

package atomic

A small toolkit of classes that support compare-and-swap semantics for safe mutation of variables.

On top of the JVM, this means dealing with lock-free thread-safe programming. Also works on top of Javascript, with Scala.js, for API compatibility purposes and because it's a useful way to box a value.

The backbone of Atomic references is this method:

def compareAndSet(expect: T, update: T): Boolean

This method atomically sets a variable to the update value if it currently holds the expect value, reporting true on success or false on failure. The classes in this package also contain methods to get and unconditionally set values.

Building a reference is easy with the provided constructor, which will automatically return the most specific type needed (in the following sample, that's an AtomicDouble, inheriting from AtomicNumber[T]):

val atomicNumber = Atomic(12.2)

// => 13.2

These also provide useful helpers for atomically mutating of values (i.e. transform, transformAndGet, getAndTransform, etc...) or of numbers of any kind (incrementAndGet, getAndAdd, etc...).

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. atomic
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract class Atomic[T] extends Serializable

    Base trait of all atomic references, no matter the type.

  2. final class AtomicAny[T <: AnyRef] extends Atomic[T]

    Atomic references wrapping AnyRef values.

  3. final class AtomicBoolean extends Atomic[Boolean]

    Atomic references wrapping Boolean values.

  4. trait AtomicBuilder[T, R <: Atomic[T]] extends Serializable

    For a given T indicates the most specific Atomic[T] reference type to use.

  5. final class AtomicByte extends AtomicNumber[Byte]

    Atomic references wrapping Byte values.

  6. final class AtomicChar extends AtomicNumber[Char]

    Atomic references wrapping Char values.

  7. final class AtomicDouble extends AtomicNumber[Double]

    Atomic references wrapping Double values.

  8. final class AtomicFloat extends AtomicNumber[Float]

    Atomic references wrapping Float values.

  9. final class AtomicInt extends AtomicNumber[Int]

    Atomic references wrapping Int values.

  10. final class AtomicLong extends AtomicNumber[Long]

    Atomic references wrapping Long values.

  11. abstract class AtomicNumber[T] extends Atomic[T]

    Represents an Atomic reference holding a number, providing helpers for easily incrementing and decrementing it.

  12. final class AtomicNumberAny[T <: AnyRef] extends AtomicNumber[T]

    Atomic references wrapping any values implementing Scala's Numeric type-class.

  13. final class AtomicShort extends AtomicNumber[Short]

    Atomic references wrapping Short values.

  14. sealed abstract class PaddingStrategy extends AnyRef

    For applying padding to atomic references, in order to reduce cache contention.

Value Members

  1. object Atomic extends Serializable

  2. object AtomicAny extends Serializable

  3. object AtomicBoolean extends Serializable

  4. object AtomicBuilder extends Level2 with Serializable

  5. object AtomicByte extends Serializable

  6. object AtomicChar extends Serializable

  7. object AtomicDouble extends Serializable

  8. object AtomicFloat extends Serializable

  9. object AtomicInt extends Serializable

  10. object AtomicLong extends Serializable

  11. object AtomicNumberAny extends Serializable

  12. object AtomicShort extends Serializable

  13. object PaddingStrategy

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
