Class GaugeMetricFamily

  • public class GaugeMetricFamily
    extends Collector.MetricFamilySamples
    Gauge metric family, for custom collectors and exporters.

    Most users want a normal Gauge instead. Example usage:

       class YourCustomCollector extends Collector {
         List<MetricFamilySamples> collect() {
           List<MetricFamilySamples> mfs = new ArrayList<MetricFamilySamples>();
           // With no labels.
           mfs.add(new GaugeMetricFamily("my_gauge", "help", 42));
           // With labels
           GaugeMetricFamily labeledGauge = new GaugeMetricFamily("my_other_gauge", "help", Arrays.asList("labelname"));
           labeledGauge.addMetric(Arrays.asList("foo"), 4);
           labeledGauge.addMetric(Arrays.asList("bar"), 5);
           return mfs;