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FAILED_DEPENDENCY - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpStatus

The request failed due to failure of a previous request.

FAILED_TLS_HANDSHAKE - enum entry in io.javalin.websocket.WsCloseStatus

The server cannot complete the request because it cannot negotiate the use of the TLS/SSL protocol.

FailedDependencyResponse - class in io.javalin.http
filename() - function in io.javalin.http.UploadedFile
fileRenderer(FileRenderer) - function in io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig
Sets the FileRenderer to be used in this Javalin Configuration.
FileRenderer - class in io.javalin.rendering
Interface for creating renderers to be used with Context.render.
FileRenderer.Companion - class in io.javalin.rendering.FileRenderer
FileUtil - class in io.javalin.util
fillInStackTrace() - function in kotlin.Throwable
findAfterHandlerEntries(String) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsPathMatcher
Returns all the after handlers that match the given path.
findAvailableHttpHandlerTypes(InternalRouter,String) - function in io.javalin.http.util.MethodNotAllowedUtil
findBeforeHandlerEntries(String) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsPathMatcher
Returns all the before handlers that match the given path.
findByClass(Map,Class) - function in io.javalin.util.Util
findByName(String) - function in io.javalin.http.HandlerType.Companion
findEndpointHandlerEntry(String) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsPathMatcher
Returns the first endpoint handler that match the given path, or null.
findEntries(HandlerType,String) - function in io.javalin.router.matcher.PathMatcher
findHttpHandlerEntries(HandlerType,String) - function in io.javalin.router.InternalRouter
Finds all matching handlers for the specified handlerType and path.
finish() - function in java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream
fireEvent(JavalinLifecycleEvent) - function in io.javalin.event.EventManager
Fires a Javalin Lifecycle Event to the listeners.
fireHandlerAddedEvent(HandlerMetaInfo) - function in io.javalin.event.EventManager
Fires an event telling listeners that a new HTTP handler has been added.
fireWsHandlerAddedEvent(WsHandlerMetaInfo) - function in io.javalin.event.EventManager
Fires an event telling listeners that a new WebSocket handler has been added.
FIRST - enum entry in io.javalin.http.servlet.SubmitOrder
firstOrNull(Stream) - function in io.javalin.util.Util
firstOrNull(Stream,Function1) - function in io.javalin.util.Util
flush() - function in com.aayushatharva.brotli4j.encoder.BrotliOutputStream
flush() - function in java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream
FONT_OTF - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
FONT_TTF - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
FONT_WOFF - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
FONT_WOFF2 - enum entry in io.javalin.http.ContentType
FORBIDDEN - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpStatus

The client does not have access rights to the content; that is, it is unauthorized, so the server is refusing to give the requested resource. Unlike 401 Unauthorized, the client's identity is known to the server.

ForbiddenResponse - class in io.javalin.http
formParam(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets a form param if it exists, else null
formParam(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets a form param if it exists, else null
formParamAsClass(String,Class) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Creates a typed Validator for the formParam() value
formParamAsClass(String,Class) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Creates a typed Validator for the formParam() value
formParamAsClass(Context,String) - function in io.javalin.http.ContextKt
Reified version of Context.formParamAsClass (Kotlin only)
formParamMap() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets a map with all the form param keys and values.
formParamMap() - function in io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContext
Gets a map with all the form param keys and values.
formParams(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets a list of form params for the specified key, or empty list.
formParams(String) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets a list of form params for the specified key, or empty list.
forStatus(Integer) - function in io.javalin.http.HttpStatus.Companion
forStatusCode(Integer) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsCloseStatus.Companion
Get the WsCloseStatus for the given statusCode.
forType(List,String) - function in io.javalin.compression.CompressionStrategyKt
FOUND - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpStatus

This response code means that the URI of requested resource has been changed temporarily. Further changes in the URI might be made in the future. Therefore, this same URI should be used by the client in future requests.

FoundResponse - class in io.javalin.http
fromJsonStream(InputStream,Type) - function in io.javalin.json.JavalinGson
If implemented, Javalin will use this method instead of .
fromJsonStream(InputStream,Type) - function in io.javalin.json.JavalinJackson
If implemented, Javalin will use this method instead of .
fromJsonStream(InputStream,Type) - function in io.javalin.json.JsonMapper
If implemented, Javalin will use this method instead of .
fromJsonStream(JsonMapper,InputStream) - function in io.javalin.json.JsonMapperKt
fromJsonString(String,Type) - function in io.javalin.json.JavalinGson
If .
fromJsonString(String,Type) - function in io.javalin.json.JavalinJackson
If .
fromJsonString(String,Type) - function in io.javalin.json.JsonMapper
If .
fromJsonString(JsonMapper,String) - function in io.javalin.json.JsonMapperKt
fullUrl() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets the full request url, including query string (if present)
fullUrl() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets the full request url, including query string (if present)
future(Supplier) - function in io.javalin.http.Context
The main entrypoint for all async related functionalities exposed by Context.
future(Supplier) - function in io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContext
The main entrypoint for all async related functionalities exposed by Context.
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