Interface SpanExporter

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable

public interface SpanExporter extends Closeable
An interface that allows different tracing services to export recorded data for sampled spans in their own format.

To export data this MUST be register to the TracerSdk using a SimpleSpanProcessor or a BatchSampledSpansProcessor.

  • Method Details

    • composite

      static SpanExporter composite(SpanExporter... exporters)
      Returns a SpanExporter which simply delegates all exports to the exporters in order.

      Can be used to export to multiple backends using the same SpanProcessor like a SimpleSampledSpansProcessor or a BatchSampledSpansProcessor.

    • composite

      static SpanExporter composite(Iterable<SpanExporter> exporters)
      Returns a SpanExporter which simply delegates all exports to the exporters in order.

      Can be used to export to multiple backends using the same SpanProcessor like a SimpleSampledSpansProcessor or a BatchSampledSpansProcessor.

    • export

      io.opentelemetry.sdk.common.CompletableResultCode export(Collection<SpanData> spans)
      Called to export sampled Spans. Note that export operations can be performed simultaneously depending on the type of span processor being used. However, the BatchSpanProcessor will ensure that only one export can occur at a time.
      spans - the collection of sampled Spans to be exported.
      the result of the export, which is often an asynchronous operation.
    • flush

      io.opentelemetry.sdk.common.CompletableResultCode flush()
      Exports the collection of sampled Spans that have not yet been exported. Note that export operations can be performed simultaneously depending on the type of span processor being used. However, the BatchSpanProcessor will ensure that only one export can occur at a time.
      the result of the flush, which is often an asynchronous operation.
    • shutdown

      io.opentelemetry.sdk.common.CompletableResultCode shutdown()
      Called when SdkTracerProvider.shutdown() is called, if this SpanExporter is registered to a SdkTracerProvider object.
      a CompletableResultCode which is completed when shutdown completes.
    • close

      default void close()
      Closes this SpanExporter, releasing any resources.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable