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AbstractLink - Class in io.jhdf.links
Base class for Link implementations.
AbstractLink(String, Group) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
AbstractNode - Class in io.jhdf
AbstractNode(HdfFileChannel, long, String, Group) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
AbstractNode.AttributesLazyInitializer - Class in io.jhdf
addExternalFile(HdfFile) - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
Add an external file to this HDF file.
addFilter(Filter) - Static method in enum io.jhdf.filter.FilterManager
Adds a filter.
address - Variable in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
Attribute - Interface in io.jhdf.api
Interface for HDF5 attributes.
AttributeImpl - Class in io.jhdf
AttributeImpl(HdfFileChannel, Node, AttributeMessage) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
AttributeInfoMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Attribute Info Message
AttributeMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
AttributeMessage(ByteBuffer, Superblock, BitSet) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeMessage
AttributeNameForIndexedAttributesRecord - Class in io.jhdf.btree.record
AttributeNameForIndexedAttributesRecord(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.btree.record.AttributeNameForIndexedAttributesRecord
attributes - Variable in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
AttributesLazyInitializer(LazyInitializer<ObjectHeader>) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.AbstractNode.AttributesLazyInitializer


bitsToInt(BitSet, int, int) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
Takes a BitSet and a range of bits to inspect and converts the bits to a integer.
BTreeKValuesMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
B-tree ‘K’ Values Message
BTreeRecord - Class in io.jhdf.btree.record
BTreeRecord() - Constructor for class io.jhdf.btree.record.BTreeRecord
BTreeV1 - Class in io.jhdf.btree
Class to represent V1 B-trees
BTreeV1Data - Class in io.jhdf.btree
V1 B-trees where the node type is 1 i.e.
BTreeV1Data.Chunk - Class in io.jhdf.btree
BTreeV1Group - Class in io.jhdf.btree
V1 B-trees where the node type is 0 i.e.
BTreeV2<T extends BTreeRecord> - Class in io.jhdf.btree
BTreeV2(HdfFileChannel, long) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV2
ByteShuffleFilter - Class in io.jhdf.filter
ByteShuffleFilter() - Constructor for class io.jhdf.filter.ByteShuffleFilter
bytesNeededToHoldNumber(long) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
Calculates how many bytes are needed to store the given unsigned number.


CHUNKED - io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayout
ChunkedDatasetV3 - Class in io.jhdf.dataset
This represents chunked datasets using a b-tree for indexing raw data chunks.
ChunkedDatasetV3(HdfFileChannel, long, String, Group, ObjectHeader) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.dataset.ChunkedDatasetV3
classBits - Variable in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.DataType
close() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
close() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
COMPACT - io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayout
CompactDataset - Class in io.jhdf.dataset
CompactDataset(HdfFileChannel, long, String, Group, ObjectHeader) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.dataset.CompactDataset
Constants - Class in io.jhdf
CONTIGUOUS - io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayout
ContiguousDataset - Class in io.jhdf.dataset
ContiguousDataset(HdfFileChannel, long, String, Group, ObjectHeader) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.dataset.ContiguousDataset
convertToCorrectEndiness(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
createDataBTree(HdfFileChannel, long, int) - Static method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
createDataLayoutMessage(ByteBuffer, Superblock, BitSet) - Static method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage
createDataset(HdfFileChannel, ObjectHeader, String, Group) - Static method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetLoader
createGroupBTree(HdfFileChannel, long) - Static method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
createSubBuffer(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
Creates a new ByteBuffer of the specified length.


