeButtonDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <iframe> element.
WebImageActionControlDepictor<C extends ImageComponent & ActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an image action control as an XHTML <img> inside a <a> element.
WebImageActionControlDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageActionControlDepictor
WebImageBooleanSelectActionControlViewer<C extends ImageBooleanSelectActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an image select action control as an XHTML <img> inside a <a> element.
WebImageBooleanSelectActionControlViewer() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageBooleanSelectActionControlViewer
WebImageDepictor<C extends ImageComponent> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an image component an XHTML <img> element.
WebImageDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebImageDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <label> element.
WebInitializeEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A web platform event indicating that initialization should occur.
WebInitializeEvent(DepictContext, int, int, int, int, String, int, int, int, int, int, String, boolean, URI) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebInitializeEvent
WebLabelDepictor<C extends LabelComponent> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a label as an XHTML <label> element.
WebLabelDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLabelDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <label> element.
WebLabelPanelDepictor<C extends LayoutComponent> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a labeled panel as a series of XHTML elements.
WebLabelPanelDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLabelPanelDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebLayoutComponentDepictor<C extends LayoutComponent> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a LayoutComponent as an XHTML <div> element.
WebLayoutComponentDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLayoutComponentDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebLinkDepictor<C extends ActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an action model control as an XHTML <a> element.
WebLinkDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLinkDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <a> element.
WebListDepictor<C extends CompositeComponent> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a component as an XHTML <ol> element.
WebListDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebListDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <ol> element.
WebListDepictor(URI, String) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebListDepictor
Element namespace and local name constructor.
WebMessageDepictor<C extends Message> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a message component as an XHTML <div> element.
WebMessageDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebMessageDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebPanelDepictor<C extends Panel> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a panel as an XHTML <div> element.
WebPanelDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPanelDepictor
Default constructor.
WebPictureDepictor<C extends Picture> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a pictures as a series of XHTML elements along with label and description.
WebPictureDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPictureDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebPlatform - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The web platform for Guise.
WebPlatform.HTMLEditor - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The types of JavaScript-based HTML editors available.
WebPlatform.PollCommand - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The web commands for controlling polling.
WebPlatformCommand - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A web command to or from the platform on which objects are depicted.@author Garret Wilson
WebPlatformCommandMessage<C extends java.lang.Enum<C> & WebPlatformCommand> - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A command message to or from the web platform on which objects are being depicted.
WebPlatformEvent - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
An event message on the web platform.
WebPlatformEventType - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The type of event received from the web platform.
WebPlatformFile - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A local file represented by a Flash flash.net.FileReference on the web platform.
WebPlatformFile(PlatformFileCollector, String, String, long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPlatformFile
File reference list, name and size constructor.
WebPlatformMessage - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A message on the web platform.
WebPollEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
A web event for polling the server.
WebPollEvent(WebPlatform) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebPollEvent
Context constructor.
WebProgressDepictEvent - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Indicates that some sort of progress has been made on the web platform.
WebProgressDepictEvent(DepictedObject, String, TaskState, long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebProgressDepictEvent
Depicted object constructor with an unknown goal.
WebProgressDepictEvent(DepictedObject, String, TaskState, long, long) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebProgressDepictEvent
Depicted object and goal constructor.
WebResourceCollectDepictor<C extends ResourceCollectControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a resource collect control as an XHTML <input> element with type="file".
WebResourceCollectDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <input> element.
WebResourceCollectDepictor.ResourceCollectCommand - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The web commands for controlling a resource collect control.
WebScrollControlDepictor<GC extends WebDepictContext,​C extends ScrollControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a scroll control as an XHTML <div> element.
WebScrollControlDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebScrollControlDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebSelectableLabelDepictor<C extends SelectableLabel> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a label component that is selectable.
WebSelectableLabelDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectableLabelDepictor
WebSelectDepictor<V,​C extends ListSelectControl<V>> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a select control as an XHTML <select> element.
WebSelectDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <select> element.
WebSelectLinkDepictor<C extends SelectActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <a> element that can be selected.
WebSelectLinkDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectLinkDepictor
WebSliderDepictor<V extends java.lang.Number,​C extends SliderControl<V>> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a slider component as an XHTML <slider> element.
WebSliderDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSliderDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebTabbedPanelDepictor<C extends AbstractCardPanel> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a tabbed panel as a series of XHTML elements.
WebTabbedPanelDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabbedPanelDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebTabDepictor<V,​C extends ListSelectControl<V>> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a tabbed control as an XHTML <ol> element containing tabs.
WebTabDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTabDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <ol> element.
WebTableDepictor<C extends Table> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a table component as an XHTML <table> element.
WebTableDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTableDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <table> element.
WebTextBoxDepictor<C extends TextBox> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a text component as an XHTML <div> element or, based upon TextBox.getTextContentType(), a specialized XHTML element.
WebTextBoxDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextBoxDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebTextBoxDepictor.CachedDocument - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Cached information associating a pre-parsed XML document with a string.
WebTextControlDepictor<V,​C extends TextControl<V>> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a text control as an XHTML <input> element or an XHTML <textarea> element.
WebTextControlDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <input> element.
WebToolButtonDepictor<C extends ActionControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <button> element.
WebToolButtonDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebToolButtonDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <button> element.
WebTreeControlDepictor<C extends TreeControl> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering a tree component as an XHTML <div> element.
WebTreeControlDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTreeControlDepictor
Default constructor using the XHTML <div> element.
WebUserAgentProduct - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The identification of the user agent client, such as a browser, accessing Guise on the web platform.
WebUserAgentProduct.Brand - Enum in io.guise.framework.platform.web
The brand of the web user agent.
WebValueSelectLinkDepictor<V,​C extends SelectActionControl & ActionValueControl<V>> - Class in io.guise.framework.platform.web
Strategy for rendering an action model control as an XHTML <a> element that can be selected, with values represented by icons.
WebValueSelectLinkDepictor() - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebValueSelectLinkDepictor
WeekDayTableColumnModel(int) - Constructor for class io.guise.framework.model.CalendarMonthTableModel.WeekDayTableColumnModel
Day-of-week constructor.
WEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
WEST_BY_NORTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
WEST_BY_SOUTH - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
WEST_NORTHWEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
WEST_SOUTHWEST - io.guise.framework.geometry.CompassPoint
WGET - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The WGET user agent.
WHEAT - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
WHITE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
WHITE_SMOKE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
Widget - Interface in io.guise.framework.component.widget
A component that can be embedded in certain content and can be edited within a widget editing environment.
WIDGET_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.guise.framework.component.widget.Widget
The MIME type of a Guise widget.
WINDOW_MENU_ORDER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.prototype.PrototypeProvision
WINDOWS - io.guise.framework.input.Key
WMODE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebFlashDepictor
The "wmode" parameter.
WRAPPED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.component.layout.AbstractFlowLayout
The bound property of whether wrapping occurs.
write(char) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
write(char) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Writes a character, encoding it as necessary.
write(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
write(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Writes text, encoding it as necessary.
writeAttribute(URI, String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
Writes an attribute of an XML element.
writeAttribute(URI, String, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Writes an attribute of an XML element.
writeBodyIDClassAttributes(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes ID and class attributes for the body of the component.
writeClassAttribute(Set<String>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes an XHTML class attribute with the given style IDs.
writeComment(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeComment(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Writes an XML comment.
writeCommentClose() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeCommentClose() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Writes the ending part of an XML comment.
writeCommentOpen() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeCommentOpen() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Writes the beginning part of an XML comment.
writeDecoratorBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Writes the beginning part of the outer decorator element.
writeDecoratorBegin() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebResourceCollectDepictor
Writes the beginning part of the outer decorator element.
writeDecoratorEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor
Writes the ending part of the outer decorator element.
writeDecoratorEnd() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
Writes the ending part of the outer decorator element.
writeDirectionAttribute() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes an XHTML direction attribute for the X axis direction only if the given component has an orientation explicitly set.
writeDirectionAttribute(Orientation, Flow) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes an XHTML direction attribute with the direction of the given orientation for the given flow.
writeDocType(boolean, URI, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeDocType(boolean, URI, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Writes a doctype along with an optional XML declaration to the string builder and sets the output content type.
writeDocType(boolean, URI, String, ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeDocType(boolean, URI, String, ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Writes a doctype along with an optional XML declaration to the string builder and sets the output content type.
writeDocType(boolean, URI, String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeDocType(boolean, URI, String, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Writes a doctype along with an optional XML declaration to the string builder and sets the output content type.
