
trait Kinesis[F[_]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def checkpointRecords(checkpointSettings: KinesisCheckpointSettings): (F, CommittableRecord) => KinesisClientRecord

Pipe to checkpoint records in Kinesis, marking them as processed Groups records by shard id, so that each shard is subject to its own clustering of records After accumulating maxBatchSize or reaching maxBatchWait for a respective shard, the latest record is checkpointed By design, all records prior to the checkpointed record are also checkpointed in Kinesis

Pipe to checkpoint records in Kinesis, marking them as processed Groups records by shard id, so that each shard is subject to its own clustering of records After accumulating maxBatchSize or reaching maxBatchWait for a respective shard, the latest record is checkpointed By design, all records prior to the checkpointed record are also checkpointed in Kinesis

Value parameters:

configure maxBatchSize and maxBatchWait time before triggering a checkpoint


a stream of Record types representing checkpointed messages

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Value parameters:

configuration parameters for the KCL


an infinite fs2 Stream that emits Kinesis Records Chunks

Concrete methods

def readFromKinesisStream(appName: String, streamName: String): Stream[F, CommittableRecord]

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Value parameters:

name of the Kinesis application. Used by KCL when resharding


name of the Kinesis stream to consume from


an infinite fs2 Stream that emits Kinesis Records

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Initialize a worker and start streaming records from a Kinesis stream On stream finish (due to error or other), worker will be shutdown

Value parameters:

configuration parameters for the KCL


an infinite fs2 Stream that emits Kinesis Records