Interface PanacheQuery<Entity>

Type Parameters:
Entity - The entity type being queried
All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomCountPanacheQuery, PanacheQueryImpl

public interface PanacheQuery<Entity>

Interface representing an entity query, which abstracts the use of paging, getting the number of results, and operating on List or Stream.

Instances of this interface cannot mutate the query itself or its parameters: only paging information can be modified, and instances of this interface can be reused to obtain multiple pages of results.

Stéphane Épardaud
  • Method Details

    • project

      <T> PanacheQuery<T> project(Class<T> type)
      Defines a projection class. This will transform the returned values into instances of the given type using the following mapping rules:
      • If your query already selects some specific columns (starts with select distinct? a, b, c…) then we transform it into a query of the form: select distinct? new ProjectionClass(a, b, c)…. There must be a matching constructor that accepts the selected column types, in the right order.
      • If your query does not select any specific column (starts with from…) then we transform it into a query of the form: select new ProjectionClass(a, b, c…) from… where we fetch the list of selected columns from your projection class' single constructor, using its parameter names (or their ProjectedFieldName annotations), in the same order as the constructor.
      • If this is already a project query of the form select distinct? new…, we throw a PanacheQueryException
      type - the projected class type
      a new query with the same state as the previous one (params, page, range, lockMode, hints, ...) but a projected result of the type type
      PanacheQueryException - if this represents an already-projected query
    • page

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> page(Page page)
      Sets the current page.
      page - the new page
      this query, modified
      See Also:
    • page

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> page(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
      Sets the current page.
      pageIndex - the page index (0-based)
      pageSize - the page size
      this query, modified
      See Also:
    • nextPage

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> nextPage()
      Sets the current page to the next page
      this query, modified
      UnsupportedOperationException - if a page hasn't been set or if a range is already set
      See Also:
    • previousPage

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> previousPage()
      Sets the current page to the previous page (or the first page if there is no previous page)
      this query, modified
      UnsupportedOperationException - if a page hasn't been set or if a range is already set
      See Also:
    • firstPage

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> firstPage()
      Sets the current page to the first page
      this query, modified
      UnsupportedOperationException - if a page hasn't been set or if a range is already set
      See Also:
    • lastPage

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> lastPage()
      Sets the current page to the last page. This will cause reading of the entity count.
      this query, modified
      UnsupportedOperationException - if a page hasn't been set or if a range is already set
      See Also:
    • hasNextPage

      boolean hasNextPage()
      Returns true if there is another page to read after the current one. This will cause reading of the entity count.
      true if there is another page to read
      UnsupportedOperationException - if a page hasn't been set or if a range is already set
      See Also:
    • hasPreviousPage

      boolean hasPreviousPage()
      Returns true if there is a page to read before the current one.
      true if there is a previous page to read
      UnsupportedOperationException - if a page hasn't been set or if a range is already set
      See Also:
    • pageCount

      int pageCount()
      Returns the total number of pages to be read using the current page size. This will cause reading of the entity count.
      the total number of pages to be read using the current page size.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if a page hasn't been set or if a range is already set
    • page

      Page page()
      Returns the current page.
      the current page
      UnsupportedOperationException - if a page hasn't been set or if a range is already set
      See Also:
    • range

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> range(int startIndex, int lastIndex)
      Switch the query to use a fixed range (start index - last index) instead of a page. As the range is fixed, subsequent pagination of the query is not possible.
      startIndex - the index of the first element, starting at 0
      lastIndex - the index of the last element
      this query, modified
    • withLock

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> withLock(jakarta.persistence.LockModeType lockModeType)
      Define the locking strategy used for this query.
      lockModeType - the locking strategy to be used for this query.
      this query, modified
    • withHint

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> withHint(String hintName, Object value)
      Set a query property or hint on the underlying JPA Query.
      hintName - name of the property or hint.
      value - value for the property or hint.
      this query, modified
    • filter

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> filter(String filterName, Parameters parameters)

      Enables a Hibernate filter during fetching of results for this query. Your filter must be declared with FilterDef on your entity or package, and enabled with Filter on your entity.

      WARNING: setting filters can only be done on the underlying Hibernate Session and so this will modify the session's filters for the duration of obtaining the results (not while building the query). Enabled filters will be removed from the session afterwards, but no effort is made to preserve filters enabled on the session outside of this API.

      filterName - The name of the filter to enable
      parameters - The set of parameters for the filter, if the filter requires parameters
      this query, modified
    • filter

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> filter(String filterName, Map<String,Object> parameters)

      Enables a Hibernate filter during fetching of results for this query. Your filter must be declared with FilterDef on your entity or package, and enabled with Filter on your entity.

      WARNING: setting filters can only be done on the underlying Hibernate Session and so this will modify the session's filters for the duration of obtaining the results (not while building the query). Enabled filters will be removed from the session afterwards, but no effort is made to preserve filters enabled on the session outside of this API.

      filterName - The name of the filter to enable
      parameters - The set of parameters for the filter, if the filter requires parameters
      this query, modified
    • filter

      <T extends Entity> PanacheQuery<T> filter(String filterName)

      Enables a Hibernate filter during fetching of results for this query. Your filter must be declared with FilterDef on your entity or package, and enabled with Filter on your entity.

      WARNING: setting filters can only be done on the underlying Hibernate Session and so this will modify the session's filters for the duration of obtaining the results (not while building the query). Enabled filters will be removed from the session afterwards, but no effort is made to preserve filters enabled on the session outside of this API.

      filterName - The name of the filter to enable
      this query, modified
    • count

      long count()
      Reads and caches the total number of entities this query operates on. This causes a database query with SELECT COUNT(*) and a query equivalent to the current query, minus ordering.
      the total number of entities this query operates on, cached.
    • list

      <T extends Entity> List<T> list()
      Returns the current page of results as a List.
      the current page of results as a List.
      See Also:
    • stream

      <T extends Entity> Stream<T> stream()
      Returns the current page of results as a Stream.
      the current page of results as a Stream.
      See Also:
    • firstResult

      <T extends Entity> T firstResult()
      Returns the first result of the current page index. This ignores the current page size to fetch a single result.
      the first result of the current page index, or null if there are no results.
      See Also:
    • firstResultOptional

      <T extends Entity> Optional<T> firstResultOptional()
      Returns the first result of the current page index. This ignores the current page size to fetch a single result.
      if found, an optional containing the entity, else Optional.empty().
      See Also:
    • singleResult

      <T extends Entity> T singleResult()
      Executes this query for the current page and return a single result.
      the single result (throws if there is not exactly one)
      jakarta.persistence.NoResultException - if there is no result
      jakarta.persistence.NonUniqueResultException - if there are more than one result
      See Also:
    • singleResultOptional

      <T extends Entity> Optional<T> singleResultOptional()
      Executes this query for the current page and return a single result.
      if found, an optional containing the entity, else Optional.empty().
      jakarta.persistence.NonUniqueResultException - if there are more than one result
      See Also: