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AbstractInvocationHandler - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Abstract base class for invocation handlers.
AbstractInvocationHandler() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler
AbstractInvocationHandler.MethodTranslator - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
AbstractRedisAsyncCommands<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
An asynchronous and thread-safe API for a Redis connection.
AbstractRedisAsyncCommands(StatefulConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
Initialize a new instance.
AbstractRedisClient - Class in io.lettuce.core
Base Redis client.
AbstractRedisClient(ClientResources) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Create a new instance with client resources.
AbstractRedisReactiveCommands<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
A reactive and thread-safe API for a Redis connection.
AbstractRedisReactiveCommands(StatefulConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
Initialize a new instance.
acceptEither(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
acquire() - Method in interface
Acquire an object from this AsyncPool.
acquire() - Method in class
activated() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
activated() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionFacade
Callback for a connection activated event.
activated() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
activated() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
Notification when the connection becomes active (connected).
adapt(Future<V>, CompletableFuture<V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Adapt Netty's Future emitting a value result into a CompletableFuture.
adaptAnnotation(A) - Method in class
A template method to post-process a given annotation instance before returning it to the caller.
adaptAnnotationArray(Annotation[]) - Method in class
A template method to post-process a given annotation array before returning it to the caller.
AdaptiveRefreshTriggeredEvent - Class in io.lettuce.core.event.cluster
Event when a topology refresh is about to start by an adaptive refresh trigger.
AdaptiveRefreshTriggeredEvent(Supplier<Partitions>, Runnable) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.cluster.AdaptiveRefreshTriggeredEvent
adaptiveRefreshTriggersTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Set the timeout for adaptive topology updates.
adaptiveRefreshTriggersTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
add(RedisClusterNode) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Adds the RedisClusterNode to this Partitions.
add(RedisCommand<K, V, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
add(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a map (hash) argument.
add(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a string argument.
add(char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a string as char-array.
add(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add an 64-bit integer (long) argument.
add(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a double argument.
add(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a byte-array argument.
add(CommandKeyword) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a CommandKeyword argument.
add(CommandType) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a CommandType argument.
add(ProtocolKeyword) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a ProtocolKeyword argument.
addAlias(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Add an alias to RedisClusterNode.
addAll(Collection<? extends RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Add all nodes from the given collection and update the read-view/caches.
addInterceptor(MethodInterceptor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.InvocationProxyFactory
Add a MethodInterceptor to the interceptor chain.
addInterface(Class<?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.InvocationProxyFactory
Add a interface type that should be implemented by the resulting invocation proxy.
addInvalidationListener(Consumer<K>) - Method in class
addInvalidationListener(Consumer<? super K>) - Method in interface
Register a invalidation listener that is notified if a key in this Redis cache expires or gets modified.
addKey(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Adds a key argument.
addKeys(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add multiple key arguments.
addKeys(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add multiple key arguments.
addListener(RedisConnectionStateListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Add a listener for the RedisConnectionState.
addListener(PushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulRedisConnection
Add a new listener to consume push messages.
addListener(RedisClusterPushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Add a new listener to consume push messages.
addListener(RedisClusterPushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterPushHandler
Add a new listener.
addListener(RedisClusterPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Add a new listener.
addListener(RedisClusterPushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Add a new listener to consume push messages.
addListener(RedisClusterPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.PubSubClusterEndpoint
Add a new listener.
addListener(RedisClusterPushListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
addListener(RedisConnectionStateListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionEvents
addListener(PushListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
addListener(PushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.PushHandler
Add a new listener.
addListener(RedisPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
Add a new listener.
addListener(RedisPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnection
Add a new listener.
addListener(RedisPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
Add a new listener.
addListener(CloseEvents.CloseListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
addListener(PushListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
Add a new listener.
addPartition(RedisClusterNode) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Adds a partition without updating the read view/cache.
addr(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs
Kill the client at addr.
addr(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs.Builder
Creates new KillArgs setting ADDR.
addValue(V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add a value argument.
addValues(Iterable<V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add multiple value arguments.
addValues(V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Add multiple value arguments.
after() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.event.ClusterTopologyChangedEvent
Returns the cluster topology view after the topology changed.
afterBootstrapInitialized(Bootstrap) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.NettyCustomizer
Hook invoked each time the driver creates a new Connection and configures a new instance of Bootstrap for it.
afterChannelInitialized(Channel) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.NettyCustomizer
Hook invoked each time the driver initializes the channel.
afterCommandDecoded(ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecodeBufferPolicy
Callback that is invoked after a command has been fully decoded.
afterDecode(ChannelHandlerContext, RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
Hook method called after command completion.
afterDecode(ChannelHandlerContext, RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
afterDecoding(ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecodeBufferPolicy
Callback that is invoked after leaving the decode loop.
afterPartialDecode(ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecodeBufferPolicy
Callback that is invoked after partially decoding a command.
all() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Select all known cluster nodes.
all() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Select all known cluster nodes.
all() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
Select all known cluster nodes.
all() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
Select all known cluster nodes.
all() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
Select all known cluster nodes.
allocate(Class<T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
allocate(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopGroupProvider
Retrieve a EventLoopGroup for the channel type.
allocateBuffer(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandEncoder
allOf(Collection<? extends CompletionStage<?>>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Create a composite CompletableFuture is composed from the given stages.
alpha() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
Apply lexicographically sort.
alpha() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs.Builder
Creates new SortArgs setting ALPHA.
always() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecodeBufferPolicies
DecodeBufferPolicy that discards read bytes after each decoding phase.
alwaysSome() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecodeBufferPolicies
DecodeBufferPolicy that discards some read bytes after each decoding phase.
annotate(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer.Span
Associates an event that explains latency with the current system time.
AnnotationCommandSegmentFactory - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment
CommandSegmentFactory implementation that creates CommandSegments considering Command and CommandNaming annotations.
AnnotationCommandSegmentFactory() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.AnnotationCommandSegmentFactory
AnnotationParameterNameDiscoverer - Class in
ParameterNameDiscoverer based on Param annotations to resolve parameter names.
AnnotationParameterNameDiscoverer() - Constructor for class
AnnotationRedisCodecResolver - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec
Annotation-based RedisCodecResolver.
AnnotationRedisCodecResolver(List<RedisCodec<?, ?>>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.AnnotationRedisCodecResolver
Creates a new AnnotationRedisCodecResolver given a List of RedisCodecs.
AnnotationRedisCodecResolver.ParameterWrappers - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec
Parameter wrapper support for types that encapsulate one or more parameter values.
ANY - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read from any node.
ANY_REPLICA - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read from any replica node.
append(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
append(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
append(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Append a value to a key.
append(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Append a value to a key.
append(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Append a value to a key.
append(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Append a value to a key.
append(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Append a value to a key.
apply(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
Apply settings from RedisURI
apply(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
Applies settings from RedisURI.
applyAuthentication(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Apply authentication from another RedisURI.
applyBounds(Duration, Duration, Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
applySsl(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Apply authentication from another RedisURI.
applyToEither(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
approximateTrimming() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XAddArgs
Apply efficient trimming for capped streams using the ~ flag.
approximateTrimming(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XAddArgs
Apply efficient trimming for capped streams using the ~ flag.
args - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
ArrayOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of objects and lists to support dynamic nested structures (List with mixed content of values and sublists).
ArrayOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ArrayOutput
arrayToDelimitedString(Object[], String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings
Convert a String array into a delimited String (e.g.
as(Class<?>) - Method in class
Return this type as a ResolvableType of the specified class.
asc() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
Sort results ascending.
asc() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
Sort results ascending.
asc() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
Apply numeric sort in ascending order.
asc() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs.Builder
Creates new SortArgs setting ASC.
ASCII - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
asCollection() - Method in class
Convenience method to return this type as a resolvable Collection type.
asking() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
asking() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
asking() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
The asking command is required after a -ASK redirection.
asking() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
The asking command is required after a -ASK redirection.
asking() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
The asking command is required after a -ASK redirection.
asMap() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.AsyncExecutions
asMap() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.NodeSelectionSupport
asMap() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.Executions
asMap() - Method in class
Convenience method to return this type as a resolvable Map type.
assertState(boolean, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance, but not involving any parameters to the calling method.
assertState(boolean, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance, but not involving any parameters to the calling method.
asString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment
async() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulRedisConnection
Returns the RedisAsyncCommands API for the current connection.
async() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Returns the RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands API for the current connection.
async() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Returns the RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands API for the current connection.
async - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
async() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
async() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnection
Returns the RedisPubSubAsyncCommands API for the current connection.
async() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
async() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.StatefulRedisSentinelConnection
Returns the RedisSentinelAsyncCommands API for the current connection.
async - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
async() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
async - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
async() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
AsyncCloseable - Interface in io.lettuce.core.internal
A AsyncCloseable is a resource that can be closed.
AsyncCommand<K,V,T> - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
An asynchronous redis command and its result.
AsyncCommand(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
AsyncCommand(RedisCommand<K, V, T>, int) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
AsyncConnectionPoolSupport - Class in
Asynchronous connection pool support for BoundedAsyncPool.
AsyncConnectionProvider<K,T extends AsyncCloseable,F extends CompletionStage<T>> - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Non-blocking provider for connection objects.
AsyncConnectionProvider(Function<? extends K, ? extends F>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncConnectionProvider
AsyncExecutions<T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Result holder for a command that was executed asynchronously on multiple nodes.
AsyncNodeSelection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Node selection with access to asynchronous executed commands on the set.
AsyncObjectFactory<T> - Interface in
An interface defining life-cycle methods for instances to be served by an pool.
AsyncPool<T> - Interface in
Interface declaring non-blocking object pool methods allowing to AsyncPool.acquire() and AsyncPool.release(Object) objects.
auth(CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
auth(char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
auth(String, CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
auth(String, char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
auth(CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
auth(String, CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
auth(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisAsyncCommands
Authenticate to the server.
auth(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisAsyncCommands
Authenticate to the server with username and password.
auth(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisReactiveCommands
Authenticate to the server.
auth(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisReactiveCommands
Authenticate to the server with username and password.
auth(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisCommands
Authenticate to the server.
auth(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisCommands
Authenticate to the server with username and password.
auth(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Authenticate to the server.
auth(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Authenticate to the server with username and password.
auth(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Authenticate to the server.
auth(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Authenticate to the server with username and password.
auth(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Authenticate to the server.
auth(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Authenticate to the server with username and password.
auth(CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
Set AUTH password option.
auth(char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
Set AUTH password option.
auth(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs.Builder
Creates new MigrateArgs with AUTH (target authentication) enabled.
auth(char[]) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs.Builder
Creates new MigrateArgs with AUTH (target authentication) enabled.
autoReconnect(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Enables or disables auto reconnection on connection loss.
autoReconnect(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
await(Duration, Future<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Wait until future is complete or the supplied timeout is reached.
await(long, TimeUnit, Future<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Wait until future is complete or the supplied timeout is reached.
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
Wait up to the specified time for the command output to become available.
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisFuture
Wait up to the specified time for the command output to become available.
awaitAll(Duration, Future<?>...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Wait until futures are complete or the supplied timeout is reached.
awaitAll(long, TimeUnit, Future<?>...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Wait until futures are complete or the supplied timeout is reached.
awaitAll(Duration, Future<?>...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.LettuceFutures
Wait until futures are complete or the supplied timeout is reached.
awaitAll(long, TimeUnit, Future<?>...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.LettuceFutures
Wait until futures are complete or the supplied timeout is reached.
awaitOrCancel(RedisFuture<T>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Wait until futures are complete or the supplied timeout is reached.
awaitOrCancel(RedisFuture<T>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.LettuceFutures
Wait until futures are complete or the supplied timeout is reached.


Base16 - Class in io.lettuce.core.codec
High-performance base16 (AKA hex) codec.
BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for basic commands.
BaseNodeSelectionCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for basic commands.
BasePool - Class in
Basic implementation of a pool configured through BasePoolConfig.
BasePool(BasePoolConfig) - Constructor for class
Create a new pool given BasePoolConfig.
BasePoolConfig - Class in
Base configuration for an object pool declaring options for object validation.
BasePoolConfig(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
BasePoolConfig.Builder - Class in
Builder for BasePoolConfig.
BaseRedisAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for basic commands.
BaseRedisCommandBuilder<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
BaseRedisCommandBuilder(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder
BaseRedisCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for basic commands.
BaseRedisReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for basic commands.
batch(RedisCommand<Object, Object, Object>, CommandBatching) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.Batcher
Add command to the Batcher.
Batcher - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic
Command batcher to enqueue commands and flush a batch once a flush is requested or a configured command threshold is reached.
BatchException - Exception in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch
Batch exception to collect multiple errors from batched command execution.
BatchException(List<RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>>) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch.BatchException
Create a new BatchException.
BatchExecutor - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch
Batch executor interface to enforce command queue flushing using BatchSize.
BatchSize - Annotation Type in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch
Redis command method annotation declaring a command interface to use batching with a specified batchSize.
bcast() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
Enable tracking in broadcasting mode.
before() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.event.ClusterTopologyChangedEvent
Returns the cluster topology view before the topology changed.
bgrewriteaof() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bgrewriteaof() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bgrewriteaof() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file.
bgrewriteaof() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file.
bgrewriteaof() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file.
bgrewriteaof() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file.
bgrewriteaof() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file.
bgsave() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bgsave() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bgsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk.
bgsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk.
bgsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk.
bgsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk.
bgsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk.
bitcount(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitcount(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitcount(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitcount(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitcount(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Count set bits in a string.
bitfield(K, BitFieldArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitfield(K, BitFieldArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitfield(K, BitFieldArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Execute BITFIELD with its subcommands.
bitfield(K, BitFieldArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Execute BITFIELD with its subcommands.
bitfield(K, BitFieldArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Execute BITFIELD with its subcommands.
bitfield(K, BitFieldArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Execute BITFIELD with its subcommands.
bitfield(K, BitFieldArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Execute BITFIELD with its subcommands.
BitFieldArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis BITFIELD command.
BitFieldArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Creates a new BitFieldArgs instance.
BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType - Class in io.lettuce.core
Represents a bit field type with details about signed/unsigned and the number of bits.
BitFieldArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for BitFieldArgs.
BitFieldArgs.Offset - Class in io.lettuce.core
Represents a bit field offset.
BitFieldArgs.OverflowType - Enum in io.lettuce.core
Represents the overflow types for the OVERFLOW subcommand argument.
bitopAnd(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitopAnd(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitopAnd(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Perform bitwise AND between strings.
bitopAnd(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Perform bitwise AND between strings.
bitopAnd(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Perform bitwise AND between strings.
bitopAnd(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Perform bitwise AND between strings.
bitopAnd(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Perform bitwise AND between strings.
bitopNot(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitopNot(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitopNot(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Perform bitwise NOT between strings.
bitopNot(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Perform bitwise NOT between strings.
bitopNot(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Perform bitwise NOT between strings.
bitopNot(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Perform bitwise NOT between strings.
bitopNot(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Perform bitwise NOT between strings.
bitopOr(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitopOr(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitopOr(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Perform bitwise OR between strings.
bitopOr(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Perform bitwise OR between strings.
bitopOr(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Perform bitwise OR between strings.
bitopOr(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Perform bitwise OR between strings.
bitopOr(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Perform bitwise OR between strings.
bitopXor(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitopXor(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitopXor(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Perform bitwise XOR between strings.
bitopXor(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Perform bitwise XOR between strings.
bitopXor(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Perform bitwise XOR between strings.
bitopXor(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Perform bitwise XOR between strings.
bitopXor(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Perform bitwise XOR between strings.
bitpos(K, boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitpos(K, boolean, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitpos(K, boolean, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bitpos(K, boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitpos(K, boolean, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitpos(K, boolean, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bitpos(K, boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
bitpos(K, boolean, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Find first bit set or clear in a string.
block(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs
Perform a blocking read and wait up to milliseconds for a new stream message.
block(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs
Perform a blocking read and wait up to a timeout for a new stream message.
block(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.Builder
Create a new XReadArgs and set BLOCK.
block(Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.Builder
Create a new XReadArgs and set BLOCK.
blpop(long, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
blpop(long, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
blpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available.
blpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available.
blpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available.
blpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available.
blpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available.
body() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubMessage
body() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput
BooleanListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of boolean output.
BooleanListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanListOutput
BooleanOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Boolean output.
BooleanOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanOutput
bootstrap(Bootstrap) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
bootstrap() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
bounded(GenericObjectPoolConfig<?>) - Static method in class
Converts GenericObjectPoolConfig properties to an immutable BoundedPoolConfig.
BoundedAsyncPool<T> - Class in
Bounded asynchronous object pool.
BoundedAsyncPool(AsyncObjectFactory<T>, BoundedPoolConfig) - Constructor for class
BoundedPoolConfig - Class in
Configuration for asynchronous pooling using BoundedAsyncPool.
BoundedPoolConfig(boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
BoundedPoolConfig.Builder - Class in
Builder for BoundedPoolConfig.
BraveEndpoint(Endpoint) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.BraveEndpoint
BraveTracing - Class in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Tracing integration with OpenZipkin's Brave Tracer.
BraveTracing.BraveEndpoint - Class in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Endpoint implementation for Zipkin's Endpoint.
BraveTracing.BraveTraceContext - Class in io.lettuce.core.tracing
TraceContext implementation for Brave's TraceContext.
BraveTracing.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Builder for BraveTracing.
brpop(long, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
brpop(long, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
brpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available.
brpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available.
brpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available.
brpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available.
brpop(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available.
brpoplpush(long, K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
brpoplpush(long, K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
brpoplpush(long, K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.
brpoplpush(long, K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.
brpoplpush(long, K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.
brpoplpush(long, K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.
brpoplpush(long, K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.
bubble(Throwable) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Exceptions
Prepare an unchecked RuntimeException that will bubble upstream if thrown by an operator.
bufferUsageRatio(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
since 6.0 in favor of DecodeBufferPolicy.
bufferUsageRatio(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
since 6.0 in favor of DecodeBufferPolicy.
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Create a new instance of ClientOptions.
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
Create a new instance of ClusterClientOptions
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Create a new instance of ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.CompositeArgument
Build command arguments and contribute arguments to CommandArgs.
build(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions.Builder
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.LPosArgs
build() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
build() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions.Builder
Create a new instance of SocketOptions
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
build(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslConnectionBuilder
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Create a new instance of SslOptions
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
build() - Method in class
Build a new BasePoolConfig object.
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.Builder
Create a new instance of TimeoutOptions.
build() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.Builder
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XAddArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XGroupCreateArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZAddArgs
build(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns a new ClientOptions.Builder to construct ClientOptions.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
builder(ClientOptions) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Returns a new ClusterClientOptions.Builder initialized from ClientOptions to construct ClusterClientOptions.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions
builder() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Return a new RedisURI.Builder to construct a RedisURI.
builder(RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Create a new RedisURI.Builder that is initialized from a plain RedisURI.
builder() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Create a new ClientResources using default settings.
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
Returns a new SocketOptions.Builder to construct SocketOptions.
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
Returns a new SslOptions.Builder to construct SslOptions.
Builder() - Constructor for class
builder() - Static method in class
Builder() - Constructor for class
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions
Returns a new TimeoutOptions.Builder to construct TimeoutOptions.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.Builder
builder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing
Create a new BraveTracing.Builder to build BraveTracing.
buildHandlers() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
buildHandlers() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslConnectionBuilder
by(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs.Builder
Creates new SortArgs setting PATTERN.
by(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
Sort keys by an external list.
by(StrAlgoArgs.By, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
ByteArrayCodec - Class in io.lettuce.core.codec
A RedisCodec that uses plain byte arrays without further transformations.
ByteArrayCodec() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
ByteArrayOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Byte array output.
ByteArrayOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ByteArrayOutput
bytes - Variable in enum io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.OverflowType
bytes - Variable in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandKeyword
bytes - Variable in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandType
bzpopmax(long, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bzpopmax(long, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bzpopmax(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns a member with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmax(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Removes and returns a member with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmax(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns a member with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmax(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns a member with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmax(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns a member with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmin(long, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
bzpopmin(long, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
bzpopmin(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns a member with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmin(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Removes and returns a member with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmin(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns a member with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmin(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns a member with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.
bzpopmin(long, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns a member with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at one of the keys.


