

package execution

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Ack extends Future[Ack] with Serializable

    Represents an acknowledgement of processing that a consumer sends back upstream.

  2. trait Cancelable extends Serializable

    Represents a one-time idempotent action that can be used to cancel async computations, or to release resources that active data sources are holding.

  3. trait CancelableFuture[+T] extends Future[T] with Cancelable

    Represents an asynchronous computation that can be canceled as long as it isn't complete.

  4. class Macros extends InlineMacros with HygieneUtilMacros

    Various implementations for AckExtensions and Scheduler.

  5. trait Scheduler extends ExecutionContext with UncaughtExceptionReporter

    A Scheduler is an scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext that additionally can schedule the execution of units of work to run with a delay or periodically.

  6. trait UncaughtExceptionReporter extends Serializable

    An exception reporter is a function that logs an uncaught error.

Value Members

  1. object Ack extends Serializable

  2. object Cancelable extends Serializable

  3. object CancelableFuture extends Serializable

  4. object FutureUtils

    Utilities for Scala's standard concurrent.Future.

  5. object Macros

  6. object Scheduler extends SchedulerCompanionImpl with Serializable

  7. object UncaughtExceptionReporter extends Serializable

    See UncaughtExceptionReporter.

  8. package atomic

    A small toolkit of classes that support compare-and-swap semantics for safe mutation of variables.

  9. package cancelables

    Cancelables represent asynchronous units of work or other things scheduled for execution and whose execution can be canceled.

  10. package misc

  11. package rstreams

  12. package schedulers
