Class RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyBuilder

Enclosing class:

public abstract static class RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyBuilder extends Object
Builder for RetryPolicy.
  • Method Details

    • setMaxAttempts

      public abstract RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyBuilder setMaxAttempts(int maxAttempts)
      Set the maximum number of attempts, including the original request. Must be greater than 1 and less than 6. Defaults to 5.
    • setInitialBackoff

      public abstract RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyBuilder setInitialBackoff(Duration initialBackoff)
      Set the initial backoff. Must be greater than 0. Defaults to 1 seconds.
    • setMaxBackoff

      public abstract RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyBuilder setMaxBackoff(Duration maxBackoff)
      Set the maximum backoff. Must be greater than 0. Defaults to 5 seconds.
    • setBackoffMultiplier

      public abstract RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyBuilder setBackoffMultiplier(double backoffMultiplier)
      Set the backoff multiplier. Must be greater than 0.0. Defaults to 1.5.
    • build

      public RetryPolicy build()
      Build and return a RetryPolicy with the values of this builder.