package indigo.shared.formats
Type members
final case class AsepriteFrame(filename: String, frame: AsepriteRectangle, rotated: Boolean, trimmed: Boolean, spriteSourceSize: AsepriteRectangle, sourceSize: AsepriteSize, duration: Int)
final case class AsepriteMeta(app: String, version: String, format: String, size: AsepriteSize, scale: String, frameTags: List[AsepriteFrameTag])
final case class TileSet(columns: Option[Int], firstgid: Int, image: Option[String], imageheight: Option[Int], imagewidth: Option[Int], margin: Option[Int], name: Option[String], spacing: Option[Int], terrains: Option[List[TiledTerrain]], tilecount: Option[Int], tileheight: Option[Int], tiles: Option[Map[String, TiledTerrainCorner]], tilewidth: Option[Int], source: Option[String])
Utility for working with generic sprite sheets. The sheet must be uniform, with each sprite having the same width and height, and a (possibly zero-pixel) inner margin.
Utility for working with generic sprite sheets. The sheet must be uniform, with each sprite having the same width and height, and a (possibly zero-pixel) inner margin.
- Companion:
- object
final case class TiledMap(width: Int, height: Int, infinite: Boolean, layers: List[TiledLayer], nextobjectid: Int, orientation: String, renderorder: String, tiledversion: String, tilewidth: Int, tileheight: Int, tilesets: List[TileSet], `type`: String, hexsidelength: Option[Int], staggeraxis: Option[String], staggerindex: Option[String], backgroundcolor: Option[String])
- Companion:
- object