Interface TransactionalBitMapCommands<K>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - the type of the key
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TransactionalBitMapCommands<K>
    Allows executing commands from the bitmap group in a Redis transaction (Multi). See the bitmap command list for further information about these commands.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void bitcount​(K key)
      Execute the command BITCOUNT.
      void bitcount​(K key, long start, long end)
      Execute the command BITCOUNT.
      void bitfield​(K key, BitFieldArgs bitFieldArgs)
      Execute the command BITFIELD.
      void bitopAnd​(K destination, K... keys)
      Execute the command BITOP.
      void bitopNot​(K destination, K source)
      Execute the command BITOP.
      void bitopOr​(K destination, K... keys)
      Execute the command BITOP.
      void bitopXor​(K destination, K... keys)
      Execute the command BITOP.
      void bitpos​(K key, int valueToLookFor)
      Execute the command BITPOS.
      void bitpos​(K key, int bit, long start)
      Execute the command BITPOS.
      void bitpos​(K key, int bit, long start, long end)
      Execute the command BITPOS.
      void getbit​(K key, long offset)
      Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
      void setbit​(K key, long offset, int value)
      Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
    • Method Detail

      • bitcount

        void bitcount​(K key)
        Execute the command BITCOUNT. Summary: Count set bits in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        key - the key
      • bitcount

        void bitcount​(K key,
                      long start,
                      long end)
        Execute the command BITCOUNT. Summary: Count set bits in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        key - the key
        start - the start index
        end - the end index
      • getbit

        void getbit​(K key,
                    long offset)
        Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
        key - the key.
        offset - the offset
      • bitfield

        void bitfield​(K key,
                      BitFieldArgs bitFieldArgs)
        Execute the command BITFIELD. Summary: Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 3.2.0
        key - the key
      • bitpos

        void bitpos​(K key,
                    int valueToLookFor)
        Execute the command BITPOS. Summary: Find first bit set or clear in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.8.7
        key - the key
        valueToLookFor - 1 to look for 1, 0 to look for 0
      • bitpos

        void bitpos​(K key,
                    int bit,
                    long start)
        Execute the command BITPOS. Summary: Find first bit set or clear in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.8.7
        key - the key
        bit - 1 to look for 1, 0 to look for 0
        start - the start position
      • bitpos

        void bitpos​(K key,
                    int bit,
                    long start,
                    long end)
        Execute the command BITPOS. Summary: Find first bit set or clear in a string Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.8.7
        key - the key
        bit - true to look for 1, false to look for 0
        start - the start position
        end - the end position
      • bitopAnd

        void bitopAnd​(K destination,
                      K... keys)
        Execute the command BITOP. Summary: Perform a bitwise AND operation between strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        destination - the destination key
        keys - the keys
      • bitopNot

        void bitopNot​(K destination,
                      K source)
        Execute the command BITOP. Summary: Perform a bitwise NOT operation between strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        destination - the destination key
        source - the source key
      • bitopOr

        void bitopOr​(K destination,
                     K... keys)
        Execute the command BITOP. Summary: Perform a bitwise OR operation between strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        destination - the destination key
        keys - the keys
      • bitopXor

        void bitopXor​(K destination,
                      K... keys)
        Execute the command BITOP. Summary: Perform a bitwise XOR operation between strings Group: bitmap Requires Redis 2.6.0
        destination - the destination key
        keys - the keys
      • setbit

        void setbit​(K key,
                    long offset,
                    int value)
        Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
        key - the key.
        offset - the offset
        value - the value (O or 1)