Interface ReactorCrudRepository<E,ID>

Type Parameters:
E - The entity type
ID - The ID type
All Superinterfaces:
GenericRepository<E,ID>, ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ReactorCrudRepository<E,ID> extends ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
CRUD repository for Project Reactor.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long>
    Returns the number of entities available.
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long>
    delete(E entity)
    Deletes a given entity.
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long>
    Deletes all entities managed by the repository.
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long>
    deleteAll(@NonNull Iterable<? extends E> entities)
    Deletes the given entities.
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long>
    Deletes the entity with the given id.
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean>
    Returns whether an entity with the given id exists.
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Flux<E>
    Returns all instances of the type.
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<E>
    Retrieves an entity by its id.
    <S extends E>
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<S>
    save(S entity)
    Saves the given valid entity, returning a possibly new entity representing the saved state.
    <S extends E>
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Flux<S>
    saveAll(@NonNull Iterable<S> entities)
    Saves all given entities, possibly returning new instances representing the saved state.
    <S extends E>
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<S>
    update(S entity)
    This method issues an explicit update for the given entity.
    <S extends E>
    @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Flux<S>
    updateAll(@NonNull Iterable<S> entities)
    This method issues an explicit update for the given entities.
  • Method Details

    • save

      @NonNull <S extends E> @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<S> save(@NonNull S entity)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Saves the given valid entity, returning a possibly new entity representing the saved state.
      Specified by:
      save in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      Type Parameters:
      S - The generic type
      entity - The entity to save. Must not be null.
      The saved entity will never be null.
    • saveAll

      @NonNull <S extends E> @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Flux<S> saveAll(@NonNull @NonNull Iterable<S> entities)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Saves all given entities, possibly returning new instances representing the saved state.
      Specified by:
      saveAll in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      Type Parameters:
      S - The generic type
      entities - The entities to saved. Must not be null.
      The saved entities objects. will never be null.
    • update

      @NonNull <S extends E> @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<S> update(@NonNull S entity)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      This method issues an explicit update for the given entity. The method differs from in that an update will be generated regardless if the entity has been saved previously or not. If the entity has no assigned ID then an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      update in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      Type Parameters:
      S - The generic type
      entity - The entity to update. Must not be null.
      The updated entity will never be null.
    • updateAll

      @NonNull <S extends E> @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Flux<S> updateAll(@NonNull @NonNull Iterable<S> entities)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      This method issues an explicit update for the given entities. The method differs from ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository.saveAll(Iterable) in that an update will be generated regardless if the entity has been saved previously or not. If the entity has no assigned ID then an exception will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      updateAll in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      Type Parameters:
      S - The generic type
      entities - The entities to update. Must not be null.
      The updated entities will never be null.
    • findById

      @NonNull @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<E> findById(@NonNull ID id)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Retrieves an entity by its id.
      Specified by:
      findById in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      id - The ID of the entity to retrieve. Must not be null.
      the entity with the given id or Optional#empty() if none found
    • existsById

      @NonNull @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> existsById(@NonNull ID id)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Returns whether an entity with the given id exists.
      Specified by:
      existsById in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      id - must not be null.
      true if an entity with the given id exists, false otherwise.
    • findAll

      @NonNull @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Flux<E> findAll()
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Returns all instances of the type.
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      all entities
    • count

      @NonNull @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long> count()
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Returns the number of entities available.
      Specified by:
      count in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      the number of entities
    • deleteById

      @NonNull @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long> deleteById(@NonNull ID id)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Deletes the entity with the given id.
      Specified by:
      deleteById in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      id - must not be null.
      A future that executes the delete operation
    • delete

      @NonNull @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long> delete(@NonNull E entity)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Deletes a given entity.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      entity - The entity to delete
      A future that executes the delete operation
    • deleteAll

      @NonNull @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long> deleteAll(@NonNull @NonNull Iterable<? extends E> entities)
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Deletes the given entities.
      Specified by:
      deleteAll in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      entities - The entities to delete
      A future that executes the delete operation
    • deleteAll

      @NonNull @NonNull reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Long> deleteAll()
      Description copied from interface: ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
      Deletes all entities managed by the repository.
      Specified by:
      deleteAll in interface ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository<E,ID>
      A future that executes the delete operation