Interface ServiceBuilder

  • public interface ServiceBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • computingServiceBuilder

        private static ServiceBuilder computingServiceBuilder()
      • accessServiceBuilder

        private static ServiceBuilder accessServiceBuilder()
      • getAccessConditionParams

        static Map<String,​Object> getAccessConditionParams​(String did,
                                                                 String price,
                                                                 String escrowRewardAddress,
                                                                 String lockRewardConditionAddress,
                                                                 String accessSecretStoreConditionAddress)
        Gets the Access ConditionStatusMap Params of a DDO
        did - the did
        price - the price
        escrowRewardAddress - the address of the EscrowReward Condition
        accessSecretStoreConditionAddress - the address of the accessSecretStore condition
        lockRewardConditionAddress - the address of the lockReward Condition
        a Map with the params of the Access ConditionStatusMap
      • getComputingConditionParams

        static Map<String,​Object> getComputingConditionParams​(String did,
                                                                    String price,
                                                                    String escrowRewardAddress,
                                                                    String lockRewardConditionAddress,
                                                                    String execComputeConditionAddress)
        Gets the Computing ConditionStatusMap Params of a DDO
        did - the did
        price - the price
        escrowRewardAddress - the address of the EscrowReward Condition
        lockRewardConditionAddress - the address of the lockReward Condition
        execComputeConditionAddress - the address of the execCoompute condition
        a Map with the params of the Access ConditionStatusMap