CacheAccessor<K,V> - Interface in
Interface defining access to the client-side cache.
CacheFrontend<K,V> - Interface in
Interface defining a cache frontend for common cache retrieval operations that using Redis server-side caching assistance.
CacheFrontend.ValueRetrievalException - Exception in
Wrapper exception to be thrown from CacheFrontend.get(Object, Callable) in case of the value loader callback failing with an exception.
cancel() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
cancel(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
cancel() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
cancel() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
cancel() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
cancel() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
Attempts to cancel execution of this command.
cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Allows cancelling queued commands in case a reconnect fails.Defaults to false.
cancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
canComplete(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
Decoding hook: Can the command be completed.
canComplete(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
canConsume(Parameter) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment
Check whether this segment can consume the Parameter by applying parameter substitution.
canDecode(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
Decoding hook: Can the buffer be decoded to a command.
canDecode(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
CGLIB_CLASS_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceClassUtils
The CGLIB class separator character "$$"
ch() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZAddArgs.Builder
Creates new ZAddArgs and enabling CH.
ch() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZAddArgs
Modify the return value from the number of new elements added, to the total number of elements changed.
channel - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
channel() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubMessage
channel() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput
channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisHandshakeHandler
channelGroup(ChannelGroup) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisHandshakeHandler
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
channelInitialized() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisHandshakeHandler
ChannelMessage<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive
Message payload for a subscription to a channel.
ChannelMessage(K, V) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.ChannelMessage
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisHandshakeHandler
channels - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
channelType(ConnectionBuilder, ConnectionPoint) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
channelUnregistered(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
charset(Charset) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
CipherCodec - Class in io.lettuce.core.codec
A crypto RedisCodec that that allows transparent encryption/decryption of values.
CipherCodec.CipherSupplier - Interface in io.lettuce.core.codec
Represents a supplier of Cipher.
CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor - Class in io.lettuce.core.codec
Descriptor to determine which crypto key to use.
cipherSuites(String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the cipher suites to use.
ClassTypeInformation<S> - Class in
TypeInformation for a plain Class.
clear() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Removes all nodes and update the read-view/caches.
clear() - Method in interface
Clear the pool.
clear() - Method in class
clearAsync() - Method in interface
Clear the pool.
clearAsync() - Method in class
clearContext() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
Clears the Mono<TracerProvider> from Reactor Context.
clientCaching(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientCaching(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientCaching(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Control tracking of keys in the context of server-assisted client cache invalidation.
clientCaching(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Control tracking of keys in the context of server-assisted client cache invalidation.
clientCaching(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Control tracking of keys in the context of server-assisted client cache invalidation.
clientCaching(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Control tracking of keys in the context of server-assisted client cache invalidation.
clientCaching(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Control tracking of keys in the context of server-assisted client cache invalidation.
clientGetname() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientGetname() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientGetname() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get the current connection name.
clientGetname() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get the current connection name.
clientGetname() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get the current connection name.
clientGetname() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get the current connection name.
clientGetname() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get the current connection name.
clientGetname() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Get the current connection name.
clientGetname() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Get the current connection name.
clientGetname() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Get the current connection name.
clientGetname() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
clientGetname() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
clientGetredir() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientGetredir() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientGetredir() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Returns the client ID we are redirecting our tracking notifications to
clientGetredir() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Returns the client ID we are redirecting our tracking notifications to.
clientGetredir() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Returns the client ID we are redirecting our tracking notifications to
clientGetredir() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Returns the client ID we are redirecting our tracking notifications to
clientGetredir() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Returns the client ID we are redirecting our tracking notifications to
clientId() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientId() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientId() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get the id of the current connection.
clientId() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get the id of the current connection.
clientId() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get the id of the current connection.
clientId() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get the id of the current connection.
clientId() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get the id of the current connection.
clientKill(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientKill(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientKill(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port.
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Kill connections of clients which are filtered by killArgs
clientKill(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port.
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Kill connections of clients which are filtered by killArgs.
clientKill(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port.
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Kill connections of clients which are filtered by killArgs
clientKill(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port.
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Kill connections of clients which are filtered by killArgs
clientKill(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port.
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Kill connections of clients which are filtered by killArgs
clientKill(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port.
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Kill connections of clients which are filtered by killArgs
clientKill(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port.
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Kill connections of clients which are filtered by killArgs.
clientKill(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Kill the connection of a client identified by ip:port.
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Kill connections of clients which are filtered by killArgs
clientKill(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
clientKill(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
clientKill(KillArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
clientList() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientList() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientList() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get the list of client connections.
clientList() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get the list of client connections.
clientList() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get the list of client connections.
clientList() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get the list of client connections.
clientList() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get the list of client connections.
clientList() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Get the list of client connections.
clientList() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Get the list of client connections.
clientList() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Get the list of client connections.
clientList() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
clientList() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
ClientOptions - Class in io.lettuce.core
Client Options to control the behavior of RedisClient.
ClientOptions(ClientOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
ClientOptions(ClientOptions) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
clientOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
clientOptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
ClientOptions.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder for ClientOptions.
ClientOptions.DisconnectedBehavior - Enum in io.lettuce.core
Behavior of connections in disconnected state.
clientPause(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientPause(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientPause(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Stop processing commands from clients for some time.
clientPause(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Stop processing commands from clients for some time.
clientPause(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Stop processing commands from clients for some time.
clientPause(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Stop processing commands from clients for some time.
clientPause(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Stop processing commands from clients for some time.
clientPause(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Stop processing commands from clients for some time.
clientPause(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Stop processing commands from clients for some time.
clientPause(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Stop processing commands from clients for some time.
clientPause(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
clientPause(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
clientResources(ClientResources) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
clientResources() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
ClientResources - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
Strategy interface to provide all the infrastructure building blocks like environment settings and thread pools so that the client can work with it properly.
ClientResources.Builder - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
Builder for ClientResources.
clientSetname(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientSetname(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Set the current connection name.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Set the current connection name.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Set the current connection name.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Set the current connection name.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Set the current connection name on all cluster nodes with pipelining.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Set the current connection name on all cluster nodes with pipelining.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Set the current connection name.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Set the current connection name on all known cluster nodes with pipelining.
clientSetname(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
clientSetname(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Set the current connection name.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Set the current connection name.
clientSetname(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Set the current connection name.
clientSetname(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
clientSetname(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
ClientSideCaching<K,V> - Class in
Utility to provide server-side assistance for client-side caches.
clientTracking(TrackingArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientTracking(TrackingArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientTracking(TrackingArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Enables the tracking feature of the Redis server, that is used for server assisted client side caching.
clientTracking(TrackingArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Enables the tracking feature of the Redis server, that is used for server assisted client side caching.
clientTracking(TrackingArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Enables the tracking feature of the Redis server, that is used for server assisted client side caching.
clientTracking(TrackingArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Enables the tracking feature of the Redis server, that is used for server assisted client side caching.
clientTracking(TrackingArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Enables the tracking feature of the Redis server, that is used for server assisted client side caching.
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Unblock the specified blocked client.
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Unblock the specified blocked client.
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Unblock the specified blocked client.
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Unblock the specified blocked client.
clientUnblock(long, UnblockType) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Unblock the specified blocked client.
clone() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Create a deep copy of this Partitions object.
clone() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Clone this RedisClusterNode.
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
close() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncConnectionProvider
Close all connections.
close(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncConnectionProvider
Close a connection by its connection key.
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
Close the state machine to free resources.
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
Close the connection (synchronous).
close() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DirContextDnsResolver
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
close() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
Closes this cache frontend and releases any system resources associated with it.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
Closes this Redis cache and releases any connections associated with it.
closeableResources - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
closeAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
Request to close the connection and return the CompletableFuture that is notified about its progress.
closeAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncCloseable
Requests to close this object and releases any system resources associated with it.
closeAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
closeAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
closeAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
Close the connection (asynchronous).
closeAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
Asynchronously close the RedisChannelWriter.
closeAsync() - Method in interface
closeAsync() - Method in class
closeStaleConnections(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Flag, whether to close stale connections when refreshing the cluster topology.
clusterAddSlots(int...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterAddSlots(int...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterAddSlots(int...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Adds slots to the cluster node.
clusterAddSlots(int...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Adds slots to the cluster node.
clusterAddSlots(int...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Adds slots to the cluster node.
clusterBumpepoch() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterBumpepoch() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterBumpepoch() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Generate a new config epoch, incrementing the current epoch, assign the new epoch to this node, WITHOUT any consensus and persist the configuration on disk before sending packets with the new configuration.
clusterBumpepoch() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Generate a new config epoch, incrementing the current epoch, assign the new epoch to this node, WITHOUT any consensus and persist the configuration on disk before sending packets with the new configuration.
clusterBumpepoch() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Generate a new config epoch, incrementing the current epoch, assign the new epoch to this node, WITHOUT any consensus and persist the configuration on disk before sending packets with the new configuration.
ClusterClientOptions - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
Client Options to control the behavior of RedisClusterClient.
ClusterClientOptions(ClusterClientOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
ClusterClientOptions(ClusterClientOptions) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
ClusterClientOptions.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
clusterCountFailureReports(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterCountFailureReports(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterCountFailureReports(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Returns the number of failure reports for the specified node.
clusterCountFailureReports(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Returns the number of failure reports for the specified node.
clusterCountFailureReports(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Returns the number of failure reports for the specified node.
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Returns the number of keys in the specified Redis Cluster hash slot.
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Returns the number of keys in the specified Redis Cluster hash slot.
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Returns the number of keys in the specified Redis Cluster hash slot.
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
clusterCountKeysInSlot(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
clusterDelSlots(int...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterDelSlots(int...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterDelSlots(int...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Removes slots from the cluster node.
clusterDelSlots(int...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Removes slots from the cluster node.
clusterDelSlots(int...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Removes slots from the cluster node.
clusterFailover(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterFailover(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterFailover(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Failover a cluster node.
clusterFailover(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Failover a cluster node.
clusterFailover(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Failover a cluster node.
clusterFlushslots() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterFlushslots() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterFlushslots() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Delete all the slots associated with the specified node.
clusterFlushslots() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Delete all the slots associated with the specified node.
clusterFlushslots() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Delete all the slots associated with the specified node.
clusterForget(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterForget(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterForget(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Disallow connections and remove the cluster node from the cluster.
clusterForget(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Disallow connections and remove the cluster node from the cluster.
clusterForget(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Disallow connections and remove the cluster node from the cluster.
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Retrieve the list of keys within the slot.
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Retrieve the list of keys within the slot.
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Retrieve the list of keys within the slot.
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
clusterGetKeysInSlot(int, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
clusterInfo() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterInfo() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterInfo() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Get information and statistics about the cluster viewed by the current node.
clusterInfo() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Get information and statistics about the cluster viewed by the current node.
clusterInfo() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Get information and statistics about the cluster viewed by the current node.
clusterKeyslot(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterKeyslot(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterKeyslot(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Returns an integer identifying the hash slot the specified key hashes to.
clusterKeyslot(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Returns an integer identifying the hash slot the specified key hashes to.
clusterKeyslot(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Returns an integer identifying the hash slot the specified key hashes to.
clusterMeet(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterMeet(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterMeet(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Meet another cluster node to include the node into the cluster.
clusterMeet(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Meet another cluster node to include the node into the cluster.
clusterMeet(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Meet another cluster node to include the node into the cluster.
clusterMyId() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterMyId() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterMyId() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Obtain the nodeId for the currently connected node.
clusterMyId() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Obtain the nodeId for the currently connected node.
clusterMyId() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Obtain the nodeId for the currently connected node.
clusterNodes() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterNodes() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterNodes() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Obtain details about all cluster nodes.
clusterNodes() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Obtain details about all cluster nodes.
clusterNodes() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Obtain details about all cluster nodes.
ClusterPartitionParser - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions
Parser for node information output of CLUSTER NODES and CLUSTER SLAVES.
ClusterPushHandler - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster
A handler object that provides access to RedisClusterPushListener.
clusterReplicate(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterReplicate(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterReplicate(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Turn this node into a replica of the node with the id nodeId.
clusterReplicate(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Turn this node into a replica of the node with the id nodeId.
clusterReplicate(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Turn this node into a replica of the node with the id nodeId.
clusterReset(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterReset(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterReset(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Reset a node performing a soft or hard reset: All other nodes are forgotten All the assigned / open slots are released If the node is a replica, it turns into a master Only for hard reset: a new Node ID is generated Only for hard reset: currentEpoch and configEpoch are set to 0 The new configuration is saved and the cluster state updated If the node was a replica, the whole data set is flushed away
clusterReset(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Reset a node performing a soft or hard reset: All other nodes are forgotten All the assigned / open slots are released If the node is a replica, it turns into a master Only for hard reset: a new Node ID is generated Only for hard reset: currentEpoch and configEpoch are set to 0 The new configuration is saved and the cluster state updated If the node was a replica, the whole data set is flushed away
clusterReset(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Reset a node performing a soft or hard reset: All other nodes are forgotten All the assigned / open slots are released If the node is a replica, it turns into a master Only for hard reset: a new Node ID is generated Only for hard reset: currentEpoch and configEpoch are set to 0 The new configuration is saved and the cluster state updated If the node was a replica, the whole data set is flushed away
clusterSaveconfig() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterSaveconfig() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterSaveconfig() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Forces a node to save the nodes.conf configuration on disk.
clusterSaveconfig() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Forces a node to save the nodes.conf configuration on disk.
clusterSaveconfig() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Forces a node to save the nodes.conf configuration on disk.
clusterSetConfigEpoch(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterSetConfigEpoch(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterSetConfigEpoch(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
This command sets a specific config epoch in a fresh node.
clusterSetConfigEpoch(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
This command sets a specific config epoch in a fresh node.
clusterSetConfigEpoch(long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
This command sets a specific config epoch in a fresh node.
clusterSetSlotImporting(int, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterSetSlotImporting(int, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterSetSlotImporting(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Flag a slot as IMPORTING (incoming) from the node specified in nodeId.
clusterSetSlotImporting(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Flag a slot as IMPORTING (incoming) from the node specified in nodeId.
clusterSetSlotImporting(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Flag a slot as IMPORTING (incoming) from the node specified in nodeId.
clusterSetSlotMigrating(int, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterSetSlotMigrating(int, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterSetSlotMigrating(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Flag a slot as MIGRATING (outgoing) towards the node specified in nodeId.
clusterSetSlotMigrating(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Flag a slot as MIGRATING (outgoing) towards the node specified in nodeId.
clusterSetSlotMigrating(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Flag a slot as MIGRATING (outgoing) towards the node specified in nodeId.
clusterSetSlotNode(int, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterSetSlotNode(int, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterSetSlotNode(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Assign a slot to a node.
clusterSetSlotNode(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Assign a slot to a node.
clusterSetSlotNode(int, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Assign a slot to a node.
clusterSetSlotStable(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterSetSlotStable(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterSetSlotStable(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Clears migrating / importing state from the slot.
clusterSetSlotStable(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Clears migrating / importing state from the slot.
clusterSetSlotStable(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Clears migrating / importing state from the slot.
clusterSlaves(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterSlaves(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterSlaves(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
List replicas for a certain node identified by its nodeId.
clusterSlaves(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
List replicas for a certain node identified by its nodeId.
clusterSlaves(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
List replicas for a certain node identified by its nodeId.
ClusterSlotRange - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots
Represents a range of slots together with its master and replicas.
ClusterSlotRange() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
ClusterSlotRange(int, int, RedisClusterNode, List<RedisClusterNode>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
Constructs a ClusterSlotRange
clusterSlots() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
clusterSlots() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
clusterSlots() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Get array of cluster slots to node mappings.
clusterSlots() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Get array of cluster slots to node mappings.
clusterSlots() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Get array of cluster slots to node mappings.
ClusterSlotsParser - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots
Parser for Redis CLUSTER SLOTS command output.
ClusterTopologyChangedEvent - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster.event
Signals a discovered cluster topology change.
ClusterTopologyChangedEvent(List<RedisClusterNode>, List<RedisClusterNode>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.event.ClusterTopologyChangedEvent
ClusterTopologyRefresh - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology
Utility to refresh the cluster topology view based on Partitions.
ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
Options to control the Cluster topology refreshing of RedisClusterClient.
ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions(ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions(ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.RefreshTrigger - Enum in io.lettuce.core.cluster
Available refresh triggers to signal early topology refreshing.
codec - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
codec - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
codec - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder
codec - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
codec - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
codec - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
CodecAwareOutputFactoryResolver - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
RedisCodec-aware implementation of CommandOutputFactoryResolver.
CodecAwareOutputFactoryResolver(CommandOutputFactoryResolver, RedisCodec<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.CodecAwareOutputFactoryResolver
COLLECTION - Static variable in class
collectionToDelimitedString(Collection<?>, String, String, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings
Convert a Collection to a delimited String (e.g.
command() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
command() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
command() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Returns an array reply of details about all Redis commands.
command() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Returns an array reply of details about all Redis commands.
command() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Returns an array reply of details about all Redis commands.
command() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Returns an array reply of details about all Redis commands.
command() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Returns an array reply of details about all Redis commands.
Command - Annotation Type in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation
Redis command method annotation specifying a command string.
Command<K,V,T> - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A Redis command with a command type, arguments and an optional output.
Command(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
Create a new command with the supplied type.
Command(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
Create a new command with the supplied type and args.
command - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
COMMAND_INFO_SIZE - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetailParser
Number of array elements for a specific command.
CommandArgs<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Redis command arguments.
CommandArgs(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
CommandArgsAccessor - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Accessor for first encoded key, first string and first integer argument of CommandArgs.
CommandArgsAccessor() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgsAccessor
CommandBatching - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch
Programmatic command batching API.
CommandBatching() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch.CommandBatching
commandCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
commandCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
commandCount() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get total number of Redis commands.
commandCount() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get total number of Redis commands.
commandCount() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get total number of Redis commands.
commandCount() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get total number of Redis commands.
commandCount() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get total number of Redis commands.
CommandCreationException - Exception in io.lettuce.core.dynamic
Exception thrown if a command cannot be constructed from a CommandMethod.
CommandCreationException(CommandMethod, String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandCreationException
Create a new CommandCreationException given CommandMethod and a message.
CommandDetail - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.command
CommandDetail() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
CommandDetail(String, int, Set<CommandDetail.Flag>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
Constructs a CommandDetail
CommandDetail.Flag - Enum in io.lettuce.core.models.command
CommandDetailParser - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.command
Parser for Redis COMMAND/COMMAND INFO output.
CommandEncoder - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A netty ChannelHandler responsible for encoding commands.
CommandEncoder() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandEncoder
CommandEncoder(boolean) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandEncoder
CommandExpiryWriter - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Extension to RedisChannelWriter that expires commands.
CommandExpiryWriter(RedisChannelWriter, ClientOptions, ClientResources) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
Create a new CommandExpiryWriter.
commandHandler(Supplier<CommandHandler>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
CommandHandler - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A netty ChannelHandler responsible for writing redis commands and reading responses from the server.
CommandHandler(ClientOptions, ClientResources, Endpoint) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
Initialize a new instance that handles commands from the supplied queue.
CommandHandler.LifecycleState - Enum in io.lettuce.core.protocol
commandInfo(String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
commandInfo(CommandType...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
commandInfo(String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
commandInfo(CommandType...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
commandInfo(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(CommandType...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(CommandType...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(CommandType...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(CommandType...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
commandInfo(CommandType...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Returns an array reply of details about the requested commands.
CommandKeyword - Enum in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Keyword modifiers for redis commands.
CommandLatency(long, long, Map<Double, Long>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics.CommandLatency
CommandLatencyCollector - Interface in io.lettuce.core.metrics
MetricCollector for command latencies.
commandLatencyCollector(CommandLatencyCollector) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
CommandLatencyCollectorOptions - Interface in io.lettuce.core.metrics
Configuration interface for command latency collection.
commandLatencyCollectorOptions(CommandLatencyCollectorOptions) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
since 6.0. Configure CommandLatencyRecorder directly using CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.
commandLatencyCollectorOptions(CommandLatencyCollectorOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
since 6.0. Configure CommandLatencyRecorder directly using CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.
CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder - Interface in io.lettuce.core.metrics
CommandLatencyEvent - Class in io.lettuce.core.event.metrics
Event that transports command latency metrics.
CommandLatencyEvent(Map<CommandLatencyId, CommandMetrics>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.CommandLatencyEvent
CommandLatencyId - Class in io.lettuce.core.metrics
Identifier for a command latency.
CommandLatencyId(SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ProtocolKeyword) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
commandLatencyPublisherOptions(EventPublisherOptions) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the EventPublisherOptions to publish command latency metrics using the EventBus if the CommandLatencyRecorder is an instance of CommandLatencyCollector that allows latency metric retrieval.
commandLatencyPublisherOptions() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the EventPublisherOptions for latency event publishing.
commandLatencyPublisherOptions(EventPublisherOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the EventPublisherOptions to publish command latency metrics using the EventBus if the CommandLatencyRecorder is an instance of CommandLatencyCollector that allows latency metric retrieval.
commandLatencyPublisherOptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
CommandLatencyRecorder - Interface in io.lettuce.core.metrics
Interface defining a method to collect command latency metrics based upon command completion.
commandLatencyRecorder(CommandLatencyRecorder) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the CommandLatencyRecorder that can that can be used across different instances of the RedisClient.
commandLatencyRecorder() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
commandLatencyRecorder(CommandLatencyRecorder) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the CommandLatencyRecorder that can that can be used across different instances of the RedisClient.
commandLatencyRecorder() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
CommandMethod - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic
Abstraction of a method that is designated to execute a Redis command method.
CommandMethodSyntaxException - Exception in io.lettuce.core.dynamic
Exception thrown if the command syntax is invalid.
CommandMethodSyntaxException(CommandMethod, String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethodSyntaxException
Create a new CommandMethodSyntaxException given CommandMethod and a message.
CommandMetrics - Class in io.lettuce.core.metrics
Latency metrics for commands.
CommandMetrics(long, TimeUnit, CommandMetrics.CommandLatency, CommandMetrics.CommandLatency) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics
CommandMetrics.CommandLatency - Class in io.lettuce.core.metrics
CommandNaming - Annotation Type in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation
Command naming strategy for Redis command methods.
CommandNaming.LetterCase - Enum in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation
CommandNaming.Strategy - Enum in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation
CommandOutput<K,V,T> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Base class for Redis command outputs.
CommandOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, T) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Initialize a new instance that encodes and decodes keys and values using the supplied codec.
CommandOutputFactory - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
Strategy interface to create CommandOutput given RedisCodec.
CommandOutputFactoryResolver - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
Strategy interface to resolve a CommandOutputFactory based on a OutputSelector.
CommandOutputResolverSupport - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
CommandOutputResolverSupport() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.CommandOutputResolverSupport
commands() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.NodeSelectionSupport
commands(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.NodeSelectionSupport
Obtain the connection/commands to a particular node.
Commands - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic
Marker interface for dynamic Redis commands.
CommandSegment - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment
Value object representing a segment within a Redis Command.
CommandSegment() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment
CommandSegment.ArgumentContribution - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment
CommandSegmentFactory - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment
Strategy interface to create CommandSegments for a CommandMethod.
CommandSegments - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment
Value object abstracting multiple CommandSegments.
CommandSegments(List<CommandSegment>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegments
Create CommandSegments given a List of CommandSegments.
commandType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
Returns the command type.
CommandType - Enum in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Redis commands.
CommandWrapper<K,V,T> - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Wrapper for a command.
CommandWrapper(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
CommonsPool2ConfigConverter - Class in
Utility class to adapt Commons Pool 2 configuration to BoundedPoolConfig.
compareTo(CommandLatencyId) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Mark the command output complete.
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoWithinListOutput
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ListOfMapsOutput
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.NestedMultiOutput
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessagesOutput
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamMessageListOutput
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamReadOutput
complete(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringMatchResultOutput
complete() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
Mark this command complete and notify all waiting threads.
complete() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
Mark this command complete and notify all waiting threads.
complete(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
Decoding hook: Complete a command.
complete() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
complete() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
Complete a command.
complete(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
CompleteableCommand<T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Extension to commands that provide registration of command completion callbacks.
completed(SocketAddress, T) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
Create a completed ConnectionFuture given SocketAddress and value holding the value.
COMPLETED_FUTURE - Static variable in class
completeExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
completeExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
completeExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
completeExceptionally(Throwable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
Complete this command by attaching the given exception.
completeResult() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
CompositeArgument - Interface in io.lettuce.core
Interface for composite command argument objects.
CompositeParameterNameDiscoverer - Class in
Composite ParameterNameDiscoverer to resolve parameter names using multiple ParameterNameDiscoverers.
CompositeParameterNameDiscoverer(ParameterNameDiscoverer...) - Constructor for class
CompositeParameterNameDiscoverer(Collection<ParameterNameDiscoverer>) - Constructor for class
CompressionCodec - Class in io.lettuce.core.codec
A compressing/decompressing RedisCodec that wraps a typed codec and compresses values using GZIP or Deflate.
CompressionCodec.CompressionType - Enum in io.lettuce.core.codec
computationThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the thread pool size (number of threads to use) for computation operations (default value is the number of CPUs).
computationThreadPoolSize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the pool size (number of threads) for all computation tasks.
computationThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the thread pool size (number of threads to use) for computation operations (default value is the number of CPUs).
computationThreadPoolSize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
configGet(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
configGet(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
configGet(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get the value of a configuration parameter.
configGet(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get the value of a configuration parameter.
configGet(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get the value of a configuration parameter.
configGet(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get the value of a configuration parameter.
configGet(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get the value of a configuration parameter.
configResetstat() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
configResetstat() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
configResetstat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Reset the stats returned by INFO.
configResetstat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Reset the stats returned by INFO.
configResetstat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Reset the stats returned by INFO.
configResetstat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Reset the stats returned by INFO.
configResetstat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Reset the stats returned by INFO.
configRewrite() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
configRewrite() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
configRewrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration.
configRewrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration.
configRewrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration.
configRewrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration.
configRewrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration.
configSet(String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
configSet(String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
configSet(String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Set a configuration parameter to the given value.
configSet(String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Set a configuration parameter to the given value.
configSet(String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Set a configuration parameter to the given value.
configSet(String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Set a configuration parameter to the given value.
configSet(String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Set a configuration parameter to the given value.
connect() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Connect to a Redis Cluster and treat keys and values as UTF-8 strings.
connect(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Connect to a Redis Cluster.
connect(RedisClient, RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.masterreplica.MasterReplica
Open a new connection to a Redis Master-Replica server/servers using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connect(RedisClient, RedisCodec<K, V>, Iterable<RedisURI>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.masterreplica.MasterReplica
Open a new connection to a Redis Master-Replica server/servers using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connect(RedisClient, RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.masterslave.MasterSlave
Open a new connection to a Redis Master-Slave server/servers using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connect(RedisClient, RedisCodec<K, V>, Iterable<RedisURI>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.masterslave.MasterSlave
Open a new connection to a Redis Master-Slave server/servers using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connect() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a new connection to a Redis server that treats keys and values as UTF-8 strings.
connect(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a new connection to a Redis server.
connect(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a new connection to a Redis server using the supplied RedisURI that treats keys and values as UTF-8 strings.
connect(RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a new connection to a Redis server using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connectAsync(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Connect asynchronously to a Redis Cluster.
connectAsync(RedisClient, RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.masterreplica.MasterReplica
Open asynchronously a new connection to a Redis Master-Replica server/servers using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connectAsync(RedisClient, RedisCodec<K, V>, Iterable<RedisURI>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.masterreplica.MasterReplica
Open asynchronously a new connection to a Redis Master-Replica server/servers using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connectAsync(RedisClient, RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.masterslave.MasterSlave
Open asynchronously a new connection to a Redis Master-Slave server/servers using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connectAsync(RedisClient, RedisCodec<K, V>, Iterable<RedisURI>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.masterslave.MasterSlave
Open asynchronously a new connection to a Redis Master-Slave server/servers using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
connectAsync(RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open asynchronously a new connection to a Redis server using the supplied RedisURI and the supplied codec to encode/decode keys.
CONNECTED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.ClusterPartitionParser
ConnectedEvent - Class in io.lettuce.core.event.connection
Event for a established TCP-level connection.
ConnectedEvent(SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.connection.ConnectedEvent
connection(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
connection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
ConnectionActivatedEvent - Class in io.lettuce.core.event.connection
Event for a connection activation (after SSL-handshake, PING before activation, and buffered command replay).
ConnectionActivatedEvent(SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.connection.ConnectionActivatedEvent
connectionBuilder(Mono<SocketAddress>, ConnectionBuilder, RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Populate connection builder with necessary resources.
ConnectionBuilder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Connection builder for connections.
ConnectionBuilder() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
connectionBuilder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
ConnectionDeactivatedEvent - Class in io.lettuce.core.event.connection
Event for a connection deactivation.
ConnectionDeactivatedEvent(SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.connection.ConnectionDeactivatedEvent
ConnectionEvent - Interface in io.lettuce.core.event.connection
Interface for Connection-related events
connectionEvents - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
connectionEvents(ConnectionEvents) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
ConnectionEvents - Class in io.lettuce.core
Close Events Facility.
ConnectionEvents() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionEvents
ConnectionEvents.Reconnect - Class in io.lettuce.core
Internal event when a reconnect is initiated.
ConnectionEvents.Reset - Class in io.lettuce.core
Internal event when a channel is closed.
ConnectionFacade - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Represents a stateful connection facade.
ConnectionFuture<T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core
A ConnectionFuture represents the result of an asynchronous connection initialization.
ConnectionId - Interface in io.lettuce.core
Connection identifier.
connectionInitializer(ConnectionInitializer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
ConnectionInitializer - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Initialize a connection to prepare it for usage.
ConnectionPoint - Interface in io.lettuce.core
Interface for a connection point described with a host and port or socket.
ConnectionPoolSupport - Class in
Connection pool support for GenericObjectPool and SoftReferenceObjectPool.
ConnectionState - Class in io.lettuce.core
Internal connection state representing the negotiated ProtocolVersion and other options for connection initialization and connection state restoration.
ConnectionState() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
connectionTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.Builder
Configure a TimeoutOptions.TimeoutSource that applies timeouts configured on the connection/client instance.
ConnectionWatchdog - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A netty ChannelHandler responsible for monitoring the channel and reconnecting when the connection is lost.
ConnectionWatchdog(Delay, ClientOptions, Bootstrap, Timer, EventExecutorGroup, Mono<SocketAddress>, ReconnectionListener, ConnectionFacade, EventBus) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
Create a new watchdog that adds to new connections to the supplied ChannelGroup and establishes a new Channel when disconnected, while reconnect is true.
ConnectionWrapping - Class in
Utility to wrap pooled connections for return-on-close.
ConnectionWrapping() - Constructor for class
connectPubSub() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Connect to a Redis Cluster using pub/sub connections and treat keys and values as UTF-8 strings.
connectPubSub(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Connect to a Redis Cluster using pub/sub connections.
connectPubSub() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a new pub/sub connection to a Redis server that treats keys and values as UTF-8 strings.
connectPubSub(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a new pub/sub connection to a Redis server using the supplied RedisURI that treats keys and values as UTF-8 strings.
connectPubSub(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a new pub/sub connection to the Redis server using the supplied RedisURI and use the supplied codec to encode/decode keys and values.
connectPubSub(RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a new pub/sub connection to the Redis server using the supplied RedisURI and use the supplied codec to encode/decode keys and values.
connectPubSubAsync(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Connect asynchronously to a Redis Cluster using pub/sub connections.
connectPubSubAsync(RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open asynchronously a new pub/sub connection to the Redis server using the supplied RedisURI and use the supplied codec to encode/decode keys and values.
connectSentinel() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a connection to a Redis Sentinel that treats keys and values as UTF-8 strings.
connectSentinel(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a connection to a Redis Sentinel that treats keys and use the supplied codec to encode/decode keys and values.
connectSentinel(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a connection to a Redis Sentinel using the supplied RedisURI that treats keys and values as UTF-8 strings.
connectSentinel(RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open a connection to a Redis Sentinel using the supplied RedisURI and use the supplied codec to encode/decode keys and values.
connectSentinelAsync(RedisCodec<K, V>, RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Open asynchronously a connection to a Redis Sentinel using the supplied RedisURI and use the supplied codec to encode/decode keys and values.
connectTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions.Builder
Set connection timeout.
connectTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions.Builder
connectToNode(RedisCodec<K, V>, SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.NodeConnectionFactory
Connects to a SocketAddress with the given RedisCodec.
connectToNodeAsync(RedisCodec<K, V>, SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.NodeConnectionFactory
Connects to a SocketAddress with the given RedisCodec asynchronously.
constant(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment
Create a constant CommandSegment.
constant(Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new ConstantDelay.
constant(int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Consumer<K> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Value object representing a Stream consumer within a consumer group.
contains(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Returns true if this Partitions contains the specified element.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsViolatingCommands(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
contribute(MethodParametersAccessor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment
CONVERTER_MAP - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
coordinates() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Builder
Creates new GeoArgs with WITHCOORD enabled.
copy() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs.Builder
Creates new MigrateArgs and enabling COPY.
copy() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
Do not remove the key from the local instance by setting COPY.
copyOf(ClientOptions) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Create a copy of options
copyOf(ClusterClientOptions) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Create a copy of options.
copyOf(ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Create a copy of options.
copyOf(SocketOptions) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
Create a copy of options
copyOf(SslOptions) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
Create a copy of options
count(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Builder
Creates new GeoArgs with COUNT set.
count(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs.Builder
Creates new GeoRadiusStoreArgs with COUNT set.
count() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
count() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubMessage
count() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput
count(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.Builder
Create a new XReadArgs and set COUNT.
count(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs
Limit read to count messages.
CRC16 - Class in io.lettuce.core.codec
crc16(byte[]) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CRC16
Create a CRC16 checksum from the bytes.
crc16(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CRC16
Create a CRC16 checksum from the bytes.
crc16(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CRC16
Create a CRC16 checksum from the bytes.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Create a new instance of ClientOptions with default settings.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Create a new ClusterClientOptions using default settings.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Create a new ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions using default settings.
create(RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with default ClientResources.
create(Iterable<RedisURI>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with default ClientResources.
create(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with default ClientResources.
create(ClientResources, RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with shared ClientResources.
create(ClientResources, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with shared ClientResources.You need to shut down the ClientResources upon shutting down your application.
create(ClientResources, Iterable<RedisURI>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with shared ClientResources.
create(NodeConnectionFactory, ClientResources) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.ClusterTopologyRefresh
Create a new ClusterTopologyRefresh instance.
create(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor
Create a named CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor without version.
create(String, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor
Create a named and versioned CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor.
create(String, int, Charset) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor
Create a named and versioned CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor using Charset to encode name to its binary representation.
create(Method) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
Create a new DeclaredCommandMethod given a Method.
create(Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.domain.Timeout
Create a Timeout.
create(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.domain.Timeout
Create a Timeout.
create(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.CommandOutputFactory
Create and initialize a new CommandOutput given RedisCodec.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions
Create a new DefaultEventPublisherOptions using default settings.
create(Number, Number) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoCoordinates
Creates new GeoCoordinates.
create(long, long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Limit
Creates a Limit given offset and count.
create(CommandLatencyCollectorOptions) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollector
create() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Create a new CommandLatencyCollectorOptions instance using default settings.
create(SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ProtocolKeyword) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
Create a new instance of CommandLatencyId.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Create a new DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions instance using default settings.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
Returns an instance of VoidOutput coerced to the expected generics.
create(T, T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
Create a new range from lower and upper boundary values.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Creates a uri-less RedisClient with default ClientResources.
create(RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with default ClientResources.
create(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with default ClientResources.
create(ClientResources) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Creates a uri-less RedisClient with shared ClientResources.
create(ClientResources, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with shared ClientResources.You need to shut down the ClientResources upon shutting down your application.
create(ClientResources, RedisURI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Create a new client that connects to the supplied uri with shared ClientResources.
create(SocketAddress, Throwable) - Static method in exception io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException
Create a new RedisConnectionException given SocketAddress and the cause.
create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException
Create a new RedisConnectionException given remoteAddress and the cause.
create(Throwable) - Static method in exception io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException
Create a new RedisConnectionException given cause.
create(String, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Create a Redis URI from host and port.
create(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Create a Redis URI from an URI string.
create(URI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Create a Redis URI from an URI string: The uri must follow conventions of URI
create() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Create a new ClientResources using default settings.
create(ThreadFactoryProvider) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Create a new ClientResources using default settings.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
Create a new DefaultClientResources using default settings.
create(DnsResolver, Function<HostAndPort, HostAndPort>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.MappingSocketAddressResolver
create(DnsResolver) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.SocketAddressResolver
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
Create a new SocketOptions using default settings.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
Create a new SslOptions using default settings.
create() - Method in interface
Create an instance that can be served by the pool and wrap it in a PooledObject to be managed by the pool.
create(AsyncObjectFactory<T>, BoundedPoolConfig) - Static method in class
Create and initialize BoundedAsyncPool asynchronously.
create() - Static method in class
create(CacheAccessor<K, V>, StatefulRedisConnection<K, V>) - Static method in class
Create a server-assisted Client side caching for the given CacheAccessor and StatefulRedisConnection.
create() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions
Create a new instance of TimeoutOptions with default settings.
create(TraceContext) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.BraveTraceContext
create(Tracing) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing
Create a new BraveTracing instance.
createBoundedObjectPool(Supplier<CompletionStage<T>>, BoundedPoolConfig) - Static method in class
Create and initialize asynchronously a new BoundedAsyncPool using the Supplier.
createBoundedObjectPool(Supplier<CompletionStage<T>>, BoundedPoolConfig, boolean) - Static method in class
Create and initialize asynchronously a new BoundedAsyncPool using the Supplier.
createBoundedObjectPoolAsync(Supplier<CompletionStage<T>>, BoundedPoolConfig) - Static method in class
Create and initialize asynchronously a new BoundedAsyncPool using the Supplier.
createBoundedObjectPoolAsync(Supplier<CompletionStage<T>>, BoundedPoolConfig, boolean) - Static method in class
Create and initialize asynchronously a new BoundedAsyncPool using the Supplier.
createCommand(CommandType, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder
createCommand(CommandType, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder
createCommand(CommandType, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder
createCommand(CommandType, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, K, V[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder
createCommand(CommandType, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder
createCommandSegments(CommandMethod) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.AnnotationCommandSegmentFactory
createCommandSegments(CommandMethod) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegmentFactory
createConnectionWatchdog() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
createDelay(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Calculate a specific delay based on the attempt.
createDissolvingFlux(Supplier<RedisCommand<K, V, T>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
createEndpoint(SocketAddress) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing
createEndpoint(SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
createEventLoopGroup(Class<T>, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
createExecutionException(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.ExceptionFactory
Create a RedisCommandExecutionException with a detail message.
createExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.ExceptionFactory
Create a RedisCommandExecutionException with a detail message and optionally a cause.
createFlux(Supplier<RedisCommand<K, V, T>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
createGenericObjectPool(Supplier<T>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<T>) - Static method in class
Creates a new GenericObjectPool using the Supplier.
createGenericObjectPool(Supplier<T>, GenericObjectPoolConfig<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a new GenericObjectPool using the Supplier.
createHandshake(ConnectionState) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
createMono(CommandType, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
createMono(Supplier<RedisCommand<K, V, T>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
createParameter(Method, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.ExecutionSpecificParameters
createParameter(Method, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameters
Create a new Parameters for given a Method at parameterIndex.
createProxy(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.InvocationProxyFactory
Create a proxy instance give a ClassLoader.
createSoftReferenceObjectPool(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class
Creates a new SoftReferenceObjectPool using the Supplier.
createSoftReferenceObjectPool(Supplier<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a new SoftReferenceObjectPool using the Supplier.
createSslContextBuilder() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
Creates a new SslContextBuilder object that is pre-configured with values from this SslOptions object.
createSSLParameters() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
Creates a SSLParameters object that is pre-configured with values from this SslOptions object.
createTimeoutException(Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.ExceptionFactory
Create a RedisCommandTimeoutException with a detail message given the timeout.
createTimeoutException(String, Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.ExceptionFactory
Create a RedisCommandTimeoutException with a detail message given the message and timeout.
createTopologyRefresh() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Template method to create ClusterTopologyRefresh.


DateOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Date output with no milliseconds.
DateOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.DateOutput
dbsize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
dbsize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
dbsize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Return the number of keys in the selected database.
dbsize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Return the number of keys in the selected database.
dbsize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Return the number of keys in the selected database.
dbsize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Return the number of keys in the selected database.
dbsize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Return the number of keys in the selected database on all cluster upstream nodes.
dbsize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Return the number of keys in the selected database on all cluster masters.
dbsize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Return the number of keys in the selected database.
dbsize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Return the number of keys in the selected database on all cluster upstream nodes.
dbsize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
dbsize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
deactivated() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionFacade
Callback for a connection deactivated event.
deactivated() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
Notification when the connection becomes inactive (disconnected).
debugCrashAndRecover(Long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
debugCrashAndRecover(Long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
debugCrashAndRecover(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Crash and recover
debugCrashAndRecover(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Crash and recover.
debugCrashAndRecover(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Crash and recover
debugCrashAndRecover(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Crash and recover
debugCrashAndRecover(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Crash and recover
debugHtstats(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
debugHtstats(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
debugHtstats(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get debugging information about the internal hash-table state.
debugHtstats(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get debugging information about the internal hash-table state.
debugHtstats(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get debugging information about the internal hash-table state.
debugHtstats(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get debugging information about the internal hash-table state.
debugHtstats(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get debugging information about the internal hash-table state.
debugObject(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
debugObject(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
debugObject(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get debugging information about a key.
debugObject(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get debugging information about a key.
debugObject(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get debugging information about a key.
debugObject(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get debugging information about a key.
debugObject(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get debugging information about a key.
debugOom() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
debugOom() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
debugOom() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Make the server crash: Out of memory.
debugOom() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Make the server crash: Out of memory.
debugOom() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Make the server crash: Out of memory.
debugReload() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
debugReload() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
debugReload() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Save RDB, clear the database and reload RDB.
debugReload() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Save RDB, clear the database and reload RDB.
debugReload() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Save RDB, clear the database and reload RDB.
debugReload() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Save RDB, clear the database and reload RDB.
debugReload() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Save RDB, clear the database and reload RDB.
debugRestart(Long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
debugRestart(Long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
debugRestart(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Restart the server gracefully.
debugRestart(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Restart the server gracefully.
debugRestart(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Restart the server gracefully.
debugRestart(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Restart the server gracefully.
debugRestart(Long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Restart the server gracefully.
debugSdslen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
debugSdslen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
debugSdslen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get debugging information about the internal SDS length.
debugSdslen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get debugging information about the internal SDS length.
debugSdslen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get debugging information about the internal SDS length.
debugSdslen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get debugging information about the internal SDS length.
debugSdslen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get debugging information about the internal SDS length.
debugSegfault() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
debugSegfault() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
debugSegfault() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Make the server crash: Invalid pointer access.
debugSegfault() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Make the server crash: Invalid pointer access.
debugSegfault() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Make the server crash: Invalid pointer access.
DeclaredCommandMethod - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic
Abstraction of a method that is designated to execute a Redis command method.
decode(ChannelHandlerContext, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
decode(ByteBuf, CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
decode(ByteBuf, RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>, CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
decode(ByteBuf, CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
Decode a command using the input buffer.
decode(ByteBuf, CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
Attempt to decode a redis response and return a flag indicating whether a complete response was read.
decode(ChannelHandlerContext, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
decodeAscii(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
DecodeBufferPolicies - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Utility class to construct commonly used DecodeBufferPolicy objects.
decodeBufferPolicy(DecodeBufferPolicy) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Set the policy to discard read bytes from the decoding aggregation buffer to reclaim memory.
decodeBufferPolicy(DecodeBufferPolicy) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
DecodeBufferPolicy - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Strategy defining the approach to discard bytes from the response aggregation buffer in CommandHandler.decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) to reclaim memory after various response decoding phases.
decodeKey(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
decodeKey(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.RedisCodec
Decode the key output by redis.
decodeKey(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
decodeValue(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
decodeValue(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.RedisCodec
Decode the value output by redis.
decodeValue(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
DecoratedCommand<K,V,T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A decorated command allowing access to the underlying DecoratedCommand.getDelegate().
decorrelatedJitter() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a Supplier that constructs new DecorrelatedJitterDelay instances with default boundaries.
decorrelatedJitter(Duration, Duration, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a Supplier that constructs new DecorrelatedJitterDelay instances.
decorrelatedJitter(long, long, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a Supplier that constructs new DecorrelatedJitterDelay instances.
decr(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
decr(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
decr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by one.
decr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by one.
decr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by one.
decr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by one.
decr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by one.
decrby(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
decrby(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
decrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number.
decrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number.
decrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number.
decrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number.
decrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number.
decreaseNestingLevel() - Method in class
Decrease this parameter's nesting level.
DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_REFRESH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_REFRESH_TIMEOUT_DURATION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_REFRESH_TIMEOUT_UNIT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_REFRESH_TRIGGERS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_AUTO_RECONNECT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_BUFFER_USAGE_RATIO - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_CANCEL_CMD_RECONNECT_FAIL - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_CLOSE_STALE_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
DEFAULT_CLOSE_STALE_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_THREADS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_DURATION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_UNIT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
DEFAULT_DISCONNECTED_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_REFRESH_SOURCES - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_EMIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions
DEFAULT_EMIT_INTERVAL_DURATION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions
DEFAULT_EMIT_INTERVAL_UNIT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions
DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
DEFAULT_IO_THREADS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
DEFAULT_LOCAL_DISTINCTION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE - Static variable in class
The default value for the maxIdle configuration attribute.
DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL - Static variable in class
The default value for the maxTotal configuration attribute.
DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE - Static variable in class
The default value for the minIdle configuration attribute.
DEFAULT_NETTY_CUSTOMIZER - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
Default (no-op) NettyCustomizer.
DEFAULT_PERIODIC_REFRESH_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_PING_BEFORE_ACTIVATE_CONNECTION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_PUBLISH_ON_SCHEDULER - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
Default delay Supplier for Delay.exponential() delay.
DEFAULT_REDIS_PORT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
The default redis port.
DEFAULT_REFRESH_CLUSTER_VIEW - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD_DURATION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD_DURATION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_REFRESH_PERIOD_UNIT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_REFRESH_TRIGGERS_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
DEFAULT_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_RESET_LATENCIES_AFTER_EVENT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
DEFAULT_SCRIPT_CHARSET - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_SENTINEL_PORT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
The default sentinel port.
DEFAULT_SO_KEEPALIVE - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
DEFAULT_SO_NO_DELAY - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
DEFAULT_SOCKET_OPTIONS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_SSL_OPTIONS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_SSL_PROVIDER - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
DEFAULT_SUSPEND_RECONNECT_PROTO_FAIL - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_TARGET_PERCENTILES - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
DEFAULT_TARGET_UNIT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
DEFAULT_TEST_ON_ACQUIRE - Static variable in class
The default value for the testOnAcquire configuration attribute.
DEFAULT_TEST_ON_CREATE - Static variable in class
The default value for the testOnCreate configuration attribute.
DEFAULT_TEST_ON_RELEASE - Static variable in class
The default value for the testOnRelease configuration attribute.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Default timeout: 60 sec
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_COMMANDS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_DURATION - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
DEFAULT_VALIDATE_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
DefaultClientResources - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
Default instance of the client resources.
DefaultClientResources(DefaultClientResources.Builder) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
DefaultClientResources.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
DefaultCommandLatencyCollector - Class in io.lettuce.core.metrics
Default implementation of a CommandLatencyCollector for command latencies.
DefaultCommandLatencyCollector(CommandLatencyCollectorOptions) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollector
DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions - Class in io.lettuce.core.metrics
The default implementation of CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.
DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions(DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core.metrics
DefaultCommandLatencyEventPublisher - Class in io.lettuce.core.event.metrics
Default implementation of a CommandLatencyCollector for command latencies.
DefaultCommandLatencyEventPublisher(EventExecutorGroup, EventPublisherOptions, EventBus, CommandLatencyCollector) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyEventPublisher
DefaultEndpoint - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Default Endpoint implementation.
DefaultEndpoint(ClientOptions, ClientResources) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
Create a new DefaultEndpoint.
DefaultEventBus - Class in io.lettuce.core.event
Default implementation for an EventBus.
DefaultEventBus(Scheduler) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventBus
DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
Default implementation which manages one event loop group instance per type.
DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider(int) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
Creates a new instance of DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider.
DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider(int, DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider.ThreadFactoryProvider) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
Creates a new instance of DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider.
DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider(int, ThreadFactoryProvider) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
Creates a new instance of DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider.
DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider.ThreadFactoryProvider - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
Interface to provide a custom ThreadFactory.
DefaultEventPublisherOptions - Class in io.lettuce.core.event
The default implementation of CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.
DefaultEventPublisherOptions.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core.event
DefaultMethodInvokingInterceptor - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept
Invokes default interface methods.
DefaultMethodInvokingInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.DefaultMethodInvokingInterceptor
DefaultMethods - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Collection of utility methods to lookup MethodHandles for default interface Methods.
DefaultMethods() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.internal.DefaultMethods
del(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
del(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
del(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
del(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Delete one or more keys.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Delete one or more keys.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Delete one or more keys.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Delete one or more keys.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Delete one or more keys with pipelining.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Delete a key with pipelining.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Delete one or more keys with pipelining.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Delete a key with pipelining.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Delete one or more keys.
del(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Delete one or more keys with pipelining.
del(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
del(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
del(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
del(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
Delay - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
Base class for delays and factory class to create particular instances.
Delay() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new Delay.
Delay.StatefulDelay - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
Interface to be implemented by stateful Delays.
DemandAware - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Interface for demand-aware components.
DemandAware.Sink - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A demand-aware DemandAware.Sink that accepts data.
DemandAware.Source - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A DemandAware.Source provides data to a DemandAware and can be notified to produce more input for the command.
desc() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
Sort results descending.
desc() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
Sort results descending.
desc() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs.Builder
Creates new SortArgs setting DESC.
desc() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
Apply numeric sort in descending order.
destroy(T) - Method in interface
Destroys an instance no longer needed by the pool.
determinePartitions(Partitions, Map<RedisURI, Partitions>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Determines a topology view based on the current and the obtain topology views.
digest(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
digest(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
digest(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
digest(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
digest(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Create a SHA1 digest from a Lua script.
digest(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Create a SHA1 digest from a Lua script.
digest(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Create a SHA1 digest from a Lua script.
digest(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Create a SHA1 digest from a Lua script.
digest(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Create a SHA1 digest from a Lua script.
digest(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Create a SHA1 digest from a Lua script.
digest(byte[]) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.Base16
Create SHA1 digest from Lua script.
digest(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.Base16
Create SHA1 digest from Lua script.
DirContextDnsResolver - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
DNS Resolver based on Java's com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory.
DirContextDnsResolver() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.DirContextDnsResolver
Creates a new DirContextDnsResolver using system-configured DNS servers.
DirContextDnsResolver(String) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.DirContextDnsResolver
Creates a new DirContextDnsResolver using a collection of DNS servers.
DirContextDnsResolver(Iterable<String>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.DirContextDnsResolver
Creates a new DirContextDnsResolver using a collection of DNS servers.
DirContextDnsResolver(boolean, boolean, Properties) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.DirContextDnsResolver
Creates a new DirContextDnsResolver for the given stack preference and properties.
disable() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Disable the latency collector.
disable() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Disable the latency collector.
disabled() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions
Create a disabled DefaultEventPublisherOptions using default settings.
disabled() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollector
since 6.0, use CommandLatencyRecorder.disabled() instead.
disabled() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Create a CommandLatencyCollectorOptions instance with disabled event emission.
disabled() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyRecorder
Returns a disabled no-op CommandLatencyRecorder.
disabled() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollector
Returns a disabled no-op CommandLatencyCollector.
disabled() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Create a DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions instance with disabled event emission.
disabled() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
Returns a TracerProvider that is disabled.
discard() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
discard() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
discard() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisTransactionalAsyncCommands
Discard all commands issued after MULTI.
discard() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisTransactionalReactiveCommands
Discard all commands issued after MULTI.
discard() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisTransactionalCommands
Discard all commands issued after MULTI.
disconnect() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
Disconnect the channel.
disconnectedBehavior(ClientOptions.DisconnectedBehavior) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Sets the behavior for command invocation when connections are in a disconnected state.
disconnectedBehavior(ClientOptions.DisconnectedBehavior) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
DisconnectedEvent - Class in io.lettuce.core.event.connection
Event for a disconnect on TCP-level.
DisconnectedEvent(SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.connection.DisconnectedEvent
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
dispatch(CommandType, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
dispatch(CommandType, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
dispatch(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, ?>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, ?>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, ?>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
Dispatch a command.
dispatch(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K, V, ?>>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
Dispatch multiple command in a single write on the channel.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
dispatch(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K, V, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
dispatch(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
dispatch(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K, V, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, ?>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, ?>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Dispatch a command to the Redis Server.
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, T>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
dispatch(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
dispatch(ProtocolKeyword, CommandOutput<K, V, ?>, CommandArgs<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
dispatch(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
dispatch(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K, V, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
dispatch(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
dispatch(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K, V, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
distance() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Builder
Creates new GeoArgs with WITHDIST enabled.
dnsResolver(DnsResolver) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the DnsResolver that is used to resolve hostnames to InetAddress.
dnsResolver() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the DnsResolver.
dnsResolver(DnsResolver) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the DnsResolver that is used to resolve hostnames to InetAddress.
dnsResolver() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
DnsResolver - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
Users may implement this interface to override the normal DNS lookup offered by the OS.
DnsResolvers - Enum in io.lettuce.core.resource
Predefined DNS resolvers.
doCreateEventLoopGroup(Class<T>, int, ThreadFactoryProvider) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
Customization hook for EventLoopGroup creation.
doCreatePool(Supplier<CompletionStage<T>>, BoundedPoolConfig, boolean) - Static method in class
doExclusive(Supplier<T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
Execute a Supplier callback guarded by an exclusive lock.
doGetParameterNames(Annotation[][]) - Method in class
domainSocketChannelClass() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopResources
doOnComplete() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
Callback method called after successful completion and before notifying downstream consumers.
doOnError(Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
Callback method called after error completion and before notifying downstream consumers.
DoubleOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Double output, may be null.
DoubleOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.DoubleOutput
doWith(Field) - Method in interface
Perform an operation using the given field.
doWith(Method) - Method in interface
Perform an operation using the given method.
doWithFields(Class<?>, ReflectionUtils.FieldCallback) - Static method in class
Invoke the given callback on all fields in the target class, going up the class hierarchy to get all declared fields.
doWithFields(Class<?>, ReflectionUtils.FieldCallback, ReflectionUtils.FieldFilter) - Static method in class
Invoke the given callback on all fields in the target class, going up the class hierarchy to get all declared fields.
doWithMethods(Class<?>, ReflectionUtils.MethodCallback) - Static method in class
Perform the given callback operation on all matching methods of the given class and superclasses.
doWithMethods(Class<?>, ReflectionUtils.MethodCallback, ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter) - Static method in class
Perform the given callback operation on all matching methods of the given class and superclasses (or given interface and super-interfaces).
drainCommands() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
drainQueue() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
dump(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
dump(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
dump(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
dump(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
dump(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
dump(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
dump(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
dynamicRefreshSources(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Discover cluster nodes from topology and use the discovered nodes as source for the cluster topology.


echo(V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
echo(V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
echo(V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Echo the given string.
echo(V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Echo the given string.
echo(V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Echo the given string.
echo(V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Echo the given string.
echo(V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Echo the given string.
emitMetricsEvent() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyEventPublisher
emitMetricsEvent() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.MetricEventPublisher
Emit immediately a metrics event.
empty(K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
Returns an empty KeyValue instance with the key set.
empty() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.LPosArgs.Builder
Creates new empty LPosArgs.
empty() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
Returns an empty ScoredValue instance.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.TraceContext
empty() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Returns an empty Value instance.
enable() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Enable the latency collector.
enable() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Enable the latency collector.
enable(CacheAccessor<K, V>, StatefulRedisConnection<K, V>, TrackingArgs) - Static method in class
Enable server-assisted Client side caching for the given CacheAccessor and StatefulRedisConnection.
enableAdaptiveRefreshTrigger(ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.RefreshTrigger...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Enables adaptive topology refreshing using one or more triggers.
enableAllAdaptiveRefreshTriggers() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Enables adaptive topology refreshing using all triggers.
enabled() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Create a new ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions using default settings with enabled periodic and adaptive refresh.
enabled() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions
Create a new instance of TimeoutOptions with enabled timeout applying default connection timeouts.
enabled(Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions
Create a new instance of TimeoutOptions with enabled timeout applying a fixed timeout.
enabled() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs.Builder
Creates new TrackingArgs with CLIENT TRACKING ON.
enabled(boolean) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs.Builder
Creates new TrackingArgs with CLIENT TRACKING ON if enabled is true.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
Controls whether to enable key tracking for the currently connected client.
enablePeriodicRefresh() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Enables periodic cluster topology updates.
enablePeriodicRefresh(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Enable regular cluster topology updates.
enablePeriodicRefresh(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Enables periodic refresh and sets the refresh period.
enablePeriodicRefresh(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
encode(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.Base16
Encode bytes to base16 chars.
encode(String, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
encode(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
encode(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
Encode and write this command to the supplied buffer using the new Unified Request Protocol.
encode(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Encode the CommandArgs and write the arguments to the ByteBuf.
encode(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandEncoder
encode(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
encode(ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
Encode the command.
encode(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.TracedCommand
encodeFirstKey(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgsAccessor
Get the first encoded key for cluster command routing.
encodeKey(byte[], ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
encodeKey(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
encodeKey(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.RedisCodec
Encode the key for output to redis.
encodeKey(String, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
encodeKey(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
encodeKey(K, ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.ToByteBufEncoder
Encode the key for output to redis.
encodeValue(byte[], ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
encodeValue(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
encodeValue(V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.RedisCodec
Encode the value for output to redis.
encodeValue(String, ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
encodeValue(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
encodeValue(V, ByteBuf) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.ToByteBufEncoder
Encode the value for output to redis.
encryptionKey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.CipherSupplier
Returns the latest CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor to use for encryption.
endpoint(Endpoint) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
endpoint() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
Endpoint - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Wraps a stateful Endpoint that abstracts the underlying channel.
endpointCustomizer(Consumer<Endpoint.Builder>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.Builder
Sets an Endpoint customizer to customize the Endpoint through its Endpoint.Builder.
EpollProvider - Class in io.lettuce.core
Use EpollProvider instead.
EpollProvider() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.EpollProvider
EpollProvider - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
Wraps and provides Epoll classes.
EpollProvider() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.EpollProvider
equalJitter() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new EqualJitterDelay with default boundaries.
equalJitter(Duration, Duration, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new EqualJitterDelay.
equalJitter(long, long, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new EqualJitterDelay.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Consumer
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoCoordinates
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoWithin
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler
By default delegates to Object.equals(java.lang.Object) so instances are only equal if they are identical.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StreamMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
error - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
error(Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer.Span
Associate an error with this Tracer.Span.
estimateSize(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
estimateSize(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
estimateSize(Object) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.ToByteBufEncoder
Estimates the size of the resulting byte stream.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
eval(byte[], ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest.
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Evaluates a script cached on the server side by its SHA1 digest
evalsha(String, ScriptOutputType, K[], V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Execute a Lua script server side.
Event - Interface in io.lettuce.core.event
Marker-interface for events that are published over the event bus.
EventBus - Interface in io.lettuce.core.event
Interface for an EventBus.
eventBus(EventBus) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the EventBus that can that can be used across different instances of the RedisClient.
eventBus() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the event bus used to publish events.
eventBus(EventBus) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the EventBus that can that can be used across different instances of the RedisClient.
eventBus() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
eventEmitInterval(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions.Builder
Sets the emit interval and the interval unit.
eventEmitInterval(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions.Builder
eventEmitInterval() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions
eventEmitInterval() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.event.EventPublisherOptions
Returns the interval for emit metrics.
eventExecutorGroup(EventExecutorGroup) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets a shared event executor group that can be used across different instances of RedisClient and RedisClusterClient.
eventExecutorGroup() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the computation pool used for internal operations.
eventExecutorGroup(EventExecutorGroup) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets a shared event executor group that can be used across different instances of RedisClient and RedisClusterClient.
eventExecutorGroup() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
eventLoopGroupClass() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopResources
eventLoopGroupProvider(EventLoopGroupProvider) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets a shared event executor provider that can be used across different instances of RedisClient and RedisClusterClient.
eventLoopGroupProvider() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the EventLoopGroupProvider that provides access to the particular event loop groups. lettuce requires at least two implementations: NioEventLoopGroup for TCP/IP connections and EpollEventLoopGroup for unix domain socket connections (epoll).
eventLoopGroupProvider(EventLoopGroupProvider) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets a shared event executor provider that can be used across different instances of RedisClient and RedisClusterClient.
eventLoopGroupProvider() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
EventLoopGroupProvider - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
EventLoopResources - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
Interface to encapsulate EventLoopGroup resources.
EventPublisherOptions - Interface in io.lettuce.core.event
Configuration interface for command latency collection.
evict(K) - Method in interface
Evict the mapping for this key from this cache if it is present.
ex(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs.Builder
Creates new SetArgs and enabling EX.
ex(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs
Set the specified expire time, in seconds.
exception - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
exceptionally(Function<Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisHandshakeHandler
ExceptionFactory - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Factory for Redis exceptions.
Exceptions - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Exception handling and utils to operate on.
Exceptions() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.internal.Exceptions
excludeCommandArgsFromSpanTags() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.Builder
Excludes command arguments from Span tags.
excluding(T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
Create a Range.Boundary based on the value that excludes the value when comparing ranges.
exec() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
exec() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
exec() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisTransactionalAsyncCommands
Execute all commands issued after MULTI.
exec() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisTransactionalReactiveCommands
Execute all commands issued after MULTI.
exec() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisTransactionalCommands
Execute all commands issued after MULTI.
executeOnNodes(Function<RedisClusterAsyncCommands<K, V>, RedisFuture<T>>, Function<RedisClusterNode, Boolean>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
Run a command on all available nodes that match filter.
executeOnNodes(Function<RedisClusterReactiveCommands<K, V>, ? extends Publisher<T>>, Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
Run a command on all available nodes that match filter.
executeOnUpstream(Function<RedisClusterAsyncCommands<K, V>, RedisFuture<T>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
Run a command on all available masters,
executeOnUpstream(Function<RedisClusterReactiveCommands<K, V>, ? extends Publisher<T>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
Run a command on all available masters,
ExecutionAwareParameter(Method, int) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.ExecutionSpecificParameters.ExecutionAwareParameter
Executions<T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Result holder for a command that was executed synchronously on multiple nodes.
ExecutionSpecificParameters - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter
Parameters-implementation specific to execution.
ExecutionSpecificParameters(Method) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.ExecutionSpecificParameters
ExecutionSpecificParameters.ExecutionAwareParameter - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter
exists(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
exists(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
exists(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
exists(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
exists(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
exists(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Determine how many keys exist.
exists(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Determine how many keys exist.
exists(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Determine how many keys exist.
exists(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Determine how many keys exist.
exists(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Determine how many keys exist with pipelining.
exists(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Determine how many keys exist with pipelining.
exists(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Determine how many keys exist.
exists(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Determine how many keys exist with pipelining.
exists(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
exists(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
exists(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
exists(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
expire(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
expire(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
expire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Set a key's time to live in seconds.
expire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Set a key's time to live in seconds.
expire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Set a key's time to live in seconds.
expire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Set a key's time to live in seconds.
expire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Set a key's time to live in seconds.
expireat(K, Date) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
expireat(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
expireat(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
expireat(K, Date) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
expireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
expireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.
exponential() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new ExponentialDelay with default boundaries and factor (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...).
exponential(Duration, Duration, int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new ExponentialDelay on with custom boundaries and factor (eg. with upper 9000, lower 0, powerOf 10: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 9000, 9000, 9000, ...).
exponential(long, long, TimeUnit, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new ExponentialDelay on with custom boundaries and factor (eg. with upper 9000, lower 0, powerOf 10: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 9000, 9000, 9000, ...).


fail(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisHandshakeHandler
Complete the handshake future with an error and close the channel..
failed(Throwable) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Create a CompletableFuture that is completed exceptionally with throwable.
failover(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Perform a failover.
failover(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Perform a failover.
failover(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Perform a failover.
failover(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
failover(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
finalize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
findAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
Return the parameter annotation of the given type, if available.
findClass(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceClassUtils
findMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Attempt to find a Method on the supplied class with the supplied name and no parameters.
findMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Attempt to find a Method on the supplied class with the supplied name and parameter types.
finish() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer.Span
Reports the span complete.
FINISHED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
Finished cursor.
fixedTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.Builder
Set a fixed timeout for all commands.
FLAG_MAPPING - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetailParser
flush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch.BatchExecutor
Flush the command queue resulting in the queued commands being executed.
flush() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch.CommandBatching
Flush the command batch queue after adding a command to the batch queue.
flush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.Batcher
Force-flush the batch.
flushall() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
flushall() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
flushall() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Remove all keys from all databases.
flushall() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Remove all keys from all databases.
flushall() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Remove all keys from all databases.
flushall() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Remove all keys from all databases.
flushall() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Remove all keys from all databases on all cluster upstream nodes with pipelining.
flushall() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Remove all keys from all databases on all cluster masters with pipelining.
flushall() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Remove all keys from all databases.
flushall() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Remove all keys from all databases on all cluster upstream nodes with pipelining.
flushall() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
flushall() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
flushallAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
flushallAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
flushallAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases.
flushallAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases.
flushallAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases.
flushallAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases.
flushallAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases on all cluster upstream nodes with pipelining.
flushallAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases on all cluster upstream nodes with pipelining.
flushallAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases.
flushallAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from all databases on all cluster upstream nodes with pipelining.
flushallAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
flushallAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
flushCommands() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
flushCommands() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
flushCommands() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Flush pending commands.
flushCommands() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Flush pending commands.
flushCommands() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
Flush pending commands.
flushCommands() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
flushCommands() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
flushCommands() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
flushCommands() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
Flush pending commands.
flushdb() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
flushdb() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
flushdb() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Remove all keys from the current database.
flushdb() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Remove all keys from the current database.
flushdb() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Remove all keys from the current database.
flushdb() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Remove all keys from the current database.
flushdb() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Remove all keys from the current database on all cluster upstream nodes with pipelining.
flushdb() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Remove all keys from the current database on all cluster masters with pipelining.
flushdb() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Remove all keys from the current database.
flushdb() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Remove all keys from the current database on all cluster upstream nodes with pipelining.
flushdb() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
flushdb() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
flushdbAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
flushdbAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
flushdbAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from the current database.
flushdbAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from the current database.
flushdbAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from the current database.
flushdbAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from the current database.
flushdbAsync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Remove all keys asynchronously from the current database.
flux() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.ReactiveExecutions
Return a Flux that contains a combined stream of the multi-node execution.
forArrayComponent(ResolvableType) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType as a array of the specified componentType.
force() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
Creates the pending message entry in the PEL even if certain specified IDs are not already in the PEL assigned to a different client.
force(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
Creates the pending message entry in the PEL even if certain specified IDs are not already in the PEL assigned to a different client.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Class, using the full generic type information for assignability checks.
forClass(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Class with a given implementation.
forClassWithGenerics(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Class with pre-declared generics.
forClassWithGenerics(Class<?>, ResolvableType...) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Class with pre-declared generics.
forEach(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncConnectionProvider
Execute an action for all established and pending connections.
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncConnectionProvider
Execute an action for all established and pending AsyncCloseables.
forEachCloseable(Predicate<? super Closeable>, Consumer<T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Apply a Consumer of Closeable to all active connections.
forEachClusterConnection(Consumer<StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl<?, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Apply a Consumer of StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl to all active connections.
forEachClusterPubSubConnection(Consumer<StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnectionImpl<?, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Apply a Consumer of StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnectionImpl to all active connections.
forEachSlot(IntConsumer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Performs the given action for each slot of this RedisClusterNode until all elements have been processed or the action throws an exception.
forMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in interface
Obtain a CacheAccessor for a cache object implementing Map.
formatTimeout(Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.ExceptionFactory
forMethodOrConstructor(Object, int) - Static method in class
Create a new MethodParameter for the given method or constructor.
forMethodParameter(Method, int) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Method parameter.
forMethodParameter(Method, int, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Method parameter with a given implementation.
forMethodParameter(MethodParameter) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified MethodParameter.
forMethodParameter(MethodParameter, ResolvableType) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified MethodParameter with a given implementation type.
forMethodParameter(MethodParameter, Type) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified MethodParameter, overriding the target type to resolve with a specific given type.
forMethodReturnType(Method) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Method return type.
forMethodReturnType(Method, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Method return type.
forName(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceClassUtils
forRawClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Class, doing assignability checks against the raw class only (analogous to Class.isAssignableFrom(java.lang.Class<?>), which this serves as a wrapper for.
forType(Type) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Type.
forType(Type, ResolvableType) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Type backed by the given owner type.
forType(Type, ResolvableType.VariableResolver) - Static method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified Type backed by a given ResolvableType.VariableResolver.
forValues(RedisCodec<K, V>, CipherCodec.CipherSupplier, CipherCodec.CipherSupplier) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec
A RedisCodec that compresses values from a delegating RedisCodec.
from(SocketAddress, CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
Create a ConnectionFuture given SocketAddress and CompletableFuture holding the connection progress.
from(K, K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Consumer
Create a new consumer.
from(Class<S>) - Static method in class
Simple factory method to easily create new instances of ClassTypeInformation.
from(K, Optional<T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
Creates a KeyValue from a key and an Optional.
from(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Limit
Creates a Limit given count.
from(Range.Boundary<T>, Range.Boundary<T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
Create a new range from lower and upper boundaries.
from(double, Optional<T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
Creates a ScoredValue from a key and an Optional.
from(URL) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Resource
Create a SslOptions.Resource that obtains a InputStream from a URL.
from(File) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Resource
Create a SslOptions.Resource that obtains a InputStream from a File.
from(Optional<T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Creates a Value from an Optional.
from(K, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.StreamOffset
Read all arriving elements from the stream identified by name starting at offset.
fromMethodParameter(Method, int) - Static method in class
Creates a TypeInformation from the given method's parameter type.
fromNullable(K, T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
Creates a KeyValue from a key andvalue.
fromNullable(double, T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
Creates a ScoredValue from a score and value.
fromNullable(T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Creates a Value from a value.
fromReturnTypeOf(Method) - Static method in class
Creates a TypeInformation from the given method's return type.
fromSynchronization(Throwable) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Exceptions
Prepare an unchecked RuntimeException that will bubble upstream for synchronization usage (i.e. on calling Future.get()).
full() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Builder
Creates new GeoArgs with distance, coordinates and hash enabled.
fullJitter() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new FullJitterDelay with default boundaries.
fullJitter(Duration, Duration, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new FullJitterDelay.
fullJitter(long, long, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Creates a new FullJitterDelay.
futures() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.AsyncExecutions
Futures - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Utility methods for Future handling.


GenericMapOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Map of keys and objects output.
GenericMapOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.GenericMapOutput
GenericTypeResolver - Class in
Helper class for resolving generic types against type variables.
GenericTypeResolver() - Constructor for class
geoadd(K, double, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
geoadd(K, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
geoadd(K, double, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
geoadd(K, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
geoadd(K, double, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Single geo add.
geoadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Multi geo add.
geoadd(K, double, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Single geo add.
geoadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Multi geo add.
geoadd(K, double, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Single geo add.
geoadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Multi geo add.
geoadd(K, double, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Single geo add.
geoadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Multi geo add.
geoadd(K, double, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Single geo add.
geoadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Multi geo add.
GeoArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis GEORADIUS and GEORADIUSBYMEMBER commands.
GeoArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
GeoArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for GeoArgs.
GeoArgs.Sort - Enum in io.lettuce.core
Sort order.
GeoArgs.Unit - Enum in io.lettuce.core
Supported geo unit.
GeoCoordinates - Class in io.lettuce.core
A tuple consisting of numerical geo data points to describe geo coordinates.
GeoCoordinates(Number, Number) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.GeoCoordinates
Creates new GeoCoordinates.
GeoCoordinatesListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
A list output that creates a list with GeoCoordinates's.
GeoCoordinatesListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesListOutput
GeoCoordinatesValueListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
A list output that creates a list with GeoCoordinates Values.
GeoCoordinatesValueListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesValueListOutput
geodist(K, V, V, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
geodist(K, V, V, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
geodist(K, V, V, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve distance between points from and to.
geodist(K, V, V, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Retrieve distance between points from and to.
geodist(K, V, V, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Retrieve distance between points from and to.
geodist(K, V, V, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve distance between points from and to.
geodist(K, V, V, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Retrieve distance between points from and to.
geohash(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
geohash(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
geohash(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing a geospatial index.
geohash(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Retrieve Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing a geospatial index.
geohash(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Retrieve Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing a geospatial index.
geohash(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing a geospatial index.
geohash(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Retrieve Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing a geospatial index.
geopos(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
geopos(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
geopos(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Get geo coordinates for the members.
geopos(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Get geo coordinates for the members.
geopos(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Get geo coordinates for the members.
geopos(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Get geo coordinates for the members.
geopos(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Get geo coordinates for the members.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Perform a RedisGeoCommands.georadius(Object, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) query and store the results in a sorted set.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of longitude and latitude.
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
georadius(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
georadius_ro(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadius_ro(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadius_ro(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadius_ro(K, double, double, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisGeoAsyncCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisGeoReactiveCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisGeoCommands
Perform a RedisGeoCommands.georadiusbymember(Object, Object, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) query and store the results in a sorted set.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
Retrieve members selected by distance with the center of member.
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionGeoCommands
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
georadiusbymember(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
georadiusbymember_ro(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadiusbymember_ro(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
georadiusbymember_ro(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
georadiusbymember_ro(K, V, double, GeoArgs.Unit, GeoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis GEORADIUS command to store GEORADIUS results or GEORADIUS distances in a sorted set.
GeoRadiusStoreArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
GeoRadiusStoreArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for GeoRadiusStoreArgs.
GeoWithin<V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Geo element within a certain radius.
GeoWithin(V, Double, Long, GeoCoordinates) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.GeoWithin
Creates a new GeoWithin.
GeoWithinListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
A list output that creates a list with either double/long or GeoCoordinates's.
GeoWithinListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoWithinListOutput
get(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
get(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
get(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Get the value of a key.
get(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Get the value of a key.
get(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Get the value of a key.
get(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Builder
Create a new GET subcommand.
get(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, BitFieldArgs.Offset) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Builder
Create a new GET subcommand.
get() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new GET subcommand using offset 0 and the field type of the previous command.
get(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new GET subcommand using offset 0.
get(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new GET subcommand.
get(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, BitFieldArgs.Offset) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new GET subcommand.
get(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new GET subcommand using the field type of the previous command.
get(RedisClusterNode) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.AsyncExecutions
get(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Get the value of a key.
get(RedisClusterNode) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.Executions
get(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Get the value of a key.
get(CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.CipherSupplier
Creates a new Cipher.
get() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result.
get() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventBus
get() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.event.EventBus
Subscribe to the event bus and Events.
get(Method) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler.MethodTranslator
get() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Get the command output.
get() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
get() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
get(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs.Builder
Creates new SortArgs setting GET.
get(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
Retrieve external keys during sort.
get() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Resource
Obtains the InputStream.
get(K) - Method in interface
Return the value to which this cache maps the specified key.
get(K) - Method in interface
Return the value to which this cache maps the specified key.
get(K, Callable<V>) - Method in interface
Return the value to which this cache maps the specified key, obtaining that value from valueLoader if necessary.
get(K) - Method in class
get(K, Callable<V>) - Method in class
get(K) - Method in interface
Retrieve a value from Redis for the given cache key.
get(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.TransactionResult
Returns the element at the specified position in this TransactionResult.
getA() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult.MatchedPosition
getActualReturnType() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
getActualReturnType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
getActualType() - Method in interface
Transparently returns the Map value type if the type is a Map, returns the component type if the type TypeInformation.isCollectionLike() or the simple type if none of this applies.
getAdaptiveRefreshTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Timeout between adaptive cluster topology updates.
getAdaptiveRefreshTriggers() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Returns the set of triggers.
getAliases() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
getAnnotatedElement() - Method in class
Returns the wrapped annotated element.
getAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
Lookup a method annotation.
getAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
Lookup a method annotation.
getAnnotations() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
Return all parameter annotations.
getArgs() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
getArgs() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
getArgs() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
getArgs() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
getArguments() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.MethodInvocation
getArity() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
getAttempt() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionEvents.Reconnect
getAttempt() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.connection.ReconnectFailedEvent
Returns the reconnect attempt counter for the connection.
getB() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult.MatchedPosition
getBindableParameter(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameters
Get the bindable parameter according it's logical position in the command.
getBindableParameters() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameters
Returns Parameter instances with effectively all special parameters removed.
getBindableValue(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.MethodParametersAccessor
Returns the bindable value with the given index.
getbit(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
getbit(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
getbit(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
getbit(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
getbit(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
getbit(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
getbit(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
getBits() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType
getBody() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StreamMessage
getBufferUsageRatio() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
since 6.0 in favor of DecodeBufferPolicy.
getBytes() - Method in enum io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.OverflowType
getBytes() - Method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandKeyword
getBytes() - Method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandType
getBytes() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.ProtocolKeyword
getBytes() - Method in enum io.lettuce.core.UnblockType
getCause() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.connection.ReconnectFailedEvent
Returns the Throwable that describes the reconnect cause.
getChannel() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.ChannelMessage
getChannel() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.PatternMessage
getChannelCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
getChannels() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
getChannelWriter() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
getChannelWriter() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
getCharArrayArguments(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgsAccessor
Get the all char[] arguments.
getCipherSuites() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
getClientName() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the client name.
getClientResources() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
getClientResources() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
getClientResources() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
getCodec() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
getCommandBatchingIndex() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.ExecutionSpecificParameters
getCommandMethod() - Method in exception io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandCreationException
getCommandOutput(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
Decoding hook: Retrieve CommandOutput for RedisCommand decoding.
getCommandOutput(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
getCommandOutputClass() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputType
getCommands(Class<T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.RedisCommandFactory
Returns a Redis Commands interface instance for the given interface.
getCommandType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegments
getCompletion() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics
getComponentType() - Method in class
Return the ResolvableType representing the component type of the array or ResolvableType.NONE if this type does not represent an array.
getComponentType() - Method in interface
Returns the component type for Collections or the key type for Maps.
getConfigEpoch() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
getConfiguredProtocolVersion() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns the configured ProtocolVersion.
getConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
getConnection(ConnectionFuture<T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Retrieve the connection from ConnectionFuture.
getConnection(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Retrieve the connection from ConnectionFuture.
getConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
getConnection(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using the nodeId.
getConnection(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using host and port.
getConnection(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using the nodeId.
getConnection(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using host and port.
getConnection(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using the nodeId.
getConnection(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using host and port.
getConnection(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using the nodeId.
getConnection(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using host and port.
getConnection(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using the nodeId.
getConnection(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using host and port.
getConnection(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
getConnection(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
getConnection(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
getConnection(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
getConnection(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
getConnection(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
getConnection(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncConnectionProvider
Request a connection for the given the connection key and return a CompletionStage that is notified about the connection outcome.
getConnectionAsync(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Retrieve asynchronously a connection to the specified cluster node using the nodeId.
getConnectionAsync(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Retrieve asynchronously a connection to the specified cluster node using host and port.
getConnectionAsync(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Retrieve asynchronously a connection to the specified cluster node using the nodeId.
getConnectionAsync(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Retrieve a connection to the specified cluster node using host and port.
getConnectionAsync(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
getConnectionAsync(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
getConnectionCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncConnectionProvider
getConnectionId() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
Returns the client connection id.
getConnectionState() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
getConnectionState() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
Returns the connection timeout.
getConstructor() - Method in class
Return the wrapped Constructor, if any.
getConsumer() - Method in class
getConsumerMessageCount() - Method in class
getContainingClass() - Method in class
getContent() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.push.PushMessage
Returns the notification message contents.
getContent(Function<ByteBuffer, Object>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.push.PushMessage
Returns the notification message contents by applying a decodeFunction on ByteBuffer elements.
getContent() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PushOutput
getContent(Function<ByteBuffer, Object>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PushOutput
getContext() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
Gets the TraceContextProvider from Reactor Context.
getCoordinates() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoWithin
getCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Limit
getCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics
getCount() - Method in class
getCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StreamScanCursor
getCreationInProgress() - Method in class
getCursor() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
getDatabase() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the Redis database number.
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class
Return the class that declares the underlying Method or Constructor.
getDecodeBufferPolicy() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns the DecodeBufferPolicy used to reclaim memory.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Returns the default timeout for commands.
getDelegate() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
getDelegate() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
getDelegate() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecoratedCommand
The underlying command.
getDisconnectedBehavior() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Behavior for command invocation when connections are in a disconnected state.
getDistance() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoWithin
getEnd() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult.Position
getError() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Get the error that occurred.
getError() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
getError() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
getError() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisFuture
getFailedCommands() - Method in exception io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch.BatchException
getField(Field, Object) - Static method in class
Get the field represented by the supplied field object on the specified target object.
getFirstCharArray(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgsAccessor
Get the first char[]-array argument.
getFirstEncodedKey() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Returns the first key argument in its byte-encoded representation.
getFirstInteger() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
getFirstInteger(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgsAccessor
Get the first integer argument.
getFirstKeyPosition() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
getFirstResponse() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics
getFirstString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
getFirstString(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgsAccessor
Get the first String argument.
getFirstUri() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Returns the first RedisURI configured with this RedisClusterClient instance.
getFlags() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Return the NodeFlags.
getFlags() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
getFrom() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
getGeneric(int...) - Method in class
Return a ResolvableType representing the generic parameter for the given indexes.
getGenericParameterType() - Method in class
Return the generic type of the method/constructor parameter.
getGenerics() - Method in class
Return an array of ResolvableTypes representing the generic parameters of this type.
getGenericType() - Method in interface
getGeohash() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoWithin
getGroup() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Consumer
getHandshakeHandler() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
getHandshakeTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
getHost() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionPoint
Returns the host that should represent the hostname or IPv4/IPv6 literal.
getHost() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.ReplicationPartner
getHost() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the host.
getHostText() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StreamMessage
getIdle() - Method in class
getInitialUris() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Returns an Iterable of the initial URIs.
getInterfaces() - Method in class
Return a ResolvableType array representing the direct interfaces implemented by this type.
getInvocationTarget() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.InvocationTargetProvider
getKey() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
getKeys() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyScanCursor
getKeyStepCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
getKeystore() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
since 5.3, KeyManager is configured via SslOptions.createSslContextBuilder().
getKeystorePassword() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
since 5.3, KeyManager is configured via SslOptions.createSslContextBuilder().
getKeyType(TypeInformation<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.AnnotationRedisCodecResolver.ParameterWrappers
getLastKeyPosition() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
getLatencies() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.CommandLatencyEvent
Returns the latencies mapped between connection/command and the metrics.
getLen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult
getListeners() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
getLower() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
getMap() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MapScanCursor
getMapValueType() - Method in interface
Will return the type of the value in case the underlying type is a Map.
getMaster() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSlaveInstance
getMasterAddrByName(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Return the ip and port number of the master with that name.
getMasterAddrByName(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Return the ip and port number of the master with that name.
getMasterAddrByName(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Return the ip and port number of the master with that name.
getMasterAddrByName(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
getMasterAddrByName(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
getMatches() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult
getMatchLen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult.MatchedPosition
getMatchString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult
getMax() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics.CommandLatency
getMaxIdle() - Method in class
Returns the cap on the number of "idle" instances in the pool.
getMaxIdle() - Method in class
Get the value for the maxIdle configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
getMaxRedirects() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Number of maximal of cluster redirects (-MOVED and -ASK) to follow in case a key was moved from one node to another node.
getMaxTotal() - Method in class
Returns the maximum number of objects that can be allocated by the pool (checked out to clients, or idle awaiting checkout) at a given time.
getMaxTotal() - Method in class
Get the value for the maxTotal configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
getMember() - Method in class
Returns the wrapped member.
getMember() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoWithin
getMessage() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.ChannelMessage
getMessage() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.PatternMessage
getMessageIds() - Method in class
getMethod() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
getMethod() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
getMethod() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.MethodInvocation
getMethod() - Method in class
Return the wrapped Method, if any.
getMethodAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in class
Return the method/constructor annotation of the given type, if available.
getMethodAnnotations() - Method in class
Return the annotations associated with the target method/constructor itself.
getMin() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics.CommandLatency
getMinIdle() - Method in class
Returns the target for the minimum number of idle objects to maintain in the pool.
getMinIdle() - Method in class
Get the value for the minIdle configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
getMode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
Returns the Redis server mode.
getMonitoredMasters() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSentinelInstance
getMsSinceLastDelivery() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor
Returns the key name by decoding name bytes using the default charset.
getName(Charset) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor
Returns the key name by decoding name bytes using the given Charset.
getName() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Consumer
getName() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
getName() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
getName() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
getName() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
getName() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.StreamOffset
getNegotiatedProtocolVersion() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
Returns the negotiated ProtocolVersion.
getNested(int) - Method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified nesting level.
getNested(int, Map<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class
Return a ResolvableType for the specified nesting level.
getNestedGenericParameterType() - Method in class
Return the nested generic type of the method/constructor parameter.
getNestedParameterType() - Method in class
Return the nested type of the method/constructor parameter.
getNestingLevel() - Method in class
Return the nesting level of the target type (typically 1; e.g. in case of a List of Lists, 1 would indicate the nested List, whereas 2 would indicate the element of the nested List).
getNodeId() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
getNodes() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom.Nodes
Returns the list of nodes that are applicable for the read operation.
getObjectCount() - Method in class
getOffset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Offset
getOffset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Limit
getOffset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.StreamOffset
getOptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Returns the ClientOptions which are valid for that client.
getOptions() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
getOptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
getOutput() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
Get the object that holds this command's output.
getOutput() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
Get the object that holds this command's output.
getOutput() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
getOutput() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
The command output.
getOutputType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputSelector
getParameterAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class
Return the parameter annotation of the given type, if available.
getParameterAnnotations() - Method in class
Return the annotations associated with the specific method/constructor parameter.
getParameterCount() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.MethodParametersAccessor
getParameterIndex() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
getParameterIndex() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment.ArgumentContribution
getParameterIndex() - Method in class
Return the index of the method/constructor parameter.
getParameterName() - Method in class
Return the name of the method/constructor parameter.
getParameterNames(Method) - Method in class
getParameterNames(Constructor<?>) - Method in class
getParameterNames(Method) - Method in class
getParameterNames(Constructor<?>) - Method in class
getParameterNames(Method) - Method in interface
Return parameter names for this method, or null if they cannot be determined.
getParameterNames(Constructor<?>) - Method in interface
Return parameter names for this constructor, or null if they cannot be determined.
getParameterNames(Method) - Method in class
getParameterNames(Constructor<?>) - Method in class
getParameters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
getParameters() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
getParameters() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameters
getParameterType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
getParameterType() - Method in class
Return the type of the method/constructor parameter.
getParameterTypes(Constructor<?>) - Method in interface
Returns the TypeInformations for the parameters of the given Constructor.
getParameterTypes(Method) - Method in interface
Returns the TypeInformations for the parameters of the given Method.
getPartition(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Retrieve a RedisClusterNode by its hostname/port considering node aliases.
getPartition(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Returns the RedisClusterNode at index.
getPartitionByNodeId(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Retrieve a RedisClusterNode by its node id.
getPartitionBySlot(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Retrieve a RedisClusterNode by its slot number.
getPartitions() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
getPartitions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Returns the internal List of RedisClusterNode that holds the partition source.
getPartitions() - Method in exception io.lettuce.core.cluster.PartitionSelectorException
getPartitions() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
getPartitions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Retrieve the cluster view.
getPartitions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
getPartitions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.cluster.AdaptiveRefreshTriggeredEvent
Retrieve the currently known partitions.
getPassword() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the password.
getPattern() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.PatternMessage
getPatterns() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
getPercentiles() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics.CommandLatency
getPingSentTimestamp() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
getPongReceivedTimestamp() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
getPort() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionPoint
Get the current port number.
getPort() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
getPort() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the Redis port.
getProtocols() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns the ProtocolVersion to use.
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
getPushListeners() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterPushHandler
Returns a collection of RedisClusterPushListener.
getPushListeners() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
getPushListeners() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.PushHandler
Returns a collection of PushListener.
getrange(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
getrange(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
getrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Get a substring of the string stored at a key.
getrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Get a substring of the string stored at a key.
getrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Get a substring of the string stored at a key.
getrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Get a substring of the string stored at a key.
getrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Get a substring of the string stored at a key.
getRawClass() - Method in class
Return the underlying Java Class being managed, if available; otherwise null.
getRawTypeInformation() - Method in class
getRawTypeInformation() - Method in interface
Returns a ClassTypeInformation to represent the TypeInformation of the raw type of the current instance.
getReadFrom() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Gets the ReadFrom setting for this connection.
getReadFrom() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
getReadFrom() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.masterreplica.StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection
Gets the ReadFrom setting for this connection.
getReadFrom() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.masterslave.StatefulRedisMasterSlaveConnection
Gets the ReadFrom setting for this connection.
getRedeliveryCount() - Method in class
getRedisCodec() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputSelector
getRedisVersion() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
Returns the Redis server version.
getRefreshPeriod() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Period between the regular cluster topology updates.
getRefreshPeriod() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Period between the regular cluster topology updates.
getRefreshTriggersReconnectAttempts() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
getRemoteAddress() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
Return the remote SocketAddress.
getReplicaNodes() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
getReplicas() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
getReplicationOffset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
getReplicationOffset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.ReplicationPartner
getRequestQueueSize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Request queue size for a connection.
getResourceCount() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
getResources() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Returns the ClientResources which are used with that client.
getResources() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
getResources() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
getResources() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.EpollProvider
Returns the EventLoopResources for epoll-backed transport.
getResources() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.KqueueProvider
Returns the EventLoopResources for kqueue-backed transport.
getReturnType() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
getReturnType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
getReturnType(Method) - Method in interface
Returns a TypeInformation for the return type of the given Method.
getRole() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Returns the Role of the Redis Cluster node based on the flags.
getRole() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
Returns the Redis server role.
getRole() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisInstance
getRole() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisMasterInstance
getRole() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance
getRole() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSentinelInstance
getRole() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSlaveInstance
getRole() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
getScore() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
getScriptCharset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns the Lua script Charset.
getSentinelMasterId() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the Sentinel Master Id.
getSentinels() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
getset(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
getset(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
getset(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Set the string value of a key and return its old value.
getset(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Set the string value of a key and return its old value.
getset(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Set the string value of a key and return its old value.
getset(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Set the string value of a key and return its old value.
getset(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Set the string value of a key and return its old value.
getSinceLastDelivery() - Method in class
getSlaveNodes() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
getSlaveOf() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
getSlaves() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
getSlot(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.SlotHash
Calculate the slot from the given key.
getSlot(byte[]) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.SlotHash
Calculate the slot from the given key.
getSlot(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.SlotHash
Calculate the slot from the given key.
getSlots() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Return the slots as List.
getSocket() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionPoint
Get the socket path.
getSocket() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the Unix Domain Socket path.
getSocketAddress(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Get a Mono that resolves RedisURI to a SocketAddress.
getSocketAddressSupplier(Supplier<Partitions>, Function<Partitions, Collection<RedisClusterNode>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
getSocketOptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns the SocketOptions.
getSource() - Method in class
Return the underlying source of the resolvable type.
getSource() - Method in interface
Return the source of the resolver (used for hashCode and equals).
getSource() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions
getSpan() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.TracedCommand
getSslOptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns the SslOptions.
getSslProvider() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
getStack() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
getStart() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult.Position
getState() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance
getState() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisAsyncCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisReactiveCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.async.RedisPubSubAsyncCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.sync.RedisPubSubCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisAsyncCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisReactiveCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
getStatefulConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
getStoreDistKey() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
getStoreKey() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
getStream() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StreamMessage
getStringArguments(CommandArgs<K, V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgsAccessor
Get the all String arguments.
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesValueListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoWithinListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.IntegerListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessageListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.output.StreamingOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamMessageListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamReadOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringValueListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueListOutput
getSubscriber() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueValueListOutput
getSuperType() - Method in class
Return a ResolvableType representing the direct supertype of this type.
getSuperTypeInformation(Class<?>) - Method in interface
Returns the TypeInformation for the given raw super type.
getThreadFactory(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider.ThreadFactoryProvider
Return a ThreadFactory for the given poolName.
getThreadFactory(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ThreadFactoryProvider
Return a ThreadFactory for the given poolName.
getTimeout() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
getTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
getTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.domain.Timeout
getTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
getTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the command timeout for synchronous command execution.
getTimeout(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.TimeoutSource
Obtains the timeout for a RedisCommand.
getTimeoutIndex() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.ExecutionSpecificParameters
getTimeoutNs(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.TimeoutProvider
Returns the timeout in TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS for RedisCommand.
getTimeoutOptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns the TimeoutOptions.
getTimeUnit() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics
getTimeUnit() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.TimeoutSource
getTo() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
getTopologyRefreshOptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
The ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions for detailed control of topology updates.
getTopologyRefreshSource() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Returns the seed RedisURI for the topology refreshing.
getTraceContext() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.TracedCommand
getTraceContext() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.TraceContextProvider
getTraceContextLater() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.TraceContextProvider
getTracer() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.TracerProvider
getTracerProvider() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing
getTracerProvider() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
getTruststore() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
getTruststorePassword() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
getType() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.push.PushMessage
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
Return the underling Java Type being managed.
getType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of the property.
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PushOutput
getType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
getType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
getType() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
getType() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
getTypeArguments() - Method in interface
Returns the TypeInformation for the type arguments of the current TypeInformation.
getTypeArguments() - Method in class
getTypeIndexForCurrentLevel() - Method in class
Return the type index for the current nesting level.
getTypeIndexForLevel(int) - Method in class
Return the type index for the specified nesting level.
getTypeInformation() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputType
getTypeInformation() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
getTypeVariableMap(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Build a mapping of TypeVariable names to concrete classes for the specified Class.
getTypeVariableMap() - Method in interface
getUpper() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
getUpstream() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
getUpstream() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance
getUpstreamListener() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.PubSubClusterEndpoint
getUri() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
getUri() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisNodeDescription
getUsername() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns the username.
getValue() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment.ArgumentContribution
getValue() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
getValue() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
If a value is present in this Value, returns the value, otherwise throws NoSuchElementException.
getValueOrElse(V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Return the value if present, otherwise return other.
getValueOrElseGet(Supplier<V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Return the value if present, otherwise invoke other and return the result of that invocation.
getValueOrElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Return the contained value, if present, otherwise throw an exception to be created by the provided supplier.
getValues() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValueScanCursor
getValues() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ValueScanCursor
getValueType(TypeInformation<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.AnnotationRedisCodecResolver.ParameterWrappers
getVariableName() - Method in class
getVersion() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor
getX() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoCoordinates
getY() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoCoordinates
gt(T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
Greater than lower.
gte(T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
Greater than or equals lower.


handle(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
handleInvocation(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler
handleInvocationTargetException(InvocationTargetException) - Static method in class
Handle the given invocation target exception.
handleReflectionException(Exception) - Static method in class
Handle the given reflection exception.
handshakeTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets a timeout for the SSL handshake.
hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
hasChannelSubscriptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
hasCommandBatchingIndex() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.ExecutionSpecificParameters
hasDemand() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.DemandAware.Sink
Returns true if the DemandAware.Sink has demand or false if the source has no demand.
hasError() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Check if the command resulted in an error.
hasGenerics() - Method in class
Return true if this type contains generic parameters.
hash() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Builder
Creates new GeoArgs with WITHHASH enabled.
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Consumer
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoCoordinates
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoWithin
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler
By default delegates to Object.hashCode().
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StreamMessage
hashCode() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
hasKeyType(TypeInformation<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.AnnotationRedisCodecResolver.ParameterWrappers
hasParameterAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class
Return true if the parameter has the given annotation type, and false if it doesn't.
hasParameterAnnotations() - Method in class
Return true if the parameter has at least one annotation, false if it has none.
hasPatternSubscriptions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
hasPort() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
hasSameSlotsAs(RedisClusterNode) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Return true if the other node contains the same slots as this node.
hasSlot(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
hasTimeoutIndex() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.ExecutionSpecificParameters
hasUnresolvableGenerics() - Method in class
Determine whether the underlying type has any unresolvable generics: either through an unresolvable type variable on the type itself or through implementing a generic interface in a raw fashion, i.e. without substituting that interface's type variables.
hasValue() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Return true if there is a value present, otherwise false.
hasValueType(TypeInformation<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.AnnotationRedisCodecResolver.ParameterWrappers
hdel(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hdel(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hdel(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Delete one or more hash fields.
hdel(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Delete one or more hash fields.
hdel(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Delete one or more hash fields.
hdel(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Delete one or more hash fields.
hdel(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Delete one or more hash fields.
hexists(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hexists(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hexists(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Determine if a hash field exists.
hexists(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Determine if a hash field exists.
hexists(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Determine if a hash field exists.
hexists(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Determine if a hash field exists.
hexists(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Determine if a hash field exists.
hget(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hget(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hget(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Get the value of a hash field.
hget(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Get the value of a hash field.
hget(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Get the value of a hash field.
hget(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Get the value of a hash field.
hget(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Get the value of a hash field.
hgetall(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hgetall(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hgetall(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hgetall(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hgetall(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Get all the fields and values in a hash.
hgetall(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Stream over all the fields and values in a hash.
hgetall(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Get all the fields and values in a hash.
hgetall(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisHashReactiveCommands.hgetall(K).
hgetall(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Get all the fields and values in a hash.
hgetall(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Stream over all the fields and values in a hash.
hgetall(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Get all the fields and values in a hash.
hgetall(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Stream over all the fields and values in a hash.
hgetall(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Get all the fields and values in a hash.
hgetall(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Stream over all the fields and values in a hash.
hincrby(K, K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hincrby(K, K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hincrby(K, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number.
hincrby(K, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number.
hincrby(K, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number.
hincrby(K, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number.
hincrby(K, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number.
hincrbyfloat(K, K, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hincrbyfloat(K, K, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hincrbyfloat(K, K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount.
hincrbyfloat(K, K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount.
hincrbyfloat(K, K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount.
hincrbyfloat(K, K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount.
hincrbyfloat(K, K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount.
hkeys(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hkeys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hkeys(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hkeys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hkeys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Get all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Stream over all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Get all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisHashReactiveCommands.hkeys(K).
hkeys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Get all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Stream over all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Get all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Stream over all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Get all the fields in a hash.
hkeys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Stream over all the fields in a hash.
hlen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hlen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Get the number of fields in a hash.
hlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Get the number of fields in a hash.
hlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Get the number of fields in a hash.
hlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Get the number of fields in a hash.
hlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Get the number of fields in a hash.
hmget(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hmget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hmget(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hmget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hmget(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Get the values of all the given hash fields.
hmget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Stream over the values of all the given hash fields.
hmget(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Get the values of all the given hash fields.
hmget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisHashReactiveCommands.hmget(K, K...).
hmget(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Get the values of all the given hash fields.
hmget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Stream over the values of all the given hash fields.
hmget(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Get the values of all the given hash fields.
hmget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Stream over the values of all the given hash fields.
hmget(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Get the values of all the given hash fields.
hmget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Stream over the values of all the given hash fields.
hmset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hmset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hmset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hmset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hmset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hmset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hmset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
HostAndPort - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
An immutable representation of a host and port.
hostText - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
hscan(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hscan(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisHashReactiveCommands.hscan(K).
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisHashReactiveCommands.hscan(K).
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisHashReactiveCommands.hscan(K).
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisHashReactiveCommands.hscan(K).
hscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
hscan(RedisHashCommands<K, V>, K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Sequentially iterate over entries in a hash identified by key.
hscan(RedisHashCommands<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Sequentially iterate over entries in a hash identified by key.
hscan(RedisHashReactiveCommands<K, V>, K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanStream
Sequentially iterate over entries in a hash identified by key.
hscan(RedisHashReactiveCommands<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanStream
Sequentially iterate over entries in a hash identified by key.
hset(K, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hset(K, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hset(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Set the string value of a hash field.
hset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hset(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Set the string value of a hash field.
hset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hset(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Set the string value of a hash field.
hset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hset(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Set the string value of a hash field.
hset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hset(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Set the string value of a hash field.
hset(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.
hsetnx(K, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hsetnx(K, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hsetnx(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist.
hsetnx(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist.
hsetnx(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist.
hsetnx(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist.
hsetnx(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist.
hstrlen(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hstrlen(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hstrlen(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Get the string length of the field value in a hash.
hstrlen(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Get the string length of the field value in a hash.
hstrlen(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Get the string length of the field value in a hash.
hstrlen(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Get the string length of the field value in a hash.
hstrlen(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Get the string length of the field value in a hash.
hvals(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hvals(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
hvals(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hvals(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
hvals(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Get all the values in a hash.
hvals(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHashAsyncCommands
Stream over all the values in a hash.
hvals(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
Get all the values in a hash.
hvals(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHashReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisHashReactiveCommands.hvals(K).
hvals(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Get all the values in a hash.
hvals(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHashCommands
Stream over all the values in a hash.
hvals(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Get all the values in a hash.
hvals(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands
Stream over all the values in a hash.
hvals(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Get all the values in a hash.
hvals(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHashCommands
Stream over all the values in a hash.


id(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs.Builder
Creates new KillArgs setting ID.
id(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs
Kill the client with its client id.
id(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XAddArgs
Limit results to maxlen entries.
idle(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
Set the idle time (last time it was delivered) of the message.
idle(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
Set the idle time (last time it was delivered) of the message.
ifEmpty(Runnable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
If no value is present, invoke the specified Runnable, otherwise do nothing.
ifHasValue(Consumer<? super V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
If a value is present, invoke the specified Consumer with the value, otherwise do nothing.
includeCommandArgsInSpanTags(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.Builder
Controls the inclusion of command arguments in Span tags.
includeCommandArgsInSpanTags() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing
includeCommandArgsInSpanTags() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
Returns true if tags for Tracer.Spans should include the command arguments.
including(T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
Create a Range.Boundary based on the value that includes the value when comparing ranges.
incr(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
incr(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
incr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by one.
incr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by one.
incr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by one.
incr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by one.
incr(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by one.
incrby(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
incrby(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
incrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount.
incrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount.
incrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount.
incrBy(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, int, long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Builder
Create a new INCRBY subcommand.
incrBy(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, BitFieldArgs.Offset, long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Builder
Create a new INCRBY subcommand.
incrBy(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new INCRBY subcommand using offset 0 and the field type of the previous command.
incrBy(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new INCRBY subcommand using offset 0.
incrBy(int, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new INCRBY subcommand using the field type of the previous command.
incrBy(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, int, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new INCRBY subcommand.
incrBy(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, BitFieldArgs.Offset, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new INCRBY subcommand.
incrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount.
incrby(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount.
incrbyfloat(K, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
incrbyfloat(K, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
incrbyfloat(K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount.
incrbyfloat(K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount.
incrbyfloat(K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount.
incrbyfloat(K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount.
incrbyfloat(K, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount.
increaseNestingLevel() - Method in class
Increase this parameter's nesting level.
indexedParameter(int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment
info() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
info(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
info() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
info(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
info() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Get information and statistics about the server.
info() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
info(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
info() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
info(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
INITIAL - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
Initial cursor.
initialize(Channel) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionInitializer
Initialize the connection for usage.
initializeChannelAsync(ConnectionBuilder) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Connect and initialize a channel from ConnectionBuilder.
initializePartitions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
initialState() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
Reset the command-handler to the initial not-connected state.
initialState() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.Endpoint
Reset this endpoint to its initial state, clear all buffers and potentially close the bound channel.
initialTraceContextProvider() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing
initialTraceContextProvider() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
initParameterNameDiscovery(ParameterNameDiscoverer) - Method in class
Initialize parameter name discovery for this method parameter.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.codec.ByteArrayCodec
instance() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ListSubscriber
IntegerListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of 64-bit integer output.
IntegerListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.IntegerListOutput
IntegerOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
64-bit integer output, may be null.
IntegerOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.IntegerOutput
InvocationProxyFactory - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept
Factory to create invocation proxies.
InvocationProxyFactory() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.InvocationProxyFactory
InvocationTargetProvider - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept
Provides an invocation target object.
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.DefaultMethodInvokingInterceptor
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.MethodInterceptor
Implement this method to perform extra treatments before and after the invocation.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler
proxy.hashCode() delegates to AbstractInvocationHandler.hashCode() proxy.toString() delegates to AbstractInvocationHandler.toString() proxy.equals(argument) returns true if: proxy and argument are of the same type and AbstractInvocationHandler.equals(java.lang.Object) returns true for the InvocationHandler of argument other method calls are dispatched to AbstractInvocationHandler.handleInvocation(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Object[]).
invokeMethod(Method, Object) - Static method in class
Invoke the specified Method against the supplied target object with no arguments.
invokeMethod(Method, Object, Object...) - Static method in class
Invoke the specified Method against the supplied target object with the supplied arguments.
io.lettuce.core - package io.lettuce.core
The Redis client package containing RedisClient for Redis Standalone and Redis Sentinel operations.
io.lettuce.core.api - package io.lettuce.core.api
Standalone Redis connection API.
io.lettuce.core.api.async - package io.lettuce.core.api.async
Standalone Redis API for asynchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.api.push - package io.lettuce.core.api.push
Interfaces to consume push messages.
io.lettuce.core.api.reactive - package io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Standalone Redis API for reactive command execution.
io.lettuce.core.api.sync - package io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Standalone Redis API for synchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.cluster - package io.lettuce.core.cluster
Client for Redis Cluster, see RedisClusterClient.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.api - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.api
Redis Cluster connection API.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Redis Cluster API for asynchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.push - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.push
Interfaces to consume push messages using Redis Cluster.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive
Redis Cluster API for reactive command execution.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Redis Cluster API for synchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.event - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.event
Cluster event types.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions
Model and parser for the CLUSTER NODES and CLUSTER SLAVES output.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots
Model and parser for the CLUSTER SLOTS output.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub
Redis Cluster Pub/Sub support.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async
Redis Cluster Pub/Sub API for asynchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive
Redis Cluster Pub/Sub API for reactive command execution.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync
Redis Cluster Pub/Sub API for synchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology - package io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology
Support for cluster topology refresh.
io.lettuce.core.codec - package io.lettuce.core.codec
Codecs for key/value type conversion.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic
Core package for Redis Command Interface support through RedisCommandFactory.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation
Central domain abstractions to be used in combination with Redis Command interfaces.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch
Batching with Redis Command interfaces.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec
RedisCodec resolution support.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic.domain - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic.domain
Core annotations to be used with Redis Command interfaces.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept
Invocation proxy support.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
CommandOutput resolution support.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter
Parameter access and descriptors.
io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment - package io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment
Support for CommandSegments and segment parsing. - package
Support classes imported from the Spring Framework.
io.lettuce.core.event - package io.lettuce.core.event
Event publishing and subscription.
io.lettuce.core.event.cluster - package io.lettuce.core.event.cluster
Redis Cluster events.
io.lettuce.core.event.connection - package io.lettuce.core.event.connection
Connection-related events.
io.lettuce.core.event.metrics - package io.lettuce.core.event.metrics
Metric events and publishing.
io.lettuce.core.internal - package io.lettuce.core.internal
Contains internal API.
io.lettuce.core.masterreplica - package io.lettuce.core.masterreplica
Client support for Redis Master/Replica setups.
io.lettuce.core.masterslave - package io.lettuce.core.masterslave
Client support for Redis Master/Slave setups.
io.lettuce.core.metrics - package io.lettuce.core.metrics
Collectors for client metrics.
io.lettuce.core.models.command - package io.lettuce.core.models.command
Model and parser to for the COMMAND and COMMAND INFO output.
io.lettuce.core.models.role - package io.lettuce.core.models.role
Model and parser for the ROLE output. - package
Model and parser for the Stream-related command output such as XPENDING.
io.lettuce.core.output - package io.lettuce.core.output
Implementation of different output protocols including the Streaming API.
io.lettuce.core.protocol - package io.lettuce.core.protocol
Redis protocol layer abstraction.
io.lettuce.core.pubsub - package io.lettuce.core.pubsub
Pub/Sub connection classes.
io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.async - package io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.async
Pub/Sub Redis API for asynchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive - package io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive
Pub/Sub Redis API for reactive command execution.
io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.sync - package io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.sync
Pub/Sub Redis API for synchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.resource - package io.lettuce.core.resource
Client resource infrastructure providers.
io.lettuce.core.sentinel - package io.lettuce.core.sentinel
Redis Sentinel connection classes.
io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api - package io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api
Redis Sentinel connection API.
io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async - package io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async
Redis Sentinel API for asynchronous executed commands.
io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive - package io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive
Redis Sentinel API for reactive command execution.
io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync - package io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync
Redis Sentinel API for synchronous executed commands. - package
Supportive classes such as RedisClientCdiBean for CDI support, connection pooling, and client-side caching. - package
io.lettuce.core.tracing - package io.lettuce.core.tracing
ioThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the thread pool size (number of threads to use) for I/O operations (default value is the number of CPUs).
ioThreadPoolSize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the pool size (number of threads) for IO threads.
ioThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the thread pool size (number of threads to use) for I/O operations (default value is the number of CPUs).
ioThreadPoolSize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
is(RedisClusterNode.NodeFlag) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
isApplyConnectionTimeout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions
isArray() - Method in class
Return true if this type resolves to a Class that represents an array.
isAssignable(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceClassUtils
Check if the right-hand side type may be assigned to the left-hand side type, assuming setting by reflection.
isAssignableFrom(OutputSelector, OutputType) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.CommandOutputResolverSupport
Overridable hook to check whether selector can be assigned from the provider type provider.
isAssignableFrom(TypeInformation<?>) - Method in class
isAssignableFrom(Class<?>) - Method in class
Determine whether this ResolvableType is assignable from the specified other type.
isAssignableFrom(ResolvableType) - Method in class
Determine whether this ResolvableType is assignable from the specified other type.
isAssignableFrom(TypeInformation<?>) - Method in interface
Returns if the current TypeInformation can be safely assigned to the given one.
isAssignableTo(Class<?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
Check whether the parameter is assignable to target.
isAutoReconnect() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Controls auto-reconnect behavior on connections.
isAvailable() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.EpollProvider
isAvailable() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KqueueProvider
isAvailable() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollector
Returns true if HdrUtils and LatencyUtils are available on the class path.
isAvailable() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.EpollProvider
isAvailable() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.KqueueProvider
isBatchExecution() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
isBatchExecution() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
isBindableNullValue(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.MethodParametersAccessor
Return true if the parameter at index is a bindable null value that requires a null value instead of being skipped.
isBounded() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
isCancelCommandsOnReconnectFailure() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
If this flag is true any queued commands will be canceled when a reconnect fails within the activation sequence.
isCancelled() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
isCancelled() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
isCancelled() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
Returns true if this task was cancelled before it completed normally.
isChanged(Partitions, Partitions) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.TopologyComparators
Check if properties changed which are essential for cluster operations.
isClosed() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
isClosed() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
isClosed() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
isCloseStaleConnections() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Flag, whether to close stale connections when refreshing the cluster topology.
isCloseStaleConnections() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Flag, whether to close stale connections when refreshing the cluster topology.
isCollectionLike() - Method in interface
Returns whether the type can be considered a collection, which means it's a container of elements, e.g. a Collection and Array or anything implementing Iterable.
isConnected() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
isDiscoverProtocol() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
isDone() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
isDone() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
isDone() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
Returns true if this task completed.
isEmpty() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Returns true if this Partitions contains no elements using the read-view.
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings
Checks if a String is empty or null.
isEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings
Checks if a CharSequence has a length of 0 or null.
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.TransactionResult
Returns true if this TransactionResult contains no elements.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyEventPublisher
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.MetricEventPublisher
Returns true if the metric collector is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Returns whether the latency collector is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyRecorder
Returns true if the metric collector is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollector
isEnabled() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
isEnabled() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
Returns true if tracing is enabled.
isFinished() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
isFutureExecution() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
isFutureExecution() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
isIncluding() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
isInstance(Object) - Method in class
Determine whether the given object is an instance of this ResolvableType.
isKeepAlive() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
Returns whether to enable TCP keepalive.
isKey(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.MethodParametersAccessor
isLimited() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Limit
isListenOnChannelInactive() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
isMap() - Method in interface
Returns whether the property is a Map.
isMaster() - Method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisInstance.Role
isMulti() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulRedisConnection
isMulti() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
isMultiplyByTypeWidth() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Offset
isNotEmpty(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings
Checks if a String is not empty and not null.
isNotEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings
Checks if a CharSequence has a non-zero length and is not null.
isOpen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
isOpen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
isOpen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
isOpen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
isOpen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
isOpen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
isOpen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
isOpen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
isOpen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
isOpen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
isOpen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
isOpen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
isOrderSensitive(ReadFrom) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.OrderingReadFromAccessor
Returns whether this ReadFrom requires ordering of the resulting nodes.
isOrderSensitive() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Returns whether this ReadFrom requires ordering of the resulting nodes.
isPeriodicRefreshEnabled() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Flag, whether regular cluster topology updates are updated.
isPingBeforeActivateConnection() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Enables initial PING barrier before any connection is usable.
isPresent(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceClassUtils
Determine whether the Class identified by the supplied name is present and can be loaded.
isProtectedMode(String) - Static method in exception io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException
isPublishOnScheduler() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Use a dedicated Scheduler to emit reactive data signals.
isPubSubType(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput.Type
isPushDecode(ByteBuf) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
isReactiveExecution() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.CommandMethod
isReactiveExecution() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
isReconnectSuspended() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
isRefreshClusterView() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Flag, whether regular cluster topology updates are updated.
isReplica() - Method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisInstance.Role
isSigned() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType
isSpecialParameter() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.ExecutionSpecificParameters.ExecutionAwareParameter
isSpecialParameter() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
isSsl() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns true if SSL mode is enabled.
isSslChannelInitializer(ChannelHandler) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SslConnectionBuilder
Check whether the ChannelHandler is a SslChannelInitializer.
isStartTls() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns true if StartTLS is enabled.
isStreaming() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputType
isSupported(ClientOptions) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
Check whether ClientOptions is configured to timeout commands.
isSuspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
If this flag is true the reconnect will be suspended on protocol errors.
isTcpNoDelay() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
Returns whether to use TCP NoDelay.
isTestOnAcquire() - Method in class
Returns whether objects acquired from the pool will be validated before being returned from the acquire method.
isTestOnAcquire() - Method in class
Get the value for the testOnAcquire configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
isTestOnCreate() - Method in class
Returns whether objects created for the pool will be validated before being returned from the acquire method.
isTestOnCreate() - Method in class
Get the value for the testOnCreate configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
isTestOnRelease() - Method in class
Returns whether objects borrowed from the pool will be validated when they are returned to the pool via the release method.
isTestOnRelease() - Method in class
Get the value for the testOnRelease configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
isTimeoutCommands() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions
isTrue(boolean, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that value is true.
isTrue(boolean, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that value is true.
isUnbounded() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
isUnbounded() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
Return whether this Range is unbounded (i.e. upper and lower bounds are unbounded).
isUpstream() - Method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisInstance.Role
isValidateClusterNodeMembership() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Validate the cluster node membership before allowing connections to a cluster node.
isValue(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.MethodParametersAccessor
isVerifyPeer() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets whether to verify peers when using SSL.
isWithCoordinates() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
isWithDistance() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
isWithHash() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
isWithIdx() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
iterator() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.Executions
iterator() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Returns an iterator over the nodes in this Partitions from the read-view.
iterator() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.MethodParametersAccessor
Returns an iterator over all bindable parameters.
iterator() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameters
iterator() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegments


jdkSslProvider() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Use the JDK SSL provider for SSL connections.
join() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
Returns the result value when complete, or throws an (unchecked) exception if completed exceptionally.
just(K, T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
Creates a KeyValue from a key and value.
just(double, T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
Creates a ScoredValue from a key and value.
just(T) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Creates a Value from a value.
justid() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs.Builder
Creates new XClaimArgs and set the JUSTID flag to return just the message id and do not increment the retry counter.
justid() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
Set the JUSTID flag to return just the message id and do not increment the retry counter.
justLen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
Request just the length of the match for results.
jvmDefault() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.DnsResolver
Java VM default resolver.