writeDocType(boolean, URI, String, String, String, ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeDocType(boolean, URI, String, String, String, ContentType) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Writes a doctype along with an optional XML declaration to the string builder and sets the output content type.
writeElementBegin(URI, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeElementBegin(URI, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Begins an XML element that will not be an empty element, even if it has no content.
writeElementBegin(URI, String, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeElementBegin(URI, String, boolean) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Begins an XML element, specifying whether an empty element is allowed.
writeElementEnd(URI, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXMLDepictContext
writeElementEnd(URI, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XMLDepictContext
Ends an XML element.
writeErrorMessage() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes a message indicating any errors related to the component.
writeFloatClear() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes an XHTML element to clear all floats.
writeIDAttribute(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes an ID attribute with the appropriate prefixes and suffixes.
writeIDClassAttributes(String, String, String...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes ID and class attributes with the appropriate prefixes and suffixes.
writeIndent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
writeIndent() - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Writes an indention at the current indention level.
writeJavaScriptElement(URI) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
writeJavaScriptElement(URI) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
Generates a JavaScript element that references the given URI.
writeLabel(String, String...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes a label element for a component, taking into account the label's content type.
writeLabelContent() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes the label content of the component, taking into account the label's content type.
writeLabelContent(boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes the label content of the component, taking into account the label's content type.
writeLabelContent(LabelModel) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes the label content of the given label model, taking into account the label's content type.
writeLabelContent(LabelModel, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes the label content of the given label model, taking into account the label's content type.
writeLabelContent(LabelModel, PresentationModel) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes the label content of the given label model, taking into account the label's content type.
writeLabelContent(LabelModel, PresentationModel, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes the label content of the given label model, taking into account the label's content type.
writeLiteral(String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractTextDepictContext
writeLiteral(String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.TextDepictContext
Writes literal text with no encoding.
writeMetaElement(String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
writeMetaElement(String, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
Generates a meta element suitable for the head of an XHTML document.
writeMetaElement(URI, String, String) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.AbstractXHTMLDepictContext
writeMetaElement(URI, String, String) - Method in interface io.guise.framework.platform.XHTMLDepictContext
Generates a meta element suitable for the head of an XHTML document, creating a qualified name or the meta property based upon the given namespace URI and local name.
writeParameterInputs(NameValuePair<String, String>...) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes parameters as hidden, disabled inputs.
writeStyleAttribute(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes an XHTML style attribute with the given styles.
writeSupplementaryIcons() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebLinkDepictor
Writes the supplementary icons.
writeSupplementaryIcons() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebSelectLinkDepictor
Writes the supplementary icons.
writeSupplementaryIcons() - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebValueSelectLinkDepictor
Writes the supplementary icons.
writeText(String, ContentType) - Method in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.AbstractWebComponentDepictor
Writes text, taking the content type into consideration.
WYSIWYG - io.guise.framework.model.View
The view in which the data is shown as it would be in its final form.


X - io.guise.framework.geometry.Axis
The X axis.
XHTMLDepictContext - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
Encapsulation of application/xhtml+xml information related to the current depiction.
XMLDepictContext - Interface in io.guise.framework.platform
Encapsulation of text/xml information related to the current depiction.
XMLDepictContext.ElementState - Class in io.guise.framework.platform
The state of rendering for a particular element.
XSTANDARD_CLASS_ID - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
The XStandard class ID.
XSTANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebTextControlDepictor
The content type for XStandard objects.


Y - io.guise.framework.geometry.Axis
The Y axis.
YAHOO_MMCRAWLER - io.guise.framework.platform.web.WebUserAgentProduct.Brand
The Yahoo! MMCrawler spider.
yearPropertyChangeListener - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.CalendarControl
The property change listener that updates the visible dates if the year is different than the last one.
yearPropertyChangeListener - Variable in class io.guise.framework.component.DateTimeFieldsControl
The property change listener that updates the visible dates if the year is different than the last one.
YELLOW - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
YELLOW_GREEN - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.style.RGBColor
YES - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option
YES_ALL - io.guise.framework.model.Notification.Option


Z - io.guise.framework.geometry.Axis
The Z axis.
ZERO_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Dimensions
A convenience dimensions of zero pixel size.
ZERO_EXTENT1 - Static variable in class io.guise.framework.geometry.Extent
A convenience one-dimensional extent of zero pixels.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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