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of(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContextConfig.Companion
offset() - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsBinaryMessageContext
Get the offset of the binary data
OK - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HttpStatus

The request succeeded.

OkResponse - class in io.javalin.http
onBinaryMessage(io.javalin.websocket.WsBinaryMessageHandler) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConfig
Add a WsBinaryMessageHandler to the WsHandler.
onClose(java.lang.Runnable) - function in io.javalin.http.sse.SseClient
Add a callback that will be called either when connection is closed through close, or when the emitter is detected as closed.
onClose(io.javalin.websocket.WsCloseHandler) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConfig
Add a WsCloseHandler to the WsHandler.
onClose(org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConnection
onConnect(io.javalin.websocket.WsConnectHandler) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConfig
Add a WsConnectHandler to the WsHandler.
onConnect(org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConnection
onError(io.javalin.websocket.WsErrorHandler) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConfig
Add a wsErrorHandler to the WsHandler.
onError(org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session,java.lang.Throwable) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConnection
onInitialize(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.Plugin
Initialize properties and access configuration before any handler is registered.
onInitialize(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.Plugin
Initialize properties and access configuration before any handler is registered.
onInitialize(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.DevLoggingPlugin
Initialize properties and access configuration before any handler is registered.
onInitialize(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.RedirectToLowercasePathPlugin
Initialize properties and access configuration before any handler is registered.
onMessage(io.javalin.websocket.WsMessageHandler) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConfig
Add a WsMessageHandler to the WsHandler.
onMessage(org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session,kotlin.ByteArray,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConnection
onMessage(org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session,java.lang.String) - function in io.javalin.websocket.WsConnection
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.Plugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.Plugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.BasicAuthPlugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.CorsPlugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.GlobalHeadersPlugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.HttpAllowedMethodsPlugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.RedirectToLowercasePathPlugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.RouteOverviewPlugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onStart(io.javalin.config.JavalinConfig) - function in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.SslRedirectPlugin
Called when the plugin is applied to the Javalin instance.
onTimeout(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in io.javalin.http.util.AsyncTaskConfig
Timeout listener executed when TimeoutException is thrown in specified task.
OptionalDependency - class in io.javalin.util
OPTIONS - enum entry in io.javalin.http.HandlerType

The HTTP OPTIONS method requests permitted communication options for a given URL or server. A client can specify a URL with this method, or an asterisk (*) to refer to the entire server.

options(java.lang.String,io.javalin.http.Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a OPTIONS request handler for the specified path to the instance.
options(java.lang.String,io.javalin.http.Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a OPTIONS request handler for the specified path to the instance.
options(java.lang.String,io.javalin.http.Handler) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a OPTIONS request handler for the specified path to the instance.
options(java.lang.String,io.javalin.http.Handler,io.javalin.security.RouteRole) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a OPTIONS request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
options(java.lang.String,io.javalin.http.Handler,io.javalin.security.RouteRole) - function in io.javalin.router.JavalinDefaultRoutingApi
Adds a OPTIONS request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
ORIGIN - enum entry in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.GlobalHeadersConfig.ReferrerPolicy

Send only the origin in the Referer header. For example, a document at https://example.com/page.html will send the referrer https://example.com/.

ORIGIN_WHEN_CROSS_ORIGIN - enum entry in io.javalin.plugin.bundled.GlobalHeadersConfig.ReferrerPolicy

When performing a same-origin request to the same protocol level (HTTP→HTTP, HTTPS→HTTPS), send the origin, path, and query string. Send only the origin for cross-origin requests and requests to less secure destinations (HTTPS→HTTP).

outputStream() - function in io.javalin.http.Context
Gets the output stream you can write to.
outputStream() - function in io.javalin.http.servlet.JavalinServletContext
Gets the output stream you can write to.
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