
sealed trait BabelNode


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object ArrayPattern
object BigIntLiteral
object CatchClause
object ClassBody
object ClassMethod
object ClassProperty
object DeclareClass
object DeclareModule
object Decorator
object Directive
object DoExpression
trait Expression
object NewExpression
object File
trait FlowType
object ForStatement
trait FunctionLike
object Identifier
object IfStatement
object Import
object JSXAttribute
object JSXElement
object JSXFragment
object JSXIdentifier
object JSXText
object MetaProperty
object Noop
object NullLiteral
object NumberLiteral
object ObjectMethod
object ObjectPattern
object OpaqueType
object Placeholder
object PrivateName
object Program
object RegExpLiteral
object RegexLiteral
object RestElement
object RestProperty
object SpreadElement
object StaticBlock
object StringLiteral
object Super
object SwitchCase
object TSEnumMember
object TSModuleBlock
trait TSType
object TSAnyKeyword
object TSArrayType
object TSImportType
object TSInferType
object TSLiteralType
object TSMappedType
object TSNullKeyword
object TSRestType
object TSThisType
object TSTupleType
object TSTypeLiteral
object TSTypeQuery
object TSUnionType
object TSVoidKeyword
object TryStatement
object TypeAlias
object TypeParameter
object Variance
object WithStatement
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Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes