Package io.muserver

Class CookieBuilder

  • public class CookieBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    A builder to create cookies that will be sent on a Response with MuResponse.addCookie(Cookie)
    • Constructor Detail

      • CookieBuilder

        public CookieBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • withName

        public CookieBuilder withName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the name of the cookie.
        name - The name of the cookie
        This builder
      • withValue

        public CookieBuilder withValue​(java.lang.String value)

        Sets the value of the cookie.

        Note that only a subset of ASCII characters are allowed (any other characters must be encoded). Consider using withUrlEncodedValue(String) instead if you want to use arbitrary values.

        value - The value to use for the cookie, which can be any US-ASCII characters excluding CTLs, whitespace, double quotes, comma, semicolon, and backslash.
        This builder
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the value contains illegal characters
      • withUrlEncodedValue

        public CookieBuilder withUrlEncodedValue​(java.lang.String value)

        Sets the value of the cookie by URL Encoding the given value.

        value - A value containing any characters that will be URL Encoded.
        This builder
      • withDomain

        public CookieBuilder withDomain​(java.lang.String domain)

        Sets the host that clients should send the cookie over. By default it is the current domain (but not subdomains).

        To allow sub-domains, specify the current domain (e.g. with request.uri().getHost()).

        domain - The host part of a URL (without scheme or port), e.g.
        This builder
      • withPath

        public CookieBuilder withPath​(java.lang.String path)

        Sets the path prefix that the cookie will be sent with, or null to send to all paths.

        path - A path such as /order which would cause cookies to be sent with requests to paths such as /order and /order/checkout etc.
        This builder
      • withMaxAgeInSeconds

        public CookieBuilder withMaxAgeInSeconds​(long maxAge)

        Specifies how long the cookie will last for.

        A value of 0 will cause most browsers to delete the cookie immediately.

        Use makeSessionCookie() to make this a session cookie that will cause most browsers to delete the cookie when they close their browser.

        maxAge - The age to live in seconds.
        This builder
      • makeSessionCookie

        public CookieBuilder makeSessionCookie()

        Makes this cookie expire when the browser session expires (which may be when the user closes their browser).

        This overwrites any value set with withMaxAgeInSeconds(long)

        This builder
      • secure

        public CookieBuilder secure​(boolean secure)

        Instructs clients on whether or not cookies can be sent over non-secure (HTTP) connections.

        It is strongly recommended to use this if your site is HTTPS only as it may prevent private information being sent over HTTP.

        secure - true to make this cookie HTTPS-only, or false to allow HTTPS and HTTP.
        This builder
      • httpOnly

        public CookieBuilder httpOnly​(boolean httpOnly)
        Instructs browsers on whether or not the cookie can be accessed via JavaScript. This is a secure feature that should be used unless JavaScript access is required.
        httpOnly - true to make it so JavaScript cannot access this cookie; otherwise false
        This builder
      • withSameSite

        public CookieBuilder withSameSite​(java.lang.String sameSiteValue)
        Sets the SameSite property of the cookie. If not set, then None is used.
        sameSiteValue - One of Strict, Lax or None
        This builder
      • newCookie

        public static CookieBuilder newCookie()
        Creates a new session cookie
        A builder to create a new cookie;
      • newSecureCookie

        public static CookieBuilder newSecureCookie()
        Creates a new session cookie that is only sent over HTTPS and cannot be accessed with JavaScript with a Strict samesite policy applied.
        A builder to create a new cookie;
      • build

        public Cookie build()
        Returns a newly created cookie.