
final case class Succeeded[A](value: A) extends Task[Nothing, A]

A task that succeeded with the given value

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Task[Nothing, A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def attempt[Msg](toMessage: Either[Nothing, A] => Msg): Cmd[Msg]

Turns this task into a command by transforming errors and successful values according to the f function

Turns this task into a command by transforming errors and successful values according to the f function

Inherited from:
def flatMap[Success2, Err2](f: A => Task[Err2, Success2]): Task[Err2, Success2]

Sequentially applies this task and then another task given by the function f

Sequentially applies this task and then another task given by the function f

Inherited from:
def map[Success2](f: A => Success2): Task[Nothing, Success2]

Transforms successful values

Transforms successful values

Inherited from:
def perform[Err2](using Err2 =:= Nothing): Cmd[A]

Turns this task (that never fails) into a command

Turns this task (that never fails) into a command

Inherited from:
def product[Success2, Err2](that: Task[Err2, Success2]): Task[Err2, (A, Success2)]

Combines to tasks in parallel

Combines to tasks in parallel

Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: