
abstract class RecoverForXCompilationUnit[CompilationUnitType <: AstNode](cpg: Cpg, cu: CompilationUnitType, builder: DiffGraphBuilder, state: XTypeRecoveryState) extends RecursiveTask[Boolean]

Performs type recovery from the root of a compilation unit level



the AstNode type used to represent a compilation unit of the language.


the graph builder


the graph.


a compilation unit, e.g. file, procedure, type, etc.

class RecursiveTask[Boolean]
class ForkJoinTask[Boolean]
trait Serializable
trait Future[Boolean]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Type members


case class FieldPath(compUnitFullName: String, identifier: String)

Convenience class for transporting field names.

Convenience class for transporting field names.



qualified path to base type holding the member.


the member name.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def isConstructor(c: Call): Boolean

A heuristic method to determine if a call is a constructor or not.

A heuristic method to determine if a call is a constructor or not.


Concrete methods

protected def assignTypesToCall(x: Call, types: Set[String]): Set[String]

Given a LHS call, will retrieve its symbol to the given types.

Given a LHS call, will retrieve its symbol to the given types.


protected def assignments: Traversal[Assignment]
protected def associateInterproceduralTypes(i: Identifier, base: Identifier, fi: FieldIdentifier, fieldName: String, baseTypes: Set[String]): Set[String]

Similar to associateTypes but used in the case where there is some kind of field load.

Similar to associateTypes but used in the case where there is some kind of field load.


protected def associateInterproceduralTypes(i: Identifier, fieldFullName: String, fieldName: String, globalTypes: Set[String], baseTypes: Set[String]): Set[String]
protected def associateTypes(i: Identifier, types: Set[String]): Set[String]

Associates the types with the identifier. This may sometimes be an identifier that should be considered a field which this method uses isField to determine.

Associates the types with the identifier. This may sometimes be an identifier that should be considered a field which this method uses isField to determine.


protected def associateTypes(symbol: LocalVar, fa: FieldAccess, types: Set[String]): Set[String]

Associates the types with the identifier. This may sometimes be an identifier that should be considered a field which this method uses isField to determine.

Associates the types with the identifier. This may sometimes be an identifier that should be considered a field which this method uses isField to determine.


override def compute(): Boolean


Definition Classes
protected def createCallFromIdentifierTypeFullName(typeFullName: String, callName: String): String
protected def getFieldBaseType(base: Identifier, fi: FieldIdentifier): Set[String]
protected def getFieldBaseType(baseName: String, fieldName: String): Set[String]
protected def getFieldName(fa: FieldAccess, prefix: String, suffix: String): String

Extracts a string representation of the name of the field within this field access.

Extracts a string representation of the name of the field within this field access.


protected def getFieldParents(fa: FieldAccess): Set[String]

Returns the appropriate field parent scope.

Returns the appropriate field parent scope.


protected def getIndexAccessTypes(ia: Call): Set[String]

Will attempt to retrieve index access types otherwise will return dummy value.

Will attempt to retrieve index access types otherwise will return dummy value.


protected def getLiteralType(l: Literal): Set[String]

Not all frontends populate typeFullName for literals so we allow this to be overridden.

Not all frontends populate typeFullName for literals so we allow this to be overridden.


protected def getLocalMember(i: Identifier): Option[Member]

Given an identifier that has been determined to be a field, an attempt is made to get the corresponding member. This implementation follows more the way dynamic languages define method/type relations.

Given an identifier that has been determined to be a field, an attempt is made to get the corresponding member. This implementation follows more the way dynamic languages define method/type relations.



the identifier.


the corresponding member, if found

protected def getSymbolFromCall(c: Call): (LocalKey, Set[FieldPath])

Tries to identify the underlying symbol from the call operation as it is used on the LHS of an assignment. The second element is a list of any associated global keys if applicable.

Tries to identify the underlying symbol from the call operation as it is used on the LHS of an assignment. The second element is a list of any associated global keys if applicable.


protected def getTypesFromCall(c: Call): Set[String]

Given a call operation, will attempt to retrieve types from it.

Given a call operation, will attempt to retrieve types from it.


protected def importNodes(cu: AstNode): Traversal[AstNode]



the import nodes of this compilation unit.

protected def indexAccessToCollectionVar(c: Call): Option[CollectionVar]

Generates an identifier for collection/index-access operations in the symbol table.

Generates an identifier for collection/index-access operations in the symbol table.


protected def isField(i: Identifier): Boolean

A heuristic method to determine if an identifier may be a field or not. The result means that it would be stored in the global symbol table. By default this checks if the identifier name matches a member name.

A heuristic method to determine if an identifier may be a field or not. The result means that it would be stored in the global symbol table. By default this checks if the identifier name matches a member name.