keepAlive(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions.Builder
Sets whether to enable TCP keepalive.
keepttl() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs.Builder
Creates new SetArgs and enabling KEEPTTL.
keepttl() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs
Set the value and retain the existing TTL.
Key - Annotation Type in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation
Marker annotation to declare a method parameter as key.
key(K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs.Builder
Creates new MigrateArgs setting a key to migrate.
key(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
Migrate a single key.
KeyListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of keys output.
KeyListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyListOutput
keyManager(File, File, char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the key file and its certificate to use for client authentication.
keyManager(SslOptions.Resource, SslOptions.Resource, char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the key and its certificate to use for client authentication.
keyManager(KeyManagerFactory) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
KeyOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Key output.
KeyOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyOutput
keys(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
keys(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
keys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisKeyReactiveCommands.keys(K).
keys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern on all cluster upstream nodes.
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern on all cluster upstream nodes.
keys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern on all cluster masters.
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern on all cluster masters.
keys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern.
keys(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern on all cluster upstream nodes.
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Find all keys matching the given pattern on all cluster upstream nodes.
keys(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
keys(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
keys(K...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs.Builder
Creates new MigrateArgs setting keys to migrate.
keys(Iterable<K>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs.Builder
Creates new MigrateArgs setting keys to migrate.
keys(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
Migrate one or more keys.
keys(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
Migrate one or more keys.
keys(String...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs.Builder
Creates new StrAlgoArgs by keys.
KeyScanCursor<K> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Cursor providing a list of keys.
KeyScanCursor() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.KeyScanCursor
KeyScanOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
KeyScanCursor for scan cursor output.
KeyScanOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyScanOutput
KeyScanStreamingOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming API for multiple Keys.
KeyScanStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyScanStreamingOutput
keystore(File) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Keystore file to load client certificates.
keystore(File, char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Keystore file to load client certificates.
keystore(URL) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Keystore resource to load client certificates.
keystore(URL, char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Keystore resource to load client certificates.
keystore(SslOptions.Resource, char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Java Keystore resource to load client certificates.
keyStoreType(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the KeyStore type.
KeyStreamingChannel<K> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming API for multiple Keys.
KeyStreamingOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming-Output of Keys.
KeyStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyStreamingOutput
KeyValue<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
A key-value container extension to Value.
KeyValue() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
Serializable constructor.
KeyValueListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of KeyValue output.
KeyValueListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueListOutput
KeyValueListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, Iterable<K>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueListOutput
KeyValueOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Key-value pair output.
KeyValueOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueOutput
KeyValueScanStreamingOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming-Output of Key Value Pairs.
KeyValueScanStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueScanStreamingOutput
KeyValueScoredValueOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
KeyValue encapsulating ScoredValue.
KeyValueScoredValueOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueScoredValueOutput
KeyValueStreamingChannel<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming API for multiple keys and values (tuples).
KeyValueStreamingOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming-Output of Key Value Pairs.
KeyValueStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueStreamingOutput
KeyValueStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, Iterable<K>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueStreamingOutput
KillArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis CLIENT KILL command.
KillArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs
KillArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for KillArgs.
KqueueProvider - Class in io.lettuce.core
since 6.0, use KqueueProvider instead.
KqueueProvider() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.KqueueProvider
KqueueProvider - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
Wraps and provides kqueue classes.
KqueueProvider() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.KqueueProvider


lastConsumed(K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.StreamOffset
Read all new arriving elements from the stream identified by name with ids greater than the last one consumed by the consumer group.
lastsave() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lastsave() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lastsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk.
lastsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk.
lastsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk.
lastsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk.
lastsave() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk.
latest(K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.StreamOffset
Read all new arriving elements from the stream identified by name.
LettuceAssert - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Assertion utility class that assists in validating arguments.
LettuceCdiExtension - Class in
A portable CDI extension which registers beans for lettuce.
LettuceCdiExtension() - Constructor for class
LettuceClassUtils - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Miscellaneous class utility methods.
LettuceClassUtils() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceClassUtils
LettuceFactories - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
This class is part of the internal API and may change without further notice.
LettuceFactories() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceFactories
LettuceFutures - Class in io.lettuce.core
Utility to LettuceFutures.awaitAll(long, TimeUnit, Future[]) futures until they are done and to synchronize future execution using LettuceFutures.awaitOrCancel(RedisFuture, long, TimeUnit).
LettuceLists - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Static utility methods for List instances.
LettuceSets - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Static utility methods for Set instances.
LettuceStrings - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Helper for String checks.
Limit - Class in io.lettuce.core
Value object for a slice of data (offset/count).
Limit(Long, Long) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.Limit
limit(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs.Builder
Creates new ScanArgs with LIMIT set.
limit(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs
Limit the scan by count
limit(long, long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs.Builder
Creates new SortArgs setting LIMIT.
limit(long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
Limit the number of returned elements.
limit(Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
Limit the number of returned elements.
lindex(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lindex(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lindex(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Get an element from a list by its index.
lindex(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Get an element from a list by its index.
lindex(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Get an element from a list by its index.
lindex(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Get an element from a list by its index.
lindex(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Get an element from a list by its index.
linsert(K, boolean, V, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
linsert(K, boolean, V, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
linsert(K, boolean, V, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Insert an element before or after another element in a list.
linsert(K, boolean, V, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Insert an element before or after another element in a list.
linsert(K, boolean, V, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Insert an element before or after another element in a list.
linsert(K, boolean, V, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Insert an element before or after another element in a list.
linsert(K, boolean, V, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Insert an element before or after another element in a list.
LIST - Static variable in class
ListOfMapsOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of maps output.
ListOfMapsOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ListOfMapsOutput
ListSubscriber<T> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
llen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
llen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
llen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Get the length of a list.
llen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Get the length of a list.
llen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Get the length of a list.
llen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Get the length of a list.
llen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Get the length of a list.
loadPartitions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Retrieve partitions.
loadPartitionsAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Retrieve partitions.
loadViews(Iterable<RedisURI>, Duration, boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.ClusterTopologyRefresh
Load topology views from a collection of RedisURIs and return the view per RedisURI.
localAddress() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionId
Returns the local address.
localAddress() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
Returns the local address.
localDistinction(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Enables per connection metrics tracking insead of per host/port.
localDistinction() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Returns whether to distinct latencies on local level.
localDistinction(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Enables per connection metrics tracking insead of per host/port.
localDistinction() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
logger - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
logger - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
logPrefix() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
lookupMethodHandle(Method) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.DefaultMethods
Lookup a MethodHandle for a default Method.
lpop(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lpop(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list.
lpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list.
lpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list.
lpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list.
lpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Remove and get the first element in a list.
lpos(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lpos(K, V, LPosArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lpos(K, V, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lpos(K, V, int, LPosArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lpos(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lpos(K, V, LPosArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lpos(K, V, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lpos(K, V, int, LPosArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lpos(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V, int, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V, int, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V, int, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V, int, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list.
lpos(K, V, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
lpos(K, V, int, LPosArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Return the index of matching elements inside a Redis list using the COUNT option.
LPosArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis LPOS command.
LPosArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.LPosArgs
LPosArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for LPosArgs.
lpush(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lpush(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Prepend one or multiple values to a list.
lpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Prepend one or multiple values to a list.
lpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Prepend one or multiple values to a list.
lpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Prepend one or multiple values to a list.
lpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Prepend one or multiple values to a list.
lpushx(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lpushx(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Prepend values to a list, only if the list exists.
lpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Prepend values to a list, only if the list exists.
lpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Prepend values to a list, only if the list exists.
lpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Prepend values to a list, only if the list exists.
lpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Prepend values to a list, only if the list exists.
lrange(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lrange(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisListReactiveCommands.lrange(K, long, long).
lrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Get a range of elements from a list.
lrem(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lrem(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lrem(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Remove elements from a list.
lrem(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Remove elements from a list.
lrem(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Remove elements from a list.
lrem(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Remove elements from a list.
lrem(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Remove elements from a list.
lset(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
lset(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
lset(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Set the value of an element in a list by its index.
lset(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Set the value of an element in a list by its index.
lset(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Set the value of an element in a list by its index.
lset(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Set the value of an element in a list by its index.
lset(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Set the value of an element in a list by its index.
lt(T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
Less than lower.
lte(T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
Less than or equals lower.
ltrim(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
ltrim(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
ltrim(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Trim a list to the specified range.
ltrim(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Trim a list to the specified range.
ltrim(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Trim a list to the specified range.
ltrim(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Trim a list to the specified range.
ltrim(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Trim a list to the specified range.


MAP - Static variable in class
map(Function<? super V, ? extends R>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
Returns a KeyValue consisting of the results of applying the given function to the value of this element.
map(Function<? super V, ? extends R>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
Returns a ScoredValue consisting of the results of applying the given function to the value of this element.
map(Function<? super V, ? extends R>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Returns a Value consisting of the results of applying the given function to the value of this element.
MapOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Map of keys and values output.
MapOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.MapOutput
MappingSocketAddressResolver - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
Mapping SocketAddressResolver that allows mapping of RedisURI host and port components to redirect connection endpoint coordinates using a mapping function.
MapScanCursor<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Scan cursor for maps.
MapScanCursor() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.MapScanCursor
MapScanOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
MapScanCursor for scan cursor output.
MapScanOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.MapScanOutput
mapScore(Function<? super Number, ? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
Returns a ScoredValue consisting of the results of applying the given function to the score of this element.
MASTER - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read from the upstream only.
master(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Show the state and info of the specified master.
master(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Show the state and info of the specified master.
master(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Show the state and info of the specified master.
master(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
master(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
MASTER_PREFERRED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read preferred from the upstream and fall back to a replica if the master is not available.
MasterReplica - Class in io.lettuce.core.masterreplica
Master-Replica connection API.
MasterReplica() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.masterreplica.MasterReplica
masters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
masters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
masters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
masters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
masters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
masters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Enumerates all the monitored masters and their states.
masters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Enumerates all the monitored masters and their states.
masters() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Enumerates all the monitored masters and their states.
masters() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
masters() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
MasterSlave - Class in io.lettuce.core.masterslave
since 5.2, use MasterReplica
MasterSlave() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.masterslave.MasterSlave
match(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs
Set the match filter.
match(String, Charset) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs
Set the match filter along the given Charset.
match(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs
Set the match filter.
MatchedPosition(StringMatchResult.Position, StringMatchResult.Position, long) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult.MatchedPosition
matches(Field) - Method in interface
Determine whether the given field matches.
matches(Method) - Method in interface
Determine whether the given method matches.
matches(Class<? extends EventExecutorGroup>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopResources
Checks if the given type matches the underlying EventExecutorGroup type.
matches(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs.Builder
Creates new ScanArgs with MATCH set.
matches(byte[]) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs.Builder
Creates new ScanArgs with MATCH set.
max() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs.Builder
Creates new ZStoreArgs setting AGGREGATE MAX.
max() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs
Aggregate scores of elements existing across multiple sets by using the highest score.
maxIdle(int) - Method in class
Returns the cap on the number of "idle" instances in the pool.
maxlen(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.LPosArgs.Builder
Creates new LPosArgs and setting MAXLEN.
maxlen(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.LPosArgs
Limit list scanning to maxlen entries.
maxlen(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XAddArgs.Builder
Creates new XAddArgs and setting MAXLEN.
maxlen(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XAddArgs
Limit stream to maxlen entries.
maxRedirects(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
Number of maximal cluster redirects (-MOVED and -ASK) to follow in case a key was moved from one node to another node.
maxTotal(int) - Method in class
Configures the maximum number of objects that can be allocated by the pool (checked out to clients, or idle awaiting checkout) at a given time.
memoryUsage(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
memoryUsage(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
memoryUsage(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
memoryUsage(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Reports the number of bytes that a key and its value require to be stored in RAM.
message(RedisClusterNode, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubAdapter
message(RedisClusterNode, K, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubAdapter
message(RedisClusterNode, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubListener
Message received from a channel subscription.
message(RedisClusterNode, K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubListener
Message received from a pattern subscription.
message(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAdapter
message(K, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAdapter
message(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubListener
Message received from a channel subscription.
message(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubListener
Message received from a pattern subscription.
MethodInterceptor - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept
Intercepts calls on an interface on its way to the target.
MethodInvocation - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept
Description of an invocation to a method, given to an interceptor upon method-call.
MethodParameter - Class in
Helper class that encapsulates the specification of a method parameter, i.e. a Method or Constructor plus a parameter index and a nested type index for a declared generic type.
MethodParameter(Method, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new MethodParameter for the given method, with nesting level 1.
MethodParameter(Method, int, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new MethodParameter for the given method.
MethodParameter(Constructor<?>, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new MethodParameter for the given constructor, with nesting level 1.
MethodParameter(Constructor<?>, int, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new MethodParameter for the given constructor.
MethodParameter(MethodParameter) - Constructor for class
Copy constructor, resulting in an independent MethodParameter object based on the same metadata and cache state that the original object was in.
MethodParametersAccessor - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter
Accessor interface to method parameters during the actual invocation.
MetricCollector<T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.metrics
Generic metrics collector interface.
MetricEventPublisher - Interface in io.lettuce.core.event.metrics
Event publisher which publishes metrics by the use of events.
mget(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
mget(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
mget(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
mget(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
mget(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Get the values of all the given keys.
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Stream over the values of all the given keys.
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Get the values of all the given keys.
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisStringReactiveCommands.mget(K...).
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Get the values of all the given keys.
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Stream over the values of all the given keys.
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Get the values of all the given keys.
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Stream over the values of all the given keys.
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Get the values of all the given keys with pipelining.
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Get the values of all the given keys with pipelining.
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Get the values of all the given keys with pipelining.
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Get the values of all the given keys with pipelining.
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Get the values of all the given keys.
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Stream over the values of all the given keys.
mget(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Get the values of all the given keys with pipelining.
mget(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
mget(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
mget(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
mget(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
mget(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V>, Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
migrate(String, int, K, int, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
migrate(String, int, int, long, MigrateArgs<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
migrate(String, int, K, int, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
migrate(String, int, int, long, MigrateArgs<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
migrate(String, int, K, int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, int, long, MigrateArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Atomically transfer one or more keys from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, K, int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, int, long, MigrateArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Atomically transfer one or more keys from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, K, int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, int, long, MigrateArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Atomically transfer one or more keys from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, K, int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, int, long, MigrateArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Atomically transfer one or more keys from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, K, int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
migrate(String, int, int, long, MigrateArgs<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Atomically transfer one or more keys from a Redis instance to another one.
MigrateArgs<K> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis MIGRATE command.
MigrateArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
MigrateArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for MigrateArgs.
min() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs.Builder
Creates new ZStoreArgs setting AGGREGATE MIN.
min() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs
Aggregate scores of elements existing across multiple sets by using the lowest score.
MIN_COMPUTATION_THREADS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
Minimum number of computation threads.
MIN_IO_THREADS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
Minimum number of I/O threads.
minIdle(int) - Method in class
Configures the minimum number of idle objects to maintain in the pool.
minIdleTime(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs.Builder
minIdleTime(Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs.Builder
Creates new XClaimArgs and set the minimum idle time.
minIdleTime(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
Return only messages that are idle for at least milliseconds.
minIdleTime(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
Return only messages that are idle for at least minIdleTime.
minMatchLen(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
restrict the list of matches to the ones of a given minimal length.
mkstream() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XGroupCreateArgs.Builder
Creates new XGroupCreateArgs and setting MKSTREAM.
mkstream(boolean) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XGroupCreateArgs.Builder
Creates new XGroupCreateArgs and setting MKSTREAM.
mkstream(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XGroupCreateArgs
Make a stream if it does not exists.
monitor(K, String, int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
This command tells the Sentinel to start monitoring a new master with the specified name, ip, port, and quorum.
monitor(K, String, int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
This command tells the Sentinel to start monitoring a new master with the specified name, ip, port, and quorum.
monitor(K, String, int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
This command tells the Sentinel to start monitoring a new master with the specified name, ip, port, and quorum.
monitor(K, String, int, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
monitor(K, String, int, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
move(K, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
move(K, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
move(K, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Move a key to another database.
move(K, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Move a key to another database.
move(K, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Move a key to another database.
move(K, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Move a key to another database.
move(K, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Move a key to another database.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values with pipelining.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values with pipelining.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values with pipelining.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values with pipelining.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values with pipelining.
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
mset(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist with pipelining.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist with pipelining.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist with pipelining.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist with pipelining.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist with pipelining.
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
msetnx(Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
multi() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
multi() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
multi() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisTransactionalAsyncCommands
Mark the start of a transaction block.
multi() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisTransactionalReactiveCommands
Mark the start of a transaction block.
multi() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisTransactionalCommands
Mark the start of a transaction block.
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Mark the beginning of a multi sequence (array).
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GenericMapOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesValueListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.IntegerListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ListOfMapsOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MapOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.NestedMultiOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessageListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamMessageListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamReadOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringValueListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueListOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueSetOutput
multi(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueValueListOutput
multi - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
multiArray(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Mark the beginning of a multi sequence (array).
multiMap(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Mark the beginning of a multi sequence (map).
MultiOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Output of all commands within a MULTI block.
MultiOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
multiPush(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Mark the beginning of a multi sequence (push-array).
multiSet(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Mark the beginning of a set.
mutate() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions
Returns a builder to create new ClientOptions whose settings are replicated from the current ClientOptions.
mutate() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions
Returns a builder to create new ClusterClientOptions whose settings are replicated from the current ClusterClientOptions.
mutate() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Returns a builder to create new CommandLatencyCollectorOptions whose settings are replicated from the current CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.
mutate() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Returns a builder to create new DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions whose settings are replicated from the current DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.
mutate() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return a builder to create new ClientResources whose settings are replicated from the current ClientResources.
mutate() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
Returns a builder to create new DefaultClientResources whose settings are replicated from the current DefaultClientResources.
mutate() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
Returns a builder to create new SocketOptions whose settings are replicated from the current SocketOptions.
mutate() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
Returns a builder to create new SslOptions whose settings are replicated from the current SslOptions.


name() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.ProtocolKeyword
name(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer.Span
Sets the name for this Tracer.Span.
namedParameter(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment
Create a named parameter reference CommandSegment.
NEAREST - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read from the nearest node.
NestedMultiOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of command outputs, possibly deeply nested.
NestedMultiOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.NestedMultiOutput
nettyCustomizer(NettyCustomizer) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the NettyCustomizer instance to customize netty components during connection.
nettyCustomizer() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the NettyCustomizer to customize netty components.
nettyCustomizer(NettyCustomizer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the NettyCustomizer instance to customize netty components during connection.
nettyCustomizer() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
NettyCustomizer - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
Strategy interface to customize netty Bootstrap and Channel via callback hooks.
newBlockingQueue() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceFactories
Creates a new BlockingQueue.
newConcurrentQueue(int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceFactories
Creates a new, optionally bounded, Queue that does not require external synchronization.
newestSupported() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.ProtocolVersion
Returns the newest supported protocol version.
newEventLoopGroup(int, ThreadFactory) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopResources
Create a new EpollEventLoopGroup.
newHashSet(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceSets
Creates a new HashSet containing all elements from elements.
newHashSet(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceSets
Creates a new HashSet containing all elements from elements.
newHashSet(T...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceSets
Creates a new HashSet containing all elements from elements.
newList(T...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceLists
Creates a new ArrayList containing all elements from elements.
newList(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceLists
Creates a new ArrayList containing all elements from elements.
newList(Iterator<? extends T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceLists
Creates a new ArrayList containing all elements from elements.
newRedisAsyncCommandsImpl() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
newRedisAsyncCommandsImpl() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
Create a new instance of RedisAsyncCommandsImpl.
newRedisReactiveCommandsImpl() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
newRedisReactiveCommandsImpl() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
Create a new instance of RedisReactiveCommandsImpl.
newRedisSyncCommandsImpl() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
newRedisSyncCommandsImpl() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
Create a new instance of RedisCommands.
newScriptOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, ScriptOutputType) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder
newSocketAddress(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopResources
newSpScQueue() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceFactories
Creates a new Queue for single producer/single consumer.
newStatefulRedisConnection(RedisChannelWriter, PushHandler, RedisCodec<K, V>, Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Create a new instance of StatefulRedisConnectionImpl or a subclass.
newStatefulRedisPubSubConnection(PubSubEndpoint<K, V>, RedisChannelWriter, RedisCodec<K, V>, Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Create a new instance of StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl or a subclass.
newStatefulRedisSentinelConnection(RedisChannelWriter, RedisCodec<K, V>, Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Create a new instance of StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl or a subclass.
newStringStringCodec() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Returns a String codec.
newStringStringCodec() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Returns a String codec.
nextSpan() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer
Returns a new trace Tracer.Span.
nextSpan(TraceContext) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer
Returns a new trace Tracer.Span associated with TraceContext or a new one if TraceContext is null.
NO_OP - Static variable in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.ReconnectionListener
noack() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.Builder
Create a new XReadArgs and set NOACK.
noack(boolean) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.Builder
Create a new XReadArgs and set NOACK.
noack(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs
Use NOACK option to disable auto-acknowledgement.
node(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.NodeSelectionSupport
NodeConnectionFactory - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology
Factory interface to obtain connections to Redis cluster nodes.
nodes() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.AsyncExecutions
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Select nodes by a predicate and keeps a static selection.
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>, boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Select nodes by a predicate
nodes() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.ReactiveExecutions
nodes() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.Executions
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Select nodes by a predicate and keeps a static selection.
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>, boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Select nodes by a predicate
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
Select nodes by a predicate.
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
Select nodes by a predicate.
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
Select nodes by a predicate.
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>, boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>, ClusterConnectionProvider.Intent, boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
nodes(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
NodeSelection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Node selection with access to synchronous executed commands on the set.
NodeSelectionAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous and thread-safe Redis API to execute commands on a NodeSelectionSupport.
NodeSelectionCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous and thread-safe Redis API to execute commands on a NodeSelectionSupport.
NodeSelectionGeoAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for the Geo-API.
NodeSelectionGeoCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for the Geo-API.
NodeSelectionHashAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Hashes (Key-Value pairs).
NodeSelectionHashCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Hashes (Key-Value pairs).
NodeSelectionHLLAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for HyperLogLog (PF* commands).
NodeSelectionHLLCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for HyperLogLog (PF* commands).
NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Keys (Key manipulation/querying).
NodeSelectionKeyCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Keys (Key manipulation/querying).
NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Lists.
NodeSelectionListCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Lists.
NodeSelectionPubSubAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Pub/Sub.
NodeSelectionPubSubCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Pub/Sub.
NodeSelectionPubSubReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands on a node selection for Pub/Sub.
NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Scripting.
NodeSelectionScriptingCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Scripting.
NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Server Control.
NodeSelectionServerCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Server Control.
NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Sets.
NodeSelectionSetCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Sets.
NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Sorted Sets.
NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Sorted Sets.
NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Streams.
NodeSelectionStreamCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Streams.
NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands on a node selection for Strings.
NodeSelectionStringCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands on a node selection for Strings.
NodeSelectionSupport<API,CMD> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api
A node selection represents a set of Redis Cluster nodes.
noloop() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
Don't send notifications about keys modified by this connection itself.
NONE - Static variable in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.Batcher
Batcher that does not support batching.
NONE - Static variable in class
ResolvableType returned when no value is available.
noNullElements(Object[], String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that an array has no null elements.
noNullElements(Object[], Supplier<String>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that an array has no null elements.
noNullElements(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that a Collection has no null elements.
noNullElements(Collection<?>, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that a Collection has no null elements.
notEmpty(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that a string is not empty, it must not be null and it must not be empty.
notEmpty(CharSequence, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that a string is not empty, it must not be null and it must not be empty.
notEmpty(Object[], String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that an array has elements; that is, it must not be null and must have at least one element.
notEmpty(Object[], Supplier<String>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that an array has elements; that is, it must not be null and must have at least one element.
notEmpty(int[], String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that an array has elements; that is, it must not be null and must have at least one element.
notifyChannelActive(Channel) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
notifyChannelActive(Channel) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.Endpoint
Notify about channel activation.
notifyChannelActive(Channel) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
notifyChannelInactive(Channel) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
notifyChannelInactive(Channel) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.Endpoint
Notify about channel deactivation.
notifyDrainQueuedCommands(HasQueuedCommands) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
notifyDrainQueuedCommands(HasQueuedCommands) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.Endpoint
Signal the endpoint to drain queued commands from the queue holder.
notifyException(Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
notifyException(Throwable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.Endpoint
Notify about an exception occured in channel/command processing
notifyListeners(PubSubMessage<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.PubSubClusterEndpoint
notifyListeners(PubSubMessage<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
notifyPushListeners(PushMessage) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
notifyPushListeners(PushMessage) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
notNull(Object, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that an object is not null .
notNull(Object, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceAssert
Assert that an object is not null .
nx() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs.Builder
Creates new SetArgs and enabling NX.
nx() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs
Only set the key if it does not already exist.
nx() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZAddArgs.Builder
Creates new ZAddArgs and enabling NX.
nx() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZAddArgs
Don't update already existing elements.


OBJECT - Static variable in class
objectEncoding(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
objectEncoding(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
objectEncoding(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
returns the kind of internal representation used in order to store the value associated with a key.
objectEncoding(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
returns the kind of internal representation used in order to store the value associated with a key.
objectEncoding(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
returns the kind of internal representation used in order to store the value associated with a key.
objectEncoding(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
returns the kind of internal representation used in order to store the value associated with a key.
objectEncoding(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
returns the kind of internal representation used in order to store the value associated with a key.
objectIdletime(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
objectIdletime(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
objectIdletime(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
returns the number of seconds since the object stored at the specified key is idle (not requested by read or write operations).
objectIdletime(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
returns the number of seconds since the object stored at the specified key is idle (not requested by read or write operations).
objectIdletime(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
returns the number of seconds since the object stored at the specified key is idle (not requested by read or write operations).
objectIdletime(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
returns the number of seconds since the object stored at the specified key is idle (not requested by read or write operations).
objectIdletime(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
returns the number of seconds since the object stored at the specified key is idle (not requested by read or write operations).
objectRefcount(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
objectRefcount(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
objectRefcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
returns the number of references of the value associated with the specified key.
objectRefcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
returns the number of references of the value associated with the specified key.
objectRefcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
returns the number of references of the value associated with the specified key.
objectRefcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
returns the number of references of the value associated with the specified key.
objectRefcount(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
returns the number of references of the value associated with the specified key.
observeChannels() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
Flux for messages (message) received though channel subscriptions.
observeChannels(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
Flux for messages (message) received though channel subscriptions.
observeChannels() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
observeChannels(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
observePatterns() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
Flux for messages (pmessage) received though pattern subscriptions.
observePatterns(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
Flux for messages (pmessage) received though pattern subscriptions.
observePatterns() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
observePatterns(FluxSink.OverflowStrategy) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
of(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Create a new instance of RedisClusterNode by passing the nodeId
of(RedisCodec<K, ?>, RedisCodec<?, V>) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.codec.RedisCodec
Returns a composite RedisCodec that uses keyCodec for keys and valueCodec for values.
of(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler.MethodTranslator
of(String, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
Create a HostAndPort of host and port
of(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
Creates a Scan-Cursor reference.
offset(int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Creates a new BitFieldArgs.Offset for the given offset.
onComplete(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
onComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, Throwable>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
onComplete(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
onComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, Throwable>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
onComplete(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.CompleteableCommand
Register a command callback for successive command completion that notifies the callback with the command result.
onComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, Throwable>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.CompleteableCommand
Register a command callback for command completion that notifies the callback with the command result or the failure resulting from command completion.
onKey(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.output.KeyStreamingChannel
Called on every incoming key.
onKeyValue(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueStreamingChannel
Called on every incoming key/value pair.
onNext(T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ListSubscriber
onNext(Collection<T>, T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ListSubscriber
onNext(T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamingOutput.Subscriber
Data notification sent by the StreamingOutput.
onNext(Collection<T>, T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamingOutput.Subscriber
Data notification sent by the StreamingOutput.
onPushMessage(PushMessage) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.push.PushListener
Handle a push message.
onPushMessage(RedisClusterNode, PushMessage) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.push.RedisClusterPushListener
Handle a push message.
onReconnectAttempt(ConnectionEvents.Reconnect) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.ReconnectionListener
Listener method notified on a reconnection attempt.
onRedisConnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?>, SocketAddress) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionStateAdapter
onRedisConnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionStateListener
onRedisConnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?>, SocketAddress) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionStateListener
Event handler for successful connection event.
onRedisDisconnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionStateAdapter
onRedisDisconnected(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionStateListener
Event handler for disconnection event.
onRedisExceptionCaught(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?>, Throwable) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionStateAdapter
onRedisExceptionCaught(RedisChannelHandler<?, ?>, Throwable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionStateListener
Event handler for exceptions.
onValue(ScoredValue<V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueStreamingChannel
Called on every incoming ScoredValue.
onValue(V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.output.ValueStreamingChannel
Called on every incoming value.
openSslProvider() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Use the OpenSSL provider for SSL connections.
optin() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
When broadcasting is NOT active, normally don't track keys in read only commands, unless they are called immediately after a CLIENT CACHING yes command.
optional() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Returns an Optional wrapper for the value.
optout() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
When broadcasting is NOT active, normally track keys in read only commands, unless they are called immediately after a CLIENT CACHING no command.
OrderingReadFromAccessor - Class in io.lettuce.core
Accessor for ReadFrom ordering.
output - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
output - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
OutputRegistry - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
Registry for CommandOutput types and their factories.
OutputRegistry() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputRegistry
Create a new OutputRegistry registering builtin CommandOutput types.
OutputRegistry(boolean) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputRegistry
Create a new OutputRegistry.
OutputRegistryCommandOutputFactoryResolver - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
OutputRegistryCommandOutputFactoryResolver(OutputRegistry) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputRegistryCommandOutputFactoryResolver
OutputSelector - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
Selector CommandOutputFactory resolution.
OutputSelector(ResolvableType, RedisCodec<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputSelector
Creates a new OutputSelector given ResolvableType and RedisCodec.
OutputType - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output
Type descriptor for a CommandOutput.
overflow(BitFieldArgs.OverflowType) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Builder
Adds a new OVERFLOW subcommand.
overflow(BitFieldArgs.OverflowType) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new OVERFLOW subcommand.


Param - Annotation Type in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation
Annotation to bind method parameters using their name.
Parameter - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter
Abstracts a method parameter and exposes access to type and parameter information.
Parameter(Method, int) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameter
PARAMETER_NAME_CLIENT_NAME - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
PARAMETER_NAME_DATABASE - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
PARAMETER_NAME_DATABASE_ALT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
PARAMETER_NAME_SENTINEL_MASTER_ID - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
PARAMETER_NAME_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
ParameterNameDiscoverer - Interface in
Interface to discover parameter names for methods and constructors.
Parameters<P extends Parameter> - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter
Base class to abstract method Parameters.
Parameters(Method) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.Parameters
Create new Parameters given a Method.
ParameterWrappers() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.AnnotationRedisCodecResolver.ParameterWrappers
parse(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.ClusterPartitionParser
Parse partition lines into Partitions object.
parse(List<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotsParser
Parse the output of the Redis CLUSTER SLOTS command and convert it to a list of ClusterSlotRange
parse(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
Parse a host and port string into a HostAndPort.
parse(List<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetailParser
Parse the output of the Redis COMMAND/COMMAND INFO command and convert to a list of CommandDetail.
parse(List<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RoleParser
Parse the output of the Redis ROLE command and convert to a RedisInstance.
parse(List<?>) - Static method in class
Parse the output of the Redis XPENDING reporting a summary on pending messages.
parseCompat(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
Temporary workaround until Redis provides IPv6 addresses in bracket notation.
parseRange(List<?>) - Static method in class
Parse the output of the Redis XPENDING command with Range.
PartitionException - Exception in io.lettuce.core.cluster
Partition access exception thrown when a partition-specific operations fails.
PartitionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.cluster.PartitionException
Create a PartitionException with the specified detail message.
PartitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.cluster.PartitionException
Create a PartitionException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
PartitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.cluster.PartitionException
Create a PartitionException with the specified nested exception.
Partitions - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions
Cluster topology view.
Partitions() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
PartitionSelectorException - Exception in io.lettuce.core.cluster
Exception thrown when a partition selection fails (slot not covered, no read candidates available).
PartitionSelectorException(String, Partitions) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.cluster.PartitionSelectorException
Create a UnknownPartitionException with the specified detail message.
pattern() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubMessage
pattern() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput
PatternMessage<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive
Message payload for a subscription to a pattern.
PatternMessage(K, K, V) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.PatternMessage
PendingMessage - Class in
Value object representing a pending message reported through XPENDING with range/limit.
PendingMessage(String, String, long, long) - Constructor for class
PendingMessageListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Decodes a list of PendingMessage.
PendingMessageListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessageListOutput
PendingMessages - Class in
Value object representing the output of the Redis XPENDING reporting a summary on pending messages.
PendingMessages(long, Range<String>, Map<String, Long>) - Constructor for class
PendingMessagesOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
PendingMessagesOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessagesOutput
PendingParser - Class in
Parser for redis XPENDING command output.
persist(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
persist(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
persist(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Remove the expiration from a key.
persist(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Remove the expiration from a key.
persist(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Remove the expiration from a key.
persist(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Remove the expiration from a key.
persist(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Remove the expiration from a key.
pexpire(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pexpire(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pexpire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds.
pexpire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds.
pexpire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds.
pexpire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds.
pexpire(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, Date) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pexpireat(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pexpireat(K, Date) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pexpireat(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pexpireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, Date) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pexpireat(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.
pfadd(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pfadd(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pfadd(K, V, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pfadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHLLAsyncCommands
Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
pfadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHLLReactiveCommands
Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
pfadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHLLCommands
Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
pfadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHLLAsyncCommands
Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
pfadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHLLCommands
Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
pfcount(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pfcount(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pfcount(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pfcount(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHLLAsyncCommands
Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
pfcount(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHLLReactiveCommands
Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
pfcount(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHLLCommands
Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
pfcount(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHLLAsyncCommands
Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
pfcount(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHLLCommands
Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
pfmerge(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pfmerge(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pfmerge(K, K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pfmerge(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisHLLAsyncCommands
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.
pfmerge(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisHLLReactiveCommands
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.
pfmerge(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisHLLCommands
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.
pfmerge(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionHLLAsyncCommands
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.
pfmerge(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionHLLCommands
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.
ping() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
ping() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
ping() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Ping the server.
ping() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Ping the server.
ping() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Ping the server.
ping() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Ping the server.
ping() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Ping the server.
ping() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Ping the server.
ping() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Ping the server.
ping() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Ping the server.
ping() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
ping() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
pingBeforeActivateConnection(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Sets the PING before activate connection flag.
pingBeforeActivateConnection(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
port - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
Position(long, long) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult.Position
potentiallyResolveCommand(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegments
Attempt to resolve the commandType against CommandType.
predefinedSort(Iterable<RedisClusterNode>, Iterable<RedisURI>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.TopologyComparators
Sort partitions by a fixedOrder and by RedisURI.
prefixes(String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
For broadcasting, register a given key prefix, so that notifications will be provided only for keys starting with this string.
prefixes(Charset, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
For broadcasting, register a given key prefix, so that notifications will be provided only for keys starting with this string.
preProcessCommand(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
proceed() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.intercept.MethodInvocation
Proceed to the next interceptor in the chain.
ProtocolKeyword - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Interface for protocol keywords providing an encoded representation.
protocols(String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the protocol used for the connection established to Redis Server, such as TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.
protocolVersion(ProtocolVersion) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Sets the ProtocolVersion to use.
protocolVersion(ProtocolVersion) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
ProtocolVersion - Enum in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Versions of the native protocol supported by the driver.
psetex(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
psetex(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
psetex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key.
psetex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key.
psetex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key.
psetex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key.
psetex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key.
psubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.NodeSelectionPubSubAsyncCommands
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns.
psubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.NodeSelectionPubSubReactiveCommands
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns.
psubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.NodeSelectionPubSubCommands
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns.
psubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.async.RedisPubSubAsyncCommands
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns.
psubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns.
psubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.sync.RedisPubSubCommands
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns.
psubscribe(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
psubscribe(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
psubscribed(RedisClusterNode, K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubAdapter
psubscribed(RedisClusterNode, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubListener
Subscribed to a pattern.
psubscribed(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAdapter
psubscribed(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubListener
Subscribed to a pattern.
pttl(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pttl(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds.
pttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds.
pttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds.
pttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds.
pttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds.
publish(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
publish(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
publish(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Post a message to a channel.
publish(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Post a message to a channel.
publish(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Post a message to a channel.
publish(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Post a message to a channel.
publish(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Post a message to a channel.
publish(Event) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.DefaultEventBus
publish(Event) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.event.EventBus
Publish a Event to the bus.
publish(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
publish(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
publishOnScheduler(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Use a dedicated Scheduler to emit reactive data signals.
publishOnScheduler(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
PubSubAsyncNodeSelection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async
Node selection with access to asynchronous executed commands on the set.
pubsubChannels() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pubsubChannels() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pubsubChannels() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Lists the currently *active channels*.
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
pubsubChannels(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
PubSubClusterEndpoint<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
PubSubClusterEndpoint(ClientOptions, ClientResources) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.PubSubClusterEndpoint
Initialize a new instance that handles commands from the supplied queue.
PubSubCommandHandler<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
A netty ChannelHandler responsible for writing Redis Pub/Sub commands and reading the response stream from the server.
PubSubCommandHandler(ClientOptions, ClientResources, RedisCodec<K, V>, PubSubEndpoint<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubCommandHandler
Initialize a new instance.
PubSubEndpoint<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
PubSubEndpoint(ClientOptions, ClientResources) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
Initialize a new instance that handles commands from the supplied queue.
PubSubMessage<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
Represents a Pub/Sub notification message.
PubSubNodeSelection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync
Node selection with access to RedisPubSubCommands.
pubsubNumpat() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pubsubNumpat() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pubsubNumpat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns.
pubsubNumpat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns.
pubsubNumpat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns.
pubsubNumpat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns.
pubsubNumpat() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns.
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
pubsubNumsub(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
PubSubOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
One element of the Redis pub/sub stream.
PubSubOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput
PubSubOutput.Type - Enum in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
PubSubReactiveNodeSelection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive
Node selection with access to RedisPubSubCommands.
punsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.NodeSelectionPubSubAsyncCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns.
punsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.NodeSelectionPubSubReactiveCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns.
punsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.NodeSelectionPubSubCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns.
punsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.async.RedisPubSubAsyncCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns.
punsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns.
punsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.sync.RedisPubSubCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns.
punsubscribe(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
punsubscribe(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
punsubscribed(RedisClusterNode, K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubAdapter
punsubscribed(RedisClusterNode, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubListener
Unsubscribed from a pattern.
punsubscribed(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAdapter
punsubscribed(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubListener
Unsubscribed from a pattern.
PushHandler - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A handler object that provides access to PushListener.
PushListener - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.push
Interface to be implemented by push message listeners that are interested in listening to PushMessage.
PushMessage - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.push
Interface representing a push message received from Redis.
PushOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Output for push notifications.
PushOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.PushOutput
put(K, V) - Method in interface
Associate the specified value with the specified key in this cache.
put(K, V) - Method in interface
Associate the specified value with the specified key in this Redis cache.
px(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs.Builder
Creates new SetArgs and enabling PX.
px(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs
Set the specified expire time, in milliseconds.


queue() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.batch.CommandBatching
Enqueue the command to the batch queue.
quit() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
quit() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
quit() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Instructs Redis to disconnect the connection.
quit() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Instructs Redis to disconnect the connection.
quit() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Instructs Redis to disconnect the connection.
quit() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Instructs Redis to disconnect the connection.
quit() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Instructs Redis to disconnect the connection.


randomBetween(long, long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay
Generates a random long value within min and max boundaries.
randomkey() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
randomkey() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
randomkey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Return a random key from the keyspace.
randomkey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Return a random key from the keyspace.
randomkey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Return a random key from the keyspace.
randomkey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Return a random key from the keyspace.
randomkey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Return a random key from the keyspace on a random master.
randomkey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Return a random key from the keyspace on a random master.
randomkey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Return a random key from the keyspace.
randomkey() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Return a random key from the keyspace on a random master.
randomkey() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
randomkey() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
Range<T> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Range defines lower and upper boundaries to retrieve items from a sorted set.
Range.Boundary<T> - Class in io.lettuce.core
rank(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.LPosArgs.Builder
Creates new LPosArgs and setting RANK.
rank(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.LPosArgs
Specify the rank of the first element to return, in case there are multiple matches.
ratio(float) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DecodeBufferPolicies
Ratio-based discard policy that considers the capacity vs. usage of the aggregation buffer.
reactive() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulRedisConnection
Returns the RedisReactiveCommands API for the current connection.
reactive() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Returns the RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands API for the current connection.
reactive() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Returns the RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands API for the current connection.
reactive - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
reactive() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
reactive() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnection
Returns the RedisPubSubReactiveCommands API for the current connection.
reactive() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
reactive() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.StatefulRedisSentinelConnection
Returns the RedisSentinelReactiveCommands API for the current connection.
reactive - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
reactive() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
reactive - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
reactive() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
ReactiveExecutions<T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive
Execution holder for a reactive command to be executed on multiple nodes.
ReadFrom - Class in io.lettuce.core
Defines from which Redis nodes data is read.
ReadFrom() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
ReadFrom.Nodes - Interface in io.lettuce.core
Descriptor of nodes that are available for the current read operation.
readOnly() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
readOnly() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
readOnly() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Switch connection to Read-Only mode when connecting to a cluster.
readOnly() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Switch connection to Read-Only mode when connecting to a cluster.
readOnly() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Switch connection to Read-Only mode when connecting to a cluster.
readonly(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Select replica nodes by a predicate and keeps a static selection.
readOnly() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Tells a Redis cluster replica node that the client is ok reading possibly stale data and is not interested in running write queries.
readOnly() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Tells a Redis cluster replica node that the client is ok reading possibly stale data and is not interested in running write queries.
readonly(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Select replica nodes by a predicate and keeps a static selection.
readOnly() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Tells a Redis cluster replica node that the client is ok reading possibly stale data and is not interested in running write queries.
readonly(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
readWrite() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
readWrite() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
readWrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Switch connection to Read-Write mode (default) when connecting to a cluster.
readWrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Switch connection to Read-Write mode (default) when connecting to a cluster.
readWrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Switch connection to Read-Write mode (default) when connecting to a cluster.
readWrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Resets readOnly flag.
readWrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Resets readOnly flag.
readWrite() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Resets readOnly flag.
Reconnect(int) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionEvents.Reconnect
reconnectDelay(Delay) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the stateless reconnect Delay to delay reconnect attempts.
reconnectDelay(Supplier<Delay>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the stateful reconnect Supplier to delay reconnect attempts.
reconnectDelay() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the Delay for reconnect attempts.
reconnectDelay(Delay) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the stateless reconnect Delay to delay reconnect attempts.
reconnectDelay(Supplier<Delay>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the stateful reconnect Supplier to delay reconnect attempts.
reconnectDelay() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
ReconnectFailedEvent - Class in io.lettuce.core.event.connection
Event fired on failed reconnect caused either by I/O issues or during connection initialization.
ReconnectFailedEvent(SocketAddress, SocketAddress, Throwable, int) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.event.connection.ReconnectFailedEvent
reconnectionListener(ReconnectionListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
ReconnectionListener - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Listener for reconnection events.
recordCommandLatency(SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ProtocolKeyword, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyRecorder
Record the command latency per connectionPoint and commandType.
recordCommandLatency(SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ProtocolKeyword, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollector
Record the command latency per connectionPoint and commandType.
redirect(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
Send redirection messages to the connection with the specified ID.
redis(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Set Redis host.
redis(String, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Set Redis host and port.
RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
Advanced asynchronous and thread-safe Redis Cluster API.
RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
An advanced asynchronous and thread-safe API for a Redis Cluster connection.
RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisClusterConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
Initialize a new connection.
RedisAdvancedClusterCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
Advanced synchronous and thread-safe Redis Cluster API.
RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive
Advanced reactive and thread-safe Redis Cluster API.
RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
An advanced reactive and thread-safe API to a Redis Cluster connection.
RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisClusterConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
Initialize a new connection.
RedisAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
A complete asynchronous and thread-safe Redis API with 400+ Methods.
RedisAsyncCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
An asynchronous and thread-safe API for a Redis connection.
RedisAsyncCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RedisAsyncCommandsImpl
Initialize a new instance.
RedisBusyException - Exception in io.lettuce.core
Exception that gets thrown when Redis is busy executing a Lua script with a BUSY error response.
RedisBusyException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisBusyException
Create a RedisBusyException with the specified detail message.
RedisBusyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisBusyException
Create a RedisNoScriptException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
RedisCache<K,V> - Interface in
Interface defining common Redis Cache operations.
RedisChannelHandler<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Abstract base for every Redis connection.
RedisChannelHandler(RedisChannelWriter, Duration) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
RedisChannelWriter - Interface in io.lettuce.core
Writer for a channel.
RedisClient - Class in io.lettuce.core
A scalable and thread-safe Redis client supporting synchronous, asynchronous and reactive execution models.
RedisClient(ClientResources, RedisURI) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
RedisClient() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Creates a uri-less RedisClient.
RedisClusterAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async
A complete asynchronous and thread-safe cluster Redis API with 400+ Methods.
RedisClusterClient - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
A scalable and thread-safe Redis cluster client supporting synchronous, asynchronous and reactive execution models.
RedisClusterClient() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Non-private constructor to make RedisClusterClient proxyable.
RedisClusterClient(ClientResources, Iterable<RedisURI>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Initialize the client with a list of cluster URI's.
RedisClusterCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync
A complete synchronous and thread-safe Redis Cluster API with 400+ Methods.
RedisClusterNode - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions
Representation of a Redis Cluster node.
RedisClusterNode() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
RedisClusterNode(RedisURI, String, boolean, String, long, long, long, List<Integer>, Set<RedisClusterNode.NodeFlag>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
RedisClusterNode(RedisClusterNode) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
RedisClusterNode.NodeFlag - Enum in io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions
Redis Cluster node flags.
RedisClusterPubSubAdapter<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub
Convenience adapter with an empty implementation of all RedisClusterPubSubListener callback methods.
RedisClusterPubSubAdapter() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubAdapter
RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async
Asynchronous and thread-safe Redis Cluster PubSub API.
RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
An asynchronous and thread-safe API for a Redis pub/sub connection.
RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisPubSubConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
Initialize a new connection.
RedisClusterPubSubCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync
Synchronous and thread-safe Redis Cluster PubSub API.
RedisClusterPubSubListener<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub
Interface for Redis Cluster Pub/Sub listeners.
RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive
Reactive and thread-safe Redis Cluster PubSub API.
RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
A reactive and thread-safe API for a Redis pub/sub connection.
RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisPubSubConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
Initialize a new connection.
RedisClusterPushListener - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.push
Interface to be implemented by push message listeners that are interested in listening to PushMessage using Redis Cluster.
RedisClusterReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive
A complete reactive and thread-safe cluster Redis API with 400+ Methods.
RedisClusterURIUtil - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
RedisClusterURIUtil is a collection of RedisURI-based utility methods for RedisClusterClient use.
RedisCodec<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.codec
A RedisCodec encodes keys and values sent to Redis, and decodes keys and values in the command output.
RedisCodecResolver - Interface in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec
Strategy interface to resolve a RedisCodec for a CommandMethod.
RedisCommand<K,V,T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A redis command that holds an output, arguments and a state, whether it is completed or not.
RedisCommandExecutionException - Exception in io.lettuce.core
Exception for errors states reported by Redis.
RedisCommandExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException
Create a RedisCommandExecutionException with the specified detail message.
RedisCommandExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException
Create a RedisCommandExecutionException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
RedisCommandExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException
Create a RedisCommandExecutionException with the specified nested exception.
RedisCommandFactory - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic
Factory to create Redis Command interface instances.
RedisCommandFactory(StatefulConnection<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.RedisCommandFactory
Create a new CommandFactory given StatefulConnection.
RedisCommandFactory(StatefulConnection<?, ?>, Iterable<? extends RedisCodec<?, ?>>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.RedisCommandFactory
Create a new CommandFactory given StatefulConnection and a List of RedisCodecs to use
RedisCommandInterruptedException - Exception in io.lettuce.core
Exception thrown when the thread executing a redis command is interrupted.
RedisCommandInterruptedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandInterruptedException
Create a RedisCommandInterruptedException with the specified nested exception.
RedisCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
A complete synchronous and thread-safe Redis API with 400+ Methods.
RedisCommandTimeoutException - Exception in io.lettuce.core
Exception thrown when the command waiting timeout is exceeded.
RedisCommandTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandTimeoutException
Create a RedisCommandTimeoutException with a default message.
RedisCommandTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandTimeoutException
Create a RedisCommandTimeoutException with the specified detail message.
RedisCommandTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandTimeoutException
Create a RedisException with the specified nested exception.
RedisConnectionException - Exception in io.lettuce.core
Exception for connection failures.
RedisConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException
Create a RedisConnectionException with the specified detail message.
RedisConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException
Create a RedisConnectionException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
RedisConnectionStateAdapter - Class in io.lettuce.core
Convenience adapter with an empty implementation of all RedisConnectionStateListener callback methods.
RedisConnectionStateAdapter() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionStateAdapter
RedisConnectionStateListener - Interface in io.lettuce.core
Simple interface for Redis connection state monitoring.
RedisException - Exception in io.lettuce.core
Exception thrown when Redis returns an error message, or when the client fails for any reason.
RedisException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisException
Create a RedisException with the specified detail message.
RedisException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisException
Create a RedisException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
RedisException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisException
Create a RedisException with the specified nested exception.
RedisFuture<V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core
A RedisFuture represents the result of an asynchronous computation, extending CompletionStage.
RedisGeoAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for the Geo-API.
RedisGeoCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for the Geo-API.
RedisGeoReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for the Geo-API.
RedisHandshakeHandler - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Handler to initialize a Redis Connection using a ConnectionInitializer.
RedisHandshakeHandler(ConnectionInitializer, ClientResources, Duration) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisHandshakeHandler
RedisHashAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Hashes (Key-Value pairs).
RedisHashCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Hashes (Key-Value pairs).
RedisHashReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Hashes (Key-Value pairs).
RedisHLLAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for HyperLogLog (PF* commands).
RedisHLLCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for HyperLogLog (PF* commands).
RedisHLLReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for HyperLogLog (PF* commands).
RedisInstance - Interface in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Represents a redis instance according to the ROLE output.
RedisInstance.Role - Enum in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Possible Redis instance roles.
RedisKeyAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Keys (Key manipulation/querying).
RedisKeyCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Keys (Key manipulation/querying).
RedisKeyReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Keys (Key manipulation/querying).
RedisListAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Lists.
RedisListCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Lists.
RedisListReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Lists.
RedisLoadingException - Exception in io.lettuce.core
Exception that gets thrown when Redis is loading a dataset into memory and replying with a LOADING error response.
RedisLoadingException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisLoadingException
Create a RedisLoadingException with the specified detail message.
RedisLoadingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisLoadingException
Create a RedisLoadingException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
RedisMasterInstance - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Represents a upstream (master) instance.
RedisMasterInstance() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisMasterInstance
RedisMasterInstance(long, List<ReplicationPartner>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisMasterInstance
Constructs a RedisMasterInstance
RedisNodeDescription - Interface in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Description of a single Redis Node.
RedisNoScriptException - Exception in io.lettuce.core
Exception that gets thrown when Redis indicates absence of a Lua script referenced by its SHA1 digest with a NOSCRIPT error response.
RedisNoScriptException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisNoScriptException
Create a RedisNoScriptException with the specified detail message.
RedisNoScriptException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.RedisNoScriptException
Create a RedisNoScriptException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
RedisProtocolException - Exception in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Exception thrown on Redis protocol failures.
RedisProtocolException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisProtocolException
RedisPubSubAdapter<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
Convenience adapter with an empty implementation of all RedisPubSubListener callback methods.
RedisPubSubAdapter() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAdapter
RedisPubSubAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.async
Asynchronous and thread-safe Redis PubSub API.
RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
An asynchronous and thread-safe API for a Redis pub/sub connection.
RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisPubSubConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
Initialize a new connection.
RedisPubSubCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.sync
Synchronous and thread-safe Redis PubSub API.
RedisPubSubListener<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
Interface for Redis Pub/Sub listeners.
RedisPubSubReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive
Asynchronous and thread-safe Redis PubSub API.
RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
A reactive and thread-safe API for a Redis pub/sub connection.
RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisPubSubConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
Initialize a new connection.
RedisReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
A complete reactive and thread-safe Redis API with 400+ Methods.
RedisReactiveCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
A reactive and thread-safe API for a Redis Sentinel connection.
RedisReactiveCommandsImpl(StatefulRedisConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RedisReactiveCommandsImpl
Initialize a new instance.
RedisReplicaInstance - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Redis replica instance.
RedisReplicaInstance() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance
RedisReplicaInstance.State - Enum in io.lettuce.core.models.role
State of the Replica.
RedisScriptingAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Scripting.
RedisScriptingCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Scripting.
RedisScriptingReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Scripting.
RedisSentinelAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Redis Sentinel.
RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.sentinel
An asynchronous and thread-safe API for a Redis Sentinel connection.
RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl(StatefulConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
RedisSentinelCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Redis Sentinel.
RedisSentinelInstance - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Redis sentinel instance.
RedisSentinelInstance() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSentinelInstance
RedisSentinelInstance(List<String>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSentinelInstance
RedisSentinelReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Redis Sentinel.
RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.sentinel
A reactive and thread-safe API for a Redis Sentinel connection.
RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl(StatefulConnection<K, V>, RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
RedisServerAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Server Control.
RedisServerCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Server Control.
RedisServerReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Server Control.
RedisSetAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Sets.
RedisSetCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Sets.
RedisSetReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Sets.
RedisSlaveInstance - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.role
since 6.0, in favor or RedisReplicaInstance.
RedisSlaveInstance() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSlaveInstance
RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Sorted Sets.
RedisSortedSetCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Sorted Sets.
RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Sorted Sets.
RedisStateMachine - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
State machine that decodes redis server responses encoded according to the Unified Request Protocol (RESP).
RedisStateMachine(ByteBufAllocator) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
Initialize a new instance.
RedisStreamAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Streams.
RedisStreamCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Streams.
RedisStreamReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Streams.
RedisStringAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Strings.
RedisStringCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Strings.
RedisStringReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Strings.
RedisTransactionalAsyncCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.async
Asynchronous executed commands for Transactions.
RedisTransactionalCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.sync
Synchronous executed commands for Transactions.
RedisTransactionalReactiveCommands<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api.reactive
Reactive executed commands for Transactions.
RedisUpstreamInstance - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Represents a upstream instance.
RedisUpstreamInstance() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
RedisUpstreamInstance(long, List<ReplicationPartner>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
RedisURI - Class in io.lettuce.core
Redis URI.
RedisURI() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Default empty constructor.
RedisURI(String, int, Duration) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Constructor with host/port and timeout.
RedisURI.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder for Redis URI.
ReflectionUtils - Class in
Simple utility class for working with the reflection API and handling reflection exceptions.
ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class
ReflectionUtils.FieldCallback - Interface in
Callback interface invoked on each field in the hierarchy.
ReflectionUtils.FieldFilter - Interface in
Callback optionally used to filter fields to be operated on by a field callback.
ReflectionUtils.MethodCallback - Interface in
Action to take on each method.
ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter - Interface in
Callback optionally used to filter methods to be operated on by a method callback.
refreshPartitions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Refresh partitions and re-initialize the routing table.
refreshPartitionsAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Asynchronously reload partitions and re-initialize the distribution table.
refreshPeriod(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
Set the refresh period.
refreshPeriod(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
refreshTriggersReconnectAttempts(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.Builder
register(Class<T>, CommandOutputFactory) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputRegistry
Register a CommandOutput type with its CommandOutputFactory.
register(K, T) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AsyncConnectionProvider
Register a connection identified by key.
registerCloseables(Collection<Closeable>, Closeable...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
Register Closeable resources.
registerConnectionWatchdog(ConnectionWatchdog) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
registerConnectionWatchdog(ConnectionWatchdog) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.Endpoint
Associate a ConnectionWatchdog with the Endpoint.
rejectCommand(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
rejectCommands(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
release(EventExecutorGroup, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
release(EventExecutorGroup, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopGroupProvider
Release a eventLoopGroup instance.
release(T) - Method in interface
Release an object back to this AsyncPool.
release(T) - Method in class
reload(List<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Update partitions and rebuild slot cache.
reloadPartitions() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
remoteAddress() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionId
Returns the remote address.
remoteAddress() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
Returns the remote address.
remoteEndpoint(Tracing.Endpoint) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer.Span
Associates an Tracing.Endpoint with this Tracer.Span.
remove(Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Remove the element from this Partitions.
remove(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
remove the specified master.
remove(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
remove the specified master.
remove(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
remove the specified master.
remove(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
remove(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Remove all nodes from the Partitions using elements from the given collection and update the read-view/caches.
removeListener(RedisConnectionStateListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Removes a listener.
removeListener(PushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulRedisConnection
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisClusterPushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisClusterPushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterPushHandler
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisClusterPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisClusterPushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisClusterPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.PubSubClusterEndpoint
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisClusterPushListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
removeListener(RedisConnectionStateListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionEvents
removeListener(PushListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
removeListener(PushListener) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.PushHandler
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnection
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(RedisPubSubListener<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
Remove an existing listener.
removeListener(PushListener) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
Remove an existing listener.
removeSource() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.DemandAware.Sink
Removes the DemandAware.Source reference from this DemandAware.Sink.
rename(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
rename(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
rename(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Rename a key.
rename(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Rename a key.
rename(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Rename a key.
rename(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Rename a key.
rename(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Rename a key.
renamenx(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
renamenx(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
renamenx(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist.
renamenx(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist.
renamenx(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist.
renamenx(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist.
renamenx(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist.
replace() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs.Builder
Creates new MigrateArgs and enabling REPLACE.
replace() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.MigrateArgs
Replace existing key on the remote instance by setting REPLACE.
replace() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RestoreArgs
Replaces existing keys if the target key already exists.
replace(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RestoreArgs
Replaces existing keys if the target key already exists.
replay(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput.BulkString
replay(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput.ErrorBytes
replay(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput
Replay all captured signals on a CommandOutput.
replay(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput.Signal
Replay the signal on a CommandOutput.
ReplayOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Replayable CommandOutput capturing output signals to replay these on a target CommandOutput.
ReplayOutput() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput
Initialize a new instance that encodes and decodes keys and values using the supplied codec.
ReplayOutput.BulkString - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
ReplayOutput.ErrorBytes - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
ReplayOutput.Signal - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Encapsulates a replayable decoding signal.
REPLICA - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read from the replica only.
REPLICA_PREFERRED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read preferred from replica and fall back to upstream if no replica is not available.
REPLICA_STATE_MAPPING - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RoleParser
replicas() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Select all replicas.
replicas(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Select all replicas.
replicas() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Select all replicas.
replicas(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Select all replicas.
replicas() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
replicas(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
Select all replicas.
replicas() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
Select all replicas.
replicas(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
Select all replicas.
replicas() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
Select all replicas.
replicas(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
Select all replicas.
ReplicationPartner - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Replication partner providing the host and the replication offset.
ReplicationPartner() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.ReplicationPartner
ReplicationPartner(HostAndPort, long) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.models.role.ReplicationPartner
Constructs a replication partner.
requestMore() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.DemandAware.Source
Signals demand to the DemandAware.Source
requestQueueSize(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Set the per-connection request queue size.
requestQueueSize(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
reset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
reset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
reset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Reset the command state.
reset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Reset the command state.
reset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
since 5.2. This method is unsafe and can cause protocol offsets (i.e. Redis commands are completed with previous command values).
reset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Reset the command state.
Reset() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionEvents.Reset
reset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
reset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionFacade
Reset the connection state.
reset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
Reset the writer state.
reset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
Reset the state machine.
reset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
reset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
since 5.2. This method is unsafe and can cause protocol offsets (i.e. Redis commands are completed with previous command values).
reset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.Delay.StatefulDelay
Reset this delay state.
reset(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
This command will reset all the masters with matching name.
reset(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
This command will reset all the masters with matching name.
reset(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
This command will reset all the masters with matching name.
reset(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
reset(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
resetLatenciesAfterEvent(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Sets whether the recorded latencies should be reset once the metrics event was emitted.
resetLatenciesAfterEvent() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Returns whether the latencies should be reset once an event is emitted.
resetLatenciesAfterEvent(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Sets whether the recorded latencies should be reset once the metrics event was emitted.
resetLatenciesAfterEvent() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
ResolvableType - Class in
Encapsulates a Java Type, providing access to supertypes, interfaces, and generic parameters along with the ability to ultimately resolve to a Class.
ResolvableType.VariableResolver - Interface in
Strategy interface used to resolve TypeVariables.
resolve(CommandMethod) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.AnnotationRedisCodecResolver
resolve(CommandMethod) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.RedisCodecResolver
Resolve a RedisCodec for the given CommandMethod.
resolve() - Method in class
Resolve this type to a Class, returning null if the type cannot be resolved.
resolve(Class<?>) - Method in class
Resolve this type to a Class, returning the specified fallback if the type cannot be resolved.
resolve(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DirContextDnsResolver
Perform hostname to address resolution.
resolve(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.DnsResolver
Returns the IP address for the specified host name.
resolve(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.MappingSocketAddressResolver
resolve(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.SocketAddressResolver
Resolve a RedisURI to a SocketAddress.
resolve(RedisURI, DnsResolver) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.SocketAddressResolver
Resolves a RedisURI to a SocketAddress.
resolveCommandOutput(OutputSelector) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.CodecAwareOutputFactoryResolver
resolveCommandOutput(OutputSelector) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.CommandOutputFactoryResolver
Resolve a regular CommandOutputFactory that produces the CommandOutput result component type.
resolveCommandOutput(OutputSelector) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputRegistryCommandOutputFactoryResolver
resolveGeneric(int...) - Method in class
Convenience method that will get and resolve a specific generic parameters.
resolveGenerics() - Method in class
Convenience method that will get and resolve generic parameters.
resolveGenerics(Class<?>) - Method in class
Convenience method that will get and resolve generic parameters, using the specified fallback if any type cannot be resolved.
resolveParameterIndex(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.parameter.MethodParametersAccessor
Resolve a parameter name to its index.
resolveStreamingCommandOutput(OutputSelector) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.CodecAwareOutputFactoryResolver
resolveStreamingCommandOutput(OutputSelector) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.CommandOutputFactoryResolver
Resolve a streaming CommandOutputFactory that produces the StreamingOutput result component type.
resolveStreamingCommandOutput(OutputSelector) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputRegistryCommandOutputFactoryResolver
resolveType() - Method in class
Resolve this type by a single level, returning the resolved value or ResolvableType.NONE.
resolveTypeArguments(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Resolve the type arguments of the given generic interface against the given target class which is assumed to implement the generic interface and possibly declare concrete types for its type variables.
resolveVariable(TypeVariable<?>) - Method in interface
Resolve the specified variable.
restore(K, long, byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
restore(K, byte[], RestoreArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
restore(K, long, byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
restore(K, byte[], RestoreArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
restore(K, long, byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, byte[], RestoreArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, long, byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, byte[], RestoreArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, long, byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, byte[], RestoreArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, long, byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, byte[], RestoreArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, long, byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
restore(K, byte[], RestoreArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
RestoreArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis RESTORE command.
RestoreArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.RestoreArgs
RestoreArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for XAddArgs.
resubscribe() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
Re-subscribe to all previously subscribed channels and patterns.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Retains only the elements in this Partitions that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation)and update the read-view/caches.
rethrowRuntimeException(Throwable) - Static method in class
Rethrow the given exception, which is presumably the target exception of an InvocationTargetException.
retrieveMetrics() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollector
retrieveMetrics() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.MetricCollector
Returns the collected/aggregated metrics.
retryCount(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
Set the retry counter to the specified value.
role() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
role() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
role() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Return the role of the instance in the context of replication.
role() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Return the role of the instance in the context of replication.
role() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Return the role of the instance in the context of replication.
role() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Return the role of the instance in the context of replication.
role() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Return the role of the instance in the context of replication.
ROLE_MAPPING - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RoleParser
RoleParser - Class in io.lettuce.core.models.role
Parser for Redis ROLE command output.
rpop(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
rpop(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
rpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list.
rpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list.
rpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list.
rpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list.
rpop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Remove and get the last element in a list.
rpoplpush(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
rpoplpush(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
rpoplpush(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it.
rpoplpush(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it.
rpoplpush(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it.
rpoplpush(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it.
rpoplpush(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it.
rpush(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
rpush(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
rpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Append one or multiple values to a list.
rpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Append one or multiple values to a list.
rpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Append one or multiple values to a list.
rpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Append one or multiple values to a list.
rpush(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Append one or multiple values to a list.
rpushx(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
rpushx(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
rpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisListAsyncCommands
Append values to a list, only if the list exists.
rpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisListReactiveCommands
Append values to a list, only if the list exists.
rpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisListCommands
Append values to a list, only if the list exists.
rpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionListAsyncCommands
Append values to a list, only if the list exists.
rpushx(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionListCommands
Append values to a list, only if the list exists.
run(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
Reconnect to the remote address that the closed channel was connected to.
runAfterBoth(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
runAfterEither(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture


sadd(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sadd(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a set.
sadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a set.
sadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Add one or more members to a set.
sadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a set.
sadd(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Add one or more members to a set.
safeMultiArray(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, int, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeMultiMap(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, int, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeMultiPush(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, int, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeMultiSet(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, int, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeSet(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, boolean, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeSet(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, long, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeSet(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, double, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeSet(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, ByteBuffer, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeSetBigNumber(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, ByteBuffer, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeSetError(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, ByteBuffer, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
safeSetSingle(CommandOutput<?, ?, ?>, ByteBuffer, Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
save() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
save() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
save() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk.
save() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk.
save() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk.
save() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk.
save() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk.
scan() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scan() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scan() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisKeyReactiveCommands.scan().
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisKeyReactiveCommands.scan().
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisKeyReactiveCommands.scan().
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisKeyReactiveCommands.scan().
scan() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space.
scan() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Incrementally iterate the keys space over the whole Cluster.
scan() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scan() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scan(ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scan(ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scan(ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scan(KeyStreamingChannel<K>, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scan(RedisKeyCommands<K, V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Sequentially iterate over keys in the keyspace.
scan(RedisKeyCommands<K, V>, ScanArgs) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Sequentially iterate over keys in the keyspace.
scan(RedisKeyReactiveCommands<K, V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanStream
Sequentially iterate over keys in the keyspace.
scan(RedisKeyReactiveCommands<K, V>, ScanArgs) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanStream
Sequentially iterate over keys in the keyspace.
ScanArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis scan commands (SCAN, HSCAN, SSCAN, ZSCAN).
ScanArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ScanArgs
ScanArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for ScanArgs.
ScanCursor - Class in io.lettuce.core
Generic Cursor data structure.
ScanCursor() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
Creates a new ScanCursor.
ScanCursor(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
Creates a new ScanCursor.
ScanIterator<T> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Scan command support exposed through Iterator.
ScanOutput<K,V,T extends ScanCursor> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Cursor handling output.
ScanOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, T) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ScanOutput
ScanStream - Class in io.lettuce.core
Scan command support exposed through Flux.
scard(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scard(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Get the number of members in a set.
scard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Get the number of members in a set.
scard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Get the number of members in a set.
scard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Get the number of members in a set.
scard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Get the number of members in a set.
scheduleReconnect() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
Schedule reconnect if channel is not available/not active.
scheduleRefresh() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.cluster.AdaptiveRefreshTriggeredEvent
Schedules a new topology refresh.
ScoredValue<V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
A scored-value extension to Value.
ScoredValue() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
Serializable constructor.
ScoredValueListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of values and their associated scores.
ScoredValueListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueListOutput
ScoredValueOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
A single ScoredValue.
ScoredValueOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueOutput
ScoredValueScanCursor<V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Cursor providing a list of ScoredValue
ScoredValueScanCursor() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValueScanCursor
ScoredValueScanOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
ScoredValueScanCursor for scan cursor output.
ScoredValueScanOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueScanOutput
ScoredValueScanStreamingOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming-Output of of values and their associated scores.
ScoredValueScanStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueScanStreamingOutput
ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming API for multiple Keys.
ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming-Output of of values and their associated scores.
ScoredValueStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueStreamingOutput
scriptCharset(Charset) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Sets the Lua script Charset to use to encode scripts to byte[].
scriptCharset(Charset) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
scriptExists(String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scriptExists(String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scriptExists(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Check existence of scripts in the script cache.
scriptExists(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Check existence of scripts in the script cache.
scriptExists(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Check existence of scripts in the script cache.
scriptExists(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Check existence of scripts in the script cache.
scriptExists(String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Check existence of scripts in the script cache.
scriptFlush() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scriptFlush() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scriptFlush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Remove all the scripts from the script cache.
scriptFlush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Remove all the scripts from the script cache.
scriptFlush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Remove all the scripts from the script cache.
scriptFlush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Remove all the scripts from the script cache.
scriptFlush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Remove all the scripts from the script cache on all cluster nodes.
scriptFlush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Remove all the scripts from the script cache on all cluster nodes.
scriptFlush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Remove all the scripts from the script cache.
scriptFlush() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Remove all the scripts from the script cache on all cluster nodes.
scriptFlush() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scriptFlush() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scriptKill() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scriptKill() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scriptKill() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Kill the script currently in execution.
scriptKill() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Kill the script currently in execution.
scriptKill() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Kill the script currently in execution.
scriptKill() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Kill the script currently in execution.
scriptKill() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Kill the script currently in execution on all cluster nodes.
scriptKill() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Kill the script currently in execution on all cluster nodes.
scriptKill() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Kill the script currently in execution.
scriptKill() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Kill the script currently in execution on all cluster nodes.
scriptKill() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scriptKill() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
scriptLoad(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
scriptLoad(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisScriptingReactiveCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisScriptingCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionScriptingAsyncCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache on all cluster nodes.
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache on all cluster nodes.
scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache on all cluster nodes.
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache on all cluster nodes.
scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionScriptingCommands
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
scriptLoad(byte[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
ScriptOutputType - Enum in io.lettuce.core
A Lua script returns one of the following types: ScriptOutputType.BOOLEAN boolean ScriptOutputType.INTEGER 64-bit integer ScriptOutputType.STATUS status string ScriptOutputType.VALUE value ScriptOutputType.MULTI of these types Redis to Lua conversion table.
sdiff(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sdiff(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sdiff(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sdiff(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sdiff(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiff(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiff(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiff(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.sdiff(K...).
sdiff(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiff(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiff(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiff(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiff(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiff(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Subtract multiple sets.
sdiffstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sdiffstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sdiffstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sdiffstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sdiffstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sdiffstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sdiffstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
select(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
select(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
select(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisAsyncCommands
Change the selected database for the current connection.
select(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisReactiveCommands
Change the selected database for the current connection.
select(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisCommands
Change the selected database for the current Commands.
select(ReadFrom.Nodes) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Chooses the nodes from the matching Redis nodes that match this read selector.
sentinel(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Set Sentinel host.
sentinel(String, int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Set Sentinel host and port.
sentinel(String, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Set Sentinel host and master id.
sentinel(String, int, String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Set Sentinel host, port and master id.
sentinel(String, int, String, CharSequence) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
serviceName(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.Builder
Sets the name used in the Endpoint.
set(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
set(K, V, SetArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
set(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
set(K, V, SetArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
set(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(K, V, SetArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(K, V, SetArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(K, V, SetArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, int, long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Builder
Create a new SET subcommand.
set(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, BitFieldArgs.Offset, long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Builder
Create a new SET subcommand.
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new SET subcommand using offset 0 and the field type of the previous command.
set(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new SET subcommand using offset 0.
set(int, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new SET subcommand using the field type of the previous command.
set(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, int, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new SET subcommand.
set(BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType, BitFieldArgs.Offset, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Adds a new SET subcommand.
set(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(K, V, SetArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Set the string value of a key.
set(K, V, SetArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Set the string value of a key.
SET - Static variable in class
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanListOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanOutput
set(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ByteArrayOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Update the command output with a sequence of bytes, or null.
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Update the command output with a 64-bit signed integer.
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Update the command output with a floating-point number.
set(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Update the command output with a boolean.
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.DateOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.DoubleOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.DoubleOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GenericMapOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GenericMapOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GenericMapOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesListOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesValueListOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesValueListOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoWithinListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoWithinListOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoWithinListOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.IntegerListOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.IntegerOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.IntegerOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyStreamingOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueScoredValueOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueScoredValueOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueStreamingOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ListOfMapsOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MapOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MapOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.NestedMultiOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.NestedMultiOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.NestedMultiOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessageListOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessageListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessagesOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessagesOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PushOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScanOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueListOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueScanOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueScanStreamingOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueStreamingOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueStreamingOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.SocketAddressOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StatusOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamMessageListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamReadOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringMatchResultOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringMatchResultOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringValueListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueSetOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueStreamingOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueValueListOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueValueListOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
set(double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
set(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
set(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput
set(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput
set(K, String, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Multiple option / value pairs can be specified (or none at all).
set(K, String, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Multiple option / value pairs can be specified (or none at all).
set(K, String, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Multiple option / value pairs can be specified (or none at all).
set(K, String, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
set(K, String, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
SetArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis SET command starting from Redis 2.6.12.
SetArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs
SetArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for SetArgs.
setArity(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Disable or enable auto-flush behavior.
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Disable or enable auto-flush behavior.
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
Disable or enable auto-flush behavior.
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
setAutoFlushCommands(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
Disable or enable auto-flush behavior.
setBigNumber(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Update the command output with a big number.
setBigNumber(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GenericMapOutput
setBigNumber(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
setBigNumber(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
setbit(K, long, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
setbit(K, long, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
setbit(K, long, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
setbit(K, long, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
setbit(K, long, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
setbit(K, long, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
setbit(K, long, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
setClientName(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
setClientName(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the client name to be applied on Redis connections.
setClientName(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
setClientName(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
setCommandOutputFactoryResolver(CommandOutputFactoryResolver) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.RedisCommandFactory
setConfigEpoch(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Sets the configEpoch.
setConnected(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Sets the connected flag.
setConnectionFacade(ConnectionFacade) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
setConnectionFacade(ConnectionFacade) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
setConnectionFacade(ConnectionFacade) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
Set the corresponding connection facade in order to notify it about channel active/inactive state.
setCount(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StreamScanCursor
setCursor(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
Set the cursor
setDatabase(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the Redis database number.
setDb(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
setDefaultTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Set the default timeout for connections created by this client.
setDefaultTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
setError(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Set command output to an error message from the server.
setError(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Set command output to an error message from the client.
setError(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
setError(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput
setError(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput
setex(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
setex(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
setex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Set the value and expiration of a key.
setex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Set the value and expiration of a key.
setex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Set the value and expiration of a key.
setex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Set the value and expiration of a key.
setex(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Set the value and expiration of a key.
setFinished(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanCursor
setFirstKeyPosition(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
setFlags(Set<RedisClusterNode.NodeFlag>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Set of node flags.
setFlags(Set<CommandDetail.Flag>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
setFrom(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
setHost(HostAndPort) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.ReplicationPartner
setHost(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the Redis host.
setKeyStepCount(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
setLastKeyPosition(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
setListenOnChannelInactive(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
Enable event listener for disconnected events.
setMaster(ReplicationPartner) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSlaveInstance
setMonitoredMasters(List<String>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSentinelInstance
setName(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
setNodeId(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Sets nodeId.
setNodeMessagePropagation(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Enables/disables node message propagation to this connections listeners.
setNodeMessagePropagation(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.PubSubClusterEndpoint
setnx(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
setnx(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
setnx(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist.
setnx(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist.
setnx(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist.
setnx(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist.
setnx(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist.
setOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Set the ClientOptions for the client.
setOptions(ClusterClientOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Set the ClusterClientOptions for the client.
setOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
setOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisClient
Set the ClientOptions for the client.
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyScanOutput
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyScanStreamingOutput
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueScanStreamingOutput
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MapScanOutput
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScanOutput
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueScanOutput
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueScanStreamingOutput
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueScanOutput
setOutput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueScanStreamingOutput
setOutput(CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
setOutput(CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
setOutput(CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
setOutput(CommandOutput<K, V, T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisCommand
Set a new output.
setPartitions(Partitions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Sets the new cluster topology.
setPartitions(Partitions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
setPassword(char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
setPassword(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
since 6.0. Use RedisURI.setPassword(CharSequence) or RedisURI.setPassword(char[]) to avoid String caching.
setPassword(CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the password.
setPassword(char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the password.
setPingSentTimestamp(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Sets the last pingSentTimestamp.
setPongReceivedTimestamp(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Sets the last pongReceivedTimestamp.
setPort(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the Redis port.
setProtocolVersion(ProtocolVersion) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine
setrange(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
setrange(K, long, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
setrange(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset.
setrange(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset.
setrange(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset.
setrange(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset.
setrange(K, long, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset.
setReadFrom(ReadFrom) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Set from which nodes data is read.
setReadFrom(ReadFrom) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
setReadFrom(ReadFrom) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.masterreplica.StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection
Set from which nodes data is read.
setReadFrom(ReadFrom) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.masterslave.StatefulRedisMasterSlaveConnection
Set from which nodes data is read.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
setReconnectSuspended(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.ConnectionWatchdog
Suspend reconnection temporarily.
setReplicaNodes(List<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
setReplicas(List<ReplicationPartner>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
setReplicationOffset(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
setReplicationOffset(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.ReplicationPartner
setSentinelMasterId(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the Sentinel Master Id.
setSingle(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
Update the command output with a sequence of bytes, or null representing a simple string.
setSingle(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.MultiOutput
setSingle(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.NestedMultiOutput
setSingle(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PushOutput
setSingle(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
setSlaveNodes(List<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
setSlaveOf(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Sets the replication source.
setSlaves(List<ReplicationPartner>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
setSlots(List<Integer>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Sets the list of slots for which this RedisClusterNode is the RedisClusterNode.NodeFlag.UPSTREAM.
setSocket(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the Unix Domain Socket path.
setSource(DemandAware.Source) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.protocol.DemandAware.Sink
setSpan(Tracer.Span) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.TracedCommand
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets whether to use SSL.
setStartTls(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Returns whether StartTLS is enabled.
setState(RedisReplicaInstance.State) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance
setState(CommandHandler.LifecycleState) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<Boolean>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.BooleanListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<GeoCoordinates>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<Value<GeoCoordinates>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoCoordinatesValueListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<GeoWithin<V>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.GeoWithinListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<Long>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.IntegerListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<KeyValue<K, V>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.KeyValueListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<PendingMessage>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PendingMessageListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<ScoredValue<V>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ScoredValueListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.output.StreamingOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<StreamMessage<K, V>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamMessageListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<StreamMessage<K, V>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamReadOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<String>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<Value<String>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.StringValueListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueListOutput
setSubscriber(StreamingOutput.Subscriber<Value<V>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueValueListOutput
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulConnection
Set the default command timeout for this connection.
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisClusterAsyncCommands
Set the default timeout for operations.
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisClusterReactiveCommands
Set the default timeout for operations.
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisClusterCommands
Set the default timeout for operations.
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
Set the command timeout for this connection.
setTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the command timeout for synchronous command execution.
setTo(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
setTypeIndexForCurrentLevel(int) - Method in class
Set the type index for the current nesting level.
setUpstream(RedisClusterNode) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
setUpstream(ReplicationPartner) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance
setUri(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
Sets the connection point details.
setUsername(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
setUsername(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets the username.
setUserNamePassword(List<char[]>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionState
Sets username/password state based on the argument count from an AUTH command.
setVerifyCommandMethods(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.RedisCommandFactory
Enables/disables command verification which checks the command name against Redis COMMAND and the argument count.
setVerifyPeer(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Sets whether to verify peers when using SSL.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
shutdown() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Shutdown this client and close all open connections once this method is called.
shutdown(Duration, Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Shutdown this client and close all open connections once this method is called.
shutdown(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Shutdown this client and close all open connections once this method is called.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
shutdown(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down all nodes of the cluster.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down all nodes of the cluster.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down all nodes of the cluster.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
shutdown() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyEventPublisher
shutdown() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.MetricEventPublisher
Shut down the event publisher.
shutdown() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollector
shutdown() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.MetricCollector
Shut down the metrics collector.
shutdown() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Shutdown the ClientResources.
shutdown(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Shutdown the ClientResources.
shutdown() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
Shutdown the ClientResources.
shutdown(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
Shutdown the ClientResources.
shutdown(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
shutdown(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopGroupProvider
Shutdown the provider and release all instances.
shutdownAsync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Shutdown this client and close all open connections asynchronously.
shutdownAsync(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient
Shutdown this client and close all open connections asynchronously.
shutdownAsync(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Shutdown this client and close all open connections asynchronously.
Signal() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ReplayOutput.Signal
signed(int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Creates a new signed BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType for the given number of bits.
sinter(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sinter(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sinter(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sinter(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sinter(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinter(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinter(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinter(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.sinter(K...).
sinter(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinter(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinter(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinter(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinter(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinter(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Intersect multiple sets.
sinterstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sinterstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sismember(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sismember(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sismember(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Determine if a given value is a member of a set.
sismember(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Determine if a given value is a member of a set.
sismember(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Determine if a given value is a member of a set.
sismember(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Determine if a given value is a member of a set.
sismember(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Determine if a given value is a member of a set.
size() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.NodeSelectionSupport
size() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
size() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegments
size() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.TransactionResult
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
skipme() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs.Builder
Creates new KillArgs and enabling SKIPME YES.
skipme() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs
By default this option is enabled, that is, the client calling the command will not get killed, however setting this option to no will have the effect of also killing the client calling the command.
skipme(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs
By default this option is enabled, that is, the client calling the command will not get killed, however setting this option to no will have the effect of also killing the client calling the command.
SLAVE - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
renamed to ReadFrom.REPLICA.
SLAVE_PREFERRED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
slaveof(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
slaveof(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
slaveof(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.
slaveof(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.
slaveof(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.
slaveof(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.
slaveof(String, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.
slaveofNoOne() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
slaveofNoOne() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
slaveofNoOne() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Promote server as master.
slaveofNoOne() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Promote server as master.
slaveofNoOne() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Promote server as master.
slaveofNoOne() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Promote server as master.
slaveofNoOne() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Promote server as master.
slaves() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
slaves(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
slaves() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
slaves(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
slaves() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
slaves(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
slaves() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
slaves(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
slaves() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
slaves(Predicate<RedisClusterNode>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
slaves(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands
Provides a list of replicas for the master with the specified name.
slaves(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.reactive.RedisSentinelReactiveCommands
Provides a list of replicas for the master with the specified name.
slaves(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands
Provides a list of replicas for the master with the specified name.
slaves(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelAsyncCommandsImpl
slaves(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.RedisSentinelReactiveCommandsImpl
SLOT_COUNT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.SlotHash
Number of redis cluster slot hashes.
SlotHash - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
Utility to calculate the slot from a key.
slowlogGet() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
slowlogGet(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
slowlogGet() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
slowlogGet(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
slowlogGet() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogGet(int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Read the slow log.
slowlogLen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
slowlogLen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
slowlogLen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Obtaining the current length of the slow log.
slowlogLen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Obtaining the current length of the slow log.
slowlogLen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Obtaining the current length of the slow log.
slowlogLen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Obtaining the current length of the slow log.
slowlogLen() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Obtaining the current length of the slow log.
slowlogReset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
slowlogReset() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
slowlogReset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Resetting the slow log.
slowlogReset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Resetting the slow log.
slowlogReset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Resetting the slow log.
slowlogReset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Resetting the slow log.
slowlogReset() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Resetting the slow log.
smembers(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
smembers(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
smembers(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
smembers(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
smembers(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smembers(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smembers(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smembers(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.smembers(K).
smembers(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smembers(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smembers(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smembers(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smembers(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smembers(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Get all the members in a set.
smove(K, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
smove(K, K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
smove(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Move a member from one set to another.
smove(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Move a member from one set to another.
smove(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Move a member from one set to another.
smove(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Move a member from one set to another.
smove(K, K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Move a member from one set to another.
socket(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Set Redis socket.
socketAddress() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
SocketAddressOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Output capturing a hostname and port (both string elements) into a SocketAddress.
SocketAddressOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.SocketAddressOutput
socketAddressResolver(SocketAddressResolver) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the SocketAddressResolver that is used to resolve RedisURI to SocketAddress.
socketAddressResolver() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
socketAddressResolver(SocketAddressResolver) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the SocketAddressResolver that is used to resolve RedisURI to SocketAddress.
socketAddressResolver() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
SocketAddressResolver - Class in io.lettuce.core.resource
Resolves a RedisURI to a SocketAddress.
SocketAddressResolver(DnsResolver) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.resource.SocketAddressResolver
socketAddressSupplier(Mono<SocketAddress>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
socketChannelClass() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopResources
socketOptions(SocketOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Sets the low-level SocketOptions for the connections kept to Redis servers.
socketOptions(SocketOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
SocketOptions - Class in io.lettuce.core
Options to configure low-level socket options for the connections kept to Redis servers.
SocketOptions(SocketOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
SocketOptions(SocketOptions) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions
SocketOptions.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder for SocketOptions.
sort(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sort(K, SortArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, SortArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sort(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sort(K, SortArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, SortArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sort(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisKeyReactiveCommands.sort(K).
sort(K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisKeyReactiveCommands.sort(K).
sort(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, SortArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sort(GeoArgs.Sort) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
Sort results.
sort(GeoArgs.Sort) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
Sort results.
SortArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis SORT command.
SortArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.SortArgs
SortArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for SortArgs.
sortByClientCount(Iterable<RedisClusterNode>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.TopologyComparators
Sort partitions by client count.
sortByLatency(Iterable<RedisClusterNode>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.TopologyComparators
Sort partitions by latency.
sortByUri(Iterable<RedisClusterNode>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.TopologyComparators
Sort partitions by RedisURI.
sortStore(K, SortArgs, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sortStore(K, SortArgs, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sortStore(K, SortArgs, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sortStore(K, SortArgs, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sortStore(K, SortArgs, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sortStore(K, SortArgs, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
sortStore(K, SortArgs, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
Span() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer.Span
spanCustomizer(Consumer<Span>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.Builder
Sets an Span customizer to customize the Span.
spanCustomizer(BiConsumer<RedisCommand<Object, Object, Object>, Span>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.Builder
Sets an Span customizer to customize the Span based on the underlying RedisCommand.
spliterator() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.Executions
spop(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
spop(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
spop(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
spop(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
spop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Remove and return a random member from a set.
spop(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set.
spop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Remove and return a random member from a set.
spop(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set.
spop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Remove and return a random member from a set.
spop(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set.
spop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Remove and return a random member from a set.
spop(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set.
spop(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Remove and return a random member from a set.
spop(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
srandmember(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
srandmember(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
srandmember(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
srandmember(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
srandmember(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
srandmember(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Get one random member from a set.
srandmember(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Get one random member from a set.
srandmember(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.srandmember(K).
srandmember(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Get one random member from a set.
srandmember(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Get one random member from a set.
srandmember(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Get one random member from a set.
srandmember(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srandmember(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Get one or multiple random members from a set.
srem(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
srem(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
srem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Remove one or more members from a set.
srem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Remove one or more members from a set.
srem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Remove one or more members from a set.
srem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Remove one or more members from a set.
srem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Remove one or more members from a set.
sscan(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sscan(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.sscan(K).
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.sscan(K).
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.sscan(K).
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.sscan(K).
sscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Incrementally iterate Set elements.
sscan(RedisSetCommands<K, V>, K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Sequentially iterate over elements in a set identified by key.
sscan(RedisSetCommands<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Sequentially iterate over elements in a set identified by key.
sscan(RedisSetReactiveCommands<K, V>, K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanStream
Sequentially iterate over elements in a set identified by key.
sscan(RedisSetReactiveCommands<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanStream
Sequentially iterate over elements in a set identified by key.
ssl(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslConnectionBuilder
SslConnectionBuilder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Connection builder for SSL connections.
SslConnectionBuilder() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.SslConnectionBuilder
sslConnectionBuilder() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SslConnectionBuilder
sslContext(Consumer<SslContextBuilder>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Applies a SslContextBuilder customizer by calling Consumer.accept(Object)
sslOptions(SslOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Sets the SslOptions for SSL connections kept to Redis servers.
sslOptions(SslOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
SslOptions - Class in io.lettuce.core
Options to configure SSL options for the connections kept to Redis servers.
SslOptions(SslOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
SslOptions(SslOptions) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions
SslOptions.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder for SslOptions.
SslOptions.Resource - Interface in io.lettuce.core
Supplier for a InputStream representing a resource.
sslParameters(Supplier<SSLParameters>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Configures a Supplier to create SSLParameters.
ST_CANCELLED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
ST_COMPLETED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
ST_INITIAL - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
StandardReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer - Class in
ParameterNameDiscoverer implementation which uses JDK 8's reflection facilities for introspecting parameter names (based on the "-parameters" compiler flag).
StandardReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer() - Constructor for class
start(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer.Span
Starts the span with.
StatefulConnection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api
A stateful connection providing command dispatching, timeouts and open/close methods.
StatefulRedisClusterConnection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.api
A stateful cluster connection.
StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster
A thread-safe connection to a Redis Cluster.
StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl(RedisChannelWriter, ClusterPushHandler, RedisCodec<K, V>, Duration) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
Initialize a new connection.
StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub
A stateful Pub/Sub connection for Redis Cluster use.
StatefulRedisConnection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.api
A thread-safe connection to a redis server.
StatefulRedisConnectionImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
A thread-safe connection to a Redis server.
StatefulRedisConnectionImpl(RedisChannelWriter, PushHandler, RedisCodec<K, V>, Duration) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
Initialize a new connection.
StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.masterreplica
Redis Master-Replica connection.
StatefulRedisMasterSlaveConnection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.masterslave
StatefulRedisPubSubConnection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
An asynchronous thread-safe pub/sub connection to a redis server.
StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.pubsub
An thread-safe pub/sub connection to a Redis server.
StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl(PubSubEndpoint<K, V>, RedisChannelWriter, RedisCodec<K, V>, Duration) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
Initialize a new connection.
StatefulRedisSentinelConnection<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api
A thread-safe connection to a redis server.
StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.sentinel
StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl(RedisChannelWriter, RedisCodec<K, V>, Duration) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
status - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
StatusOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Status message output.
StatusOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.StatusOutput
store(K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs.Builder
Creates new GeoRadiusStoreArgs with STORE enabled.
StrAlgoArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis STRALGO command.
StrAlgoArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
StrAlgoArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for StrAlgoArgs.
StrAlgoArgs.By - Enum in io.lettuce.core
stralgoLcs(StrAlgoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
stralgoLcs(StrAlgoArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
stralgoLcs(StrAlgoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
The STRALGO command implements complex algorithms that operate on strings.
stralgoLcs(StrAlgoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
The STRALGO command implements complex algorithms that operate on strings.
stralgoLcs(StrAlgoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
The STRALGO command implements complex algorithms that operate on strings.
stralgoLcs(StrAlgoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
The STRALGO command implements complex algorithms that operate on strings.
stralgoLcs(StrAlgoArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
The STRALGO command implements complex algorithms that operate on strings.
stream() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.AsyncExecutions
stream() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.Executions
stream() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Returns a sequential Stream with this ScanIterator as its source.
stream() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.TransactionResult
Returns a sequential Stream with this TransactionResult as its source.
stream() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
Returns a Stream wrapper for the value.
StreamingChannel - Interface in io.lettuce.core.output
Marker interface for streaming channels.
StreamingOutput<T> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.output
Implementors of this class support a streaming CommandOutput while the command is still processed.
StreamingOutput.Subscriber<T> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Subscriber to a StreamingOutput.
StreamMessage<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
A stream message and its id.
StreamMessage(K, String, Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.StreamMessage
Create a new StreamMessage.
StreamMessageListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
StreamMessageListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, K) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamMessageListOutput
StreamReadOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
StreamReadOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamReadOutput
StreamScanCursor - Class in io.lettuce.core
Cursor result using the Streaming API.
StreamScanCursor() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.StreamScanCursor
string(double) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings
Convert double to String.
StringCodec - Class in io.lettuce.core.codec
Optimized String codec.
StringCodec() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
Creates a new StringCodec with the default charset.
StringCodec(Charset) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
Creates a new StringCodec for the given Charset that encodes and decodes keys and values.
StringListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of string output.
StringListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.StringListOutput
StringMatchResult - Class in io.lettuce.core
Result for STRALGO command.
StringMatchResult(String, List<StringMatchResult.MatchedPosition>, long) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.StringMatchResult
Creates new StringMatchResult.
StringMatchResult.MatchedPosition - Class in io.lettuce.core
Match position in each string.
StringMatchResult.Position - Class in io.lettuce.core
Position range.
StringMatchResultOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Command output for STRALGO returning StringMatchResult.
StringMatchResultOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.StringMatchResultOutput
strings(String...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs.Builder
Creates new StrAlgoArgs by strings.
strings(Charset, String...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs.Builder
Creates new StrAlgoArgs by strings and charset.
StringValueListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of Value output.
StringValueListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.StringValueListOutput
strlen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
strlen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
strlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStringAsyncCommands
Get the length of the value stored in a key.
strlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStringReactiveCommands
Get the length of the value stored in a key.
strlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStringCommands
Get the length of the value stored in a key.
strlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStringAsyncCommands
Get the length of the value stored in a key.
strlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStringCommands
Get the length of the value stored in a key.
SUBKEY_END - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.SlotHash
Constant for a subkey end.
SUBKEY_START - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.SlotHash
Constant for a subkey start.
subscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.NodeSelectionPubSubAsyncCommands
Listen for messages published to the given channels.
subscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.NodeSelectionPubSubReactiveCommands
Listen for messages published to the given channels.
subscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.NodeSelectionPubSubCommands
Listen for messages published to the given channels.
subscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.async.RedisPubSubAsyncCommands
Listen for messages published to the given channels.
subscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
Listen for messages published to the given channels.
subscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.sync.RedisPubSubCommands
Listen for messages published to the given channels.
subscribe(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
subscribe(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
subscribed(RedisClusterNode, K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubAdapter
subscribed(RedisClusterNode, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubListener
Subscribed to a channel.
subscribed(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAdapter
subscribed(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubListener
Subscribed to a channel.
Subscriber() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.StreamingOutput.Subscriber
succeed() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisHandshakeHandler
Complete the handshake future successfully.
sum() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs.Builder
Creates new ZStoreArgs setting AGGREGATE SUM.
sum() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs
Aggregate scores of elements existing across multiple sets by summing up.
sunion(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sunion(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sunion(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sunion(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sunion(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunion(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunion(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunion(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSetReactiveCommands.sunion(K...).
sunion(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunion(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunion(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunion(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunion(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunion(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Add multiple sets.
sunionstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
sunionstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
sunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSetReactiveCommands
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSetCommands
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
sunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSetCommands
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
supports(TypeInformation<?>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.codec.AnnotationRedisCodecResolver.ParameterWrappers
suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Suspends reconnect when reconnects run into protocol failures (SSL verification, PING before connect fails).
suspendReconnectOnProtocolFailure(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
swapdb(int, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
swapdb(int, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
swapdb(int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisAsyncCommands
Swap two Redis databases, so that immediately all the clients connected to a given DB will see the data of the other DB, and the other way around
swapdb(int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisReactiveCommands
Swap two Redis databases, so that immediately all the clients connected to a given DB will see the data of the other DB, and the other way around
swapdb(int, int) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisCommands
Swap two Redis databases, so that immediately all the clients connected to a given DB will see the data of the other DB, and the other way around
sync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulRedisConnection
Returns the RedisCommands API for the current connection.
sync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection
Returns the RedisAdvancedClusterCommands API for the current connection.
sync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection
Returns the RedisClusterPubSubCommands API for the current connection.
sync - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
sync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl
sync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnection
Returns the RedisPubSubCommands API for the current connection.
sync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.StatefulRedisPubSubConnectionImpl
sync() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.sentinel.api.StatefulRedisSentinelConnection
Returns the RedisSentinelCommands API for the current connection.
sync - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
sync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.sentinel.StatefulRedisSentinelConnectionImpl
sync - Variable in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
sync() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StatefulRedisConnectionImpl
syncHandler(Object, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler
syncInvocationHandler() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.StatefulRedisClusterConnectionImpl


tag(String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer.Span
Associates a tag with this Tracer.Span.
targetPercentiles(double[]) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Sets the emitted percentiles.
targetPercentiles() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Returns the percentiles which should be exposed in the metric.
targetPercentiles(double[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Sets the emitted percentiles.
targetPercentiles() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
targetUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Set the target unit for the latencies.
targetUnit() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions
Returns the target TimeUnit for the emitted latencies.
targetUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.Builder
Set the target unit for the latencies.
targetUnit() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions
tcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SocketOptions.Builder
Sets whether to disable/enable Nagle's algorithm.
testOnAcquire - Variable in class
testOnAcquire() - Method in class
Enables validation of objects before being returned from the acquire method.
testOnAcquire(boolean) - Method in class
Configures whether objects acquired from the pool will be validated before being returned from the acquire method.
testOnAcquire() - Method in class
testOnAcquire(boolean) - Method in class
testOnCreate - Variable in class
testOnCreate() - Method in class
Enables validation of objects before being returned from the acquire method.
testOnCreate(boolean) - Method in class
Configures whether objects created for the pool will be validated before being returned from the acquire method.
testOnCreate() - Method in class
testOnCreate(boolean) - Method in class
testOnRelease - Variable in class
testOnRelease() - Method in class
Enables validation of objects when they are returned to the pool via the release method.
testOnRelease(boolean) - Method in class
Configures whether objects borrowed from the pool will be validated when they are returned to the pool via the release method.
testOnRelease() - Method in class
testOnRelease(boolean) - Method in class
thenAccept(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenAcceptBoth(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenApply(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenCollect(Collector<? super T, A, R>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.AsyncExecutions
Returns a new CompletionStage that, when this stage completes normally, is executed with this stage's results as the argument to the Collector.
thenCombine(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenCompose(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenCompose(BiFunction<? super T, ? super Throwable, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenRun(Runnable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenRunAsync(Runnable) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
thenRunAsync(Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
threadFactoryProvider(ThreadFactoryProvider) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Provide a default ThreadFactoryProvider to obtain ThreadFactory for a poolName to create threads.
threadFactoryProvider(ThreadFactoryProvider) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Provide a default ThreadFactoryProvider to obtain ThreadFactory for a poolName.
ThreadFactoryProvider - Interface in io.lettuce.core.resource
Interface to provide a custom ThreadFactory.
threadPoolSize() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider
threadPoolSize() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.EventLoopGroupProvider
Returns the pool size (number of threads) for IO threads.
time() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
time() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
time() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisServerAsyncCommands
Return the current server time.
time() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisServerReactiveCommands
Return the current server time.
time() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisServerCommands
Return the current server time.
time() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionServerAsyncCommands
Return the current server time.
time() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionServerCommands
Return the current server time.
time(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
This is the same as IDLE but instead of a relative amount of milliseconds, it sets the idle time to a specific unix time (in milliseconds).
time(TemporalAccessor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
This is the same as IDLE but instead of a relative amount of milliseconds, it sets the idle time to a specific unix time (in milliseconds).
timeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ConnectionBuilder
Timeout - Class in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.domain
Timeout value object to represent a timeout value with its TimeUnit.
timeoutCommands() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.Builder
Enable command timeouts.
timeoutCommands(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.Builder
Configure whether commands should timeout.
timeoutOptions(TimeoutOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.Builder
Sets the TimeoutOptions to expire and cancel commands.
timeoutOptions(TimeoutOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
TimeoutOptions - Class in io.lettuce.core
Options for command timeouts.
TimeoutOptions.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder for TimeoutOptions.
TimeoutOptions.TimeoutSource - Class in io.lettuce.core
Source for the actual timeout to expire a particular RedisCommand.
TimeoutProvider - Class in io.lettuce.core.internal
Provider for command timeout durations.
TimeoutProvider(Supplier<TimeoutOptions>, LongSupplier) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.internal.TimeoutProvider
timeoutSource(TimeoutOptions.TimeoutSource) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.Builder
Set a TimeoutOptions.TimeoutSource to obtain the timeout value per RedisCommand.
TimeoutSource() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.TimeoutOptions.TimeoutSource
timer(Timer) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets a shared Timer that can be used across different instances of RedisClient and RedisClusterClient The provided Timer instance will not be shut down when shutting down the client resources.
timer() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the Timer to schedule events.
timer(Timer) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets a shared Timer that can be used across different instances of RedisClient and RedisClusterClient The provided Timer instance will not be shut down when shutting down the client resources.
timer() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
toArray() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this Partitions using the read-view.
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this Partitions using the read-view.
ToByteBufEncoder<K,V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.codec
Optimized encoder that encodes keys and values directly on a ByteBuf.
toCommandString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
Returns a command string representation of CommandArgs with annotated key and value parameters.
toCompletionStage(Future<V>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Futures
Adapt Netty's ChannelFuture emitting a Void result.
toDouble(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings
Convert String to double.
TopologyComparators - Class in io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology
Comparators for RedisClusterNode and RedisURI.
TopologyComparators() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.cluster.topology.TopologyComparators
topologyRefreshOptions(ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
Sets the ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions for detailed control of topology updates.
toRedisURIs(URI) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterURIUtil
Parse a Redis Cluster URI with potentially multiple hosts into a List of RedisURI.
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.Offset
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.event.ClusterTopologyChangedEvent
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.slots.ClusterSlotRange
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Consumer
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.DeclaredCommandMethod
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputType
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegment
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.segment.CommandSegments
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Return a String representation of this type in its fully resolved form (including any generic parameters).
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.event.metrics.CommandLatencyEvent
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoCoordinates
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoWithin
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.AbstractInvocationHandler
By default delegates to Object.toString().
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.HostAndPort
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KeyValue
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Limit
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandLatencyId
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics.CommandLatency
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.metrics.CommandMetrics
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisSentinelInstance
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisUpstreamInstance
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.models.role.ReplicationPartner
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.CommandOutput
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.AsyncCommand
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandArgs
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ScoredValue
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StreamMessage
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.Value
toString() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs.StreamOffset
touch(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
touch(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
touch(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
touch(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
touch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Touch one or more keys.
touch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Touch one or more keys.
touch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Touch one or more keys.
touch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Touch one or more keys.
touch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Touch one or more keys with pipelining.
touch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Touch one or more keys with pipelining.
touch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Touch one or more keys.
touch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Touch one or more keys with pipelining.
touch(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
touch(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
touch(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
touch(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
toURI() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
Creates an URI based on the RedisURI if possible.
TraceContext - Interface in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Marker interface for a context propagation of parent and child spans.
TraceContextProvider - Interface in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Interface to obtain a TraceContext allowing propagation of Tracer.Span TraceContexts across threads.
TracedCommand<K,V,T> - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
Redis command that is aware of an associated TraceContext.
TracedCommand(RedisCommand<K, V, T>, TraceContext) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.TracedCommand
Tracer - Class in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Tracing abstraction to create Tracer.Spans to capture latency and behavior of Redis commands.
Tracer() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracer
Tracer.Span - Class in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Used to model the latency of an operation along with tags such as name or the Tracing.Endpoint.
TracerProvider - Interface in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Interface to obtain a Tracer.
tracing(Tracing) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources.Builder
Sets the Tracing instance to trace Redis calls.
tracing() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.ClientResources
Return the Tracing instance to support tracing of Redis commands.
tracing(Tracing) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources.Builder
Sets the Tracing instance to trace Redis calls.
tracing() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.resource.DefaultClientResources
tracing(Tracing) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.tracing.BraveTracing.Builder
Sets the Tracing.
Tracing - Interface in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Interface declaring methods to trace Redis commands.
Tracing.Endpoint - Interface in io.lettuce.core.tracing
Value object interface to represent an endpoint.
TrackingArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis CLIENT TRACKING command.
TrackingArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.TrackingArgs
TrackingArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for TrackingArgs.
TransactionalCommand<K,V,T> - Class in io.lettuce.core.protocol
A wrapper for commands within a MULTI transaction.
TransactionalCommand(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.protocol.TransactionalCommand
TransactionResult - Interface in io.lettuce.core
Value interface for a MULTI transaction result.
transformAsyncConnectionException(CompletionStage<T>, Iterable<RedisURI>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
trustManager(File) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the certificate file to load trusted certificates.
trustManager(SslOptions.Resource) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the certificate resource to load trusted certificates.
trustManager(TrustManagerFactory) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
truststore(File) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Truststore file to load trusted certificates.
truststore(File, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Truststore file to load trusted certificates.
truststore(URL) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Truststore resource to load trusted certificates.
truststore(URL, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Truststore resource to load trusted certificates.
truststore(SslOptions.Resource, char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SslOptions.Builder
Sets the Truststore resource to load trusted certificates.
ttl(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
ttl(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
ttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Get the time to live for a key.
ttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Get the time to live for a key.
ttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Get the time to live for a key.
ttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Get the time to live for a key.
ttl(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Get the time to live for a key.
ttl(long) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RestoreArgs.Builder
Creates new RestoreArgs and set the TTL.
ttl(Duration) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.RestoreArgs.Builder
Creates new RestoreArgs and set the minimum idle time.
ttl(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RestoreArgs
Set TTL in milliseconds after restoring the key.
ttl(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RestoreArgs
Set TTL in milliseconds after restoring the key.
type(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
type(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
type(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Determine the type stored at key.
type(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Determine the type stored at key.
type(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Determine the type stored at key.
type(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Determine the type stored at key.
type(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Determine the type stored at key.
type(KillArgs.Type) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs
This closes the connections of all the clients in the specified class.
type() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.output.PushOutput
type() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubMessage
type() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput
TypeInformation<S> - Interface in
Interface to access types and resolving generics on the way.
typeMaster() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs.Builder
Creates new KillArgs setting TYPE MASTER.
typeNormal() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs.Builder
Creates new KillArgs setting TYPE NORMAL.
typePubsub() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs.Builder
Creates new KillArgs setting TYPE PUBSUB.
typeSlave() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.KillArgs.Builder
Creates new KillArgs setting TYPE SLAVE.
TypeVariableTypeInformation<T> - Class in
Special TypeDiscoverer to determine the actual type for a TypeVariable.
TypeVariableTypeInformation(TypeVariable<?>, Type, TypeDiscoverer<?>, Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type>) - Constructor for class
Creates a bew TypeVariableTypeInformation for the given TypeVariable owning Type and parent TypeDiscoverer.
typeWidthBasedOffset(int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Creates a new BitFieldArgs.Offset for the given offset that is multiplied by the integer type width used in the sub command.


UnblockType - Enum in io.lettuce.core
Unblock type for CLIENT UNBLOCK command.
unbounded() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Range.Boundary
Creates an unbounded (infinite) boundary that marks the beginning/end of the range.
unbounded() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Range
UnknownPartitionException - Exception in io.lettuce.core.cluster
Exception thrown when an unknown partition is requested.
UnknownPartitionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.lettuce.core.cluster.UnknownPartitionException
Create a UnknownPartitionException with the specified detail message.
unlimited() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.Limit
unlink(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
unlink(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
unlink(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
unlink(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
unlink(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisKeyAsyncCommands
Unlink one or more keys (non blocking DEL).
unlink(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisKeyReactiveCommands
Unlink one or more keys (non blocking DEL).
unlink(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisKeyCommands
Unlink one or more keys (non blocking DEL).
unlink(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionKeyAsyncCommands
Unlink one or more keys (non blocking DEL).
unlink(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Unlink one or more keys with pipelining.
unlink(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.reactive.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommands
Unlink one or more keys with pipelining.
unlink(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionKeyCommands
Unlink one or more keys (non blocking DEL).
unlink(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Unlink one or more keys with pipelining.
unlink(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
unlink(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommandsImpl
unlink(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
unlink(Iterable<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisAdvancedClusterReactiveCommandsImpl
unmodifiableList(T...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceLists
Creates a new unmodifiable ArrayList containing all elements from elements.
unmodifiableList(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceLists
Creates a new unmodifiable ArrayList containing all elements from elements.
unmodifiableSet(T...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceSets
Creates a new unmodifiable HashSet containing all elements from elements.
unnamed() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor
Returns the default CipherCodec.KeyDescriptor that has no specified name.
unresolved() - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.resource.DnsResolver
Non-resolving DnsResolver.
unsigned(int) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs
Creates a new unsigned BitFieldArgs.BitFieldType for the given number of bits.
unsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.NodeSelectionPubSubAsyncCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
unsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.NodeSelectionPubSubReactiveCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
unsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.NodeSelectionPubSubCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
unsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.async.RedisPubSubAsyncCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
unsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisPubSubReactiveCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
unsubscribe(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.api.sync.RedisPubSubCommands
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
unsubscribe(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAsyncCommandsImpl
unsubscribe(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubReactiveCommandsImpl
unsubscribed(RedisClusterNode, K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubAdapter
unsubscribed(RedisClusterNode, K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.RedisClusterPubSubListener
Unsubscribed from a channel.
unsubscribed(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubAdapter
unsubscribed(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.pubsub.RedisPubSubListener
Unsubscribed from a channel.
unwatch() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
unwatch() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
unwatch() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisTransactionalAsyncCommands
Forget about all watched keys.
unwatch() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisTransactionalReactiveCommands
Forget about all watched keys.
unwatch() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisTransactionalCommands
Forget about all watched keys.
unwrap(Throwable) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.internal.Exceptions
Unwrap the exception if the given Throwable is a ExecutionException or CompletionException.
unwrap(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
Unwrap a wrapped command.
unwrap(RedisCommand<K, V, T>, Class<R>) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandWrapper
Returns an object that implements the given interface to allow access to non-standard methods, or standard methods not exposed by the proxy.
unwrap(Object) - Static method in class
Unwrap a potentially Wrapper object.
updateCache() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions
Update the partition cache.
updatePartitionsInConnections() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
upstream() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands
Select all upstream nodes.
upstream() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.RedisAdvancedClusterCommands
Select all upstream nodes.
upstream() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.async.RedisClusterPubSubAsyncCommands
Select all upstream nodes.
upstream() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.reactive.RedisClusterPubSubReactiveCommands
Select all upstream nodes.
upstream() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.pubsub.api.sync.RedisClusterPubSubCommands
Select all upstream nodes.
UPSTREAM - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read from the upstream only.
UPSTREAM_PREFERRED - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Setting to read preferred from the upstream and fall back to a replica if the upstream is not available.
URI_SCHEME_REDIS - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
URI_SCHEME_REDIS_SECURE - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
URI_SCHEME_REDIS_SECURE_ALT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
URI_SCHEME_REDIS_SENTINEL - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
URI_SCHEME_REDIS_SENTINEL_SECURE - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
URI_SCHEME_REDIS_SOCKET - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
URI_SCHEME_REDIS_SOCKET_ALT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
URI_SCHEME_REDIS_TLS_ALT - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI
useDynamicRefreshSources() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions
Discover cluster nodes from topology and use the discovered nodes as source for the cluster topology.
useDynamicRefreshSources() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.RedisClusterClient
Returns true if dynamic refresh sources are enabled.
userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
UTF8 - Static variable in class io.lettuce.core.codec.StringCodec
Utf8StringCodec - Class in io.lettuce.core.codec
since 5.2, use StringCodec.UTF8 instead.
Utf8StringCodec() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.codec.Utf8StringCodec
Initialize a new instance that encodes and decodes strings using the UTF-8 charset;


validate(T) - Method in interface
Ensures that the instance is safe to be returned by the pool.
validateClusterNodeMembership(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterClientOptions.Builder
Validate the cluster node membership before allowing connections to a cluster node.
Value - Annotation Type in io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation
Marker annotation to declare a method parameter as value.
Value<V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
A value container object which may or may not contain a non-null value.
Value() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.Value
Serializable constructor.
Value(V) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.Value
valueCompressor(RedisCodec<K, V>, CompressionCodec.CompressionType) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.codec.CompressionCodec
A RedisCodec that compresses values from a delegating RedisCodec.
ValueListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of values output.
ValueListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueListOutput
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.OverflowType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.DisconnectedBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.RefreshTrigger
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode.NodeFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.codec.CompressionCodec.CompressionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation.CommandNaming.LetterCase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation.CommandNaming.Strategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Sort
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Unit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisInstance.Role
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler.LifecycleState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandKeyword
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.ProtocolVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ReadFrom
Retrieve the ReadFrom preset by name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.resource.DnsResolvers
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.ScriptOutputType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs.By
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.UnblockType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
ValueOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Value output.
ValueOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueOutput
ValueRetrievalException(String) - Constructor for exception
Create a ValueRetrievalException with the specified detail message.
ValueRetrievalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Create a ValueRetrievalException with the specified detail message and nested exception.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.BitFieldArgs.OverflowType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions.DisconnectedBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.cluster.ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.RefreshTrigger
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode.NodeFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.codec.CompressionCodec.CompressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation.CommandNaming.LetterCase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation.CommandNaming.Strategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Sort
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs.Unit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.command.CommandDetail.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisInstance.Role
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.models.role.RedisReplicaInstance.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler.LifecycleState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandKeyword
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.protocol.ProtocolVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubOutput.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.resource.DnsResolvers
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.ScriptOutputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs.By
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.lettuce.core.UnblockType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueScanCursor<V> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Cursor providing a list of values.
ValueScanCursor() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ValueScanCursor
ValueScanOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
ValueScanCursor for scan cursor output.
ValueScanOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueScanOutput
ValueScanStreamingOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming API for multiple Values.
ValueScanStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, ValueStreamingChannel<V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueScanStreamingOutput
ValueSetOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Set of value output.
ValueSetOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueSetOutput
ValueStreamingChannel<V> - Interface in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming API for multiple Keys.
ValueStreamingOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Streaming-Output of Values.
ValueStreamingOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>, ValueStreamingChannel<V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueStreamingOutput
ValueValueListOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
List of Value wrapped values output.
ValueValueListOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.ValueValueListOutput
VoidOutput<K,V> - Class in io.lettuce.core.output
Void command output to consume data silently without actually processing it.
VoidOutput() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
Initialize a new instance that decodes errors.
VoidOutput(RedisCodec<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.output.VoidOutput
Initialize a new instance that decodes errors.


waitForReplication(int, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
waitForReplication(int, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
waitForReplication(int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.BaseRedisAsyncCommands
Wait for replication.
waitForReplication(int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.BaseRedisReactiveCommands
Wait for replication.
waitForReplication(int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.BaseRedisCommands
Wait for replication.
waitForReplication(int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.BaseNodeSelectionAsyncCommands
Wait for replication.
waitForReplication(int, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.BaseNodeSelectionCommands
Wait for replication.
wasDiscarded() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.TransactionResult
wasRolledBack() - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.TransactionResult
use renamed method TransactionResult.wasDiscarded() as Redis has no notion of rollback.
watch(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
watch(K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
watch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisTransactionalAsyncCommands
Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block.
watch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisTransactionalReactiveCommands
Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block.
watch(K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisTransactionalCommands
Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block.
weights(long[]) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs.Builder
weights(double...) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs.Builder
Creates new ZStoreArgs setting WEIGHTS.
weights(long[]) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs
weights(double...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs
Specify a multiplication factor for each input sorted set.
whenComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>, Executor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.ConnectionFuture
withAuthentication(String, CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Configures authentication.
withAuthentication(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Apply authentication from another RedisURI.
withAuthentication(String, char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Configures authentication.
withClientName(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Configures a client name.
withCodec(RedisCodec<?, ?>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.dynamic.output.OutputType
withCoordinates() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
Request coordinates for results.
withCount(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
Limit results to count entries.
withCount(long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
Limit results to count entries.
withDatabase(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Configures the database number.
withDistance() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
Request distance for results.
withHash() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
Request geohash for results.
withHost(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Adds host information to the builder.
withIdx() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
Request match position in each strings for results.
withMatchLen() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.StrAlgoArgs
Request match len for results.
withPassword(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
withPassword(CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Configures authentication.
withPassword(char[]) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Configures authentication.
withPort(int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Adds port information to the builder.
withSentinel(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Add a withSentinel host to the existing builder.
withSentinel(String, int) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Add a withSentinel host/port to the existing builder.
withSentinel(String, int, CharSequence) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Add a withSentinel host/port and Sentinel authentication to the existing builder.
withSentinel(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Add a withSentinel RedisURI to the existing builder.
withSentinelMasterId(String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Configures a sentinel master Id.
withSocketAddress(ChannelHandler, SocketAddress) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SslConnectionBuilder
Create an updated SslChannelInitializer with the new SocketAddress in place.
withSsl(RedisURI) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Apply authentication from another RedisURI.
withSsl(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Adds ssl information to the builder.
withStartTls(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Enables/disables StartTLS when using SSL.
withStore(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
Store the resulting members with their location in the new Geo set storeKey.
withStoreDist(K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs.Builder
Creates new GeoRadiusStoreArgs with STOREDIST enabled.
withStoreDist(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.GeoRadiusStoreArgs
Store the resulting members with their distance in the sorted set storeKey.
withTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Configures a timeout.
withTraceContextProvider(TraceContextProvider) - Static method in interface io.lettuce.core.tracing.Tracing
Creates a Reactor Context that contains the Mono<TraceContextProvider>. that can be merged into another Context.
withVerifyPeer(boolean) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.RedisURI.Builder
Enables/disables peer verification.
write(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
write(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K, V, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandExpiryWriter
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler
write(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
write(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K, V, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint
write(RedisCommand<K1, V1, T>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
write(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K1, V1, ?>>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.pubsub.PubSubEndpoint
write(RedisCommand<K, V, T>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
Write a command on the channel.
write(Collection<? extends RedisCommand<K, V, ?>>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelWriter
Write multiple commands on the channel.
writeToBuffer(C) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint


xack(K, K, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xack(K, K, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xack(K, K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Acknowledge one or more messages as processed.
xack(K, K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Acknowledge one or more messages as processed.
xack(K, K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Acknowledge one or more messages as processed.
xack(K, K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Acknowledge one or more messages as processed.
xack(K, K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Acknowledge one or more messages as processed.
xadd(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xadd(K, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xadd(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Map<K, V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xadd(K, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xadd(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
xadd(K, XAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Append a message to the stream key.
XAddArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis XADD command.
XAddArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.XAddArgs
XAddArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for XAddArgs.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, long, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, XClaimArgs, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, long, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, XClaimArgs, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, long, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, XClaimArgs, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, long, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, XClaimArgs, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, long, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, XClaimArgs, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, long, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, XClaimArgs, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, long, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
xclaim(K, Consumer<K>, XClaimArgs, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Gets ownership of one or multiple messages in the Pending Entries List of a given stream consumer group.
XClaimArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis XCLAIM command.
XClaimArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.XClaimArgs
XClaimArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for XAddArgs.
xdel(K, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xdel(K, String...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xdel(K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Removes the specified entries from the stream.
xdel(K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Removes the specified entries from the stream.
xdel(K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Removes the specified entries from the stream.
xdel(K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Removes the specified entries from the stream.
xdel(K, String...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Removes the specified entries from the stream.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K, XGroupCreateArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K, XGroupCreateArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K, XGroupCreateArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K, XGroupCreateArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K, XGroupCreateArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K, XGroupCreateArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Create a consumer group.
xgroupCreate(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K, XGroupCreateArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Create a consumer group.
XGroupCreateArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis XGROUP CREATE command.
XGroupCreateArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.XGroupCreateArgs
XGroupCreateArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for XGroupCreateArgs.
xgroupDelconsumer(K, Consumer<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xgroupDelconsumer(K, Consumer<K>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xgroupDelconsumer(K, Consumer<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Delete a consumer from a consumer group.
xgroupDelconsumer(K, Consumer<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Delete a consumer from a consumer group.
xgroupDelconsumer(K, Consumer<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Delete a consumer from a consumer group.
xgroupDelconsumer(K, Consumer<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Delete a consumer from a consumer group.
xgroupDelconsumer(K, Consumer<K>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Delete a consumer from a consumer group.
xgroupDestroy(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xgroupDestroy(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xgroupDestroy(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Destroy a consumer group.
xgroupDestroy(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Destroy a consumer group.
xgroupDestroy(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Destroy a consumer group.
xgroupDestroy(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Destroy a consumer group.
xgroupDestroy(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Destroy a consumer group.
xgroupSetid(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xgroupSetid(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xgroupSetid(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Set the current group id.
xgroupSetid(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Set the current group id.
xgroupSetid(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Set the current group id.
xgroupSetid(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Set the current group id.
xgroupSetid(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Set the current group id.
xinfoConsumers(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xinfoConsumers(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xinfoConsumers(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Retrieve information about consumer groups of group group and stream at key.
xinfoConsumers(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Retrieve information about consumer groups of group group and stream at key.
xinfoConsumers(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Retrieve information about consumer groups of group group and stream at key.
xinfoConsumers(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Retrieve information about consumer groups of group group and stream at key.
xinfoConsumers(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Retrieve information about consumer groups of group group and stream at key.
xinfoGroups(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xinfoGroups(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xinfoGroups(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Retrieve information about the stream consumer groups at key.
xinfoGroups(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Retrieve information about the stream consumer groups at key.
xinfoGroups(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Retrieve information about the stream consumer groups at key.
xinfoGroups(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Retrieve information about the stream consumer groups at key.
xinfoGroups(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Retrieve information about the stream consumer groups at key.
xinfoStream(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xinfoStream(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xinfoStream(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Retrieve information about the stream at key.
xinfoStream(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Retrieve information about the stream at key.
xinfoStream(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Retrieve information about the stream at key.
xinfoStream(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Retrieve information about the stream at key.
xinfoStream(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Retrieve information about the stream at key.
xlen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xlen(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Get the length of a steam.
xlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Get the length of a steam.
xlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Get the length of a steam.
xlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Get the length of a steam.
xlen(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Get the length of a steam.
xpending(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xpending(K, K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xpending(K, Consumer<K>, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xpending(K, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xpending(K, K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xpending(K, Consumer<K>, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xpending(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read pending messages from a stream for a group.
xpending(K, K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, Consumer<K>, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read pending messages from a stream for a group.
xpending(K, K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, Consumer<K>, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read pending messages from a stream for a group.
xpending(K, K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, Consumer<K>, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read pending messages from a stream for a group.
xpending(K, K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, Consumer<K>, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read pending messages from a stream for a group.
xpending(K, K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xpending(K, Consumer<K>, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read pending messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit.
xrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit.
xrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit.
xrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit.
xrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range.
xrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit.
xread(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xread(XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xread(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xread(XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xread(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
xread(XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets.
XReadArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis XREAD and XREADGROUP commands.
XReadArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.XReadArgs
XReadArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for XReadArgs.
XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K> - Class in io.lettuce.core
Value object representing a Stream with its offset.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xreadgroup(Consumer<K>, XReadArgs, XReadArgs.StreamOffset<K>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read messages from one or more XReadArgs.StreamOffsets using a consumer group.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xrevrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xrevrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xrevrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xrevrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range in reverse order.
xrevrange(K, Range<String>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Read messages from a stream within a specific Range applying a Limit in reverse order.
xtrim(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xtrim(K, boolean, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
xtrim(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xtrim(K, boolean, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
xtrim(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisStreamAsyncCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisStreamReactiveCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisStreamCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionStreamAsyncCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xtrim(K, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionStreamCommands
Trims the stream to count elements.
xx() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs.Builder
Creates new SetArgs and enabling XX.
xx() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.SetArgs
Only set the key if it already exists.
xx() - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ZAddArgs.Builder
Creates new ZAddArgs and enabling XX.
xx() - Method in class io.lettuce.core.ZAddArgs
Only update elements that already exist.


zadd(K, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zadd(K, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zadd(K, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zadd(K, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zadd(K, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zadd(K, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, Object...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zadd(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, Object...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
zadd(K, ZAddArgs, ScoredValue<V>...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
ZAddArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the improved Redis ZADD command starting from Redis 3.0.2.
ZAddArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ZAddArgs
ZAddArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for ScanArgs.
zaddincr(K, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zaddincr(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zaddincr(K, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zaddincr(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zaddincr(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zaddincr(K, ZAddArgs, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists applying the INCR option.
zcard(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zcard(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zcard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Get the number of members in a sorted set.
zcard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Get the number of members in a sorted set.
zcard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Get the number of members in a sorted set.
zcard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Get the number of members in a sorted set.
zcard(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Get the number of members in a sorted set.
zcount(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zcount(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zcount(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zcount(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zcount(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zcount(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zcount(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zcount(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given Range.
zcount(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zcount(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given Range.
zcount(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zcount(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given Range.
zcount(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zcount(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given Range.
zcount(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zcount(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given Range.
zincrby(K, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zincrby(K, double, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zincrby(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set.
zincrby(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set.
zincrby(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set.
zincrby(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set.
zincrby(K, double, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set.
zinterstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zinterstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zinterstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zinterstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zinterstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zlexcount(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zlexcount(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zlexcount(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zlexcount(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zlexcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zlexcount(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range.
zlexcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zlexcount(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range.
zlexcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zlexcount(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range.
zlexcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zlexcount(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range.
zlexcount(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zlexcount(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range.
zpopmax(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zpopmax(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zpopmax(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zpopmax(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zpopmax(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmax(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zpopmin(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zpopmin(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zpopmin(K, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zpopmin(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zpopmin(K, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.
zrange(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrange(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrange(K, long, long).
zrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.
zrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebylex(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebylex(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebylex(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrangebyscore(K, double, double).
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrangebyscore(K, double, double).
zrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double).
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double).
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with score in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score.
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score.
zrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrangeWithScores(K, long, long).
zrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index.
zrank(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrank(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set.
zrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set.
zrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set.
zrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set.
zrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set.
zrem(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrem(K, V...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Remove one or more members from a sorted set.
zrem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Remove one or more members from a sorted set.
zrem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Remove one or more members from a sorted set.
zrem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Remove one or more members from a sorted set.
zrem(K, V...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Remove one or more members from a sorted set.
zremrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zremrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zremrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zremrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zremrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zremrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range.
zremrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zremrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range.
zremrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zremrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range.
zremrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zremrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range.
zremrangebylex(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zremrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range.
zremrangebyrank(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zremrangebyrank(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zremrangebyrank(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes.
zremrangebyrank(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes.
zremrangebyrank(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes.
zremrangebyrank(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes.
zremrangebyrank(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes.
zremrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores.
zremrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores.
zremrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores.
zremrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores.
zremrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zremrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores.
zrevrange(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrange(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrevrange(K, long, long).
zrevrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrange(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebylex(K, Range<? extends V>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double).
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double).
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double).
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double).
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, double, double, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, String, String, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, Range<? extends Number>, Limit) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zrevrangeWithScores(K, long, long).
zrevrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, long, long) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Stream over a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrank(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zrevrank(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zrevrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low.
zrevrank(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low.
zscan(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscan(K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zscan(K).
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zscan(K).
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zscan(K).
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
since 6.0 in favor of consuming large results through the Publisher returned by RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands.zscan(K).
zscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor, ScanArgs) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V>, K, ScanCursor) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
zscan(RedisSortedSetCommands<K, V>, K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Sequentially iterate over scored values in a sorted set identified by key.
zscan(RedisSortedSetCommands<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanIterator
Sequentially iterate over scored values in a sorted set identified by key.
zscan(RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands<K, V>, K) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanStream
Sequentially iterate over elements in a set identified by key.
zscan(RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands<K, V>, K, ScanArgs) - Static method in class io.lettuce.core.ScanStream
Sequentially iterate over elements in a set identified by key.
zscore(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zscore(K, V) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zscore(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
zscore(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
zscore(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
zscore(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
zscore(K, V) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
ZStoreArgs - Class in io.lettuce.core
Argument list builder for the Redis ZUNIONSTORE and ZINTERSTORE commands.
ZStoreArgs() - Constructor for class io.lettuce.core.ZStoreArgs
ZStoreArgs.Builder - Class in io.lettuce.core
Builder entry points for ScanArgs.
zunionstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zunionstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisAsyncCommands
zunionstore(K, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zunionstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in class io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisReactiveCommands
zunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.reactive.RedisSortedSetReactiveCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisSortedSetCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.NodeSelectionSortedSetAsyncCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
zunionstore(K, ZStoreArgs, K...) - Method in interface io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionSortedSetCommands
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
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