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RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpCode
RateLimiter - class in io.javalin.http.util
RateLimitUtil - class in io.javalin.http.util
readAndResetStreamIfPossible(InputStream,Charset) - function in io.javalin.http.util.ContextUtil
readFile(String) - function in io.javalin.core.util.FileUtil
readResource(String) - function in io.javalin.core.util.FileUtil
reason() - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsCloseContext
redirect(String,Integer) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Sets the response status code and redirects to the specified location.
redirect(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Sets the response status code and redirects to the specified location.
RedirectResponse - class in io.javalin.http
RedirectToLowercasePathPlugin - class in io.javalin.http.util
This plugin redirects requests with uppercase/mixcase paths to lowercase paths Ex: /Users/John -> /users/John (if endpoint is /users/{userId}) It does not affect the casing of path-params and query-params, only static URL fragments ('Users' becomes 'users' above, but 'John' remains 'John').
REDOC - enum entry in io.javalin.core.util.OptionalDependency
reEnableJettyLogger() - function in io.javalin.jetty.JettyUtil
referrerPolicy(Headers.ReferrerPolicy) - function in io.javalin.core.util.Headers
Reflection - class in io.javalin.core.util
Allow other modules to use the reflection utils without pollute Any.
Reflection.Companion - class in io.javalin.core.util.Reflection
ReflectionUtilKt - class in io.javalin.core.util
register(FileRenderer,String) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.JavalinRenderer
register(Class,Function1) - function in io.javalin.core.validation.JavalinValidation
registerPlugin(Plugin) - function in io.javalin.core.JavalinConfig
Register a new plugin.
removeBean(Object) - function in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ConfigurableHandler
removeBeans() - function in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ConfigurableHandler
removeCookie(String,String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Removes cookie specified by name and path (optional).
removeCookie(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Removes cookie specified by name and path (optional).
removeEventListener(Container.Listener) - function in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ConfigurableHandler
removeLifeCycleListener(LifeCycle.Listener) - function in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ConfigurableHandler
render(String,Map) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Renders a file with specified values and sets it as the context result.
render(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Renders a file with specified values and sets it as the context result.
render(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.FileRenderer
render(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.markdown.JavalinCommonmark
render(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.template.JavalinFreemarker
render(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.template.JavalinJte
render(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.template.JavalinMustache
render(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.template.JavalinPebble
render(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.template.JavalinThymeleaf
render(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.template.JavalinVelocity
renderBasedOnExtension(String,Map,Context) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.JavalinRenderer
REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpCode
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpCode
requestDevLogger(Context,Float) - function in io.javalin.core.util.LogUtil
requestLogger(RequestLogger) - function in io.javalin.core.JavalinConfig
RequestLogger - class in io.javalin.http
Interface for logging requests.
requestPerTimeUnit(Context,Integer,TimeUnit) - function in io.javalin.http.util.NaiveRateLimit
Naive in-memory key/count rate-limiting, activated by calling it in a io.javalin.http.Handler.
REQUIRE_CORP - enum entry in io.javalin.core.util.Headers.CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy
reset() - function in javax.servlet.JavalinResponseWrapper
RESET_CONTENT - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpCode
resetBuffer() - function in javax.servlet.JavalinResponseWrapper
resolve(String) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.VueDependencyResolver
Build the HTML of components needed for this component
ResourceHandler - class in io.javalin.http.staticfiles
ResponseWrapperContext - class in io.javalin.http
result(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Sets context result to the specified String.
result(ByteArray) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Sets context result to the specified array of bytes.
result(InputStream) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Sets context result to the specified InputStream.
resultFuture() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets the current context result as a CompletableFuture (if set).
resultStream() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets the current context result as an InputStream (if set).
resultString() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets the current resultStream as a String (if possible), and reset resultStream
rfl(Object) - function in io.javalin.core.util.Reflection.Companion
Short name for convenience
rootDirectory(Consumer) - function in io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue
RouteOverviewConfig - class in io.javalin.core.util
RouteOverviewPlugin - class in io.javalin.core.util
RouteOverviewRenderer - class in io.javalin.core.util
RouteOverviewUtil - class in io.javalin.core.util
RouteRole - class in io.javalin.core.security
Marker interface for roles used in AccessManager.
routes(EndpointGroup) - function in io.javalin.Javalin
Creates a temporary static instance in the scope of the endpointGroup.Allows you to call get(handler), post(handler), etc.
Rule - class in io.javalin.core.validation
runMethod(String) - function in io.javalin.core.util.Reflection
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