Class AttributesAssert

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.assertj.core.api.Assert<AttributesAssert,​io.opentelemetry.api.common.Attributes>, org.assertj.core.api.Descriptable<AttributesAssert>, org.assertj.core.api.ExtensionPoints<AttributesAssert,​io.opentelemetry.api.common.Attributes>

    public class AttributesAssert
    extends org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert<AttributesAssert,​io.opentelemetry.api.common.Attributes>
    Assertions for Attributes.
    • Method Detail

      • containsEntry

        public <T> AttributesAssert containsEntry​(io.opentelemetry.api.common.AttributeKey<T> key,
                                                  T value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and value.
      • containsEntry

        public AttributesAssert containsEntry​(String key,
                                              String value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and string value.
      • containsEntry

        public AttributesAssert containsEntry​(String key,
                                              boolean value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and boolean value.
      • containsEntry

        public AttributesAssert containsEntry​(String key,
                                              long value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and long value.
      • containsEntry

        public AttributesAssert containsEntry​(String key,
                                              double value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and double value.
      • containsEntry

        public AttributesAssert containsEntry​(String key,
                                              String... value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and string array value.
      • containsEntry

        public AttributesAssert containsEntry​(String key,
                                              Boolean... value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and boolean array value.
      • containsEntry

        public AttributesAssert containsEntry​(String key,
                                              Long... value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and long array value.
      • containsEntry

        public AttributesAssert containsEntry​(String key,
                                              Double... value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and double array value.
      • containsEntryWithStringValuesOf

        public AttributesAssert containsEntryWithStringValuesOf​(String key,
                                                                Iterable<String> value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and string array value.
      • containsEntryWithBooleanValuesOf

        public AttributesAssert containsEntryWithBooleanValuesOf​(String key,
                                                                 Iterable<Boolean> value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and boolean array value.
      • containsEntryWithLongValuesOf

        public AttributesAssert containsEntryWithLongValuesOf​(String key,
                                                              Iterable<Long> value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and long array value.
      • containsEntryWithDoubleValuesOf

        public AttributesAssert containsEntryWithDoubleValuesOf​(String key,
                                                                Iterable<Double> value)
        Asserts the attributes have the given key and double array value.