This has found to be an expensive operation accessed often so we have memoized this step.


protected def members: Traversal[Member]
protected def methodReturnValues(methodFullNames: Seq[String]): Set[String]

Will attempt to find the return values of a method if in the CPG, otherwise will give a dummy value.

Will attempt to find the return values of a method if in the CPG, otherwise will give a dummy value.


protected def persistMemberWithTypeDecl(typeFullName: String, memberName: String, types: Set[String]): Unit

Given a type full name and member name, will persist the given types to the member.

Given a type full name and member name, will persist the given types to the member.



the member name.


the type full name.


the types to associate.

protected def persistType(x: StoredNode, types: Set[String]): Unit
protected def postVisitImports(): Unit

The initial import setting is over-approximated, so this step checks the CPG for any matches and prunes against these findings. If there are no findings, it will leave the table as is. The latter is significant for external types or methods.

The initial import setting is over-approximated, so this step checks the CPG for any matches and prunes against these findings. If there are no findings, it will leave the table as is. The latter is significant for external types or methods.


protected def prepopulateSymbolTable(): Unit

Provides an entrypoint to add known symbols and their possible types.

Provides an entrypoint to add known symbols and their possible types.


protected def setCallMethodFullNameFromBase(c: Call): Set[String]

Will build a call full path using the call base node. This method assumes the base node is in the symbol table.

Will build a call full path using the call base node. This method assumes the base node is in the symbol table.


protected def setTypeFromTypeHints(n: MethodParameterIn): Unit
protected def setTypeFromTypeHints(n: MethodReturn): Unit
protected def setTypeInformation(): Unit

Using an entry from the symbol table, will queue the CPG modification to persist the recovered type information.

Using an entry from the symbol table, will queue the CPG modification to persist the recovered type information.


protected def setTypes(n: StoredNode, types: Seq[String]): Unit

If there is only 1 type hint then this is set to the typeFullName property and dynamicTypeHintFullName is cleared. If not then dynamicTypeHintFullName is set to the types.

If there is only 1 type hint then this is set to the typeFullName property and dynamicTypeHintFullName is cleared. If not then dynamicTypeHintFullName is set to the types.


protected def storeDefaultTypeInfo(n: StoredNode, types: Seq[String]): Unit

Allows one to modify the types assigned to nodes otherwise.

Allows one to modify the types assigned to nodes otherwise.


protected def storeIdentifierTypeInfo(i: Identifier, types: Seq[String]): Unit

Allows one to modify the types assigned to identifiers.

Allows one to modify the types assigned to identifiers.


protected def storeLocalTypeInfo(l: Local, types: Seq[String]): Unit

Allows one to modify the types assigned to locals.

Allows one to modify the types assigned to locals.


protected def storeMemberTypeInfo(m: Member, types: Seq[String]): Unit

Allows one to modify the types assigned to fields.

Allows one to modify the types assigned to fields.


protected def typeDeclTraversal(typeFullName: String): Traversal[TypeDecl]

Type decls where member access are required need to point to the correct type decl that holds said members. This allows implementations to use the type names to find the correct type holding members.

Type decls where member access are required need to point to the correct type decl that holds said members. This allows implementations to use the type names to find the correct type holding members.



the type full name.


the type full name that has member children.

protected def visitAssignments(a: Assignment): Set[String]

Using assignment and import information (in the global symbol table), will propagate these types in the symbol table.

Using assignment and import information (in the global symbol table), will propagate these types in the symbol table.



assignment call pointer.

protected def visitCall(call: Call): Unit

For each call that contains the returnValue directive, attempt to replace the return value by the dynamic

For each call that contains the returnValue directive, attempt to replace the return value by the dynamic


protected def visitCallAssignedToBlock(c: Call, b: Block): Set[String]

Visits a call operation being assigned to the result of some operation.

Visits a call operation being assigned to the result of some operation.


protected def visitCallAssignedToCall(x: Call, y: Call): Set[String]

Visits a call assigned to the return value of a call. This is often when there are operators involved.

Visits a call assigned to the return value of a call. This is often when there are operators involved.


protected def visitCallAssignedToIdentifier(c: Call, i: Identifier): Set[String]

Visits a call assigned to an identifier. This is often when there are operators involved.

Visits a call assigned to an identifier. This is often when there are operators involved.


protected def visitCallAssignedToLiteral(c: Call, l: Literal): Set[String]
protected def visitCallAssignedToMethodRef(c: Call, m: MethodRef): Set[String]

Handles a call operation assigned to a method/function pointer.

Handles a call operation assigned to a method/function pointer.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToBlock(i: Identifier, b: Block): Set[String]

Visits an identifier being assigned to the result of some operation.

Visits an identifier being assigned to the result of some operation.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToCall(i: Identifier, c: Call): Set[String]

Visits an identifier being assigned to a call. This call could be an operation, function invocation, or constructor invocation.

