
expect object InternalPlatform
actual object InternalPlatform


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expect fun captureStackTrace(): () -> List<<Error class: unknown class>>
actual fun captureStackTrace(): () -> List<<Error class: unknown class>>
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expect fun <T : Any> copyFields(to: T, from: T)
actual fun <T : Any> copyFields(to: T, from: T)
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expect fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.customComputeIfAbsent(key: K, valueFunc: (K) -> V): V
actual fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.customComputeIfAbsent(key: K, valueFunc: (K) -> V): V
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expect fun hkd(obj: Any): String
actual fun hkd(obj: Any): String
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expect fun <K, V> identityMap(): MutableMap<K, V>
actual fun <K, V> identityMap(): MutableMap<K, V>
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expect fun isPassedByValue(cls: KClass<*>): Boolean
actual fun isPassedByValue(cls: KClass<*>): Boolean
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fun isRunningAndroidInstrumentationTest(): Boolean
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inline fun <T : Any> loadPlugin(className: String, msg: String = ""): T
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expect fun multiNotifier(): MultiNotifier
actual fun multiNotifier(): MultiNotifier
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expect fun packRef(arg: Any?): Any?
actual fun packRef(arg: Any?): Any?
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expect fun prettifyRecordingException(ex: Throwable): Throwable
actual fun prettifyRecordingException(ex: Throwable): Throwable
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expect fun ref(obj: Any): Ref
actual fun ref(obj: Any): Ref
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expect inline fun <T> synchronized(obj: Any, block: () -> T): T
actual inline fun <T> synchronized(obj: Any, block: () -> T): T
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expect fun <T> synchronizedMutableList(): MutableList<T>
actual fun <T> synchronizedMutableList(): MutableList<T>
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expect fun <K, V> synchronizedMutableMap(): MutableMap<K, V>
actual fun <K, V> synchronizedMutableMap(): MutableMap<K, V>
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expect fun time(): Long
actual fun time(): Long
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expect fun <K, V> weakMap(): MutableMap<K, V>
actual fun <K, V> weakMap(): MutableMap<K, V>
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expect fun weakRef(value: Any): WeakRef
actual fun weakRef(value: Any): WeakRef