Class NotificationOptionDialogFrame

    • Constructor Detail

      • NotificationOptionDialogFrame

        public NotificationOptionDialogFrame​(Notification.Option... options)
        Options constructor. Duplicate options are ignored.
        options - The available options.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given options is null.
      • NotificationOptionDialogFrame

        public NotificationOptionDialogFrame​(Notification notification)
        Notification constructor. Duplicate options are ignored.
        notification - The notification that specifies the message and options.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given notification is null. #see TextBox
      • NotificationOptionDialogFrame

        public NotificationOptionDialogFrame​(java.lang.String text,
                                             Notification.Option... options)
        Text constructor with a default Text.PLAIN_CONTENT_TYPE content type. Duplicate options are ignored.
        text - The text, which may include a resource reference, or null if there is no text.
        options - The available options.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given options is null. #see TextBox
      • NotificationOptionDialogFrame

        public NotificationOptionDialogFrame​(java.lang.String text,
                                             Notification.Option... options)
        Text and content type constructor Duplicate options are ignored.
        text - The text, which may include a resource reference, or null if there is no text.
        textContentType - The content type of the text.
        options - The available options.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given content type and/or options is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given content type is not a text content type. #see TextBox
      • NotificationOptionDialogFrame

        public NotificationOptionDialogFrame​(Component component,
                                             Notification.Option... options)
        Component and options constructor. Duplicate options are ignored.
        component - The single child component, or null if this frame should have no child component.
        options - The available options.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given options is null.
      • NotificationOptionDialogFrame

        public NotificationOptionDialogFrame​(ValueModel<Notification.Option> valueModel,
                                             Notification.Option... options)
        Value model, and options constructor. Duplicate options are ignored.
        valueModel - The frame value model.
        options - The available options.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given value model and or options is null.
      • NotificationOptionDialogFrame

        public NotificationOptionDialogFrame​(ValueModel<Notification.Option> valueModel,
                                             Component component,
                                             Notification.Option... options)
        Value model, component, and options constructor. Duplicate options are ignored.
        valueModel - The frame value model.
        component - The component representing the content of the option dialog frame, or null if there is no content component.
        options - The available options.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given value model and/or options is null.
    • Method Detail

      • open

        public void open​(java.lang.Runnable afterNotify)
        Opens the frame as modal with a Runnable to be performed after modality ends successfully. When the frame closes, if a non-fatal option was chosen the given runnable is executed. This is a convenience method that delegates to If the selected option to any notification is fatal, the specified logic, if any, will not be performed. The absence of an option selection is considered fatal only if a fatal option was presented for a given notification.
        afterNotify - The code that executes after notification has taken place, or null if no action should be taken after notification.
        See Also:, Notification.Option.isFatal()