Visits an identifier being assigned to a call. This call could be an operation, function invocation, or constructor invocation.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToCallRetVal(i: Identifier, c: Call): Set[String]

Visits an identifier being assigned to a call's return value.

Visits an identifier being assigned to a call's return value.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToConstructor(i: Identifier, c: Call): Set[String]

Visits an identifier being assigned to a constructor and attempts to speculate the constructor path.

Visits an identifier being assigned to a constructor and attempts to speculate the constructor path.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToFieldLoad(i: Identifier, fa: FieldAccess): Set[String]

Will handle an identifier being assigned to a field value.

Will handle an identifier being assigned to a field value.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToIdentifier(x: Identifier, y: Identifier): Set[String]

Visits an identifier being assigned to the value held by another identifier. This is a weak copy.

Visits an identifier being assigned to the value held by another identifier. This is a weak copy.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToIndexAcess(i: Identifier, c: Call): Set[String]

Visits an identifier being assigned to the result of an index access operation.

Visits an identifier being assigned to the result of an index access operation.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToLiteral(i: Identifier, l: Literal): Set[String]

Will handle literal value assignments. Override if special handling is required.

Will handle literal value assignments. Override if special handling is required.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToMethodRef(i: Identifier, m: MethodRef, rec: Option[String]): Set[String]

Will handle an identifier holding a function pointer.

Will handle an identifier holding a function pointer.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToOperator(i: Identifier, c: Call, operation: String): Set[String]

Visits an identifier being assigned to an operator call.

Visits an identifier being assigned to an operator call.


protected def visitIdentifierAssignedToTypeRef(i: Identifier, t: TypeRef, rec: Option[String]): Set[String]

Will handle an identifier holding a type pointer.

Will handle an identifier holding a type pointer.


protected def visitImport(i: Call): Unit

Refers to the declared import information. This is for legacy import notation.

Refers to the declared import information. This is for legacy import notation.



the call that imports entities into this scope.

protected def visitImport(i: Import): Unit

Visits an import and stores references in the symbol table as both an identifier and call.

Visits an import and stores references in the symbol table as both an identifier and call.


protected def visitImports(procedureDeclarations: Traversal[AstNode]): Unit

Using import information and internally defined procedures, will generate a mapping between how functions and types are aliased and called and themselves.

Using import information and internally defined procedures, will generate a mapping between how functions and types are aliased and called and themselves.



imports to types or functions and internally defined methods themselves.

protected def visitParameter(param: MethodParameterIn): Unit
protected def visitStatementsInBlock(b: Block): Set[String]

Process each statement but only assign the type of the last statement to the identifier

Process each statement but only assign the type of the last statement to the identifier


Inherited methods

def cancel(x$0: Boolean): Boolean


Inherited from:
final def compareAndSetForkJoinTaskTag(x$0: Short, x$1: Short): Boolean


Inherited from:
def complete(x$0: Boolean): Unit


Inherited from:
def completeExceptionally(x$0: Throwable): Unit


Inherited from:
final def fork(): ForkJoinTask[V]


Inherited from:
final def get(x$0: Long, x$1: TimeUnit): V


Inherited from:
final def get(): V


Inherited from:
final def getException(): Throwable


Inherited from:
final def getForkJoinTaskTag(): Short


Inherited from:
final def getRawResult(): V


Inherited from:
final def invoke(): V


Inherited from:
final def isCancelled(): Boolean


Inherited from:
final def isCompletedAbnormally(): Boolean


Inherited from:
final def isCompletedNormally(): Boolean


Inherited from:
final def isDone(): Boolean


Inherited from:
final def join(): V


Inherited from:
final def quietlyComplete(): Unit


Inherited from:
final def quietlyInvoke(): Unit


Inherited from:
final def quietlyJoin(): Unit


Inherited from:
def reinitialize(): Unit


Inherited from:
final def setForkJoinTaskTag(x$0: Short): Short


Inherited from:
def tryUnfork(): Boolean


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

protected val addedNodes: HashSet[(Long, String)]

New node tracking set.

New node tracking set.


protected val codeRoot: String

The root of the target codebase.

The root of the target codebase.


protected val logger: Logger
protected val newTypesForMembers: HashMap[Member, Set[String]]

For tracking members and the type operations that need to be performed. Since these are mostly out of scope locally it helps to track these separately.

For tracking members and the type operations that need to be performed. Since these are mostly out of scope locally it helps to track these separately.

// TODO: Potentially a new use for a global table or modification to the symbol table?


protected val pathSep: Char

The delimiter used to separate methods/functions in qualified names.

The delimiter used to separate methods/functions in qualified names.


Stores type information for local structures that live within this compilation unit, e.g. local variables.

Stores type information for local structures that live within this compilation unit, e.g. local variables.
