
See theCloudSolrServers companion object
class CloudSolrServers[F[_]](zkHost: String, zkClientTimeout: Duration, zkConnectTimeout: Duration, clusterStateUpdateInterval: Duration, defaultCollection: Option[String], warmupQueries: Option[WarmupQueries])(implicit futureFactory: FutureFactory[F]) extends SolrServers with AsyncSolrClientAware[F] with ServerStateChangeObservable

Provides servers based on information from from ZooKeeper. Uses the ZkStateReader to read the ZK cluster state, which is also used by solrj's CloudSolrServer. While ZkStateReader uses ZK Watches to get cluster state changes from ZK, we're regularly updating our internal state by reading the cluster state from ZkStateReader.



Used for pulling the ClusterState from ZkStateReader


Optional default collection to use when the request does not specify the "collection" param.


The zk session timeout (passed to ZkStateReader)


The zk connection timeout (passed to ZkStateReader), also used for ZkStateReader initialization attempt interval. Note that we're NOT stopping connection retries after connect timeout!


The zkHost string, in $host:$port format, multiple hosts are specified comma separated

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

override def all: IndexedSeq[SolrServer]

The currently known solr servers.

The currently known solr servers.


Definition Classes
override def matching(r: SolrRequest[_]): Try[IndexedSeq[SolrServer]]

An infinite iterator over known solr servers. When the last item is reached, it should start from the first one again. When the known solr servers change, the iterator must reflect this.

An infinite iterator over known solr servers. When the last item is reached, it should start from the first one again. When the known solr servers change, the iterator must reflect this.


Definition Classes
override def register(listener: StateChangeObserver): Unit


Definition Classes
override def setAsyncSolrClient(client: AsyncSolrClient[F]): Unit

On creation of AsyncSolrClient this method is invoked with the created instance if the concrete component is "supported", right now this are SolrServers and LoadBalancer. Subclasses can override this method to get access to the solr client.

On creation of AsyncSolrClient this method is invoked with the created instance if the concrete component is "supported", right now this are SolrServers and LoadBalancer. Subclasses can override this method to get access to the solr client.


Definition Classes
def shutdown(): Unit