
class PointView extends Native


trait Native
trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def close(): Unit
def empty(): Boolean
def getCrsProj4(): String
def getCrsWKT(pretty: Boolean): String
def getPackedPoint(idx: Long, dims: Array[DimType]): Array[Byte]
def getPackedPoints(dims: Array[DimType]): Array[Byte]
def getTriangularMesh(name: String): TriangularMesh
def rasterizeTriangularMesh(extent: Array[Double], cols: Int, rows: Int, dim: DimType, name: String): Array[Double]
def size(): Int

Concrete methods

def findDimType(name: String): DimType
def get(idx: Int, packedPoints: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte]

Reads a packed point by point id from a set of packed points.

Reads a packed point by point id from a set of packed points.


def get(idx: Int, packedPoints: Array[Byte], dims: Array[DimType]): Array[Byte]
def get(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: DimType): ByteBuffer

Reads dim from a packed point, point should contain all layout dims.

Reads dim from a packed point, point should contain all layout dims.


def get(idx: Int, dim: String): ByteBuffer
def get(idx: Int, dim: DimType): ByteBuffer
def getByte(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: String): Byte
def getByte(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: DimType): Byte
def getByte(idx: Int, dim: String): Byte
def getByte(idx: Int, dim: DimType): Byte
def getChar(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: String): Char
def getChar(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: DimType): Char
def getChar(idx: Int, dim: String): Char
def getChar(idx: Int, dim: DimType): Char
def getCrsWKT(): String
def getDouble(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: String): Double
def getDouble(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: DimType): Double
def getDouble(idx: Int, dim: String): Double

One dimension read; for multiple dims custom logic required.

One dimension read; for multiple dims custom logic required.


def getDouble(idx: Int, dim: DimType): Double
def getFloat(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: String): Float
def getFloat(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: DimType): Float
def getFloat(idx: Int, dim: String): Float
def getFloat(idx: Int, dim: DimType): Float
def getInt(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: String): Int
def getInt(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: DimType): Int
def getInt(idx: Int, dim: String): Int
def getInt(idx: Int, dim: DimType): Int
def getLong(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: String): Long
def getLong(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: DimType): Long
def getLong(idx: Int, dim: String): Long
def getLong(idx: Int, dim: DimType): Long
def getPackedPoint(idx: Long): Array[Byte]
def getPackedPoints(): Array[Byte]
def getPointCloud(idx: Long): PointCloud
def getPointCloud(idx: Long, dims: Array[DimType]): PointCloud
def getPointCloud(dims: Array[DimType]): PointCloud
def getShort(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: String): Short
def getShort(packedPoint: Array[Byte], dim: DimType): Short
def getShort(idx: Int, dim: String): Short
def getShort(idx: Int, dim: DimType): Short
def getX(idx: Int): Double
def getX(packedPoint: Array[Byte]): Double
def getY(idx: Int): Double
def getY(packedPoint: Array[Byte]): Double
def getZ(idx: Int): Double
def getZ(packedPoint: Array[Byte]): Double
def length(): Int
def rasterizeTriangularMesh(extent: Array[Double], cols: Int, rows: Int): Array[Double]
def rasterizeTriangularMesh(extent: Array[Double], cols: Int, rows: Int, dim: String): Array[Double]
def rasterizeTriangularMesh(extent: Array[Double], cols: Int, rows: Int, dim: DimType): Array[Double]

Inherited methods

def ptr(): Long


Inherited from:

Inherited fields

protected var nativeHandle: Long


Inherited from: