
abstract class GenericKinesis[F[_]] extends Kinesis[F]
trait Kinesis[F]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def checkpointRecords(checkpointSettings: KinesisCheckpointSettings): (F, CommittableRecord) => KinesisClientRecord

Inherited methods

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Value parameters:

configuration parameters for the KCL


an infinite fs2 Stream that emits Kinesis Records Chunks

Inherited from:

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Value parameters:

configuration parameters for the KCL


an infinite fs2 Stream that emits Kinesis Records

Inherited from:
def readFromKinesisStream(appName: String, streamName: String): Stream[F, CommittableRecord]

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Value parameters:

name of the Kinesis application. Used by KCL when resharding


name of the Kinesis stream to consume from


an infinite fs2 Stream that emits Kinesis Records

Inherited from: