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asOptional() - Method in class io.helidon.common.OptionalHelper
Get the underlying Optional instance.


build() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.Builder
Build the instance from this builder.
Builder<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common
Interface for builders, to be able to accept a builder in addition to an instance.


checkValid() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if these messages are a valid result, throws exception if not.
clear() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Clear this instance by discarding all Errors.ErrorMessages collected and re-setting status.
collect() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Process the messages collected into an Errors instance.
CollectionsHelper - Class in io.helidon.common
A set of static methods similar to Java9's List.of(), Set.of() and Map.of().
collector() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Create a new message collector.
Collector() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector


equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
Errors - Class in io.helidon.common
Errors utility used to file processing messages (e.g.
Errors.Collector - Class in io.helidon.common
A collector of Errors.ErrorMessages.
Errors.ErrorMessage - Class in io.helidon.common
Error message with a severity and a source.
Errors.ErrorMessagesException - Exception in io.helidon.common
Exception used by Errors.checkValid() thrown in case there are fatal messages.


fatal(Object, String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a fatal error to the list of messages.
fatal(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a fatal error to the list of messages.
FATAL - io.helidon.common.Severity
from(Optional<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.OptionalHelper
Static factory method to create a new OptionalHelper instance.


getCallerClass() - Method in class io.helidon.common.StackWalker
Gets the Class object of the caller who invoked the method that invoked getCallerClass.
getInstance() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.StackWalker
Returns a StackWalker instance with default options.
getInstance(StackWalker.Option) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.StackWalker
Returns a StackWalker instance with the given option specifying the stack frame information it can access.
getInstance(Set<StackWalker.Option>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.StackWalker
Returns a StackWalker instance with the given options specifying the stack frame information it can access.
getMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
Human-readable description of the issue.
getMessages() - Method in exception io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessagesException
Get encountered error messages of all types (hint, warning, fatal).
getSeverity() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
getSource() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
The issue source.


hasFatal() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
A helper method to check if this collector already has a fatal message.
hasFatal() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if a fatal message is part of these messages.
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
hasHint() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if a hint message is part of these messages.
hasWarning() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if a warning message is part of these messages.
hint(Object, String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a hint message to the list of messages.
hint(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a hint message to the list of messages.
HINT - io.helidon.common.Severity


ifPresentOrElse(Consumer<T>, Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.OptionalHelper
If a value is present, performs the given action with the value, otherwise performs the given empty-based action.
InputStreamHelper - Class in io.helidon.common
A set of static utility methods for InputStream.
io.helidon.common - package io.helidon.common
Common utilities for Helidon projects.
isValid() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if these messages are a valid result.


listOf() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Returns an immutable list containing zero elements.
listOf(T...) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the given elements.
log(Logger) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Log supplied errors and return a status flag indicating whether the result is OK or not (will return true for valid, false if Severity.FATAL is present).


mapEntry(K, V) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Returns an Map.Entry containing the given key and value.
mapOf() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Returns an immutable map containing zero mappings.
mapOf(K, V) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Create an unmodifiable map containing a single mappings.
mapOf(K, V, K, V) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Create an unmodifiable map containing 2 mappings.
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Create an unmodifiable map containing 3 mappings.
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Create an unmodifiable map containing 4 mappings.
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Create an unmodifiable map containing 5 mappings.
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Create an unmodifiable map containing 5 mappings.
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Create an unmodifiable map containing 5 mappings.
message(Object, String, Severity) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a message to the list of messages.
message(String, Severity) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a message to the list of messages with source automatically added.


OptionalHelper<T> - Class in io.helidon.common
A wrapper on top of Optional to replicate some of the new Java9 methods.
or(Supplier<? extends Optional<T>>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.OptionalHelper
If the underlying Optional does not have a value, set it to the Optional produced by the supplying function.


readAllBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.InputStreamHelper
Reads all remaining bytes from the input stream.This method blocks until all remaining bytes have been read and end of stream is detected, or an exception is thrown.
RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE - io.helidon.common.StackWalker.Option
In java9 used to tell the stack walker to keep class references, so we can obtain the class name from the stack frames.


setOf() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Returns an immutable set containing zero elements.
setOf(T...) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper
Create an unmodifiable set containing the given elements.
Severity - Enum in io.helidon.common
Severity of an event.
StackWalker - Class in io.helidon.common
A dummy replicate of Java9's StackWalker.
StackWalker.Option - Enum in io.helidon.common
Option for future partial compatibility with Java9.
stream() - Method in class io.helidon.common.OptionalHelper
If a value is present, returns a sequential Stream containing only that value, otherwise returns an empty Stream.


toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.helidon.common.Severity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.helidon.common.StackWalker.Option
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.helidon.common.Severity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.helidon.common.StackWalker.Option
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


walk(Function<? super Stream<StackTraceElement>, Optional<StackTraceElement>>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.StackWalker
Applies the given function to the stream of StackFrames for the current thread, traversing from the top frame of the stack, which is the method calling this walk method.
warn(Object, String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a warning message to the list of messages.
warn(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a warning message to the list of messages.
WARN - io.helidon.common.Severity
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