DataLayout - Enum in io.jhdf.object.message
DataLayoutMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
DataLayoutMessage(BitSet) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage
DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV3 - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4 - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
DataLayoutMessage.CompactDataLayoutMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
DataLayoutMessage.ContiguousDataLayoutMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Dataset - Interface in io.jhdf.api
HDF5 dataset.
DATASET - io.jhdf.api.NodeType
DatasetBase - Class in io.jhdf.dataset
DatasetBase(HdfFileChannel, long, String, Group, ObjectHeader) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
DatasetLoader - Class in io.jhdf.dataset
DatasetReader - Class in io.jhdf.dataset
This class handles converting the ByteBuffer obtained from the file into a Java array containing the data.
DataSpace - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
DataSpaceMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Data Space Message.
DataType - Class in io.jhdf.object.datatype
DataType(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.datatype.DataType
DataTypeMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
decode(byte[]) - Method in class io.jhdf.filter.FilterPipeline
Applies all the filters in this pipeline to decode the data.
decode(byte[], int[]) - Method in class io.jhdf.filter.ByteShuffleFilter
decode(byte[], int[]) - Method in class io.jhdf.filter.DeflatePipelineFilter
decode(byte[], int[]) - Method in interface io.jhdf.filter.Filter
Applies this filter to decode data.
DeflatePipelineFilter - Class in io.jhdf.filter
DeflatePipelineFilter() - Constructor for class io.jhdf.filter.DeflatePipelineFilter


entriesUsed - Variable in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
EXTERNAL - io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage.LinkType
ExternalLink - Class in io.jhdf.links
Link to a Node in an external HDF5 file.
ExternalLink(String, String, String, Group) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.links.ExternalLink


FILE - io.jhdf.api.NodeType
FillValueMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Fill Value Message.
FillValueOldMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Fill Value (Old) Message
Filter - Interface in io.jhdf.filter
Interface to be implemented to be a HDF5 filter.
FilterInfo(int, String, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.message.FilterPipelineMessage.FilterInfo
FilterManager - Enum in io.jhdf.filter
This is a singleton for managing the loaded HDF5 filters.
FilterPipeline - Class in io.jhdf.filter
A collection of filters making up a ordered pipeline to decode chunks.
FilterPipelineMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
The Data Storage - FilterInfo Pipeline Message
FilterPipelineMessage(ByteBuffer, BitSet) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.message.FilterPipelineMessage
FilterPipelineMessage.FilterInfo - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
FixedPoint - Class in io.jhdf.object.datatype
FixedPoint(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FixedPoint
FloatingPoint - Class in io.jhdf.object.datatype
FloatingPoint(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
FractalHeap - Class in io.jhdf
Fractal heap implementation.
FractalHeap(HdfFileChannel, long) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
fromBuffer(ByteBuffer, Superblock) - Static method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage


getAccessTime() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getAddress() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
This returns the byte offset into the file of the object header for this node.
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1Data.Chunk
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ContiguousDataLayoutMessage
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
getAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry
getAddressOfDataSegment() - Method in class io.jhdf.LocalHeap
getAddressOfGlobalFreeSpaceIndex() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getAddressOfManagedBlocksFreeSpaceManager() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getAmountOfAllocatedManagedSpaceInHeap() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getAmountOfManagedSpaceInHeap() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getAttribute(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Gets the attribute with the given name.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getAttribute(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getAttributeCreationOrderBTreeAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeInfoMessage
getAttributeNameBTreeAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeInfoMessage
getAttributes() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getAttributes() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Gets the attributes associated with this Node.
getAttributes() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getAttributes() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getBaseAddressByte() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock
getBaseAddressByte() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getBaseAddressByte() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV2V3
getBirthTime() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
getBitOffset() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FixedPoint
getBitOffset() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getBitPrecision() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FixedPoint
getBitPrecision() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getBTreeAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV3
getBTreeAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.SymbolTableMessage
getBTreeAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry
getBTreeAddressOfHugeObjects() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getBTreeCreationOrderIndexAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkInfoMessage
getBTreeNameIndexAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkInfoMessage
getByPath(String) - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Group
Gets a Node by path.
getByPath(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
getByPath(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getByteOrder() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FixedPoint
getByteOrder() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getByteOrder() - Method in interface io.jhdf.object.datatype.OrderedDataType
getCacheType() - Method in class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry
getChangeTime() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
getCharset() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.StringData
getChild(String) - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Group
Gets a child of this group by name.
getChild(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
getChild(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getChildAddresses() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
getChildren() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Group
Gets the children in this group, i.e other groups and datasets contained inside this group.
getChildren() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
getChildren() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getChunkDimensions() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV3
getChunkOffset() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1Data.Chunk
getChunks() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1Data
getComment() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.ObjectCommentMessage
getCreationOrder() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.record.AttributeNameForIndexedAttributesRecord
getCreationOrder() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage
getData() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Gets the data from the attributes dataset and converts it into a Java array of dimensions of the dataset as returned by Attribute.getDimensions().
getData() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Gets the data from the HDF5 dataset and converts it to a Java object.
getData() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
getData() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getData() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FilterPipelineMessage.FilterInfo
getDataBuffer() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.ChunkedDatasetV3
getDataBuffer() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.CompactDataset
getDataBuffer() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.ContiguousDataset
getDataBuffer() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
Gets the buffer that holds this datasets data.
getDataBuffer() - Method in class io.jhdf.LocalHeap
getDataBuffer() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeMessage
getDataBuffer() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.CompactDataLayoutMessage
getDataClass() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.DataType
getDataLayout() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Gets the data layout of this dataset.
getDataLayout() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getDataLayout() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV3
getDataLayout() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getDataLayout() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.CompactDataLayoutMessage
getDataLayout() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ContiguousDataLayoutMessage
getDataLayout() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage
getDataSegmentSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.LocalHeap
getDatasetByPath(String) - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Group
Gets a Dataset by path.
getDatasetByPath(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
getDatasetByPath(String) - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getDataSpace() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeMessage
getDataSpace() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataSpaceMessage
getDataType() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getDataType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeMessage
getDataType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataTypeMessage
getDimensions() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Gets the dimensions of this attributes dataset
getDimensions() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Gets the dimensions of this dataset
getDimensions() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
getDimensions() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getDimensions() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataSpace
getDimSizes() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getDiskSize() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Gets the disk size used by this attributes dataset.
getDiskSize() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Gets the disk size used by this dataset.
getDiskSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
getDiskSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getDriverInformationBlockAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getEncoding() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.VariableLength
getEndOfFileAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock
getEndOfFileAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getEndOfFileAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV2V3
getEntriesUsed() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
getEstimatedLengthOfEntryName() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.GroupInfoMessage
getEstimatedNumberOfEntries() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.GroupInfoMessage
getExponentBias() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getExponentLocation() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getExponentSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getExternalFile() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage
getExternalPath() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage
getFile() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getFile() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Gets the File object containing this Node.
getFile() - Method in exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfInvalidPathException
getFile() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getFile() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getFillValue() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Gets the fill value for this dataset or null if not defined.
getFillValue() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getFillValue() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FillValueMessage
getFillValue() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FillValueOldMessage
The fill value.
getFillValueWriteTime() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FillValueMessage
getFilterMask() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1Data.Chunk
getFilters() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FilterPipelineMessage
getFlags() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.record.AttributeNameForIndexedAttributesRecord
getFractalHeapAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeInfoMessage
getFractalHeapAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkInfoMessage
getFreeSpaceInManagedBlocks() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getGroupInternalNodeK() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.BTreeKValuesMessage
getGroupInternalNodeK() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getGroupLeafNodeK() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.BTreeKValuesMessage
getGroupLeafNodeK() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getHardLinkAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage
getHash() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.record.AttributeNameForIndexedAttributesRecord
getHash() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.record.LinkNameForIndexedGroupRecord
getHdfFile() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getHdfFile() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Gets the parent HdfFile of this node can be useful if you want to resolve an absolute path in this file.
getHdfFile() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getHdfFile() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getHeader() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getHeaderMessage(Class<T>) - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getHeapAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.GlobalHeapId
getHeapId() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.record.AttributeNameForIndexedAttributesRecord
getId() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.record.LinkNameForIndexedGroupRecord
getId() - Method in class io.jhdf.filter.ByteShuffleFilter
getId() - Method in class io.jhdf.filter.DeflatePipelineFilter
getId() - Method in interface io.jhdf.filter.Filter
Gets the ID of this filter, this must match the ID in the dataset header.
getId() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FilterPipelineMessage.FilterInfo
getId(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getIdLength() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getIndex() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.GlobalHeapId
getIndexedStorageInternalNodeK() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.BTreeKValuesMessage
getIndexElements() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getIndexingType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getIoFiltersLength() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getJavaType() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Gets the Java type that will be used to represent this attributes data.
getJavaType() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Gets the Java type that will be used to represent this data.
getJavaType() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
getJavaType() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getJavaType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.DataType
getJavaType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FixedPoint
getJavaType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getJavaType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.StringData
getJavaType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.VariableLength
getLeftSiblingAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
getLength() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.ObjectHeaderContinuationMessage
getLinkName() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage
getLinkNameOffset() - Method in class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry
getLinkType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage
getLinkValueOffset() - Method in class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry
getLocalHeapAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.SymbolTableMessage
getMantissaLocation() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getMantissaNormalization() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getMantissaSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getMaxBits() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getMaxDirectBlockSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getMaximumCompactLinks() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.GroupInfoMessage
getMaximumCreationIndex() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeInfoMessage
getMaximumCreationIndex() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkInfoMessage
getMaximumNumberOfCompactAttributes() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
getMaximumNumberOfDenseAttributes() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
getMaxSize() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Gets the max size of this dataset.
getMaxSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getMaxSizeOfManagedObjects() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getMaxSizes() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataSpace
getMergePercent() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getMessageOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
getMessages() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
getMessagesOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
getMinElements() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getMinimumDenseLinks() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.GroupInfoMessage
getMinPointers() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getModificationTime() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
getModifiedTime() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.ObjectModificationTimeMessage
getName() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getName() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Gets the name of this Attribute
getName() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Gets the name of this Node
getName() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
getName() - Method in class io.jhdf.filter.ByteShuffleFilter
getName() - Method in class io.jhdf.filter.DeflatePipelineFilter
getName() - Method in interface io.jhdf.filter.Filter
Gets the name of this filter e.g.
getName() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getName() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getName() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeMessage
getName() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FilterPipelineMessage.FilterInfo
getNameHeapAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry
getNextHugeObjectId() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getNode() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Gets the Node which contains this Attribute
getNode() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
getNodeSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getNumberOfEntries() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupSymbolTableNode
getNumberOfHugeObjectsInHeap() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getNumberOfManagedObjectsInHeap() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getNumberOfTinyObjectsInHeap() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getObjectData(int) - Method in class io.jhdf.GlobalHeap
Gets the data buffer for an object in this global heap.
getObjectHeaderAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry
getObjectReferenceCount(int) - Method in class io.jhdf.GlobalHeap
Gets the number of references to an object in this global heap.
getOffset() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.ObjectHeaderContinuationMessage
getOffsetOfDirectBlockAllocationIteratorInManagedSpace() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getOffsetToHeadOfFreeList() - Method in class io.jhdf.LocalHeap
getPaddingType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.VariableLength
getPageBits() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getParent() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getParent() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Gets the Group which contains this Node i.e.
getParent() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getParent() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getParent() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.VariableLength
getPath() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
getPath() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Gets the absolute path within the file of this node including the nodes name.
getPath() - Method in exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfInvalidPathException
getPath() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
getPath() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getPath() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getPipeline(FilterPipelineMessage) - Static method in enum io.jhdf.filter.FilterManager
Builds a new pipeline for decoding chunks from a FilterPipelineMessage.
getRecords() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV2
getReferenceCount() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.ObjectReferenceCountMessage
getReferenceCount() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV1
getRightSiblingAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
getRootGroupObjectHeaderAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV2V3
getRootGroupSymbolTableAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getSignLocation() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
getSize() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Gets the total number of elements in this attributes dataset.
getSize() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Gets the total number of elements in this dataset.
getSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
getSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1Data.Chunk
getSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.DataType
Gets the number of bytes used to represent each element
getSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV3
getSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ContiguousDataLayoutMessage
getSizeOfHugeObjectsInHeap() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getSizeOfLengths() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
getSizeOfLengths() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock
getSizeOfLengths() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getSizeOfLengths() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV2V3
getSizeOfOffsets() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
getSizeOfOffsets() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock
getSizeOfOffsets() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getSizeOfOffsets() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV2V3
getSizeOfTinyObjectsInHeap() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getSoftLink() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage
getSpaceAllocationTime() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FillValueMessage
getSplitPercent() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
getStartingRowsInRootIndirectBlock() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
getSuperblock() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
getSuperblockExtensionAddress() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV2V3
getSymbolTableEntries() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupSymbolTableNode
getTarget() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Link
Resolves the link and returns the Node the link points to.
getTarget() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.ExternalLink
getTarget() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.SoftLink
getTargetPath() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Link
Gets the path this link points to, obtaining it will not require the link to be resolved.
getTargetPath() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.ExternalLink
getTargetPath() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.SoftLink
getTotalLength() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataSpace
Gets the total number of elements in this dataspace.
getType() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Gets the type of this Node.
getType() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
getType() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
getType() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
getType() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
getType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.VariableLength
getType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataSpace
getUnixEpocSecond() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.ObjectModificationTimeMessage
getUserBlockBuffer() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
Gets the buffer containing the user block data.
getUserBlockSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
Gets the size of the user block of this file.
getUserBlockSize() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupSymbolTableNode
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.LocalHeap
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.DataType
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeMessage
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataSpace
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkInfoMessage
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV1
getVersion() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
getVersionNumberOfTheFileFreeSpaceInformation() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getVersionOfRootGroupSymbolTableEntry() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getVersionOfSharedHeaderMessageFormat() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getVersionOfSuperblock() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock
getVersionOfSuperblock() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV0V1
getVersionOfSuperblock() - Method in class io.jhdf.Superblock.SuperblockV2V3
GlobalHeap - Class in io.jhdf
GlobalHeap(HdfFileChannel, long) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.GlobalHeap
GlobalHeapId - Class in io.jhdf.dataset
GlobalHeapId(long, int) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.dataset.GlobalHeapId
Group - Interface in io.jhdf.api
HDF5 group.
GROUP - io.jhdf.api.NodeType
GroupImpl - Class in io.jhdf
GroupInfoMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Group Info Message
GroupSymbolTableNode - Class in io.jhdf
GroupSymbolTableNode(HdfFileChannel, long) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.GroupSymbolTableNode


