Interface LongGaugeBuilder

public interface LongGaugeBuilder
A builder for Gauge metric types. These can only be asynchronously collected.
  • Method Details

    • setDescription

      LongGaugeBuilder setDescription(String description)
      Sets the description for this instrument.

      Description strings should follow the instrument description rules:

    • setUnit

      LongGaugeBuilder setUnit(String unit)
      Sets the unit of measure for this instrument.

      Unit strings should follow the instrument unit rules:

    • buildWithCallback

      Builds this asynchronous insturment with the given callback.

      The callback will only be called when the Meter is being observed.

      Callbacks are expected to abide by the following restrictions:

      • Run in a finite amount of time.
      • Safe to call repeatedly, across multiple threads.
      callback - A state-capturing callback used to observe values on-demand.