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walkPaths() - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue
warn(String,Throwable) - function in io.javalin.core.util.JavalinLogger
warn(String) - function in io.javalin.core.util.JavalinLogger
warn(String,Object) - function in io.javalin.jetty.JettyUtil.NoopLogger
warn(Throwable) - function in io.javalin.jetty.JettyUtil.NoopLogger
warn(String,Throwable) - function in io.javalin.jetty.JettyUtil.NoopLogger
WEBSOCKET - enum entry in io.javalin.websocket.WsHandlerType
WildcardBracketAdjacentException - class in io.javalin.core.routing
write(InputStream) - function in io.javalin.http.JavalinResponseWrapper
write(ByteArray,Integer,Integer) - function in io.javalin.http.OutputStreamWrapper
write(Integer) - function in io.javalin.http.OutputStreamWrapper
write(ByteArray) - function in java.io.OutputStreamWrapper
write(ByteArray,Integer,Integer) - function in java.util.zip.LeveledGzipStream
write(Integer) - function in java.util.zip.LeveledGzipStream
write(ByteArray) - function in java.io.LeveledGzipStream
write(Integer) - function in com.nixxcode.jvmbrotli.enc.LeveledBrotliStream
write(ByteArray) - function in com.nixxcode.jvmbrotli.enc.LeveledBrotliStream
write(ByteArray,Integer,Integer) - function in com.nixxcode.jvmbrotli.enc.LeveledBrotliStream
write(Context,InputStream,String) - function in io.javalin.http.util.SeekableWriter
ws(String,Consumer) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a WebSocket handler on the specified path.
ws(String,Consumer,Array) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a WebSocket handler with the given roles for the specified path.
ws(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a WebSocket handler on the current path.
ws(Consumer,Array) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a WebSocket handler with the given roles for the current path.
ws(String,Consumer) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a WebSocket handler on the specified path.
ws(String,Consumer,Array) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a WebSocket handler on the specified path with the specified roles.Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
WS_AFTER - enum entry in io.javalin.websocket.WsHandlerType
WS_BEFORE - enum entry in io.javalin.websocket.WsHandlerType
wsAfter(String,Consumer) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a WebSocket after handler for the specified path to the Javalin instance.
wsAfter(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a WebSocket after handler for the current path to the Javalin instance.
wsAfter(String,Consumer) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a WebSocket after handler for the specified path to the instance.
wsAfter(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a WebSocket after handler for all routes in the instance.
wsBefore(String,Consumer) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a WebSocket before handler for the specified path to the Javalin instance.
wsBefore(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder
Adds a WebSocket before handler for the current path to the Javalin instance.
wsBefore(String,Consumer) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a WebSocket before handler for the specified path to the instance.
wsBefore(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a WebSocket before handler for all routes in the instance.
WsBinaryMessageContext - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsBinaryMessageHandler - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsCloseContext - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsCloseHandler - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsConfig - class in io.javalin.websocket
Holds the different WebSocket handlers for a specific WsEntry or the WebSocket logger.
WsConnectContext - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsConnectHandler - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsConnection - class in io.javalin.websocket
Is instantiated for every WebSocket connection.
WsContext - class in io.javalin.websocket
The WsContext class holds Jetty's Session and provides (convenient) delegate methods.
wsDevLogger(WsConfig) - function in io.javalin.core.util.LogUtil
WsEntry - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsErrorContext - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsErrorHandler - class in io.javalin.websocket
wsException(Class,WsExceptionHandler) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Adds a WebSocket exception mapper to the instance.
WsExceptionHandler - class in io.javalin.websocket
A handler for use with wsException.
WsExceptionMapper - class in io.javalin.websocket
Maps exception types to exception handlers.
wsFactoryConfig(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.core.JavalinConfig
wsHandlerAdded(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.core.event.EventListener
WsHandlerMetaInfo - class in io.javalin.core.event
WsHandlerType - class in io.javalin.websocket
wsLogger(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.core.JavalinConfig
WsMessageContext - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsMessageHandler - class in io.javalin.websocket
WsPathMatcher - class in io.javalin.websocket
Performs match operations on WebSocket paths.
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