HARD - io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage.LinkType
hasMessageOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
HdfBrokenLinkException - Exception in io.jhdf.exceptions
Thrown when a broken link is attempted to be resolved.
HdfBrokenLinkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfBrokenLinkException
HdfException - Exception in io.jhdf.exceptions
Superclass of all exceptions thrown by jHDF.
HdfException(String) - Constructor for exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfException
HdfException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfException
hdfFc - Variable in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
HdfFile - Class in io.jhdf
The HDF file class this object represents a HDF5 file on disk and provides methods to access it.
HdfFile(File) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.HdfFile
HdfFileChannel - Class in io.jhdf
This wraps a FileChannel and combines it with the HDF5 Superblock.
HdfFileChannel(FileChannel, Superblock) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
HdfFilterException - Exception in io.jhdf.exceptions
Exception to be thrown when operations involving filters fail.
HdfFilterException(String) - Constructor for exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfFilterException
HdfFilterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfFilterException
HdfInvalidPathException - Exception in io.jhdf.exceptions
Thrown when a path inside a HDF5 file is invalid.
HdfInvalidPathException(String, File) - Constructor for exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfInvalidPathException
HdfTypeException - Exception in io.jhdf.exceptions
HdfTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception io.jhdf.exceptions.HdfTypeException
header - Variable in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode


