Class RelationType

  • @Immutable
    public class RelationType
    extends Object
    TODO: this needs to be merged with RowType at some point (when the type system is unified)
    • Constructor Detail

      • RelationType

        public RelationType​(Field... fields)
      • RelationType

        public RelationType​(List<Field> fields)
    • Method Detail

      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(Field field)
        Gets the index of the specified field.
        IllegalArgumentException - when field is not found
      • getFieldByIndex

        public Field getFieldByIndex​(int fieldIndex)
        Gets the field at the specified index.
      • getVisibleFields

        public Collection<Field> getVisibleFields()
        Gets only the visible fields. No assumptions should be made about the order of the fields returned from this method. To obtain the index of a field, call indexOf.
      • getVisibleFieldCount

        public int getVisibleFieldCount()
      • getAllFields

        public Collection<Field> getAllFields()
        Gets all fields including hidden fields. No assumptions should be made about the order of the fields returned from this method. To obtain the index of a field, call indexOf.
      • getAllFieldCount

        public int getAllFieldCount()
        Gets the count of all fields including hidden fields.
      • resolveVisibleFieldsWithRelationPrefix

        public List<Field> resolveVisibleFieldsWithRelationPrefix​(Optional<QualifiedName> prefix)
        Gets all visible fields whose relation alias matches given prefix.
      • resolveFields

        public List<Field> resolveFields​(QualifiedName name)
        Gets the index of all columns matching the specified name
      • joinWith

        public RelationType joinWith​(RelationType other)
        Creates a new tuple descriptor containing all fields from this tuple descriptor and all fields from the specified tuple descriptor.
      • withAlias

        public RelationType withAlias​(String relationAlias,
                                      List<String> columnAliases)
        Creates a new tuple descriptor with the relation, and, optionally, the columns aliased.
      • withOnlyVisibleFields

        public RelationType withOnlyVisibleFields()
        Creates a new tuple descriptor containing only the visible fields.