Package io.jhdf.api

Interface Dataset

    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        long getSize()
        Gets the total number of elements in this dataset.
        the total number of elements in this dataset
      • getDiskSize

        long getDiskSize()
        Gets the disk size used by this dataset.
        i.e. number of elements * size of each element
        the total number of bytes the dataset is using
      • getDimensions

        int[] getDimensions()
        Gets the dimensions of this dataset
        the dimensions of this dataset
      • isScalar

        boolean isScalar()
        Checks if this dataset is scalar i.e is a single element with no dimensions.
        true if dataset if scalar false otherwise
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if this dataset is empty i.e holds no data and no storage is allocated.
        true if dataset if empty false otherwise
      • getMaxSize

        int[] getMaxSize()
        Gets the max size of this dataset. If not specified this will be equal to getDimensions()
        the max size of this dataset
      • getDataLayout

        DataLayout getDataLayout()
        Gets the data layout of this dataset.
        the data layout of this dataset
      • getData

        java.lang.Object getData()
        Gets the data from the HDF5 dataset and converts it to a Java object.

        The returned type will be either:

        the data in the dataset as a Java object or null if the dataset is empty.
      • getJavaType

        java.lang.Class<?> getJavaType()
        Gets the Java type that will be used to represent this data.
        the Java type used to represent this dataset
      • getFillValue

        java.lang.Object getFillValue()
        Gets the fill value for this dataset or null if not defined. If it is defined the type will be that returned by getJavaType().
        the fill value of the dataset or null if not defined