initialize() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode.AttributesLazyInitializer
INSTANCE - io.jhdf.filter.FilterManager
io.jhdf - package io.jhdf
io.jhdf.api - package io.jhdf.api
The API classes for accessing HDF5 files using the jHDF library.
io.jhdf.btree - package io.jhdf.btree
B-tree classes
io.jhdf.btree.record - package io.jhdf.btree.record
B-Tree record classes
io.jhdf.dataset - package io.jhdf.dataset
Dataset classes.
io.jhdf.examples - package io.jhdf.examples
Examples for using the jHDF library.
io.jhdf.exceptions - package io.jhdf.exceptions
Exceptions thrown by the jHDF library.
io.jhdf.filter - package io.jhdf.filter
Support for HDF5 filters used when accessing chunked datasets.
io.jhdf.links - package io.jhdf.links
Classes implementing Link.
io.jhdf.object.datatype - package io.jhdf.object.datatype
Classes representing the data types of HDF5 datasets.
io.jhdf.object.message - package io.jhdf.object.message
Classes representing the messages within HDF5 object headers.
isAlwaysFailOnUnknownType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
isAttributeCreationOrderIndexed() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
isAttributeCreationOrderIndexed() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV1
isAttributeCreationOrderIndexed() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
isAttributeCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
isAttributeCreationOrderTracked() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
If true the insertion order of attributes is tracked (recorded) in the file.
isAttributeCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
isAttributeCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
isAttributeCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
isAttributeCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV1
isAttributeCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2
isBrokenLink() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Link
Checks if the link is valid i.e can be resolved.
isBrokenLink() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Checks if this dataset is empty i.e holds no data and no storage is allocated.
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Checks if this dataset is empty i.e holds no data and no storage is allocated.
isEmpty() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
isEmpty() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
isFailOnUnknownTypeWithWrite() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
isFillValueDefined() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FillValueMessage
isFlagToBeSetOnUnknownType() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
isGroup() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
isGroup() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Checks if this Node is a Group.
isGroup() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
isGroup() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
isHighPadding() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FixedPoint
isHighPadding() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
isInternalPadding() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
isLink() - Method in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
isLink() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Node
Checks if this Node is a Link.
isLink() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
isLink() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
isLinkCreationOrderTracked() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Group
If true the insertion order of links into this Group is tracked (recorded) in the file.
isLinkCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
isLinkCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
isLinkCreationOrderTracked() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.LinkInfoMessage
isLowPadding() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FixedPoint
isLowPadding() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FloatingPoint
isMaxSizesPresent() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataSpace
isMessageDataConstant() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
isMessageNotShared() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
isMessageShareable() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
isMessageShared() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
isNullPad() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.StringData
isNullTerminated() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.StringData
isObjectModifiedWithoutUnderstandingOfThisMessage() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
isOptional() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FilterPipelineMessage.FilterInfo
isScalar() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Attribute
Checks if this dataset is scalar i.e is a single element with no dimensions.
isScalar() - Method in interface io.jhdf.api.Dataset
Checks if this dataset is scalar i.e is a single element with no dimensions.
isScalar() - Method in class io.jhdf.AttributeImpl
isScalar() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
isSigned() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.FixedPoint
isSpacePad() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.StringData
iterator() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
iterator() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile


