
object kernel

Fundamental recursion schemes implemented in terms of functions and nothing else.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def hylo[F[_] : Functor, A, B](algebra: F[B] => B, coalgebra: A => F[A]): A => B

Build a hylomorphism by recursively unfolding with coalgebra and refolding with algebra.

Build a hylomorphism by recursively unfolding with coalgebra and refolding with algebra.

 hylo A ---------------> B
| ^ co- | | algebra | | algebra
| | v | F[A] ------------> F[B] map hylo 
def hyloC[F[_] : Functor, G[_] : Functor, A, B](algebra: F[G[B]] => B, coalgebra: A => F[G[A]]): A => B

Convenience to build a hylomorphism for the composed functor F[G[_]].

Convenience to build a hylomorphism for the composed functor F[G[_]].

This is strictly for convenience and just delegates to hylo with the types set properly.

def hyloM[M[_] : Monad, F[_] : Traverse, A, B](algebra: F[B] => M[B], coalgebra: A => M[F[A]]): A => M[B]

Build a monadic hylomorphism

Build a monadic hylomorphism

 hyloM A ---------------> M[B]
| ^ co- | | algebraM | | flatMap f
| | v | M[F[A]] ---------> M[F[M[B]]] map hyloM

with f:

F[M[B]] -----> M[F[B]] ----------> M[B] sequence flatMap algebraM 
def hyloMC[M[_] : Monad, F[_] : Traverse, G[_] : Traverse, A, B](algebra: F[G[B]] => M[B], coalgebra: A => M[F[G[A]]]): A => M[B]

Convenience to build a monadic hylomorphism for the composed functor F[G[_]].

Convenience to build a monadic hylomorphism for the composed functor F[G[_]].