AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor |
An abstract XHTML component depictor that writes component decorations such as label and error.
AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor |
A component depictor that uses its top-level XHTML element as its main or body component.
AbstractWebActionControlDepictor |
Abstract depictor for rendering simple action controls in XHTML.
AbstractWebComponentDepictor |
The abstract base class for all application/xhtml+xml depictions.
AbstractWebDepictContext |
Abstract implementation of information related to the current depiction on the web platform.
AbstractWebDepictEvent |
The base class for events to or from a depicted object on the web platform.
AbstractWebDepictor |
An abstract depictor for the web.
AbstractWebFrameDepictor |
Abstract strategy for rendering a frame as a series of XHTML elements.
AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor |
The abstract base class for all application/xhtml+xml composite components that use layouts.
AbstractWebMenuDepictor |
Abstract strategy for rendering a menu.
AbstractWebMessage |
The base class for message to or from the web platform.
AbstractWebPlatform |
An abstract implementation of a web platform for Guise.
AbstractWebPlatformEvent |
The base class for events to or from the web platform.
AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor |
An abstract depictor for a collector of platform files for the web platform.
AbstractWebPlatformFileCollectorDepictor.WebPlatformFileCollectorCommand |
The web commands for controlling the platform file collector.
Button |
A button on a mouse as reported by a browser's Event.button property.
Cursor |
Standard Guise cursors that are converted to predefined CSS cursors.
GuiseHTTPServlet.AbstractDescriptionResource |
A resource that has retrieves its properties, if possible, from a given RDF description.
HTTPServletGuiseContainer |
A Guise container for Guise HTTP servlets.
HTTPServletGuiseRequest |
Information about the Guise request of an HTTP servlet.
KeyCode |
A key on a keyboard as reported by a browser's Event.keyCode property.
WebAudioDepictor.AudioCommand |
The web commands for controlling audio.
WebButtonDepictor |
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <button> element.
WebComponentDepictor |
A strategy for depicting components on the web platform.
WebDepictContext |
Information related to the current depiction on the web platform.
WebDepictEvent |
An event to or from a depicted object on the web platform.
WebDepictor |
A strategy for depicting objects on the web platform.
WebImageActionControlDepictor |
Strategy for rendering an image action control as an XHTML <img> inside a <a> element.
WebLabelDepictor |
Strategy for rendering a label as an XHTML <label> element.
WebLayoutComponentDepictor |
WebLinkDepictor |
Strategy for rendering an action model control as an XHTML <a> element.
WebPlatform |
The web platform for Guise.
WebPlatform.HTMLEditor |
The types of JavaScript-based HTML editors available.
WebPlatform.PollCommand |
The web commands for controlling polling.
WebPlatformCommand |
A web command to or from the platform on which objects are depicted.@author Garret Wilson
WebPlatformCommandMessage |
A command message to or from the web platform on which objects are being depicted.
WebPlatformEvent |
An event message on the web platform.
WebPlatformEventType |
The type of event received from the web platform.
WebPlatformFile |
A local file represented by a Flash flash.net.FileReference on the web platform.
WebPlatformMessage |
A message on the web platform.
WebResourceCollectDepictor.ResourceCollectCommand |
The web commands for controlling a resource collect control.
WebSelectLinkDepictor |
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <a> element that can be selected.
WebUserAgentProduct |
The identification of the user agent client, such as a browser, accessing Guise on the web platform.
WebUserAgentProduct.Brand |
The brand of the web user agent.