lazyReadObjectHeader(HdfFileChannel, long) - Static method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
Link - Interface in io.jhdf.api
HDF5 links interface.
LinkInfoMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
LinkMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
LinkMessage.LinkType - Enum in io.jhdf.object.message
LinkNameForIndexedGroupRecord - Class in io.jhdf.btree.record
LinkNameForIndexedGroupRecord(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.btree.record.LinkNameForIndexedGroupRecord
LocalHeap - Class in io.jhdf
LocalHeap(HdfFileChannel, long) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.LocalHeap


main(String[]) - Static method in class io.jhdf.examples.PrintTree
main(String[]) - Static method in class io.jhdf.examples.ReadDataset
map(long, long) - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
mapNoOffset(long, long) - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
Message - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Message(BitSet) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
messages - Variable in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
The messages contained in this object header


name - Variable in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
name - Variable in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
NilMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Nil (Null) Message
Node - Interface in io.jhdf.api
Represents all objects contained in a HDF5 file
NodeType - Enum in io.jhdf.api
NULL - Static variable in class io.jhdf.Constants


ObjectCommentMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Object Comment Message
ObjectHeader - Class in io.jhdf
ObjectHeader(long) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV1 - Class in io.jhdf
ObjectHeader.ObjectHeaderV2 - Class in io.jhdf
The Object Header V2 V2ObjectHeaderPrefix
ObjectHeaderContinuationMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Object Header Continuation Message
ObjectModificationTimeMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Object Modification Time Message
ObjectReferenceCountMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
ObjectReferenceCountMessage(ByteBuffer, BitSet) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.message.ObjectReferenceCountMessage
oh - Variable in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
OrderedDataType - Interface in io.jhdf.object.datatype


parent - Variable in class io.jhdf.AbstractNode
parent - Variable in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
PATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class io.jhdf.Constants
PrintTree - Class in io.jhdf.examples
An example of recursively parsing a HDF5 file tree and printing it to the console.
PrintTree() - Constructor for class io.jhdf.examples.PrintTree


