Class SpanId

  • @Immutable
    public final class SpanId
    extends Object
    Helper methods for dealing with a span identifier. A valid span identifier is an 8-byte array with at least one non-zero byte. In base-16 representation, a 16 character hex String, where at least one of the characters is not a '0'.
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public static int getSize()
        Returns the size in bytes of the SpanId.
        the size in bytes of the SpanId.
      • getHexLength

        public static int getHexLength()
        Returns the length of the base16 (hex) representation of the SpanId.
      • getInvalid

        public static String getInvalid()
        Returns the invalid SpanId. All bytes are 0.
        the invalid SpanId.
      • fromLong

        public static String fromLong​(long id)
        Generate a valid SpanId from the given long value.
      • bytesFromHex

        public static byte[] bytesFromHex​(String src,
                                          int srcOffset)
        Returns a SpanId built from a lowercase base16 representation.
        src - the lowercase base16 representation.
        srcOffset - the offset in the buffer where the representation of the SpanId begins.
        a SpanId built from a lowercase base16 representation.
        NullPointerException - if src is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if not enough characters in the src from the srcOffset.
      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(String spanId)
        Returns whether the span identifier is valid. A valid span identifier is an 8-byte array with at least one non-zero byte.
        true if the span identifier is valid.
      • bytesToHex

        public static String bytesToHex​(byte[] spanId)
        Encode the bytes as base-16 (hex), padded with '0's on the left.
      • asLong

        public static long asLong​(CharSequence src)
        Convert the the given hex spanId into a long representation.