Interface TextMapPropagator

@ThreadSafe public interface TextMapPropagator
Injects and extracts a value as text into carriers that travel in-band across process boundaries. Encoding is expected to conform to the HTTP Header Field semantics. Values are often encoded as RPC/HTTP request headers.

The carrier of propagated data on both the client (injector) and server (extractor) side is usually an http request. Propagation is usually implemented via library- specific request interceptors, where the client-side injects values and the server-side extracts them.

Specific concern values (traces, correlations, etc) will be read from the specified Context, and resulting values will be stored in a new Context upon extraction. It is recommended to use a single Context.Key to store the entire concern data:

 public static final Context.Key CONCERN_KEY = Context.key("my-concern-key");
 public MyConcernPropagator implements TextMapPropagator {
   public <C> void inject(Context context, C carrier, Setter<C> setter) {
     Object concern = CONCERN_KEY.get(context);
     // Use concern in the specified context to propagate data.
   public <C> Context extract(Context context, C carrier, Getter<C> getter) {
     // Use getter to get the data from the carrier.
     return context.withValue(CONCERN_KEY, concern);
  • Method Details

    • composite

      static TextMapPropagator composite(TextMapPropagator... propagators)
      Returns a TextMapPropagator which simply delegates injection and extraction to the provided propagators.

      Invocation order of TextMapPropagator#inject() and TextMapPropagator#extract() for registered trace propagators is undefined.

    • composite

      static TextMapPropagator composite(Iterable<TextMapPropagator> propagators)
      Returns a TextMapPropagator which simply delegates injection and extraction to the provided propagators.

      Invocation order of TextMapPropagator#inject() and TextMapPropagator#extract() for registered trace propagators is undefined.

    • noop

      static TextMapPropagator noop()
      Returns a TextMapPropagator which does no injection or extraction.
    • fields

      Collection<String> fields()
      The propagation fields defined. If your carrier is reused, you should delete the fields here before calling inject(Context, Object, TextMapSetter) )}.

      For example, if the carrier is a single-use or immutable request object, you don't need to clear fields as they couldn't have been set before. If it is a mutable, retryable object, successive calls should clear these fields first.

      Some use cases for this are:

      • Allow pre-allocation of fields, especially in systems like gRPC Metadata
      • Allow a single-pass over an iterator
      the fields that will be used by this formatter.
    • inject

      <C> void inject(Context context, @Nullable C carrier, TextMapSetter<C> setter)
      Injects data for downstream consumers, for example as HTTP headers. The carrier may be null to facilitate calling this method with a lambda for the TextMapSetter, in which case that null will be passed to the TextMapSetter implementation.
      Type Parameters:
      C - carrier of propagation fields, such as an http request
      context - the Context containing the value to be injected.
      carrier - holds propagation fields. For example, an outgoing message or http request.
      setter - invoked for each propagation key to add or remove.
    • extract

      <C> Context extract(Context context, @Nullable C carrier, TextMapGetter<C> getter)
      Extracts data from upstream. For example, from incoming http headers. The returned Context should contain the extracted data, if any, merged with the data from the passed-in Context.

      If the incoming information could not be parsed, implementations MUST return the original Context, unaltered.

      Type Parameters:
      C - the type of carrier of the propagation fields, such as an http request.
      context - the Context used to store the extracted value.
      carrier - holds propagation fields. For example, an outgoing message or http request.
      getter - invoked for each propagation key to get data from the carrier.
      the Context containing the extracted data.