readBufferFromAddress(long, int) - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
Reads from the HDF file into a ByteBuffer.
readBytesAsUnsignedInt(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
This reads the requested number of bytes from the buffer and returns the data as an unsigned int.
readBytesAsUnsignedLong(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
This reads the requested number of bytes from the buffer and returns the data as an unsigned long.
readDataset(DataType, ByteBuffer, int[]) - Static method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetReader
readDataset(VariableLength, ByteBuffer, int[], HdfFileChannel) - Static method in class io.jhdf.dataset.VariableLengthDatasetReader
ReadDataset - Class in io.jhdf.examples
Example application for reading a dataset from HDF5
ReadDataset() - Constructor for class io.jhdf.examples.ReadDataset
readDataSpace(ByteBuffer, Superblock) - Static method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataSpace
readDataType(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.DataType
readHeaderAndValidateSignature(HdfFileChannel, long) - Static method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1
readObjectHeader(HdfFileChannel, long) - Static method in class io.jhdf.ObjectHeader
readObjectHeaderV1Message(ByteBuffer, Superblock) - Static method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
readObjectHeaderV2Message(ByteBuffer, Superblock) - Static method in class io.jhdf.object.message.Message
readRecord(byte, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.jhdf.btree.record.BTreeRecord
readSuperblock(FileChannel, long) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Superblock
readUntilNull(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
Reads ASCII string from the buffer until a null character is reached.


seekBufferToNextMultipleOfEight(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
Moves the position of the ByteBuffer to the next position aligned on 8 bytes.
setIndexElements(byte) - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
setMaxBits(byte) - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
setMergePercent(byte) - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
setMinElements(byte) - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
setMinPointers(byte) - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
setNodeSize(int) - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
setPageBits(byte) - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
setSplitPercent(byte) - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayoutMessage.ChunkedDataLayoutMessageV4
size() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
Returns the size of this HDF5 file.
size() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFileChannel
SOFT - io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage.LinkType
SoftLink - Class in io.jhdf.links
Soft (symbolic) link to another Node in the HDF5 file.
SoftLink(String, String, Group) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.links.SoftLink
StringData - Class in io.jhdf.object.datatype
StringData(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.datatype.StringData
Superblock - Class in io.jhdf
Superblock() - Constructor for class io.jhdf.Superblock
Superblock.SuperblockV0V1 - Class in io.jhdf
Superblock.SuperblockV2V3 - Class in io.jhdf
SymbolTableEntry - Class in io.jhdf
SymbolTableEntry(HdfFileChannel, long) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry
SymbolTableMessage - Class in io.jhdf.object.message
Symbol Table Message


targetNode - Variable in class io.jhdf.links.AbstractLink
toHex(long) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
Converts an address to a hex string for display
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV1Data.Chunk
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.btree.BTreeV2
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.dataset.DatasetBase
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.FractalHeap
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.GlobalHeap
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupImpl
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.GroupSymbolTableNode
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.HdfFile
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.ExternalLink
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.links.SoftLink
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.LocalHeap
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.datatype.StringData
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.AttributeMessage
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.object.message.FilterPipelineMessage.FilterInfo
toString() - Method in class io.jhdf.SymbolTableEntry


UNDEFINED_ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.jhdf.Constants
All bits on
UnsupportedHdfException - Exception in io.jhdf.exceptions
UnsupportedHdfException(String) - Constructor for exception io.jhdf.exceptions.UnsupportedHdfException
Utils - Class in io.jhdf


validateName(String) - Static method in class io.jhdf.Utils
Check the provided name to see if it is valid for a HDF5 identifier.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jhdf.api.NodeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jhdf.filter.FilterManager
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayout
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage.LinkType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.jhdf.api.NodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.jhdf.filter.FilterManager
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.jhdf.object.message.DataLayout
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.jhdf.object.message.LinkMessage.LinkType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VariableLength - Class in io.jhdf.object.datatype
VariableLength(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.jhdf.object.datatype.VariableLength
VariableLengthDatasetReader - Class in io.jhdf.dataset
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