Class UnremovableBeanBuildItem

  • public final class UnremovableBeanBuildItem
    extends io.quarkus.builder.item.MultiBuildItem
    This build item is used to exclude beans that would be normally removed if the config property ArcConfig.removeUnusedBeans is set to true.

    Consider using one of the convenient static factory methods such as beanTypes(Class...):

     UnremovableBeanBuildItem unremovable() {
         // Any bean that has MyService in its set of bean types is considered unremovable
         return UnremovableBeanBuildItem.beanTypes(MyService.class);
    Alternatively, you could make use of the pre-built predicate classes such as UnremovableBeanBuildItem.BeanClassNameExclusion:
     UnremovableBeanBuildItem unremovable() {
         // A bean whose bean class FQCN is equal to org.acme.MyService is considered unremovable
         return new UnremovableBeanBuildItem(new BeanClassNameExclusion("org.acme.MyService"));
    • Method Detail

      • getClassNames

        public Set<String> getClassNames()
      • beanClassNames

        public static UnremovableBeanBuildItem beanClassNames​(String... classNames)
        Match beans whose bean class matches any of the specified class names.
        classNames -
        a new build item
      • beanClassNames

        public static UnremovableBeanBuildItem beanClassNames​(Set<String> classNames)
        Match beans whose bean class matches any of the specified class names.
        classNames -
        a new build item
      • beanTypes

        public static UnremovableBeanBuildItem beanTypes​(org.jboss.jandex.DotName... typeNames)
        Match beans which have any of the specified type names in its set of bean types.
        typeNames -
        a new build item
      • beanTypes

        public static UnremovableBeanBuildItem beanTypes​(Class<?>... types)
        Match beans which have any of the specified type names in its set of bean types.
        typeNames -
        a new build item
      • beanTypes

        public static UnremovableBeanBuildItem beanTypes​(Set<org.jboss.jandex.DotName> typeNames)
        Match beans which have any of the specified type names in its set of bean types.
        typeNames -
        a new build item
      • beanClassAnnotation

        public static UnremovableBeanBuildItem beanClassAnnotation​(org.jboss.jandex.DotName annotationName)
        Match class beans whose target class contains the specified annotation.

        The annotations can be declared on the class, and every nested element of the class (fields, types, methods, etc).

        annotationName -
        a new build item
      • beanClassAnnotation

        public static UnremovableBeanBuildItem beanClassAnnotation​(String nameStartsWith)
        Match class beans whose target class contains an annotation whose name starts with the specified value.

        The annotations can be declared on the class, and every nested element of the class (fields, types, methods, etc).

        annotationName -
        a new build item
      • targetWithAnnotation

        public static UnremovableBeanBuildItem targetWithAnnotation​(org.jboss.jandex.DotName annotationName)
        Match beans whose target (class, method or field) is annotated with the specified annotation.
        annotationName -
        a new build item