Class StateMachine<T>

  • @ThreadSafe
    public class StateMachine<T>
    extends Object
    Simple state machine which holds a single state. Callers can register for state change events.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StateMachine

        public StateMachine​(String name,
                            Executor executor,
                            T initialState)
        Creates a state machine with the specified initial state and no terminal states.
        name - name of this state machine to use in debug statements
        executor - executor for firing state change events; must not be a same thread executor
        initialState - the initial state
      • StateMachine

        public StateMachine​(String name,
                            Executor executor,
                            T initialState,
                            Iterable<T> terminalStates)
        Creates a state machine with the specified initial state and terminal states.
        name - name of this state machine to use in debug statements
        executor - executor for firing state change events; must not be a same thread executor
        initialState - the initial state
        terminalStates - the terminal states
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public T get()
      • set

        public T set​(T newState)
        Sets the state. If the new state does not .equals() the current state, listeners and waiters will be notified.
        the old state
        IllegalStateException - if state change would cause a transition from a terminal state
      • trySet

        public T trySet​(T newState)
        Tries to change the state. State will not change if the new state .equals() the current state, of if the current state is a terminal state. If the state changed, listeners and waiters will be notified.
        the state before the possible state change
      • setIf

        public boolean setIf​(T newState,
                             Predicate<T> predicate)
        Sets the state if the current state satisfies the specified predicate. If the new state does not .equals() the current state, listeners and waiters will be notified.
        true if the state is set
      • compareAndSet

        public boolean compareAndSet​(T expectedState,
                                     T newState)
        Sets the state if the current state .equals() the specified expected state. If the new state does not .equals() the current state, listeners and waiters will be notified.
        true if the state is set
      • getStateChange

        public<T> getStateChange​(T currentState)
        Gets a future that completes when the state is no longer .equals() to currentState).
      • addStateChangeListener

        public void addStateChangeListener​(StateMachine.StateChangeListener<T> stateChangeListener)
        Adds a listener to be notified when the state instance changes according to .equals(). Listener is always notified asynchronously using a dedicated notification thread pool so, care should be taken to avoid leaking this when adding a listener in a constructor. Additionally, it is possible notifications are observed out of order due to the asynchronous execution. The listener is immediately notified immediately of the current state.