



object Kamon extends Configuration with Utilities with Metrics with Tracing with ModuleManagement with ContextPropagation with ContextStorage with CurrentStatus with Init

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Kamon
  2. Init
  3. CurrentStatus
  4. ContextStorage
  5. ContextPropagation
  6. ModuleManagement
  7. Tracing
  8. Metrics
  9. MetricBuilding
  10. Utilities
  11. Configuration
  12. AnyRef
  13. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. val _metricRegistry: MetricRegistry
    Definition Classes
  5. val _moduleRegistry: ModuleRegistry
    Definition Classes
  6. def addReporter(name: String, description: String, reporter: MetricReporter, metricFilter: Filter): Registration
    Definition Classes
  7. def addReporter(name: String, reporter: MetricReporter, metricFilter: Filter): Registration
    Definition Classes
  8. def addReporter(name: String, reporter: MetricReporter): Registration
    Definition Classes
  9. def addReporter(name: String, description: String, reporter: SpanReporter): Registration
    Definition Classes
  10. def addReporter(name: String, reporter: SpanReporter): Registration
    Definition Classes
  11. def addScheduledAction(name: String, description: Option[String], collector: ScheduledAction, interval: Duration): Registration
    Definition Classes
  12. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  13. def attachInstrumentation(): Unit

    Tries to attach the Kanela instrumentation agent, if the Kamon Bundle dependency is available on the classpath.

    Tries to attach the Kanela instrumentation agent, if the Kamon Bundle dependency is available on the classpath. If the Status module indicates that instrumentation has been already applied this method will not try to do anything.

    Definition Classes
  14. def binaryPropagation(channelName: String): Option[Propagation[ByteStreamReader, ByteStreamWriter]]

    Retrieves the binary propagation channel with the supplied name.

    Retrieves the binary propagation channel with the supplied name. Propagation channels are configured on the kamon.propagation.binary configuration section.

    Definition Classes
  15. def clearRegistry(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  16. def clientSpanBuilder(operationName: String, component: String): SpanBuilder

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for a Client Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag.

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for a Client Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag. It is recommended that all Spans include a "component" metric tag that indicates what library or library section is generating the Span.

    Definition Classes
  17. def clock(): Clock

    Kamon's Clock implementation.

    Kamon's Clock implementation.

    Definition Classes
  18. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  19. def config(): Config

    Retrieve Kamon's current configuration.

    Retrieve Kamon's current configuration.

    Definition Classes
  20. def consumerSpanBuilder(operationName: String, component: String): SpanBuilder

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for a Consumer Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag.

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for a Consumer Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag. It is recommended that all Spans include a "component" metric tag that indicates what library or library section is generating the Span.

    Definition Classes
  21. def counter(name: String, description: String, settings: ForValueInstrument): Counter

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided settings

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided settings

    Definition Classes
  22. def counter(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Counter

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided unit

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided unit

    Definition Classes
  23. def counter(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Counter

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided unit

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided unit

    Definition Classes
  24. def counter(name: String, description: String): Counter

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  25. def counter(name: String): Counter

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  26. def currentContext(): Context

    Returns the current Context on Kamon's Context Storage.

    Returns the current Context on Kamon's Context Storage. As the default behavior, this will return Context.Empty if no other Context has been stored on the calling thread.

    Definition Classes
  27. def currentSpan(): Span

    Returns the Span held by the current Context, if any.

    Returns the Span held by the current Context, if any. As the default behavior, this will return Span.Empty if the current Context does not contain a Span.

    Definition Classes
  28. def defaultBinaryPropagation(): Propagation[ByteStreamReader, ByteStreamWriter]

    Retrieves the default binary propagation channel.

    Retrieves the default binary propagation channel. Configuration for this channel can be found under the kamon.propagation.binary.default configuration section.

    Definition Classes
  29. def defaultHttpPropagation(): Propagation[HeaderReader, HeaderWriter]

    Retrieves the default HTTP propagation channel.

    Retrieves the default HTTP propagation channel. Configuration for this channel can be found under the kamon.propagation.http.default configuration section.

    Definition Classes
  30. def environment: Environment

    Returns the current enviroment instance constructed by Kamon using the "kamon.environment" settings.

    Returns the current enviroment instance constructed by Kamon using the "kamon.environment" settings.

    Definition Classes
  31. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  32. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  33. def filter(configKey: String): Filter

    Creates a new composite Filter by looking up the provided key on Kamon's configuration.

    Creates a new composite Filter by looking up the provided key on Kamon's configuration. All inputs matching any of the include filters and none of the exclude filters will be accepted. The configuration is expected to have the following structure:

    config { includes = [ "some/pattern", "regex:some[0-9]" ] excludes = [ ] }

    By default, the patterns are treated as Glob patterns but users can explicitly configure the pattern type by prefixing the pattern with either "glob:" or "regex:". If any of the elements are missing they will be considered empty.

    Definition Classes
  34. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  35. def gauge(name: String, description: String, settings: ForValueInstrument): Gauge

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided settings

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided settings

    Definition Classes
  36. def gauge(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Gauge

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided unit

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided unit

    Definition Classes
  37. def gauge(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Gauge

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided unit

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided unit

    Definition Classes
  38. def gauge(name: String, description: String): Gauge

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  39. def gauge(name: String): Gauge

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  40. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  41. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  42. def histogram(name: String, description: String, settings: ForDistributionInstrument): Histogram

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided settings

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided settings

    Definition Classes
  43. def histogram(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Histogram

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Definition Classes
  44. def histogram(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Histogram

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Definition Classes
  45. def histogram(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Histogram

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit

    Definition Classes
  46. def histogram(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Histogram

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit

    Definition Classes
  47. def histogram(name: String, description: String): Histogram

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  48. def histogram(name: String): Histogram

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  49. def httpPropagation(channelName: String): Option[Propagation[HeaderReader, HeaderWriter]]

    Retrieves the HTTP propagation channel with the supplied name.

    Retrieves the HTTP propagation channel with the supplied name. Propagation channels are configured on the kamon.propagation.http configuration section.

    Definition Classes
  50. def identifierScheme: Scheme

    Returns the Identifier Scheme currently used by the tracer.

    Returns the Identifier Scheme currently used by the tracer.

    Definition Classes
  51. def init(config: Config): Unit

    Reconfigures Kamon to use the provided configuration and then attempts to attach the instrumentation agent and start all registered modules.

    Reconfigures Kamon to use the provided configuration and then attempts to attach the instrumentation agent and start all registered modules.

    Definition Classes
  52. def init(): Unit

    Attempts to attach the instrumentation agent and start all registered modules.

    Attempts to attach the instrumentation agent and start all registered modules.

    Definition Classes
  53. def initWithoutAttaching(config: Config): Unit

    Initializes Kamon without trying to attach the instrumentation agent from the Kamon Bundle.

    Initializes Kamon without trying to attach the instrumentation agent from the Kamon Bundle.

    Definition Classes
  54. def initWithoutAttaching(): Unit

    Initializes Kamon without trying to attach the instrumentation agent from the Kamon Bundle.

    Initializes Kamon without trying to attach the instrumentation agent from the Kamon Bundle.

    Definition Classes
  55. def internalSpanBuilder(operationName: String, component: String): SpanBuilder

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for an Internal Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag.

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for an Internal Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag. It is recommended that all Spans include a "component" metric tag that indicates what library or library section is generating the Span.

    Definition Classes
  56. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  57. def loadModules(): Unit

    Loads modules from Kamon's configuration.

    Loads modules from Kamon's configuration.

    Definition Classes
  58. def moduleRegistry(): ModuleRegistry
    Definition Classes
  59. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  60. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  61. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  62. def onReconfigure(hook: (Config) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed.

    Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed. All registered hooks will run sequentially in the same Thread that calls Kamon.reconfigure(config).

    Definition Classes
  63. def onReconfigure(hook: OnReconfigureHook): Unit

    Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed.

    Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed. All registered hooks will run sequentially in the same Thread that calls Kamon.reconfigure(config).

    Definition Classes
  64. def producerSpanBuilder(operationName: String, component: String): SpanBuilder

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for a Producer Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag.

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for a Producer Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag. It is recommended that all Spans include a "component" metric tag that indicates what library or library section is generating the Span.

    Definition Classes
  65. def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String, settings: ForDistributionInstrument): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided settings

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided settings

    Definition Classes
  66. def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Definition Classes
  67. def rangeSampler(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Definition Classes
  68. def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, autoUpdateInterval: Duration): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and auto-update interval

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and auto-update interval

    Definition Classes
  69. def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit

    Definition Classes
  70. def rangeSampler(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, autoUpdateInterval: Duration): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and auto-update interval

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and auto-update interval

    Definition Classes
  71. def rangeSampler(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit

    Definition Classes
  72. def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  73. def rangeSampler(name: String): RangeSampler

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  74. def reconfigure(newConfig: Config): Unit

    Supply a new Config instance to rule Kamon's world.

    Supply a new Config instance to rule Kamon's world.

    Definition Classes
  75. def registry(): MetricRegistry

    Metric registry from which all metric-building APIs will draw instances.

    Metric registry from which all metric-building APIs will draw instances. For more details on the entire set of exposes APIs please refer to kamon.metric.MetricBuilding.

    Definition Classes
  76. def runWithContext[T](context: Context)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Temporarily stores the provided Context on Kamon's Context Storage.

    Temporarily stores the provided Context on Kamon's Context Storage. The provided Context will be stored before executing the provided function and removed right after it finishes executing.

    Definition Classes
  77. def runWithContextEntry[T, K](key: Key[K], value: K)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Temporarily stores the provided Context Key on Kamon's Context Storage.

    Temporarily stores the provided Context Key on Kamon's Context Storage. The provided Context key will be added to the current Context and stored before executing the provided function, then removed right after execution finishes.

    Definition Classes
  78. def runWithContextTag[T](key: String, value: Long)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Temporarily stores the provided Context tag on Kamon's Context Storage.

    Temporarily stores the provided Context tag on Kamon's Context Storage. The provided Context tag will be added to the current Context and stored before executing the provided function, then removed right after execution finishes.

    Definition Classes
  79. def runWithContextTag[T](key: String, value: Boolean)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Temporarily stores the provided Context tag on Kamon's Context Storage.

    Temporarily stores the provided Context tag on Kamon's Context Storage. The provided Context tag will be added to the current Context and stored before executing the provided function, then removed right after execution finishes.

    Definition Classes
  80. def runWithContextTag[T](key: String, value: String)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Temporarily stores the provided Context tag on Kamon's Context Storage.

    Temporarily stores the provided Context tag on Kamon's Context Storage. The provided Context tag will be added to the current Context and stored before executing the provided function, then removed right after execution finishes.

    Definition Classes
  81. def runWithSpan[T](span: Span, finishSpan: Boolean)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Temporarily stores the provided Span on Kamon's Context Storage.

    Temporarily stores the provided Span on Kamon's Context Storage. The provided Span will be added to the current Context and stored before executing the provided function, then removed right after execution finishes. Optionally, this function can finish the provided Span once the function execution finishes.

    Definition Classes
  82. def runWithSpan[T](span: Span)(f: ⇒ T): T

    Temporarily stores the provided Span on Kamon's Context Storage.

    Temporarily stores the provided Span on Kamon's Context Storage. The provided Span will be added to the current Context and stored before executing the provided function, then removed right after execution finishes.

    Definition Classes
  83. def serverSpanBuilder(operationName: String, component: String): SpanBuilder

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for a Server Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag.

    Creates a new SpanBuilder for a Server Span and applies the provided component name as a metric tag. It is recommended that all Spans include a "component" metric tag that indicates what library or library section is generating the Span.

    Definition Classes
  84. def span[A](operationName: String, component: String)(f: ⇒ A): A

    Creates an Internal Span that finishes automatically when the provided function finishes execution.

    Creates an Internal Span that finishes automatically when the provided function finishes execution. If the provided function returns a scala.concurrent.Future or java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage implementation then the Span will be finished with the Future/CompletionState completes.

    You can get access to the created Span within the provided function using Kamon.currentSpan. For example, if you wanted to add a tag to a Span created with this function you could do it as follows:

    span("fetchUserDetails") { Kamon.currentSpan.tag("", userId)

    // Your business logic... }

    If you need more customization options for the Span or complete control over Context propagation and Span lifecycle then create a SpanBuilder instead.

    Definition Classes
  85. def span[A](operationName: String)(f: ⇒ A): A

    Creates an Internal Span that finishes automatically when the provided function finishes execution.

    Creates an Internal Span that finishes automatically when the provided function finishes execution. If the provided function returns a scala.concurrent.Future or java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage implementation then the Span will be finished with the Future/CompletionState completes.

    You can get access to the created Span within the provided function using Kamon.currentSpan. For example, if you wanted to add a tag to a Span created with this function you could do it as follows:

    span("fetchUserDetails") { Kamon.currentSpan.tag("", userId)

    // Your business logic... }

    If you need more customization options for the Span or complete control over Context propagation and Span lifecycle then create a SpanBuilder instead.

    Definition Classes
  86. def spanBuilder(operationName: String): SpanBuilder

    Creates a new raw SpanBuilder instance using the provided operation name.

    Creates a new raw SpanBuilder instance using the provided operation name.

    Definition Classes
  87. def status(): Status

    Returns an accessor to Kamon's current status.

    Returns an accessor to Kamon's current status. The current status information is split into four main sections:

    • Settings: which include the Kamon version, environment and configuration being used.
    • Module Registry: Lists all modules that have been detected on the classpath and their current state.
    • Metric Registry: Lists all metrics currently registered in Kamon and all instruments belonging to them.
    • Instrumentation: Lists all instrumentation modules that have been detected and their current state.

    All information exposed by the Status API represents an immutable snapshot of the state at the moment the status was requested.

    Definition Classes
  88. def stop(): Future[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  89. def stopModules(): Future[Unit]

    Stops all registered modules and returns a future that completes when the stop callback on all available modules have been completed.

    Stops all registered modules and returns a future that completes when the stop callback on all available modules have been completed. This includes automatically and programmatically registered modules.

    Definition Classes
  90. def storeContext(context: Context): Scope

    Stores the provided Context on Kamon's Context Storage and returns a Scope that removes that Context from the it upon closing.

    Stores the provided Context on Kamon's Context Storage and returns a Scope that removes that Context from the it upon closing. When a Scope is closed, it will always set the current Context to the Context that was available right before it was created.

    NOTE: The default implementation of Scope is not thread safe and, unless there is a good reason not to, users should always close scopes before leaving a thread, otherwise there is a risk of leaving "dirty" threads that could cause unexpected correlation between Contexts from different operations. It is strongly recommended to use any of the .storeContext(...) variants which ensure closing Scopes after finishing execution.

    Definition Classes
  91. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  92. def timer(name: String, description: String, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Timer

    Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Definition Classes
  93. def timer(name: String, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Timer

    Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

    Definition Classes
  94. def timer(name: String, description: String): Timer

    Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  95. def timer(name: String): Timer

    Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric

    Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric

    Definition Classes
  96. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  97. def tracer(): Tracer

    The Tracer instance is only exposed to other Kamon components that need it like the Module Registry and Status

    The Tracer instance is only exposed to other Kamon components that need it like the Module Registry and Status

    Definition Classes
  98. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  99. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  100. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def registerModule(name: String, description: String, module: Module, configPath: String): Registration

    Register a module instantiated by the user and returns a Registration that can be used to stop and deregister the module at any time.

    Register a module instantiated by the user and returns a Registration that can be used to stop and deregister the module at any time.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.3.0) Use addReporter or addScheduledAction instead

  2. def registerModule(name: String, module: Module): Registration

    Register a module instantiated by the user and returns a Registration that can be used to stop and deregister the module at any time.

    Register a module instantiated by the user and returns a Registration that can be used to stop and deregister the module at any time.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.3.0) Use addReporter or addScheduledAction instead

Inherited from Init

Inherited from CurrentStatus

Inherited from ContextStorage

Inherited from ContextPropagation

Inherited from ModuleManagement

Inherited from Tracing

Inherited from Metrics

Inherited from MetricBuilding

Inherited from Utilities

Inherited from Configuration

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
