Interface LocalProperty<E>

    • Method Detail

      • translate

        <T> java.util.Optional<LocalProperty<T>> translate​(java.util.function.Function<E,​java.util.Optional<T>> translator)
      • isOrderSensitive

        boolean isOrderSensitive()
        Returns true if reordering breaks this LocalProperty
      • isSimplifiedBy

        boolean isSimplifiedBy​(LocalProperty<E> actual)
        Return true if the actual LocalProperty can be used to simplify this LocalProperty
      • withConstants

        default java.util.Optional<LocalProperty<E>> withConstants​(java.util.Set<E> constants)
        Simplfies this LocalProperty provided that the specified inputs are constants
      • constrain

        default LocalProperty<E> constrain​(java.util.Set<E> columns)
        Return a new instance with the give (reduced) set of columns
      • getColumns

        java.util.Set<E> getColumns()