Class BlockingTransactionalGeoCommandsImpl<K,​V>

    • Method Detail

      • geoadd

        public void geoadd​(K key,
                           double longitude,
                           double latitude,
                           V member)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOADD. Summary: Add one geospatial item in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geoadd in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        longitude - the longitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        latitude - the latitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        member - the member to add.
      • geoadd

        public void geoadd​(K key,
                           GeoPosition position,
                           V member)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOADD. Summary: Add one geospatial item in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geoadd in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        position - the geo position
        member - the member to add.
      • geoadd

        public void geoadd​(K key,
                           GeoItem<V> item)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOADD. Summary: Add one geospatial item in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geoadd in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        item - the item to add
      • geoadd

        public void geoadd​(K key,
                           GeoItem<V>... items)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOADD. Summary: Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geoadd in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        items - the geo-item triplets containing the longitude, latitude and name / value
      • geoadd

        public void geoadd​(K key,
                           double longitude,
                           double latitude,
                           V member,
                           GeoAddArgs args)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOADD. Summary: Add one geospatial item in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geoadd in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        longitude - the longitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        latitude - the latitude coordinate according to WGS84.
        member - the member to add.
        args - additional arguments.
      • geoadd

        public void geoadd​(K key,
                           GeoItem<V> item,
                           GeoAddArgs args)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOADD. Summary: Add one geospatial item in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geoadd in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        item - the item to add
        args - additional arguments.
      • geoadd

        public void geoadd​(K key,
                           GeoAddArgs args,
                           GeoItem<V>... items)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOADD. Summary: Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geoadd in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        args - additional arguments.
        items - the items containing the longitude, latitude and name / value
      • geodist

        public void geodist​(K key,
                            V from,
                            V to,
                            GeoUnit unit)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEODIST. Summary: Returns the distance between two members of a geospatial index Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geodist in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        from - from member
        to - to member
        unit - the unit
      • geohash

        public void geohash​(K key,
                            V... members)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOHASH. Summary: Returns members of a geospatial index as standard geohash strings Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geohash in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        members - the members
      • geopos

        public void geopos​(K key,
                           V... members)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEOPOS. Summary: Returns longitude and latitude of members of a geospatial index Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        geopos in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        members - the items
      • georadius

        public void georadius​(K key,
                              double longitude,
                              double latitude,
                              double radius,
                              GeoUnit unit)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUS. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadius in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        longitude - the longitude
        latitude - the latitude
        radius - the radius
        unit - the unit
      • georadius

        public void georadius​(K key,
                              GeoPosition position,
                              double radius,
                              GeoUnit unit)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUS. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadius in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        position - the position
        radius - the radius
        unit - the unit
      • georadius

        public void georadius​(K key,
                              double longitude,
                              double latitude,
                              double radius,
                              GeoUnit unit,
                              GeoRadiusArgs geoArgs)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUS. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadius in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        longitude - the longitude
        latitude - the latitude
        radius - the radius
        unit - the unit
        geoArgs - the extra arguments of the GEORADIUS command
      • georadius

        public void georadius​(K key,
                              GeoPosition position,
                              double radius,
                              GeoUnit unit,
                              GeoRadiusArgs geoArgs)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUS. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadius in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        position - the position
        radius - the radius
        unit - the unit
        geoArgs - the extra arguments of the GEORADIUS command
      • georadius

        public void georadius​(K key,
                              double longitude,
                              double latitude,
                              double radius,
                              GeoUnit unit,
                              GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K> geoArgs)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUS. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point. It also stores the results in a sorted set. Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadius in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        longitude - the longitude
        latitude - the latitude
        radius - the radius
        unit - the unit
        geoArgs - the extra STORE arguments of the GEORADIUS command
      • georadius

        public void georadius​(K key,
                              GeoPosition position,
                              double radius,
                              GeoUnit unit,
                              GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K> geoArgs)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUS. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point. It also stores the results in a sorted set. Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadius in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        position - the position
        radius - the radius
        unit - the unit
        geoArgs - the extra STORE arguments of the GEORADIUS command
      • georadiusbymember

        public void georadiusbymember​(K key,
                                      V member,
                                      double distance,
                                      GeoUnit unit)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUSBYMEMBER. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a member Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadiusbymember in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        member - the member
        distance - the max distance
      • georadiusbymember

        public void georadiusbymember​(K key,
                                      V member,
                                      double distance,
                                      GeoUnit unit,
                                      GeoRadiusArgs geoArgs)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUSBYMEMBER. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a member Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadiusbymember in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        member - the member
        distance - the max distance
        geoArgs - the extra arguments of the GEORADIUS command
      • georadiusbymember

        public void georadiusbymember​(K key,
                                      V member,
                                      double distance,
                                      GeoUnit unit,
                                      GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K> geoArgs)
        Description copied from interface: TransactionalGeoCommands
        Execute the command GEORADIUSBYMEMBER. Summary: Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a member. It also stores the results in a sorted set. Group: geo Requires Redis 3.2.0
        Specified by:
        georadiusbymember in interface TransactionalGeoCommands<K,​V>
        key - the key
        member - the member
        distance - the max distance
        geoArgs - the extra arguments of the GEORADIUS command