Annotation Type InjectChannel

  • @Autowired
    public @interface InjectChannel
    Provides support for MessagingChannels autowiring.

    This annotation can be placed on any autowire-capable elements (fields, properties, parameters, etc) of application beans in order to inject MessagingChannel by its name.

    Below is the example of how this annotation can be used.

    1) Define a bean that will use InjectChannel annotation to inject MessagingChannel into its field.

    public class MyBean {
        private MessagingChannel<Object> channel;
        // ... other fields and methods...
    2) Define a Spring Boot application that will provide channel configuration.
    public class MyApp {
        public MessagingChannelConfig<Object> messagingChannelConfig() {
            return MessagingChannelConfig.unchecked()
                .withReceiver(msg ->
                    System.out.println("Got message " + msg)
        // ... other beans and methods...

    See Also: